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Monday 22 July 2024

Descent Of The Gregori (This One's Gonna Hammer Home)

So these are the Watchers, right...

This is a class of being that normally resides near the planet but not actually on it, and whose task it is to observe and to take care of the threats to the human species and all of its individuals.

They can come down to intervene for authentic purposes but straightaway they must leave again and go back to their natural abodes.

As you have been told, the purpose of human existence here is to have conscious beings inside of manifold DNA re-combinations - very numerous iterations of these with the objective of high peak examples in material form which exhibit a complex of aesthetics as well as organic power and ability.

This is the fundamental reason the non-aging gene segments have been switched off - so that people can live shorter lifespans and multiply more with the result of a greater number of dynamic combinations occurring in a relatively shorter time-frame.

These beings called in popular folklore or myth - the 'grays' - regularly check the DNA codes to make sure that the 'experiment' is on track and on schedule. They also extract DNA from the peak examples, when these are determined.

'Watchers' on the other hand, exist as sentient go-betweens that maintain long-range beacons that are run by primary and inbuilt pattern, but otherwise AI-like processes and mechanisms and hard technology, with the express job of delimiting absolute 'in population' risk (war, plague, other) and referring peak examples to a much higher body that then engages an entirely other level of procedure again.

'Watchers' are commanders-in-the-field in that they have authority to give orders and take action and make critical decisions all on their own because of their location - which is quite near-by - and their rank.

Personally I am just a human
being and I don't fly too high.

Since the Watchers are (or were) a non-dynamic evolution (not the exact right word but it conveys some half-decent sense of meaning), and have and had their own intrinsic social grouping, it was not part of any 'experiment protocol' for them to enter into the dynamic hyper-iterations of DNA combining that was taking place among the human species, since this would have disrupted the integrity of the program, of its experiment protocols, and of its ability to provide clearly human-only outcomes.

Nevertheless, this multi-ethnic race memory or folklore or religious myth narrative about 'fallen angelic beings' - let us grant for the sake of the argument, has happened...

And thus to some extent the human experiment is over. It cannot actually be over completely though, because it still has a yield potential that is positive overall. ...Despite that both the intervening parties (some Watchers), have degraded their own knowledge base and superior knowledge access over much time, as well as the naive bystanders who are in fact the main subjects of the experiment - IE humans - are also being subjected to deteriorating outcomes and conflicted protocols and some actual physical and psychological damage.

In the Islamic tradition those key 'angelic beings' were 'Harut and Marut' and in the Hebrew tradition it is some 200 'Iyrin Qaddish' (Holy Watchers) led by Sem-yaza (Samech-U'o-Azar also known as Uzair in the Islamic tradition). Iyrin is an Aramaic origin word.

In the relatively more modern Roman Italian, 'Gori' is the eponymous ('giving its name to') surname taken from Gregorein (and that from the original Greek Egregoroi - Watchers).


For one thing,
I like to be comfortable, to
feel and to be safe.

I will leave it you to Google-search 'GianLUCA Gori' and find out as much as is necessary about him/her... A few images will suffice but deeper research will only make things more, um, strange, if you will. 

In the Sanskrit, 'Gori' or also spelled 'Gauri' means 'shining/bright' which is another way of saying 'Deva' or 'the Shining Ones;' aka the minor gods generically.  

Dennis DeGori owns a vast corporate affair called the E11even Group in the USA, which is based in Miami and owns tall tower buildings and a huge entertainment main venue and complex.

In the bottom right hand side of the pic posted immediate last time here, you will see the corporate logo and name 'E11even.'

These people mean precisely what they say. This is more or less elves hidden in plain sight.

But that does not mean DeGori himself is anything particular - he is just a front identity.

Gianluca Gori however, is not just a 'front identity.'

The 'Fallen Watchers' are not all of them particularly evil as such although they are deliberately and calculatedly exploitative in the most crass ways, of human ignorance.

They have also, by coming here, entering here, lost touch with in a crucial way - lost direct access to - a second level up from the beacon placements that are here in the Solar System.

'EnGoron' is a highly problematic name...

Bottom right-hand corner:

To go into ideas about how much acquired human historical as well as basic innate knowledge is passed across through vast numbers of generations of Fallen Watchers, and whether they even die and are born at all, is to ask too much of you right now.

