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Sunday 30 June 2024

I HOPE You Are Doing Okay...

It is impossible to describe just where I have been these last few days and what I have been doing.

Yes 'data fusion center.' But that's about as far as I am able to say right now.

A private one? Well maybe.

Which means not a standard government one, anyway. There is nothing 'standard' about a real data fusion center and all of the government ones especially - which basically means Intel stuff - have all of the very best latest tech in there...

I want you to be in one of these.
At least for a while
sometime, if you can.
You will feel as if in
They are called 
'anti-gravity aerial silks.'
I mean you don't even have to be
in one; just think about it.

Elon has one. Others too have them. But these are all 'standard.'

To cut a very long story short I have been watching the Luminosity Beach Event live over the last two days and nights on several of the screens. And that is because the main operations screens are boring.

And to get to the point it is not all of that that I am slightly embarrassed about; it is the food and the 'physical support' stuff.

You ought to be given some kind of 'access' to this here...

Aerial silks, sound and light massage...

My god.

The food.

Slow-cooked lamb shank pie with rosemary and red currant sauce/gravy from a silver gravy boat...

I am spending upwards of ten/fifteen hours a day working right now - meaning, over the last several weeks.

This will all stop soon.

I am seriously hoping that some time in the next few months, we will all get to see, as in literally see in these pages here, vision of 'stuff' that is going on and it will be mind-blowing.

But I don't control anything that is going on on this level. 

Where do we all go to from here?

I don't know. I hope that you are doing reasonably well under all of the global circumstances - which no one can honestly say 'are good.'

They are not good.

Right now down here
it is like this.
It is Winter.
And if you are on Mount Hotham
or at Falls Creek,
there is snow and fireworks at night.

Fundamentally, Xi is internally under a lot of pressure to preserve his power, and he is indulging in the old Communist tactics of brutally disposing of weak people near to the top end and the Politburo.

At the same time he is observing the diabolical, self-involved and narcissistic clinging onto power by Jill Biden and the global managerial elites - while Joe Biden is clearly suffering from senile dementia.

Xi could act at anytime.

In fact he probably will.

The only thing saving the world from being blown up in a nuclear holocaust shortly is what is going on with these secret data fusion centers and who is running them and what they are able to do unseen under everyone's noses.

It was Edith Wilson, the then wife of the ailing Woodrow Wilson, who finalized the Treaty of Versailles, whose fundamental insanity led directly to World War II.

And it is the same thing that is going on now with Jill Biden - who is no less problematic as far as her own condition is concerned when it comes down to it.

What has been going on in the West, is reckless and irresponsible to the max.

But here's the thing, since we are taking a very complicated and quite 'otherworldly' perspective of the situation:

If, as Mauro Biglino says, the Spartans are the Jewish tribe of the Dan's, who went missing according to the writings of Deborah in the Old Testament, then they did not fare so fantastically in the end either.

How come we seem to learn
with technology things, but
not at all about basic
human psychology and
social things and sociological 
We have better instruments
and in many ways,
lesser brains.

The Spartan naval fleets all disappeared when the marine soldiers decided they were too old to continue warring and some ended up in the South of Italy, and the rest became mercenaries for Rome.

It's impossible to see what the point of all of these seemingly endless wars in Greece and Macedonia and 'Sparta' really were about towards the final decades - but the end result was they warred themselves into a final and complete economic and political exhaustion and self-destruction.

The same kinds of recklessness and meaningless lusting over egocentric power by various individuals characterized the 'end game' of Sparta and Athens in history.

Humans, it seems, have learned nothing when you look at those that lust after great power today on the world stage.

And that is the 'esoteric' problem, my friends. If, as a number of others have said - serious academics as well as highest-level senior military people such as Real Admiral Tim Gallaudet and retired Army Colonel Karl Nell - that we are being looked over by foreign, as in ET Alien groups coming here, then if those came to the conclusion that we were a bad species incapable of learning and self-development really, they could do a 'Losira of the Kalandans' on us at any moment.

...Rather than intervene to stop a nuclear (effectively today it would be a world war) war, they might eradicate all of humanity except for a very few.

I show you things because I
show you things for a reason.
This is Freya Riding. She sings in the 
track below.

Well I am not sure personally what the conclusion is going to be, but I know that I am getting help that seems to me at least, very very exclusive - and that is quite ominous as far as I judge it.

