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Friday 30 September 2016

The Art of Darkness

There are only two books I have ever deliberately thrown away, or burned - in my whole life, and recently I have (think I may have...!) relented about one of them:

I eventually had to cast out 'The Call of Cthulhu' because every time I even just merely thought of the word Cthulhu, weird things started to happen. 
Our young detective hero is driving around in this,
going up to Gothic mansions to pick up his girl...

And being a gambler with all of the superstitions that are attendant on this occupation, I simply had to do something severe.

And the other 'book' of course, was the Generous Quran; it isn't 'holy, as you know by now of course, the words used by Muslims themselves to describe the work as: 'Al Quran Ul Kareem' - which means 'generous,' not 'holy.' There is simply nothing holy about it.

It - the Quran - is a mixed up piece of disjointed gibberish full of repetitive phrases and some of the most crude language you can imagine, it's just that when various 'translators' (such as the disaffected Anglican cleric Marmaduke Pickthall) render it into English, you have all of these diacritics turn up that were not there in any original document, and the subsequent version heavily laden with parentheses explaining in the translator's own words, what is meant by whatever the actual verse is.

The Quran stays in my 'bin it' category.

Cthulhu however, I have always considered, contained some nice interesting turns of phrase early on, almost straight detective-fiction style writing, before the writer became affected by whatever 'bad trip' he was on later in the work. There is a certain modern-ish - at least if you consider the Twenties, modern - wallowing in gleaming black paintwork and chrome and steel, and glorying in new silk and satin dresses by the damsels... This is all before the Cult of the other-dimensional 'Cthulhu' starts to be visited upon the innocents.

As far as honest literary history goes, we have to say that the Alien Predator creature in the Schwarzenegger/Glover series, is very much based on Lovecraft's Cthulhu.

I feel there is a gap in the market though, so-to-speak, in today's world of literature (although, hardly, can 'the Quran' in any sense be termed literature; fiction yes, literature no).
They drink some Silesian-owned Cognac, whereupon,
not long afterwards, inter-dimensional monsters
beset them!

The kind of atmospheric literature about which I am thinking, thrives on mystery of some kind - and for me, how much of the world even survives these days is a very big mystery to me. Although, truth be told, I am not very interested in solving that mystery. I am by no means a sort of altruistic type of person by nature, I have to say. Hillary Clinton has nothing on me as far as cold distant responses to the pain and suffering of people at large goes.

And that is because to a large extent I view the pain and suffering of people on the whole as a logical inevitability. Whereas what worries me about Cthulhul is the sheer appeal to outright chaos that H. P. Lovecraft made in his books. The monster is from chaos, carries out chaos, and its followers (acolytes, as Lovecraft called them) possess some inner and personal and deep commitment to chaos - for whatever reason I do not know. Lovecraft's ideas unfortunately, may have some basis in facts about humankind though...

'Chaos' for humans in actual human society, results from the deliberate misapplication or failure to allow words to have their actual meanings. The Quran is one of the most categorical examples of this: for instance, the word 'ransom' is used in the original text, and Muslims fundamentally have no idea of what this word means. The word 'soul' is used, because it is lifted straight from an earlier Hebrew source, and in today's renderings, the phrase in which it ought to be used is this: 'if someone kills a person, then it would be like they killed the whole world...' The actual verse says, 'For We decreed to the Children of Israel, that whosoever seeks to destroy a soul from among them, it would be like unto as though they had been responsible for murdering the whole world of Mankind.' 

In the Quran, Allah ransoms Isaac with a mighty sacrifice (which is not detailed) when earlier it appeared that Abraham was about to slaughter his son. Who does Allah give ransom to?

Who is so powerful, that he can extract ransom from Allah?

This we will never know from Muslims because they are an absurdity.

I personally feel however, that Allah is paying ransom to...


Monday 26 September 2016

Where Real Billionaires Really Go to Play

A few months ago, I posted here some words about various wines, including the much-vaunted Rose Wine owned by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - Chateau Miraval.