...However it is sublimely satisfying to observe them back, as they make moves before large-scale Market events and 'history-making' happenings.

Once you know who to watch, well, then, you know who to second-guess too.

And they will resent you so be quiet about it.

The actual Gregori in the Greek traditions - are not 'fallen' in any way. That class or order of being is still fully intact albeit no doubt '200' is in any case only a very small percentage of their total number.

And, 'Elves' are not of the Egregori. They can gravitate to around them and their venues and facilities though, simply because these are more accommodating to their time-scales of operations and the amenities and wealth is more useful to them and the underlying core knowledge of higher levels of management is of course valuable.

Of those 'Fallen' Ones still here, none of them really aspires to 'get back' anywhere because it is quite pleasant for them here! Secondly none of them believes there really is anyone 'in charge' as it were 'Up There' as in -, there is no actual 'God' up there to their knowledge.

So they feel they have lost nothing by foregoing access to the secondary beacons and what was (or maybe still is although they do not believe so) there.

Saturday 20 July 2024

When Elijah Returns

The Kabbalah tradition says that Elijah had no father or mother, that is, certainly not of the Earth - and that he literal was an angelic type of being, not actually human as such.

I suppose in a manner of speaking this is true in that he was distinctly different from those around him, possessing some quite weird powers, seemingly, yet at the same time of course appearing human physically.

Enoch, the other guy written about as going off to some other far way place up in space, in the skies, above them actually - was not described as visually completely similar to everyone else around him: he had white or blonde hair as did his great grandson Noah who apparently had eyes that were either blue or green and literally glowed at night! lol ...Amazing.

The only people that can get in
these little white flying craft, are
incredibly fit and lithe...
This is Sarah de Warren (for real).

Anyway, anyway...

I want you to look at things like this...

Imagine for a few moments, a scene like this - you are in some skyscraper hotel bedroom suite, and it is night and you are looking out of the huge windows at the cityscape and the nighttime city skyline.

There's absolutely no one with you and you have no one 'down there,' no family, no friends, no nothing - or at least, precisely at these moments, there is no one.

In other words, or, in a better more accurate way of saying it, there is no one that you have an immediate responsibility to or for right now.

No job.

No one to talk to.

No one to phone call and talk to.

Nothing to say to anyone.

You can see all of the winking lights way down below and way across to the other tall buildings. There's people there but they have nothing to do with you. 

Have you ever heard the kind of late night piano lounge solo piano music they play at coffee places?

'Chill piano lounge jazz.'

There's nothing in the Book(s) of Enoch that says that he particularly was going to miss anyone or anything back here when he was going away -, because he certainly knew he was going away for good or for a very very long time and to an extremely distant place.

Enoch, 'seventh from Adam' was supposed to have been taken by the Ruler of the Elohim and the ultimate Creator of the Adam-ic human line - to show that He ('God' according to most religious authorities on the particular text) was not cruel. (??)

Human beings are not boring or
useless. They could be,
so much more than the modern
lifestyle allows them to be.

I have no idea what that actually means, although I suppose it implies that the ejecting of Adam and Eve from this 'Eden' place was on account of some angry view 'God' had towards those two although I doubt that this is the correct perspective at all of what transpired. And then, that 'God' was now taking at least Enoch, back to this higher and better place although clearly it is not 'Eden' as such.

'Enoch' the figure that we modern people know through Biblical Scriptures is in fact another guy completely in reality and not anyone from the pre-Israelite Hebrew people at all - he is En.Me.Dur.An.Ki. the ancient Sumerian pre-Dynastic king also 'seventh on the (Sumerian) king list.'

That name means 'high priest of the ME's of the Bond Heaven-Earth.'

Same as the Greek word 'Christos' means the mathematical nexus between the material world and the 'upper world.'

So... ...There is a bond between Heaven and Earth; a bond between Earth people and the people of the stars.

When Enoch or Elijah and likely both, are returned here, it is because of this bond.

It is not at all that they do not care about humans and human society, but that they have a much different perspective on things.

'For of what friendship can there be between the people of Heaven and the people of the Earth?' This is a Biblical phrase somewhere to be found in Sacred Scriptures and it goes on to say there is indeed in fact some 'enmity' between them.

'ME' means the Decrees or Orders of Design/Structure of the 'newly-made' people set up here that were meant to live in a specially-arranged nice place in Mesopotamia. And this all went to pieces and we now have this 'Serpent in the Garden' legacy story and so on.

