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Sunday 17 April 2022

Vegans And Cowherds

So, that first song we were looking at here recently is a 'thumri.' Which is a song meant to be danced erotically with 'ganti' bells on the dancing girl's ankle.

'Ganti' by the way, is the same idea that is applied to how an elephant uses its massive foot - it strikes it on the ground, or on whatever else. The generative proposition for the word itself entails the power behind something really massive. 'Gan' is another word for elephant, or at least the 'idea' of the elephant rather than the manifested physical elephant itself.

Part of the lyrics include such things as 'gopastri paribesthita' - which means 'surrounded by the cow-maidens.' And also 'vijayate gopal' - the Lord is my cow-herd.
These people - smh: 'I'm a Vegan.'
Yeah yeah, so you say...

Anyway the point is, never mind that Jehovah demanded '32 virgins' (or maidens) -, none of the maidens proclaimed 'the Great Lord God Jehovah is my cow-herd.'

There is a fundamental thematic absurdity in ever saying that a god who plays games with young maidens, and is frolicking with them in the open fields, is the same as one that burns people up with fire emitted from his mouth and nostrils just on a whim and a permanent disposition of rage and anger.

The point about looking at the musical expression of various ideas is to be able to 'see' the themes and the underlying 'whole sensory' concepts involved.

When it comes to stunning magical actions, ones that actually work, we have to get away from religious and ideological nostrums and terminologies and human language words - and focus on real forces and principals as they exist and not as we merely describe them in our passing linguistics as quite temporary existential things ourselves. I mean sure, we are arrogant, but that doesn't mean we have any permanency or enduring existence or actual metaphysical power which controls physics.
'No, no. I am!'
Okay so I show you an Elf 'being'
who is a living fungus and what
are you going to do - eat them?
Damn cannibal!

It is not even true, this common thing around today that 'what we observe is affected by the observer.' The real physics meaning of that is simply that apparent 'particles' display separate characteristics at some measurement point, depending on whether we are looking to see those 'particles' as waves or objects. So really, it's a channel difference, not a causative one.  

There is not really much point either saying 'scientifically;' science is only capable of handling something after the fact, and not before a genuine 'unknown.'
Magic is about creating things that never were.

How can you turn water into wine? How, actually?

The underlying matter - the material substance in its form - was in one arrangement. And then you want to move everything, all the component elements of the structure, around inside of the form so that it has another form completely, with different function and implications.

Possible I guess.

We don't really have any clear-cut technology right now to do it but we have various 'close approximations' at low levels of operation. Nano shears, micro-wave amplifiers, digital assembly computers -, all kinds of things.

Yet we do live in a vast context of things, of phenomena all interacting, inclusive of highly psychologically reactive human minds within societies of human beings. So human beings are things, but they are also animate things.
'But I want to be a Vegan.'
Well go on then, who's stopping you?
Don't expect to ride in my car though,
it has leather seats.

The fact that all these things (including humans) exist inside a phenomenological framework that is dynamic along particular strict rules, means that category actions are expressed as field functions.

You could say oh, George Lucas was 'affected' by ancient history and stories and narratives from there, which is why he says in his movie stories there are 'Jedi masters' who use SR staffs of power...

...That is, he is just plagiarizing from the Egyptian Djedi pillars and the Wassir (Osir/Osiris) staffs, same as the Jewish oral tradition manufactured its story about Moses and his staff of power.

But you could equivalently say that he is being affected by a field (of information), and which field is 'known' in a sense to everybody at a subconscious level, which is why his movie series was so widely accepted.

Today, we all have access to bowls of purified water and ozone generators and conceivably, we could cover our hands with glowing miasma of (slightly dangerous) positively-charged gas which exhibits electromagnetic field effects through walls.

It isn't going to change water into wine though, right?

Not unless the underlying whole existential interacting, integrated field right there intends for that to happen.

And I don't know how to do that.

Or, um, if I did, I am not going to tell anyone so here!

...Time for me to go get some steak and drink some wine.


Saturday 16 April 2022

What Does It Say?

'Thought to represent.'

'Said to contain.'

'Understood to have been..'

Oh really.

Where are the bits and pieces of left-over electronic radios and phaser guns and anti-gravity sticks and stuff...? You know, given the ancient Egyptians were really Annunaki and even some were Reptilians with super-advanced technology and 'Star Gates' and all kinds of everything. LOL

By the way, I might as well just say, before 'NASA' and the 'Pentagon tell you, that they have been shining these huge clusters of lasers up into the sky, and getting UFOs to turn up.

Oh yes.

Peaches and cream jellies.

They'll tell you officially eventually.

They're trying to work out a kind of 'linguistics' I suppose you could call it. A 'sign language' with lights.

It's all really funny to guys like me.

People shone bright lights up from that joint in Las Vegas and no one from space turned up.

How come someone figured these guys will show up for the US military? If they shone bright lights.

But not Casino bosses?

Look I shouldn't joke. There really is a protocol designed to arrange some kind of basic communication to happen - and it has all got to do with ascertaining what might be 'allowed' or 'permissible' use of nuclear weapons, to the little grey guys.

