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Saturday 17 February 2018

"Americans Don't Know Baudelaire..."

Yeah well they should - Jim Morrison of the band 'The Doors' would stand in front of a rock and roll audience and quote whole passages and entire poems by Charles Baudelaire to the backing of some pretty heavy rock music.

I suppose possibly the worst aspect of the announcement made at the end of this week by the Deputy AG in the United States, is the sheer 'dumb-down' level of everything in it (IE in his announcement).

Ever since everyone in the 'good guys' Intelligence Community was instructed to STFU about just about anything even vaguely covert or operational or likely to be controversial, all of a sudden no one in this bizarre WPP Group PLC-informed strata of the FBI seems to know anything other than that the usual, stock-standard 'provocateur' trainees have been somewhere in the picture there.

Clearly, there is no longer access to the NSA's archiving of every single electronic communication by absolutely everyone... No longer any 'key word search' runs either, by the 'neo-Marxist Left' installed inside government bureaucracies, in those archives to 'turn up' anyone or anything of any genuinely political interest to the corporate WPP-owned and run media. Forget anything of genuine security value! Nobody's looking and nobody seems to give a damn. At least not in the 'Obama overhang' segments. ...Who happen to still be at the top of various particular organizations in government.

However if you believe that a couple of restaurant operators and kitchen-hands in Moscow are the best the SVR can show-case of their work and capability, you are nuts. Well, 'most unwise,' to put it mildly and less rudely.

Here is an example of the level of intellect and the sophistication required to be able to even get close to understanding how State-run spying of the kind the Russians do, operates, or is operated now:

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