You would absolutely not believe that there is this clique of shadow-y global elite people, who imagine that - well in fact in their belief is it is really true like this and they believe it and don't just theorize or 'imagine' it - that these 'not from Earth' initiators of this grand (grandiose) design of the human being experiment, are all long since dead and gone but that they always had AI-style machines and 'beacons' and whatnot installed around the place and off the planet in space that continued on with the 'orders' on auto-pilot as it were.

And for this reason they adopt the terms and terminology from the ancient Sumerian texts about 'Global World Order' (this is literally from the Sumerian tablets) because they think that in the absence of any real ruling identity as such (aka 'God') then they can take over and have their rule supported by the legacy equipment; namely these AI-type hidden machines and beacons and virtually invisible subtle systems.

In other words, this 'Serpent' mindset is definitely still here trying to mess around with the plan.

And that would be all very fine for them in terms of the 'death' and or complete disappearance of 'God' if not for the proposition that these guys Enoch and Elijah are back or coming back.

Or already back if I may put it that way.

de Warren, again.

Personally I do not look down at the tiny little lights and see nothing meaningful at all.I know there are people there, people hurting, people suffering, people working hard, people trying, people doing things. But, I also know that in order for them to stop being in a bad way, they cannot keep on doing things like they do, thinking they even know what the heck they are doing -, because they sure do not.

It is absolutely in fact better for them to distance themselves from their so-called 'friends' and from what they are imagining is 'work' and how to make a living, and rise up a little to higher places away from the crowd and gain a little distance and some perspective.

'When you are clothed with power invested from Above' is not an idle phrase.

You have power able to be given to you to do all things.

There are plenty of these occult groups by which I mean evil groups, that do engage in 'remote viewing' and 'craft magic' and so on and they completely know what these auto-pilot devices are and where they are (mostly) and what they do and they can use some parts of them but not all and not the real high-end facets and that is because they do not know or possess the key codes.

Enoch has them and Elijah as them and I will give them to you right here.

And by using them you will gain all of this 'power from Above.'

Enoch was in communication continuously with the Heavens (according to the Kabbalah traditions) or that is to say, with people from a 'heavenly place.' As long as you seek this harmonic relationship you will be like a radio operator searching through band-widths and trying to find something you can make personal sense of. There are many transmissions, and some of them you will be able to make sense of.

Eloi Eloi...

Sounds like a radio-operator's opening transmission call doesn't it? You think I'm kidding but the clue is hidden on this page somewhere. I will tell you up next and when you see it, and if you accept it - it will blow your mind. (By the way I never leave the original captions on the pics inside of the pics that are uploaded here, do I? Or seldom...).

Sarah de Warren:

Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Henad

Although it is an Ancient Classical Greek word, it was adopted into the language of some early Hellenic-Hebrew writers to explain the nature of what was previously talked about by Hebrew religious scholars as 'angelic beings' (under many different and often quite separate terms, in fact).

The idea behind the word itself is that the leading examples of various classes or categories of highly advanced sentient beings - were all seamlessly joined in some way one with the other right across the whole spectrum of all of the angelic beings - hence 'the Henads;' various individual beings but that were all linked as one completely 'Cosmically' benevolent mindset.

Among these were the 'Erelim' - the Valiant Ones. The actual intended meaning being that they were relentlessly determined. 

This is the sort of landscape where I live.
All of these micro-flora are henadic.

In other words they could not be stopped.

The greatest problem in philosophy is this matter of how to account for the existence of evil in a framework that is supposed to have been made by a Good and a Perfect Mind.

Well the Erelim - once you understand what they are - go some way to explaining how things really operate.

Not everyone agrees with everyone else all of the time... We see this in our world and it is an obvious thing (in our world). 

In religious Cosmology, all of the Divine Beings (if you are henotheistic), or all of the Divine angelic beings certainly do agree among themselves, but this then does not explain the presence or even the very existence at all, of the Devil (if such a being exists) or of Satanic Forces and entities.

But this standard religious outlook is not sufficiently equipped with a genuine understanding of the nature of the material Universe itself (by which I mean all of it, especially including the intelligent creatures in it), to come to a decent explanation for the existence and the presence of Evil. And here I place the word with a capital initial.

The material Universe, as you well enough know from your own personal experience, consists of many things which change - are born, live, reach peaks, and then die.

