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Tuesday 6 September 2016

Epiphany! And The Isolation of the Future Human

You're probably familiar with the recent advertising campaign of Remy Martin for their top-of-the-line Cognac - or at least, you've seen the short film in which John Malkovich plays someone who appears to have either traveled forward in time, or lived a very long time, or perhaps is someone who kept alive what to the rest of the apparently dystopian future world, has been a long forgotten secret, namely that there was a bottle of Cognac stored in some vault for a hundred years and that was now ready to be opened!

For me it's an intriguing advert series because it provides us with three different visions of what the future world might be like.
We're all myxo-Asiatic in the future

These envisaged worlds are fairly ordinary really, in terms of present-day imaginings - it's been a while since the world was able to call upon the creative resources of genius of the power and ability of say, what a Philip K. Dick possessed, or even the still living Syd Mead for that matter.

For some reason we have entered into a ridiculously conservative, rather 'ordinaire' era in which the brain-power of the entertainment world seems not to have been able to step much farther afield than the usual, superficially hi-tech, yet underlying decayed city vision, or the automated, glass-and-aluminium megalithic structured Urban Polis, with its implied totalitarian lifestyle. And the third of the standard 'visions,' is the so-called 'retro futuristic' one.

Yet all the same, there is a certain jaunt in the Remy Cognac envisioning, which gives one the feeling that there may be a dimension of these visions being hinted at which bears further considering: and that is the factor of the moral dimension.

Today we are about to more completely enter into the phase of our history in which a certain amount of social isolation is wise. If we 'have wealth' then ordinarily, as moral people, we look to share it with our immediate society - but what is that? What is 'our immediate society?' And what might it consist of in the near future?

Could I, for instance, select from a virtual rack of programmed 'personalities and characteristics,' a digital form of pseudo-human intelligence, and install this into my internet-of-things, and be surrounded by a super advanced form of 'SIRI?'
The paving stones are very Frank Lloyd Wright...

Could I, would it be possible, for me to install the tiny digital device into some implant bay or semi-permanent 'wearable computer' on a companion, and have them suddenly behave and talk and 'be' the personality and character that is 'written' into the digital memory device?

Epiphany! They become a full, complete, charming, intelligent, knowledgeable, entertaining character from out of a movie or other fabricated narrative - such as the Celebrity Magazines?! 

Epiphany means a sudden realization or revelation.

The future is nearly here, and anything is possible...

Monday 5 September 2016

'Five Bucks And Being Nice..."

It looks to me that is almost impossible to deter people from overdoing the post-mortem analyzing that they do over anything that is happening in the immediate moment.

I mean this kind of thing is fatal, really, when it comes to financial matters, or dangerous sociological conditions.

The media does it a lot.
Venice in winter

And because it is the easiest thing to do and demands little knowledge of or latent interest in history as a continuing flow of events, people don't readily 'see' the critical features of current events when they turn up in front of their eyes.

Ilias Kasidiaris, one of the Greek politicians who is a member of the now banned 'Golden Dawn' party or 'movement' at least, is a key example of an obvious immediate sign of something that is far longer-term in nature: he represents perhaps ten thousands years of Western Civilized history.

Now ten thousand years should count for something, even in the minds of the idiot media but no...

It will be too late for a lot of people who think they are 'the powers that be' to learn this lesson, after it is all said and done. Well, after what will be said (has already been said, and out in the open, too) is turned into realized material fact.

You don't need to over-analyze what already just happened as if it were something that occurred in a vacuum (of other events).

Really, the writing is on the wall in Europe - and it has been for some time. But that writing is part of a long sentence, and it doesn't begin with '...And Angela Merkel lost an election because the people are all stupid.'

What does that 'writing on the wall' say...?

For me at least - maybe not in the ordinary popular mind - it is rather easy to develop a revolution in Europe right now.