I hope, that you are seeing hints of 'outside help' for you right now.

I hope so.

It had better be so.

And yes they are quiet and hiding.

But they are certainly not, 'not there.'

Sometimes when I show you things, they are shown for a reason. The vocals don't start until 1:30 in.

'Standing on the platform

Watching you go

It's like no other pain

I've ever known

To love someone so much

To have no control

You said "I wanna see the world"

And I said 'Go.'


Thursday 27 June 2024

Not Growing Weary

There are so many mechanisms at work with the human being - the human's existential nature and underlying life - that in the normal mindset that most people are used to, it is nigh on impossible to quickly and easily explain what is going on, and what they ought to be thinking about and doing.

By 'existential' here I mean as it really is in every material aspect - not just the ones people presume are the things happening as well as the way they happen.

This is from Yesteryear of course but it is in
one of the shades of the palette that 
Pantone's Color Of The Year for
2024 contains:
the main color them is called
'Fuzzy Peach.' BTW, in case
you did not already know.
'Everything old is new again...'

Let me give you just one practical example:

We all think (well, mostly people think like this) that each and every human being is unique, but by far the greater delusion (or illusion created by the disordered thinking of the untrained human mind within standard ordinary society), is that people roughly all have more or less the same basic capacities and potential opportunities in terms of how their brains work and how their bodies function - for instance typically people think that if so-and-so had the same economic and material opportunities and resources, then they could achieve whatever heights anyone else could attain...

Rather than me simply gainsaying that belief, let me frame things differently (from the standard belief system and viewpoint) and then you see how it all looks afterwards.

There are many many individuals, individual examples of human beings, specific unique iterations of the human subject - who are similar in size and shape and looks; and they have shared mental/intelligence aspects, that is to say they think quite similarly in certain things. They also think very differently in certain other things.

More significantly still - not all of them have the same complex of consciousness; not the same depth, not the same potential intensity of feelings, not the same powers of memory. In short they are not at all the same despite that they might superficially look fairly similar and in fact have many similar traits and intellectual processes and favored mind tendencies.

Consciousness is a complex. 

It is not one thing alone.

And some things are just

It is more like fluid dynamics - a continuous connected flow of liquid, but which flows through certain very specific channels and gates, as it were.

So imagine then, that what we have is a set of similar 'people,' that is to say, individual animated dynamical objects with some amount of consciousness but that all look if not identical then unnervingly similar.

But across the whole globe, one will speak Chinese and not any English, one will speak Romanian and not much English and no Chinese, one will speak Spanish and so on and so forth.

They don't know each other and have no internal suspicion that their doppelgangers exist.

This 'field' that I have been talking about on more than one occasion goes around, moves around very efficiently, and although when encountered in ordinary people's lives (like for example, when someone of a religious bent experiences some miracle or miraculous happening or construes things that way at some point when they are 'on a pilgrimage' or doing some austerities intended for them to 'get in touch with the Divine' and so on) it will seem to those individuals either quite random or the direct result of their intense 'prayer' or meditation, let's say...

...In fact this is just a usual phenomenon associated to the intelligent field as it naturally relates to these doppelgangers or close-to doppelgangers.

One of the 'Q's' from Star Trek,
of course.

The process is constantly testing material facts about the human specific examples that are template individuals - psychologists have traditionally called them human archetypes, but they are a creative act of the Cosmos, of the Universe - the whole of it inclusive of its never-ending linear intelligence that is very much self-aware.

Like a wave-front, this creative process is continually making new individuals.

But they are not just 'individuals' as people think about this concept (namely about the word 'individual' as it is standardly used) - they are a sine curve of greater and lesser complexes composite in the human package, and when the Cosmos thinks they are 'good enough' it assigns a 'top example,' one replete with all the elements that are considered in the Universal Maths and Scheme-Of-Things to be appropriate and useful to fill out the complex that becomes the peak individual example, the apex of its autologous (in the abstract) kind.

And here is the problem when it comes to perceiving what is going on out there - you might see one well-known personality a hundred times and on another occasion, you think you are looking at the obvious person everyone else knows... ...and that is not that person at all.

And then that person will do something and everyone will acclaim it and the actual person that is the one really constantly known by the public (say), will take the worldly benefit but they will never ever actually be able to themselves replicate what happened because it was not them who 'did it.'