This is the really high end of 'Top Secret.' If the US military and Intel Services decide that they have got the 'pass' on some limited use of nuclear weapons technology ('Rainbow bombs' are allowed up to a point), then they will plan up strategies and tactical systems to be able to really implement them.

(If I said 'guys' one more time here, do you think anyone would guess it was a signal...)?

Reverting to the first idea back up the page, remember last time I said I was going to show something really crucial about how to 'read' certain things, and then from there how to apply what you uncover or discover.

Fig and honey yogurt...

Some people here want to discuss 'remote viewing' a bit more.

Well, here's a little bit of something: 'I saw you under the fig tree, Ptolemy.'

It is 'Ptolemy' by the way, don't let anyone say different.

The fig tree is the third tree in the Garden of Eden mentioned in Genesis.

Hey. These things all happened a long long long time ago, much longer ago than what everyone supposes.

So at least ten thousand years ago anyway (the first figs seen in archaeology are in the Jordan Valley).

Human beings yes, we use words, and we try and work out today from what artifacts we have from ancient times, what various signs and symbols might have meant from our modern conception of words and language.

But then, as with just about anything to do with the human race, there are all of these arguments and disputes, and when it comes especially to matters of religious texts and sacred or 'holy' scriptures, well hell, then you have the warfare of 'this was corrupted' and that was 'heresy,' and this is misinterpreted or misunderstood...

In short, everyone wants to have an argument and no one can actually show you the water turn into wine.

But I can.

You just think about this - there are 7.9 billion people on the planet Earth right now according to the United Nations, and Justin Bieber will have however many million looking at his YT videos (I don't even know if he has any, but you get the point), and there is just you and a handful of others who come here and read and participate.

You're allowed to eat figs. No problem.

And right now I'm going to show you how to tell the difference between a lie and a fact, and how to determine if a sacred scripture truly is that, or is a fraud.


This is important because as I said, we are going to practice things that are in 'sacred scriptures' and which will work when you do them, but will never work when any others on the planet do whatever it is they imagine that they are 'doing' based on what they suppose they are reading.

So, watch:


Thursday 14 April 2022

All Gandharvas Are Aliens

Technically, they are sometimes classed alongside fairies and sylphs although they are neither of those.

Specifically, their actual duty is to escort gods and 'sacrificers' (that means you) to the soma plant, and also to bring things from the outside worlds into this one and vice-versa, the necessary task and process that they are skilled in, is in divesting the earthly things of their harmful nature (what the Vedas say) before those things or beings are allowed to enter into the normal company of divine realm beings and into the more inner places of those divine realms where they are going.

Gandharvas live among the sap of trees and the
perfume of flowers and plants.

The largest proportion of Gandharvas are male beings, and everything they do is associated with male actions and activities, which is why even those of their kind that are female (and there are very few of them), often appear male in many ways although they are in fact females.

Gandharvas are the exact same thing as 'Valkyrie.'

They are very bright and shiny beings and are assumed because of this to reside in very large craft like 'space wheels' closer to the (our) sun or to those other 'suns' which are the stars of other planetary systems. But these 'space wheels' are completely invisible to humans and are much more technically advanced than the human race on the Earth is at the moment. 

Gandharvas with the task of interacting with human sacrificers, live here on the planet as human beings over many lifetimes and have 'immediate rebirth,' possessing also the state of a fully sentient being between rebirths.

'Blue Grotto' gin martini.

'Orlando,' in the book of the same name by Virginia Woolf, would be considered a Gandharva by Vedic scholars.

...I tell you all of this to prime any future discussion about the meaning of 'Hathor' in the Ancient Egyptian, and also prior to any discussion about what happens in the secret cenacle rituals in occult Christianity.

Now.... ...if anything that I am saying is wrong, it would not be that the real name of one of the Twelve Apostles, the one called 'Bartholomew' in all texts and translations, well -, you know what the real name is there.

See, if you imagine - as everyone wants you to think - that the Christian story is essentially a Jewish one, well you will get nowhere.

So, sorry, not a Jewish thing.

It's Jewish to the extent that the Romans used the Jews as a foil against the Egyptians that Caesar Augustus imagined he had 'conquered.'

But there is also no point going to Egypt today and looking around and hoping to find anything. 'Egypt' is long gone.

Besides, it was always the ideas that counted there anyway. The monumental constructions were memorials for ideas. Just as Plato said that the Egyptian priests had said that they were.

Here is this Tamil singer Nicki Wells. The second part of the vid is almost better than the first half.


Wednesday 13 April 2022

Beyond The Gilded Age

The American Gilded Age ran from the 1870's to 1900 and was driven by the economic boom involving technological advances in rail transport, energy, and electrical power and electrically-powered equipment and devices.

The era spawned super-wealthy people such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, who tried to, and failed to, buy his way into the upper class strata of people in New York. (That's you, JES. You are the upper class people in New York; love your designer Adolfo Sanchez btw). 

The use of the word 'gilded' is intended to say that this superficial economic wealth was merely covering over massive underlying social problems.

The Marble House 'red room.'
A little summer cottage in Newport,
built by Cornelius V.
That's not a pope, though right?
Well, kind of was...

We are today, certainly very far beyond the Gilded Age and there is not even a thin veneer covering over anything.

Here in these pages, I have been trying to avoid posting pics of really expensive things - no mansions, estates, private jets and so on - because the wealthiest of us are those with the health capacity and environment luxury of being able to go into the relative countryside somewhere and harvest mushrooms and flowers for making blue-colored tea...

That's if you had clean water available to you.

Think of those poor Ukrainians 'fighting to the last baby' stuck (or locked in by wonderful charming freedom and democracy-loving neo-Nazis) inside basements with no running water supply.

About half an hour ago the Russian MoD told Zelensky that if he didn't do something they wanted (I'm not really quite sure what they even wanted right now), they were going to hit his 'decision-making centers.'

And that would be the offices of WPP in Geneva then, I guess.

Or even better still, those of the Safra Group in the Pickle Building in Londonistan.

Basically means they are going to hit him, maybe even kill him.

They know where he is.

More rich people water.

And then that will be amazing for CNN. Nuclear war here we come!

Anderson Cooper, one of those from the Vanderbilt Family that lost the entire Vanderbilt Fortune, will be able to announce to you that you're going to die miserably and horribly.

But, there will be a Ukrainian actress running around a wheat field somewhere with a sickle in her hand, beheading people on behalf of the ISIS theatrical company. So, that's something at least.

The story about how in just a couple of succeeding generations of Vanderbilts, they lost the entire fortune -, is that they simply 'spent it.'

Well, hey! But what about the idea that property never goes down in value? They didn't just spend it all on simply nothing - they acquired heaps of property. Lost stacks on all of it, though. Somehow.

Cooper has shifted from trying to buy into upper social class, to actually buying - and very successfully - into the literal dregs of humanity. He's gone 180 degrees in the opposite direction from Cornelius, into the world of Washington and California politics.


Some part of the Dendera complex.
There's no meaning intended here;
I just like the photographer's work!

Any kind of Golden Age is when, if you scratch beneath the gleaming surface, you find actual substance.

...There's two kinds of etchings on ancient Egyptian walls: there's hieroglyphs, and there's pictographic metaphors.

A bull, means a rock. And a bull with wings, means a meteor. The reason it is portrayed as a 'bull' is because the bull symbolizes substance, whereas the lion symbolizes strength and focused desire, hunger, intent.

They were weirdly clever people, those ancient Egyptians. They built their houses on rock.

And when the floods came, they survived. 

But the meteor, well with this figure they meant something that came - some substance - that came from above.


What you want to know, is whether they tried to convey any idea, in those graphical depictions, of how to provoke the heavens to send some substance down to you.

The other question is, and the more important question right now, is - do I know.

Here's the funny thing, right. Most people who are 'experts' in all of this, are inclined to repeat what previous 'experts' all have said countless times before. They all tell about 'stuff.' Stuff that happened, one time, or a long time, ago. Or didn't even actually happen, but people say that it did, or just plain make stuff up and imagine all kinds of things - ancient Lemuria, Annunaki, Pharaohs, Moses...

And it's all very interesting.

No one you know tells you 'try this, see what happens.'

The lion is the hunger, the desire, the cobra the power of hatred and anger, but where is the substance?

Monday 11 April 2022

Few There Be...

...that find it.

Hang on! You said everyone would be saved! Or as many who asked, and hey, there's billions of Christians been on the planet, how come only 'few there be that find it?'

Find what?

'Saba' is the Egyptian word for 'star.' (Yes, that's right, she wasn't the 'Queen of Sheba,' she was the queen from the stars... Don't believe me, do you...).

Romulan ale glass

'Steno' is an ancient word, could be even Lydian, or Graeco-Egyptian first. We have it in English: extended.

'Aker' means gate and also gatekeeper in ancient Egyptian.

And the 'Lamassu' are the twin guardians of the narrow star-gate.

Eloi are the people of the heavens. But it can also mean 'come here to me.'

'Eloi Eloi, lamassu saba'ak-steno-i...'

'Hal. Open the pod-bay doors (for me).'

'Access the star-gate portal.'

Try it.

It will not harm you.

Must have been imbibing too much of that illegal Romulan ale.

By the way, Romulan war birds and Klingon 'birds of prey' craft... Hmn.

Could be, could be.

Still, it would have been handy if that Jesus fellow had not have mentioned the 'restricted gate' in the same breath as speaking about the big house that survived the huge flood because it was built on a rock.

You have to find that 'restricted gate' though, all the same.

You can't drink this stuff!
It's aftershave, but -, it's naturally brewed
and the 'lime sec' looks a bit like
Romulan blue ale... ...even has some tiny
bubbles in it.

Where could that be, where could it be? Now, let me think... 

...Let me look around the place.

Is it here?


Is it there?


Well, after all, few that be that find it. Fair enough.

No 'star-gate travelling' for us then, I suppose, right now.

Back to the Romulan blue ale then!