And the completeness of the Universe means everything is in there. 

A celebration is a moment in time.
The perfect moments are
renewable always.

Temporary things are in there; ephemeral things are in there; long-lived and enduring things are in there - and some, a very few, permanent things are there and these never change and they never cease to be.

So you see where we are heading here: yes there are beings that are enduring and hard and difficult to extinguish or to resist or to restrain from their very wicked and evil actions and ways - yet if there were some higher strata being/beings, that were impossible to hold back from their determination -, then those beings would finally overcome the long-lived though terminating.

It is important, indeed pretty vital for you, if you are following along in this ride here with us, and going along with the propositions in order to reach the objective, to fully realize the internal feelings about what are here only able to be delivered in words.

As Socrates correctly proposed, thousands of years ago, artists and musicians are best able to express key ideas that cover all of the range of human sentience - especially the deep inner feelings; but they are themselves often the least able to understand what they are saying, or singing or playing or performing or describing in poetry and in pictures.

He suggested, in virtually the same way that the modern-era psychologist with the advanced nuclear bomb physics exposure - David R. Hawkins - did; that it was some kind of 'field effect' that had captured the artist's mind and their body as well, but almost like in an hypnotic trance process, for they themselves had little or no conscious clue about what they were really saying and doing and could not explain it logically when you asked them.

They just did it, and said it (or sang it). 

This is a wonderfully well 
shot photo.
The color is 'magneto bronze,'
but the pic is because of the reflection
of the golden wood of the floor.

Of course today in our world of media interviews, and pop and general cultural commentary and public interest, artists regularly say various things in answer to journalists questions, but this is almost never to say that the correct questions were even ever asked in the first place!

When isolated as words alone, or music alone in simple sheet-music note-and-beat form, such things never explain what it is that gives rise to the effect in the audience.

So many performers can render a song for instance, and follow the sheet music perfectly - and none of them will be the same as the individual or group that generated the actual 'hit.'

Now I can tell you direct and detailed things that you simply wouldn't believe about this, but rather than do that here, I will simply propose that you work into the unfolding of a process, as you see it and experience it - and it becomes a realization eventually - that 1. DNA is a locked mathematical thing, and that 2. what you see as the people around you are merely instances of individual sentient consciousnesses, encapsulated in one of those structures and 'things' that we spoke of earlier here -, namely that are born, grow, peak, and then die... It is an existence of a type whose nature is a profile across a period of linear time.

And but then 3. the fact that the DNA structure individually is mathematical and quite fixed and set - means that it can be regenerated over and over.

Yet again though nevertheless, the particular DNA individual set, is something which arises out of the continuous dynamic mixture of people's DNA - in other words a 'final' result from case to case is an 'after the fact' matter, it is not a pre-designed matter. It might be a pre-suggested, or a projected potential, but it does not become a 'fact' until after the event, after the fact, as it were.

That is why human life exists.

I happen to be able to tell
that this is a Chinese butler!
...Just from the pic alone.
A modern day, current-day actually,
Beijing-economy Chinese butler.

It is dynamic art.

Not artifice.

But then, on account of the completeness of the material existence of the Universe (of matter and form and movement), there are determined things which pass (or that fail, to put it more bluntly), and these are also things that are opposed (to others), and not aligned or in agreement with anyone but themselves (at the extreme end) and never in agreement with the peak benevolent structures and people (sentient beings) at any time.

They simply fade away.

But permanently.

It might look sad on the surface but it is true nonetheless.

...As you now approach the down-to-earth, material, market facts of, for example, the price of gold and the price of silver, compared to the little discussions here previously to do with the Silver Elves - still never not for one single moment do many of you think there really are such actual literal beings; or that any such things could have imparted knowledge of the future.

And seeing that probably not many had have gone out and picked up several cases of French cognacs and decent French wines early last year, clearly it is an instance where the determination of the Erelim could play a role; so for as long as you draw breath and deny that whatever is said here is true and correct and in fact must come to pass, then for that time will it be that we will keep on doing it. LOL!

It is a simple matter to say that this new technology to do with so-called 'diamond batteries' is a thing. Yes. 

It's the whole composition, that makes the 
cherries, jubilant!
Including the fire. Or the flame as it is.

For of course it is.

But to see and to understand the consequences from here is not so easy.