The world looks on and only sees some-one aging and then dying and they see the seamless-ness of that linear life (and death) and that is all just plain standard obvious life and death stuff to them.

The number of times you have heard celebrities outright say 'I do not recall those moments when Kubrick or Vadim was filming we got that scene...'

Of course they do not recall it; it was not them.

If you think Roger Vadim and Stanley Kubrick were virtual recluses (less so with Vadim because he was using his personal fame as a marketing instrument), and that Lutens and Howard Hughes are (were) recluses because they did not like the crush - of the press and of the public - then you are mistaken.

Being 'down-to-Earth...'

They know things that most of you don't (yet) fully know and appreciate as facts.

'I tell you, for those with ears to hear, John who you call the Baptizer was Elijah and also Elijah who is to come. This is a difficult saying but it is true.' That is a Biblical Scriptural reference, as you know.

Thus Spake The Lord God Himself and you should take note of its hidden, or at least underlying meaning.

See yourself as you look at the world and all of its people, all the individuals in it, that it is as I say: there are numerous similar ones; but it is not in their sheer superficial similarity that the secret lies, but in the complexion of each one of them as to their individual internal make-up - the complex of attributes and mannerisms and styles and comforts and sensitivities, and the fact that these ascend in 'complex' values/how many - how integrated/sophisticated.

Until you get to a peak iteration, or example if you will.

That peak example is permanently in the field. 

The others are not but they can ascend into it, and they have the 'spiritual' opportunity to do that. Sometimes the field touches them and it changes them, sometimes it does not change them - if anything they regress.

The whole thing (for the human consciousness) is like something on the tops of waves - tossed about, trying to stay above the water and getting 'heady' in the froth... ...sometimes being taken under and nearly drowning, sometimes completely drowning. 

Learn how to rise to the top, and stay at the top, and completely enter the field and permanently stay there. 

You will never ever worry again about 'getting weary waiting.'


Sunday 23 June 2024

I Am Holding Back

I do worry a lot about the consequences.

If it all became too too clear-cut and obvious then I'm very much afraid a lot of people will not like it.

Right now it is in no way obvious that these - as they are being called by some Harvard sociology academics - ultra-terrestrials (not just 'extraterrestrials' or crypto-terrestrials although they also are those things) are truly 'walking among us.'

Above, the Golden Fruit of
the Hesperides...

You will be quite aware that no matter where you look in published items, be it in journals or on the internet - ET is characterized by these weird creatures that look quite disgusting, frankly.

So for one thing, 'looking for them' among plain ordinary humans, is going to be an exercise in total diversion from truth and reality.

It is not logically necessary that an extremely advanced species is going to simply permit the incremental decrease in its own aesthetics of physique and visual characteristics - if that in any case were some kind of general flow tendency for evolution...

It is much more likely to be the exact reverse.

They will have sound knowledge of DNA and how to manipulate it to advantage.

People with Marfan syndrome are not ET Aliens! The reasons their tissue and cartilage expands over the years of their lifespan - with serious deleterious consequences - is a flaw in the DNA coding (of the ordinary human being), not an adaptation of humanoid DNA to living in regions of space where there is no gravity and little light.

So effectively, people who are 'looking' - and that includes those from Stanford and Harvard right now - are looking in the wrong places.

I have misgivings. But mostly about finding such ultra-terrestrials, not failing to find any.

Yet despite that I have personal misgivings, I am aware that there will be a 'reveal' at some point not too long away from now. And because of that I am going to voice a few concerns that I have.

Humans marketed one way...

For one thing, most people are going to say 'Oh well, I can have my DNA played around with so that I can get to look better.' They've already gone off the rails with this Ozempic disaster - and that has nothing to do with advanced Alien technology; that is entirely a human affair.

There is no such thing as an instant altering of the given health or biological condition of the human being, because the very slow and systematic progressional mechanisms of life and the experience of progression itself, is what the human condition is all about. 

...It is even the case that there are some people here on the planet right now, who have 'masked programming' and little or no immediate personal conscious awareness that they themselves are not human as such. The very reason being that it is their role to objectively experience the human progressional state in this era.

We have to face the fact that humans are a failed experiment on a very grand scale; it is only an experiment but it is a failed one.