And I'll be candid with you - I could do it personally inside of six months. I know how it could be achieved, regardless of whether you think this is a mad claim, I could do it, and easily.

Which doesn't mean to say it is going to be done easily. Because for one thing, I am not going to be the one doing it. But if I can see it, then others can see it too, and some of them will put the ideas into practice.

I guess what I mean is that all the necessary flaws and weakness are already there, in place, and may be exploited easily.

What looks like, on the surface, all these policemen in black uniforms 'protecting' the establishment and preventing the people from uprising and doing a lot of violence, presumably, is an illusion.
"Five bucks and being nice buys you a Starbucks coffee."
Ann Barnhardt.

It's just an illusion. The idea that the public at large has been cowered into a state of ever-going along with whatever establishment politicians say, is a massive misunderstanding of the situation.

My own view, is that I would not be a mainstream politician in Europe for all the money in the world right now.

People talk about 'black swan events' as if these present financial opportunities to the armchair quarterbacks like Mohammed Kaepernick...


Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Most Dramatic High Lesbian Sex

I had the opportunity yesterday to sit very briefly in the new - the very latest new Rolls Royce - the Dawn.

It is everything you can imagine it would be. 

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Medici's Poison

There is folklore of course, about Catherine De Medici 'commanding' the attendance of various foreign ambassadors to breakfast with her at her apartments, during which she has a unique poison fed to them, the antidote for the effects of which only she or her selected agents may administer.
Chicken Provencal and a glass of Pinot Noir

And the idea of this is that unless these 'ambassadors' do what she wants them to have done, or reveals to her what is going to satisfy her by the end of the day usually, then they will be left to die in agony.

Authorities on the relevant history and science though, say that this was all no more than a clever ruse, and that there was in reality, no such poison involved at all. It was mere suggestion.

There is a kind of a poison though, whenever a truly wealthy person 'invites' you to be one of their company at a dinner. There is the sheer attraction of having been invited in the first place - you know, to a really rich person's table!

As far as going somewhere to actually enjoy yourself, I would prefer to go to table (I believe that is the correct English expression for it, mostly used nowadays only by Russians, who are still quite educated...) with a clever host, rather than even a wise host or a particularly wealthy host. Clever, is best when it comes to eating - and to most things that involve the Epicurean impulse at heart.

Knowledgeable and clever.

Wise people might be inclined to restrain the pleasures. Merely wealthy people are boorish, unsubtle, and clumsy.

What shall we talk about?
There's far too much of this chasing after mere wealth, these days.

We need more than wealth!

We need great food. We need Chicken Provencal. And we need Burgundy wine to go with it.

Yep, it's red wine with Chicken Provencal. This you already know, I'm sure.

And we need glamorous women to go with the chicken and the wine.

All these things to entertain us and give us pleasure. Without restraint of any kind. Hot stone massages and perfumed hand towels and the keys to amazing places and amazing things.

Kalifan the Sultan of Genies will provide.

"The key, please -"

Tuesday 23 August 2016

When Reuters Talks Rubbish I Go Eat

Those of you who have been reading here for a while know that for while, I have been putting my mouth and my typing fingers - in horse racing parlance - under 'double wraps' (means pulling myself back).

There is no way I'd be believed if I laid it all out there... If only it were just alien reptilians!

This racket of 'revealing' stuff is Assange's territory, it isn't mine.
Gee, enough said!

It isn't I'm not interested, or that I don't care enough about the future generations and all of that... Frankly, I have to tell you - and I think I've already told you before, that Anne Hamilton-Byrne and Raynor Johnson came to my father in the Sixties (who was a prominent figure 'somewhere' it's not important exactly where) and, TOGETHER WITH LEADING ACADEMICS FROM OXFORD UNIVERSITY, asked for support to conduct this peculiar 'education' experiment. Of which, apparently Assange is one of the results.

