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Saturday 27 January 2018

Surviving The New Wealth Boom

There has been a catastrophic, and utterly typical miscalculation right through the last thirty years - by governments around the world, by the media, by a lot of academia although not all of it, and especially by observers who have been making commentary and giving advice about 'how to survive the coming Crash/Panic/Disaster. The only disaster of genuine note was their categorical mistake about what was happening. Yes we saw a lot of deflation. We have not see the complete collapse in real estate prices that might have accompanied the dollar deflation and the retail price deflation in a wide range of consumer goods. 

Essentially what we lived through was an era in which banks colluding with the media and government printed paper money to support capital assets they already controlled but wished to continue 'vending' to the labor (real value output) pool. And they achieved that. It was more or less an accidental effect of their miscreant real intentions to survive at the cost of everyone else when they 'saw' (thought they saw) disaster ahead. This was all talked about in Plato when he discussed 'imperfect societies' more than two thousand years ago.

But that's the point of my article here - we forget. Even over a short amount of time, people tend to be distracted away from things they regard as valuable, and towards 'the urgent' or the 'imminent disastrous' or 'the important.' And in that process they forget a lot of what previously was cultural memory.

'Modernity' is a cultural mistake. It's not 'sophistication,' or 'advancement.' Baudelaire coined the word 'modernity' and he decried it.

In this article and in the following short few, I shall be linking to other people's videos whose work will give a lead into the meaning of culture and style, in particular - as a means of preparing you for the amazing, unprecedented, and totally miscalculated for, and widely unforeseen new 'Golden Era' of the old Roaring Twenties revisited. Yes yes, oh yes. This is what will ensue.

And so to the first linked video:

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