You can still derive an enormous data and knowledge yield from a well-run failed experiment and that is what things are all about here - that is why everything is being allowed to go to its bitter end.

You see, while you can imagine that it is possible and beneficial and the act of a benevolent intelligent power (whatever that may be) to make a restoration project of the whole entire population of human beings (let's leave the 'soul/body' issue to one side for now) - that is not logically going to be the case: some people act and behave the way they do because that is who and what they are...

...And if you take 'who and what they are' away sufficiently from them, then they are not them anymore.

Tonight I made cherry bourbon sauce
and had it with a toasted sandwich.

'Sufficiently' means, I'm afraid (as I said) that is what comprises 'them' in terms of their own actual consciousness - their personality at heart is socially destructive and self-glamorizing and selfish at all costs.

Taken from some objective distance, it is possible to see that human society blanketly expresses itself by continual forms of wall-building between people. This is a maze, it is not a society.

There is actually no innate connection between humans in the world as it is. There are transactional mechanisms over possessions, and viewed status, and contests because of the basic wide-spread ambition for an ever-increasing absolute power (economically, usually) to over-power others not deal with them in true harmonic terms as the up-front fundamental style of being.

The second it is revealed who exactly are these ultra-terrestrials, the whole currency of the standard normal human race and society as it obtains now will be utterly challenged.

There is a phrase in the New Testament that no one fully understands -, I rather suspect.

And I am not going to mention it here, but it has to do with 'marriage.'

People do not and almost never have, taken the words - those particular words - at their face value.

I even know what cherry bourbon sauce

Those humans that you know who look, superficially, toward the top quartile (three values - lines of demarcation - dividing the items of a frequency distribution into four classes each containing one fourth of the population) of what is generally deemed aesthetically pleasing, are exclusively motivated by greed for economic power. This is why they compete for roles in major movies (for one example) or are marketed to gain huge audiences in the performance arts (EG Taylor Swift, a great example) -, for the less good-looking they seek high bureaucratic and administrative/corporate and judicial office.

This is all an exercise in 'wall-building.'

'I have/you do not have but can get if only...' That is the thing.

Et Omnia Tibi Dabo. And all of this I will give to you... ...if only you -.


The human race outdoes actual Satan by a Cosmic distance. It is comprised of nothing but millions of tiny little Satans.

'If only.' Is the motto of the human race in its current iteration of a 'society.'

But if you apply that idea, the one contained in what I am calling 'the motto,' to whoever you can consider as a potential example of an ultra-terrestrial, immediately they will be revealed for what they really are.

Hey Bill, this is in Bramley, just up the road
from you...

How many do you see that are in fact 'wall-builders?'

They will give you every excuse and because of the way human society has proceeded for thousands of years those excuses will seem reasonable but they are not correct reasons for the behavior.

Yes I understand the desire to create pathways to what you prefer, and what you like, and not to ugliness.  

So? All you have to say and think in your own head is 'I am not a wall-builder.'

Anyone who says to themselves they do not need or want a road to your door is a fool.

Super advanced intelligent people are no fools.

And what happens when you all connect while the rest of the mad human race is still busy building its walls like it always has?

The experiment is nearing its finality.

Don't you think it would be better, that ultra-terrestrials are not simply 'revealed' to everyone all at once via the general media, but actually find their way to your door by-and-by quietly, and responsibly without disturbing the rest of Mankind.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Human Society Has Become Lost

This is a very sinister thing.

It is not an accident.

'Human' society is the concept that living intelligent and self-aware/conscious beings who inhabit the Earth planet have a group identity and function within a large body of individuals co-operating on many levels with a systematized order and coherence, using the natural resources and the availability of food in the biosphere.

If you inhabit a 'vehicle' somewhere out there in free space, then there is an artificial environment that is constructed with food stocks and some modest botanical life systems providing a limited amount of 'green' environment and organic provisions.

Meeting God in a late
night coffee bar...
Or just meeting the rain,
and the coffee.

There are not that many of these living platforms out there in our solar system, but there are a few.

So -, most of the living beings around here live right here, down on the planet's surface.

And they live in the context of natural time.

And that means the actual overall environment includes the physical 'in-time' transition of sun, moon, and stars through the skies as we see them, in the days and nights and seasons of the year.

These are all cyclical.