My father declined and there is a 'rest of the story' that doesn't bear telling at the moment, but I will tell you that the impression of several people who knew what was going on, was that the Oxford academics were adventurous and bold, and even though NO ONE in my father's direct circle were ever going to take the risks this 'strange' crowd were about to take, the view was that they would probably achieve a certain amount of success with the children they had 'experimented,' or were about to, 'experiment' upon.

And that ain't me! I'm a kind of a gutless coward. I am NOT any kind of 'Assange' type, that's for sure.

I'll always let others take the lead on the 'too wild' stuff.

I've been struggling, I must tell you, over how to deal positively with the sheer bizarre nonsense going on hardly even 'behind the scenes' anymore - as it is.

This is me: I'd go out to a restaurant if Hitler took over Paris. Seriously, I'd be getting drunk and not planning anything! Sometimes, there is nothing that you can, logically, do, other than get drunk.
With a great Bouillabaisse you can drink rose wine

There is nothing you can do to help your fellow man - that is, all the good and decent and rather innocent people in the society round about you.

...But what I can do, maybe, is give some small items that may stand you in good stead if you ever find yourself in the company of wolves.

You see, aristocracy has for thousands of years had to protect itself. Bluntly, you may suppose that who you see out in the open public ARE the aristocrats as presented by leading glossy magazines. LOL. 

However, if you ever find yourself in an after-theatre dinner crowd, for instance, and they're all dressed very nicely, maybe a little too nicely - and one of them says something like, 'we are the players, the mummers...' What this means is a play on words; it is an ancient German word and has even earlier, Greek origins, and it means to be in disguise, or to be silent behind a mask...

I hope you understand this.

You can have your eyes wide open and still all you will see are the masks and all you will hear is a kind of silence.

Never order that Pitt and Jolie-owned French Rose wine if you are out there, with the mummers, eating Bouillabaisse somewhere. Yes it is a great wine but there are better. And if you act as if you think this is the best Rose around (because some silly publication like Forbes or someone said so) and all of this silly nonsense, it is unlikely THE MUMMERS will let you into their circle. And you want to be in their circle.

Savoir faire, yes? Rose doesn't 'travel' well by air. Buy something local. 
What does it mean? ; )

There is a lot in punning - I mentioned the other day on the Wall Street Bear Discussion Forum that the word 'macabre' comes from the Arabic 'maqabir' which means a tomb or cemetery.

How do you suppose that word got introduced into the English language?

9/11 has all the tell-tale signs of the handiwork of a serial killer who has done the kind of thing before - something truly bold, on the grand, national, even global, scale - and gotten away with it.

I'm going to dinner and there I'll be at night all night each and every night and I'll be out to lunch during the day as well from here on in. Oh I'll be posting stuff here still, and if I see anything 'incoming' I'll voice a quiet 'alert.' Nobody will believe me, I know that. I won't be raising my voice too loudly. 

Just remember, while you're making your plans for the stock markets and finance and money and everything like that, that things are never symmetrical there; it's not 'everything that goes up must come down...' It's more like you can't tell the 'down' part because it was so slow and drawn out, and you'll never get on the 'up' train because it will have taken off before you thought the engines were even getting warm.

Stanley Fischer has been running the Federal Reserve for quite a number of years now.

He is a 'mummer.'

Got it now?

When there is death and destruction all around, and Hitler has taken to looking over Paris in his staff car, the Tour D'Argent still has the odd few actors and actresses in it and as you know, top French Restaurants almost never do the 'a la francaise,' they serve 'a la russe.' But you didn't know that though did you? 'A la carte' in the sense of ordering and having things served sequentially - is not actually a French thing; it's Russian.

Mummery, you see. Mummery. Those who know, hide things from those who don't. So much for Reuters recent 'there is another Edward Snowden!' Really? I didn't know.

Yes there is another Ed Snowden - there are several thousand of them, in fact. And they are not going to be telling anyone anything WHO DOES NOT NEED TO KNOW.