As I have also mentioned once or twice or three times or more - the people who make those Oceans 'whatever#' movies about casinos getting robbed, are part of a large international secret intelligence division of several allied countries, in fact, whose principal objective is to get into Cuba through various 'fronts' that will not alert the Cuban government to the fact that these are in fact companies representing government interests and private interests that were thrown out of Cuba at the time of Che Guevara.
The world's best Rose wine - comes from and is made...

Brad Pitt, of course, stars in that series of films.

He doesn't know what he's doing.

Never mind. It's nothing to do with me/us - it's pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things.

While there are so many people chatting all over the place about the so-called 'Illuminati' (ah, well, there is such a thing, after a fashion...) or the Jews, or Zionists or whatever, it becomes impossible, really, to disabuse these people, or any naiive people, of the theories they all have about who is running what, and why things turn out they way they do and so on.
...From here, just up the road from where I live,
and I won't say where that is!

I hesitate, especially recently, to just blurt out facts and details about places and/or people in the 'upper ranks' of the world, how much money they have, where they live, what they do - all this kind of thing - partly because you won't believe a lot of what I might say, but more because I personally don't want to attract attention to various pristine places, cheap wines too(!), and other things, that would simply turn around on a dime in price if everyone knew what was going on.
This same exact actual car as in the pic above - a famous Lancia Stratos - is right here
across the road from where I live right now today, even though it has Brussels number plates.
I don't know what it's doing here... It's worth at least $1 million in cash but it's not actually for sale,
so who knows what it's really worth.

Okay it's not any kind of secret, I don't believe, that Margaret River here in Western Australia is one of those 'ultra' destinations for the supremely wealthy, nor is it a secret, for that matter, closer to home for some of you, that the best private chefs in the world come from Puerto Rico... I guess my point is that in the midst of something 'obvious,' there can often be other, most in-obvious things going on.

The Bear Chat guys recently were having a mild sort of 'tiff' over when the Stock Market really will, if ever again, actually fall, sufficiently to give any kind of credibility to bear-side traders! 

Predictions about when it will fall, based on the idea that it is unsustainable in terms of actual growth and profitability numbers as well as the sales volumes of the underlying companies in the Index composition - have been wildly undermined by the ability of the Central Banks of the Western World to hand out free money to investment banks to keep the Stock Market at extravagant highs for a long time plus-or-minus 'forever!'

Anyway, one of the barbs directed out at bears was about how winners get to 'throw the rib-eyes onto the grill.'

I feel very very sorry if there are those out there who cannot get, for actual lack of supply, or lack of the capacity to afford at the obtaining prices, the best examples of steak or beef that they would really enjoy.

I mean, I am nothing if not a touch of the Epicurean... And I want the best for everyone else so that I may not feel guilty!

Let me just say this - there are places and things, far far away from the maddening crowd, and that no one much has ever heard of... And in those places there really do exist, unicorns.

And everything else that goes along with unicorns. I pity the poor Muslim shahid (martyr who expects to go to heaven). He thinks he knows what heaven is like and how to get there.

Where Real Billionaires Really Go to Play

A few months ago, I posted here some words about various wines, including the much-vaunted Rose Wine owned by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - Chateau Miraval.

As I have also mentioned once or twice or three times or more - the people who make those Oceans 'whatever#' movies about casinos getting robbed, are part of a large international secret intelligence division of several allied countries, in fact, whose principal objective is to get into Cuba through various 'fronts' that will not alert the Cuban government to the fact that these are in fact companies representing government interests and private interests that were thrown out of Cuba at the time of Che Guevara.
The world's best Rose wine - comes from and is made...

Brad Pitt, of course, stars in that series of films.

He doesn't know what he's doing.

Never mind. It's nothing to do with me/us - it's pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things.

While there are so many people chatting all over the place about the so-called 'Illuminati' (ah, well, there is such a thing, after a fashion...) or the Jews, or Zionists or whatever, it becomes impossible, really, to disabuse these people, or any naiive people, of the theories they all have about who is running what, and why things turn out they way they do and so on.
...From here, just up the road from where I live,
and I won't say where that is!