Which means our biology works along with the cycles that are experienced - and this is something that has been going on here for hundreds of thousands of years; scientifically it is millions of years though not with 'us' here living as intelligent, upright walking complex biological organisms

Once you disrupt the human organism in its normal natural condition, you will prevent it from being able to make sound intelligent decisions. This is a sheerly practical matter, and should not be labelled as something to do with - as they call it - 'mental health.' It's a practical thing to do with the whole of human society, not just one or a few individuals who are 'crazy.'

We are not ever told even in Western religious teachings, things like what is the actual point of the so-called 'Prince of Persia' in the Bible for example (usually assumed to be a demonic Spirit being) suppressing various regional peoples... He is said to be a 'demonic Spirit' because in the Biblical context he battles with the leader of a celestial army named as the 'Arch-Angel' Micha-El. But these things could be much more ancient 'reportage' than religious metaphor.

The point is slavery with the express object of using and exploiting and deriving wealth from it, and holding power over everyone in the location.

Very probably, you are experiencing a modern-times version of this suppression and slavery going on in the society around you today. You will be affected by it, and it will be trying to over-power you and exploit you and your life.

But the whole thing is very ham-fisted.

The glow of sunset and
the lights of human

It's not smart and it's not honest.

I am going to warn you about some things that will occur in the popular corporate media this year, rather soon in fact - you literally will be told outright that there are 'crypto-terrestrials' (meaning crypto-Aliens, aka extraterrestrials) living here disguised as human beings.

Well the fact is that has always been true but for the most part those non-human units disguised as humans are a particular type of extraterrestrial, and they are very opposed to the human race and want to completely subjugate it and put it to the point of extinction with only sufficient remaining for a small 'intelligent' slave workforce.

After all, humans self-replicate. And they don't remember any previous lives so it is easily possible to use them, exploit them, by relying on their ignorance and even a certain amount of foolishness.

So they are a great slave workforce.

The crypto-terrestrials that you will be shown, at least from my perspective and a few others' perspectives too, are ridiculously incorrectly portrayed.

Here are the things to watch out for: they (will be) are contrived, affected, even convoluted as visual presentations. And far be it from me to deny the value of make-up but it is not necessary to wear make-up in order simply to look like you have uptilted eyebrows and so on. Of course some do wear extra-long false fingernails to disguise the fact that they already have too-long fingers and hands. It's a reverse optical illusion, that one.

Most of the actual real crypto-Aliens that are here are more-or-less ordinary human in appearance.

Actual advanced system
Aliens look like any
ordinary human...

I am not going to discuss openly anything about how the higher end of the intelligent groups in the Universe operate - other than to say that yes, the Book of Enoch contains several accurately-depicted insights but that one of the tremendous risks for ordinary un-guided humans looking at it is that they could take it into their heads that 'God' is themselves... ...and that seated in some ineffable unseen 'throne' somewhere is they themselves - perhaps from out of the very distant future or even just now but in a co-incident parallel 'spirit' form.

And this is very misguided.

Things are a lot more linked together than human society and human religious-philosophical traditions say.

'Hic Omnia Tibi Dabo, Si Cadens Adoraveris Me...'

But listen to me, you cannot 'worship' God; you can only celebrate with such a Being once you have grown into a fuller and more complete knowledge of things.

Around the 'throne' of the Supreme Divine Source, is a translucent yet bright thing like a rainbow - this is what ancient traditions write. And on the throne itself, is a figure superficially like a glowing burgundy stone. So the writings expound. ...And from that throne proceeds Seven Lights. That is what the text says.

But you yourself, you cannot worship colors - it is your eye that perceives them because there are optic cones tuned to those frequencies of light. Your brain and your mind and your consciousness is only able to feel things about that experience -, and yes, you can feel like you are beneath (IE worship) the streams of photon coming in various frequencies but in reality you are connected to them through your optic nerve and your brain.

You are not the source of them. You might reflect that power and energy and also mimic those things on a micro-scale, but you are not the primary source.

Yet - and here is the point of this piece - as soon as you move with the cycles that are actually in effect in the material realm and in your living context in time here, you will form up into the primary field itself.

This is not contrived.
This is not what I mean by
This is just people
I am showing you and telling
everything you need to know.

And that is when you will see others here with you, that are also in that living field.

If not, what you are seeing around you, are dead people moving -; animated, but not actually consciously and intelligently alive in the Universal field.

