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Tuesday 27 February 2018

The Tragedy Of Today's Media

Yesterday I suggested to some people elsewhere, that I thought the corporate media, and consequently, much of the public, had now lost sight of the rabbit down the rabbit-hole.

At this point I could tell you 'a story' - one which is perfectly true and accurate in every detail, and you certainly would not believe it, but the telling of it would put David Icke to shame.

But I can't really tell you... Not that whole entire explicit story, anyway. I can maybe, fence around it a bit.

When you watch the basic media, you get the impression there are 'good guys' and there are 'bad guys.' And any specific person is targeted as 'a bad guy,' or in the obverse, 'unquestionably a good guy.'

Well, you realize of course, that 'the good guys' are not good for you or me; they are only in it for their own 'good.' And the bad guys are merely those against the first lot...

Thus as Carter Page told Chris Hayes, 'the propaganda deliberately sent out against me based on known false information...' And as often the case with Carter, the rest of the sentence consists of an eye-raise. But in any case, what you are indeed watching re 'the good guys' v. 'the bad guys' is propaganda, and only propaganda. And it is propaganda on behalf of 'the first guy;' (IE, the theoretical 'good guy/s').

Now the media has become so blinkered, so narrow-minded in its pressing of the propaganda it has been told to push, so tunnel-visioned and fixated, that it doesn't observe when others appear on the stage, as it were. And we have had 'others' appear on the stage... There is now a 'good guy,' a 'bad guy,' and a third guy.

The third guy is kind of like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. He's crucial to the story, in fact.

The tragedy of today's media is they cannot tell when their masters miscalculated badly, and dangerously - that is to say, resulting in risk that could be catastrophic for everyone.

Saturday 17 February 2018

"Americans Don't Know Baudelaire..."

Yeah well they should - Jim Morrison of the band 'The Doors' would stand in front of a rock and roll audience and quote whole passages and entire poems by Charles Baudelaire to the backing of some pretty heavy rock music.

I suppose possibly the worst aspect of the announcement made at the end of this week by the Deputy AG in the United States, is the sheer 'dumb-down' level of everything in it (IE in his announcement).

Ever since everyone in the 'good guys' Intelligence Community was instructed to STFU about just about anything even vaguely covert or operational or likely to be controversial, all of a sudden no one in this bizarre WPP Group PLC-informed strata of the FBI seems to know anything other than that the usual, stock-standard 'provocateur' trainees have been somewhere in the picture there.

Clearly, there is no longer access to the NSA's archiving of every single electronic communication by absolutely everyone... No longer any 'key word search' runs either, by the 'neo-Marxist Left' installed inside government bureaucracies, in those archives to 'turn up' anyone or anything of any genuinely political interest to the corporate WPP-owned and run media. Forget anything of genuine security value! Nobody's looking and nobody seems to give a damn. At least not in the 'Obama overhang' segments. ...Who happen to still be at the top of various particular organizations in government.

However if you believe that a couple of restaurant operators and kitchen-hands in Moscow are the best the SVR can show-case of their work and capability, you are nuts. Well, 'most unwise,' to put it mildly and less rudely.

Here is an example of the level of intellect and the sophistication required to be able to even get close to understanding how State-run spying of the kind the Russians do, operates, or is operated now:

Saturday 27 January 2018

Surviving The New Wealth Boom

There has been a catastrophic, and utterly typical miscalculation right through the last thirty years - by governments around the world, by the media, by a lot of academia although not all of it, and especially by observers who have been making commentary and giving advice about 'how to survive the coming Crash/Panic/Disaster. The only disaster of genuine note was their categorical mistake about what was happening. Yes we saw a lot of deflation. We have not see the complete collapse in real estate prices that might have accompanied the dollar deflation and the retail price deflation in a wide range of consumer goods. 

Essentially what we lived through was an era in which banks colluding with the media and government printed paper money to support capital assets they already controlled but wished to continue 'vending' to the labor (real value output) pool. And they achieved that. It was more or less an accidental effect of their miscreant real intentions to survive at the cost of everyone else when they 'saw' (thought they saw) disaster ahead. This was all talked about in Plato when he discussed 'imperfect societies' more than two thousand years ago.

But that's the point of my article here - we forget. Even over a short amount of time, people tend to be distracted away from things they regard as valuable, and towards 'the urgent' or the 'imminent disastrous' or 'the important.' And in that process they forget a lot of what previously was cultural memory.

'Modernity' is a cultural mistake. It's not 'sophistication,' or 'advancement.' Baudelaire coined the word 'modernity' and he decried it.

In this article and in the following short few, I shall be linking to other people's videos whose work will give a lead into the meaning of culture and style, in particular - as a means of preparing you for the amazing, unprecedented, and totally miscalculated for, and widely unforeseen new 'Golden Era' of the old Roaring Twenties revisited. Yes yes, oh yes. This is what will ensue.

And so to the first linked video:

Friday 26 January 2018

The Baudelaire Thrust

Charles Baudelaire's name turned up in the recent video of a great Parisian style leader, the redoubtable M. Hugo Jacomet, of whom I have also made mention once or twice here previously.

Hugo is a wag of the finest kind. He commented that Baudelaire, whose poems and writings were well-known to French people, would likely not be known to Americans. 

I fear he was making a dig there, at the sheer general disinterest in anything truly cultural and not simple-minded these days.
A 'modern' thriller or detective story
or 'noir' piece must point out its cultural

Baudelaire is important for many many things, one of them being that he invented the term 'modernity...'

Another, being that he was the first to translate Edgar Allan Poe into French.

Even Americans 'of modernity' should known Baudelaire - he was featured in the stage performances of Jim Morrison of The Doors, who would quote his poems in French to the backing of heavy rock music from The Doors.

Yes, so so many things.

You can really create a kind of a 'perjury trap' (smirk) for smart-asses - if you happen to be speaking with one in the company of a decent objective judge (IE friend) - by raising the subject of Baudelaire, or at least, injecting his name into the conversation somewhere...

What kind of 'trap' in specifics? Well, you know those types who always want to gainsay anything you say, and make out they 'know things' (that is, are smarter than you), have been to institutions of 'higher education' and all of that... Well, you see Baudelaire is someone whose impact on modern life is a lot more significant than anyone much around these days is really aware. And you can expose the fraudulent who claim they are educated and intellectual with a little of Baudelaire...

Music is by Veeshy - 'Aural Ambience'

Thursday 11 January 2018

Mueller's All Twisted Up

This story about 'Russia whatever' is becoming more and more twisted up and basically, the players behind the story are tangling themselves up in their own lies.

There is no 'Russia collusion' story of any fact.

We have to ask the question as to why on earth the DNC elite ever even conceived of some inveigling of the government of Russia into the Donald Trump campaign - it makes no sense at any level unless you wish to impugn the Democrats with bizarre and illiterate racism on account of the pseudo-Russian (well, Slavic) nationality of Trump's wife. 
Spies like us

Once each of these shady customers from the FBI have to front the Congressional questioning you will see mass slaughter and self-immolation of parts of the senior management of the FBI!

People like Ohr and Strzok will never be able to contain their own hubris once challenged by heavyweights. 

I think someone ought to start penning a new book about the day the FBI was routed, and it might well be called 'Ohr and Strzok.'

As the informational air-hoses were all cut off within the Secret Intelligent establishment that backed Trump (that is, cut off by them, those who support Trump - cutting off general informational leaking, which usually happens all the time), suddenly all the narratives the media have been pushing have turned into crackpot, lunatic, self-involved gibberish that exposes just how opinionated, ego-driven, and nutty the FBI and the up-till-so-recently 'ruling elite' was. And only those not prepared to listen to instructions were still leaking... Leaking what they didn't know because they were in fact, no longer the loop in the first place, where they once had been. Q-Anon fits into this category; Q-Anon is a problematic source. 

As the saying goes 'not time yet, Morgiana.'

So nope, you won't be getting' nuttin' from me just yet... LOL

Do I know? 

Sure I know.

You who have been reading here for a while must have gotten a tiny shiver run up your spine when the 'old darling,' 'the salmon that jumped onto the hook for you,' (phrases of the great Oz Prime Minister Paul Keating about Downer) ex-Aussie Foreign Minister Alexander Downer claimed to be the original source for George Papadopoulos' claim that the Russians had something on Trump.

I have told you all many times that Downer would come down to my restaurant in London Court, a place that Downer shares ownership of with current Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. Downer literally would be wearing pantyhose and eye-shadow out in public; he was a very weird bloke. It's no secret to you - because I have been telling you this for years - that the British Secret Service used the place as a launch pad for what it was 'doing' vis-a-vis the so-called 'Five Eyes' underhanded nonsense.

You see, there's the dog there - same dog, same leg-action: bugging people, listening to confidential conversations, high level political stuff...

I just accidentally owned that restaurant...
Bacardi - 'Casa Elegante' cocktail

Like I told the local head of the Australian 'Federal' something or other, not allowed to say what - 'there's often more than just one animal in the forest where you think you were going hunting bunnies because you though you were the big predator.'

World's a big place, a big sea, lot's of fish; some big, some little...

Where will we be off to next, d'you think?

You know - where's the next big game play...

Time to open another restaurant somewhere else, d'you think.

I'd love to do Japan - Yokohama. Maybe a Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Bar. The second-best Intelligence gathering service in the world was always JETRO - the Japan Export Trade Organization. They were even better than the Germans. And they can keep secrets.

Now they're co-operating with the CIA bigly. It will be interesting.