I hesitate, especially recently, to just blurt out facts and details about places and/or people in the 'upper ranks' of the world, how much money they have, where they live, what they do - all this kind of thing - partly because you won't believe a lot of what I might say, but more because I personally don't want to attract attention to various pristine places, cheap wines too(!), and other things, that would simply turn around on a dime in price if everyone knew what was going on.
This same exact actual car as in the pic above - a famous Lancia Stratos - is right here
across the road from where I live right now today, even though it has Brussels number plates.
I don't know what it's doing here... 

Okay it's not any kind of secret, I don't believe that Margaret River here in Western Australia is one of those 'ultra' destinations for the supremely wealthy, nor, for that matter, closer to home for some of you, that the best private chefs in the world come from Puerto Rico... I guess my point is that in the midst of something 'obvious,' there can often be other, most in-obvious things going on.

The Bear Chat guys recently were having a mild sort of 'tiff' over when the Stock Market really will, if ever again, actually fall, sufficiently to give any kind of credibility to bear-side traders! 

Predictions about when it will fall, based on the idea that it is unsustainable in terms of actual growth and profitability numbers as well as the sales volumes of the underlying companies in the Index composition - have been wildly undermined by the ability of the Central Banks of the Western World to hand out free money to investment banks to keep the Stock Market at extravagant highs fora long time plus-or-minus 'forever!'

Anyway, one of the barbs directed out at bears was about how winners get to 'throw the rib-eyes onto the grill.'

I feel very very sorry if there are those out there who cannot get, for actual of supply, or lack of the capacity to afford at the obtaining prices, the best examples of steak or beef that they would really enjoy.

I mean, I am nothing if not a touch of the Epicurean... And I want the best for everyone else so that I may not feel guilty!

Let me just say this - there are places and things, far far away from the maddening crowd, and that no one much has ever heard of... And in those places there really do exist, unicorns.

And everything else that goes along with unicorns. I pity the poor Muslim shahid (martyr who expects to go to heaven). He thinks he knows what heaven is like and how to get there.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Moral Calculus of Wealth

Don't you love some of these clever phrases, you know, the ones that employ terms from science or maths to apply to human social behaviour and activities.

'The moral calculus...'

Calculus - many things, moving fast. 

So if you have a real lot of money, then you have lots of dollars, and oh sure, the demands on them will likely cause them to start to move very fast. Very fast, away
The moral calculus...

To the normal mind, if it witnesses some clear misfortune or tragic circumstance, would love to re-dress it in some way. And having a lot of money gives the individual the opportunity to be the agent of a change in affairs and in fortune.

In my own observation of what happened in my own life, I must say that apart from my own parents, there wasn't any obvious external sense being directed toward me about doing anything to help people in any altruistic way. Oh no; far from it. There was only this constant suggestion behind the lips of every adult, apparently, that they were all after material gain and career progress which was nothing more nor less than a fairly naked desire to have a lot of money.

Now that I am a lot older, things spring out at me that were of little concern within my consciousness when I was younger although I think I still held these beliefs or suspicions about a lot of other people: I think one of the reasons you will find quite a lot of people say 'I only want a million dollars, not tens or hundreds of millions - I just want to pay my mortgage, and have enough to live on..' - is because it releases them from the moral pressure that attends people with much much more than 'just' whatever.

You must have seen last week's news about those people who won the 300+ million US dollar lottery who told the media that they would use it mostly for philanthropy.

Well I mean to say, what option do they have? 'Oh, now that I have won 300 million I'm going to spend the rest of my life being mean and mean-spirited and lord it over all the poor unfortunates...!'

If you are a Muslim, it's a lot easier - women rank with donkeys and dogs; so you don't have to spend much time in consideration of them. Especially if you don't care much for dogs and donkeys.

Not only that, Allah rewards whomsoever He pleases and not people who are morally entitled to anything, nor those who earn it. Allah is oft Merciful; though clearly not always, nor according to any particular objective standard that we can use as a template. He just does whatever He whimsically decides. 'Oft.' It means, sometimes, many times, but not BECAUSE OF anything. Just 'oft.' You see - this is calculus.