There are a lot of people with a lot of talent for instance, who are able to do prodigious things, and that will be made to seem like they are from some advanced civilization because of that talent and trained ability. All of them though, will be contrived, and affected in their mannerisms and presented 'genius.'

That kind of stuff is all fake.

That kind of stuff cannot celebrate with you.

That kind of stuff is set over you.

In this piece, you were given stock-mainstream, straight-down-the-line, Biblical Scriptural authority about colors, and light. If you worry about where we are going with this.

'Heimdall, open the Bi-Frost Bridge' is not a joke. The name means that the person has on a helmet either that is shining, or that must be worn because the light is so brightly shining.

These ancient scriptures from all over the world know what they are talking about.

You want to meet, you want to touch, you want to feel, and you want to see and hear.

Well do that practice that you were shown -, alone. And you will not be alone all of a sudden.

But you will have entered a field. And become part of the field. And in the field there are living things.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Why The Violence?

The whole history of the human race from its most ancient times (that we know about) involves a continual rising to power over people through force and violence, not logic or the necessity of rational natural cause.

Certainly, civilization on this planet goes back a lot longer than the traditional academic doctrines assert - Gobekli Tepe is the end-game of that fairy tale about Man only inventing the wheel around 6,000 years ago.

What a truly illustrious company.

It is fundamentally impossible for any learned person with a broad grasp of philosophy and facts to believe that the contemporary systems - courts, military, enforcement establishments of all kinds, and parliaments and the usual groups organizing education and money and medicine and so on - exemplify what a perfect society should be arranged like.

Why not?

Because the contemporary system is a continuation of this theme of power through force not fact.

How is it that it becomes accepted without question, that opinion can be the main and the usual arbiter of critical decisions?

It is only the opinion of a jury that rules the outcome of any trial.

The final opinion of the highest judges which makes concrete the result.

But it is by no means at all, an accident, that when someone said 'I am Truth' the rulers killed that individual!


This is a planet that operates on the manipulating of facts, and the denial of truth, and the enforcement of rules.

With force there is always resistance.

Small, private company with another
olden days illustrious name - 
did really well at Le Mans.
You can buy this and drive it on the road.

This is something you need to look at when thinking about the possibility - any possibility - that there are or that there could be Aliens coming here, or as they are now being called, 'crypto-Aliens' already embedded among people.

This is quite interesting because it would mean they have managed to infiltrate into here without using force or violence.

And one reason the human race's leaders as they have been found to act like and to think like, have not observed what was going on, is that they cannot imagine any conquest and eventual rule, without violence or force.

Perhaps it is not even so much that they 'have not observed it,' but that they have no counter against it other than to try and keep their slaves in the dark.

The fact that it is the World Economic Forum, that has taken over control of the Gobekli Tepe archaeological site, and is blocking any further excavations, ought to tell you something...

What interest such an organisation should even have in such a meaningless artifact of ancient pre-history one would never know unless you believed in some ultra-weird conspiracy theories.

But of course, it is not meaningless.

Someone is listening to you...

It really seems - and I challenge you to think it through -  that there is no way to completely and permanently overcome an enemy except through force and violence.

Well, that's not quite correct.

There is the strategic use of violence and then there is the idiotic and manifestly primitive way that violence has been employed through the ages of Mankind down here.

A point is about to be reached.

The strategy has worked.

Oh you will see violence all right. But it will be a one-sided affair where forever beforehand people, and I mean human rulers, have thought they had answers. Even that they had all the answers.

They have none of the answers.

They have no answers.

We all live today under the shadow of those particular words of Klaus Schwab - 'you will own nothing and you will be happy.'

Except that isn't going to be the way it is!

Trust me on this one even though you have been given no information: things in coming years cannot be more different (for you) than anyone's wildest imaginings have been up till now.

In the great Sanskrit mandala explanations, the Gandharvas come here to escort things from 'Outside' and divest those things, be they animal or human(-oid) or object, of their dangerous nature.

What is commonplace to the Devas in their own world is perfectly dangerous to mortals here in this world.

Sometimes, the only way to encounter some of those things safely, is for you to be 'not exactly mortal' yourself anymore.

Soon, secrets will be divulged to you...

Ten minutes left to go to the end of Le Mans 2024.

...You have to get used to the feeling: