So... S-o-o-o-o -.
Sometimes I feel like I am 'going backwards' to reach into some concepts - and that is because ideally (which is never gonna happen, right! lol), you want to be going from some basis moving forward that is already sound and fully established in the minds of the people dealing with the matter.
The contemporary paradigm of medicine, is that of delivering a chemical substance (at least most usually a chemical agent) into a system in the body, where the problematic symptom exists, or directed at the organs that generate the eventual problematic symptom.
The objective is to deconstruct the cycle that generates the problem, and/or remove the actual physical symptom, as soon as possible. |
Who wrote in there?! I don't know. I don't even remember stuff I write, it's not that familiar to me after awhile. Same with films - I am fortunate there; I never remember the endings of any films I have ever seen. True.
It is neither necessary nor is it a good idea to undermine this approach; the paradigm does have a lot of positive outcomes.
But however where as thinkers, we must look at the existential reality and not just the convenience aspect of keeping people in a workforce -, forgetting that they also 'have a life' and ought to be able to look forward to a naturally long life.
Now it's okay if you want to view your local doctor's surgery as your effective social club (and I know that is what happens because I have been in the pharmacy business for a number of years, apart from a lot of other businesses).
There is so much outright sheer lying going on in modern academia and the internet as a resource of information, that unless one is being guided by people who know for real, then the younger person is going to be led badly astray most of the time! Not just some of the time.
On Wikipedia, you will find a heading 'Sleep Temple.'
And in here it will tell you that this was a place developed in Ancient Egypt by Imhotep.
Well, none of that information comes from any source actually at the time of Imhotep, but two thousand years later!
I mean, hey come on - that is a long time later.
Second, if you try and look up the actual Greek 'Sleep Temples,' you will get taken to an entry for the Asclepieion.
Now there never were any 'sleep temples' in Ancient Greece called 'Asclepieion.'
There were the 'Daughters of Asclepius' which was the tilte for nurses and some midwives, and they attended in places which were actual 'Sleep Temples' dedicated not to Asclepius, but to the God of Medicine, Apollo. |
See if I put this here, see, people will think this is all materialistic and down-to-earth. Which it is not.
You will not easily find the name of these places online, but it is called an 'Enkoimetron' - the place of measured sleep.
And indeed, there were numerous snakes where the Daughters of Asclepius were, because they extracted venom from these to make into medicines.
Much more importantly, the snake symbol occurs even today on the Caduceus, not simply because of the connection to venom, but because of something to do with Sleep Temples.
The Enkoimetron was the place to go, if you had a very difficult ailment, and in there, you got in touch through various processes, with the God of Medicine, who then advised you personally directly, what the way forward was.
I could tell you, on a very basic level, that crushed pineapple, or very pulverized pineapple through a decent blender, will resolve a number of for example, skin ailments. But the fact is, in any case, that resolution will not take effect in any too obvious a way, overnight; like modern drug treatments often do.
But where modern science steps away from existential reality and doesn't recognize that it is doing that, is where it supposes that the five sensory pathway signaling processes - which all run at no faster than 1/12th frame rate of information delivery and recognition by the brain - tell us everything that we require to know about our selves...
And that is just not true.
Our ego consciousness is a continuum and happens much faster and with information flowing far more than simply that basic 1/12th of a second rate of speed.
Our ego consciousness is contained within the organic living body, but it is made up of EM field force and form. And when it is no longer contained in the living organism, then possibly, it can dissipate into the chaos or ambient field, whatever that is at any given moment when a person, say, dies. |
Impressive, really, for an old person. She's old! |
But then, going back to what happens in the Enkoimetron, clearly information is happening at a high discrete rate - not a some low level, 'dream' state subconsciousness level.
And that is because as previously said just now, the human ego is much broader than a simple, simplistic 1/12th of a second juddering 'frame-by-jerky-frame' thing (although that indeed it is for most people in today's world).
If you really want to fix a health condition, then you need to make your own Enkoimetron and go into it, into the state that prevails in there.
Ammon Hillman wants to say that these things pertain mostly - believe it or not (at least in his system) - to sex and not just any kind of sex but really out-there stuff! He believes Jesus was at best a pervert which is why He was arrested at 4 am in the dark, in a park, with a young boy. He says 'a naked young boy' which is not actually what any text anywhere says, but he shifts the fact that when the kid struggles with the Roman soldiers and gave them the slip, he left them holding his thin cotton outer garment.
That is actually a joke from Euripides, and Hillman knows that it is, but he also knows no one else has read all of Euripides or about the Death of Socrates so he knows they don't know. So he's exploiting their ignorance against them.
A lot of people, worry about this sex with Aliens thing - the internet is full of accounts of 'abductions' by ET's (which I don't know anything about because I am not aware that ET Aliens abduct anyone). |
And, that's the world's best female soccer player. She thinks no one can see her behind the mask.
Or they worry about: what if we encountered the God of Medicine, Apollo, or actual Jesus (just in a dream, let's say), and He - one or the other or both - were standing there in thin rough raw linen garment and sandals, with holy expression on face, and but we were all in a state of excitement and expectation of 72 virgins at minimum...
This is like thinking that God exists only on the 1/12th of a second frame rate of science and human institutional religion.
Jesus' first actual miracle in the Bible accounts was at this out-of-control party to do with sex.
And He enabled it, and made it worse by adding a whole lot of wine to the place when they had all clearly drunk the place dry already.
Religions say the out-of-control party was to do with marriage.
And that apparently, gives them the licence to hand out licences for sex, and partying, except none of them know how to do the wine trick.
I would much rather hear from the guy who does the wine trick.
So this woman was dragged to Him to be stoned, right, and what did He do?
He said: 'Go, and sin no more.' Except there is no word 'sin' in there, in the actual text.
He said - 'Stop making mistakes.' |
No reason. Materialism. And snow.
You can make a lot of mistakes with ordinary human beings.
Hey, people make mistakes. That's what people do.
And that is why we look to higher brains to get some better answers! Or, even better still, find better more interesting people to make our typical human mistakes with.
In fact those people might not even think we are making mistakes and actually enable us all the more.
'I come to give you Life and to give it all the more.' That's in the Bible somewhere, in the New Testament. I'm sure it's there, it sound so familiar to me...