In order to make some sense of large, whimsical number, we try to see things through the filter of a calculus, or formula.

Christianity - at least modern Christianity - lacks the dimension of a wealth calculus. There isn't a lot of methodology about when you attain to material wealth in this life. It's not that it isn't there inside the foundation texts, it's just that the elements are underplayed because of politics between the nascent religion and the establishment of Rome. Rome had 'Jupiter' or 'Jove' - the divine force of generosity and material wealth. But so did or does ancient Christianity...

Modern pop atheists like to talk about the conflating of Roman pagan gods with aspects of divinity implicit in Christianity. But that isn't correct. In point of written down fact, Jesus Christ specifically claimed that his father was God of Heaven - but in the Gospel Greek these actual words are 'Ouranos;' Anu from the Expanse Above.

Annunaki is literally present inside the Christian texts. It's in the Old Testament, it's in the Gospels. 'Those who descended down from An.' Or from 'Anu.'

King Midas, the Greek mythical king who possessed that 'magical touch,' faced this moral calculus. All wealthy people do. Everything you touch from your wealth becomes golden, and it is shiny and bright, but is it warm and alive, intelligent and conscious as well?

Capitalism is a modern political theory, in reality, which seeks to resolve this question by making a positive human ethic come from out of an objective, cold, impersonal truth: which is, namely, that apparently money does not care. But in the hands of political capitalism, money allows society to progress.

Which it never does, of course.

Saturday 10 September 2016

'Class' In Horse Racing the same thing

Class in horse racing is the same as anywhere else... It means that you can perform competitively against a rising standard of opponent until, in the end, you stand alone.

Race horses are really strong and powerful animals, and the best of them, on their day - so to speak - when they are in the best of racing condition, you can't really stop them; it doesn't matter what other people say, you cannot stop a good horse. Not without really obvious outward signs of extreme cheating.
Fairy floss, grape juice, and champagne

I have seen a truly superior thoroughbred, when the connections were attempting to 'graduate the horse' without disclosing how good it was, through the lower grades - with its jockey trying to hold the horse up by using what are called 'double wraps' (he tightens the reins by doubling them around his arms and pulling his arms up to his chest) and with his legs dead straight standing up, his whole body leaning backwards in the irons, and with the horse just plain careening further and further away from the rest of the field...!

A thing 'has class,' and this means it will win against lesser opposition, all other things being equal and often even when they are vastly unequal; not in its favour.

I used to be a believer in the idea that everyone had the potential, by using their mind, to rise to great heights. And it may be true but I no longer believe such a thing with ease.

I don't really know what the full truth of the matter is, when it comes to all people, but I do know what it amounts to when you are looking at specific individuals.
In the famous words of Vince Lombardi 'I have been around winners all my life...' He was a very clever guy - I mean he was obviously a great winner himself, but he never overtly said that of himself. 

You should be able to tell what a human being 'of genuine class' is, but it isn't anywhere near as easy as you might suppose. There's this other racing aphorism about 'throwing handfuls of dust' and it means that you want to disguise the condition of the animal by obscuring it from the casual eye - hence, you throw handfuls of dust over it so its coat doesn't show the natural sheen that comes when a race horse is in top condition. 

Human beings are a combination of performing animal, pilot, trainer, strategist... All of those things wrapped up in a neat package.
This product has class...
I don't know why, it just does!

Branded products that are in the business of selling, that is, having their merchandise be sold - never throw handfuls of dust over themselves! If you know what I mean.

But people are a different thing. Personally, I don't 'sell myself;' I am an agent for my own power and control in particular given circumstances. I operate by a completely different set of rules and processes than that usual one of 'selling yourself' - in the sense of having another 'buy into' what you are saying or proposing. 

I'm presuming there isn't anyone here who needs or wants to have power and control over things. And so for most of the rest of everyone, all those usual tracts about how to improve your life will do.

At the same time I'm not talking about having or gaining power over other people generally - I don't want that! What am I going to do that would serve my own personal interests in controlling ordinary people?! And so I could never be a politician; people don't interest me in that way.

I'm interested only in the class people. And then I become very dangerous indeed.