Naturally you will not believe a single thing that we say about it here or now.

The world marches on, endlessly on the standard gorgeous (gorgeously ridiculous) corporate media, and nothing of the establishment can change - right?

You invest in the same things, expect the same things, rely on the same things, assume the same 'powers' rule everywhere and with everything.

But it is not so.

Not even at all.

Trillions of dollars are 'invested' in the way things are...

When you can see - then at last you will see and know:

Sunday 14 July 2024

A Great Lesson

Are we going to avoid talking about recent things in the news media?

No, we are not.

And you might think it is somewhat surprising that there was not a good deal of discussion beforehand by prognosticators of various sorts, about the chances of assassination and acts intended to achieve it.

In any case there could have and should have been, 'signs.'

Not really dove-grey...

We should remind ourselves that the one decisive material 'sign' of an intelligent 'upper field' becoming involved in the scene - and I mean your/one's personal scene and affairs of the world; in the world - is the presence of doves.

If you have the experience of a dove coming close to you, to near your face and hands for no obvious reason - then this is what in past times was considered an 'angelic sign,' virtually always of absolute solid protection from evil forces at work.

Birds are very capable of 'holding' for a temporary occasion, intelligent messaging and even actual non-carnal human 'mind,' and presenting this to a living person, that is to say, someone living materially in this material world. The heart rate of a dove can go up to 600 beats per minute and its nervous signalling access rate accommodates the communication of the 'higher world.'

The other important fact to observe, is that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is part of our current common life. It is nothing out of the ordinary: there is trauma everywhere.

And we have become used to it.

And that is why otherwise sensitive people, are not making more noise about the risks of future actual danger and endangerment.

Also grey.
Kind of a dove too, you know.

Yes plenty dramatize things to the max by talking about the risks of nuclear war and military nuclear outbreaks.

But as for closer to daily life problems no one speaks very loudly.

You will have noticed I am sure, that I have in recent months veered far away from hyperventilating about any current 'issues' that dominate today's world. 

But what I have explicitly said, is that all of these traumatic things will not harm you - even though you will have many of them and the people ruled by them, try and affect your life and well-being.

It is a force of tremendously powerful evil that has entered manifestly into the modern world.

It has been here of course, for a long time already.

But it is manifesting itself egregiously everywhere.

Yet side-by-side is the world as it also is, and this is where you must live and remain.

There are physical material things and people here right now in this world, not of this world.

Recently I had the opportunity to eat some oysters, flown in by private jet, from Coffin Bay in the Eyre Peninsular of South Australia.

Well I have eaten oysters, all over the world, and you may be the richest person on the planet but if you have not eaten Coffin Bay oysters you have not even come close to consuming the best.

There is no comparison at all, between fresh oysters sold everywhere under the banner of 'the best' or premium oysters, and Coffin Bay oysters.

Plenty of people hate oysters, and they generally say things about them like 'yuck!'

But that is because they have not actually had oysters (of the kind that Coffin Bay oysters are).

Near Coffin Bay, the Eyre Peninsular,
South Australia.

You can get a very wrong impression of a thing, and superficially it can look like what its name represents -, only the true peak example will be the thing.

All the standard religious ideologies and their appertaining Cosmologies, speak of some unseen, invisible realm above (and certainly there are places 'above' technically in a manner of speaking) - but the world is sufficiently replete with the entire range of life to have in it, actual examples of what they are talking about.

Ordinary people aspire to the rich lifestyle, to being places with people that are 'wealthy' and so on.

You should be focusing on the field, not the person exhibited in the standard narrative of people's thinking.

Growing human consciousness is additive, not a matter of differentiation per se.

This is the whole point of the religious ideal of 'repentance' in a nutshell; although on the one hand the standard narrative is about a person deciding not to behave in certain ways (that are deemed bad), the core of it is the fact that someone learns in an additive way, nuances to do with their perpetually-existing same self.

They are always the same person.

Otherwise the actual logic even of the standard religious narrative is false; which it is at heart, not.

The functional phrases in the standard Western religious sacred texts are - 'from the Beginning,' and 'until invested with power from Above.'

You are who you are.

Daintree Rainforest.
Has everything in it.
Prolly has a dove-grey Bentley
in it somewhere...

But you become more, not, some other person!

My suggestion is that you give up all of this worrying about some other place and the ineffability of it for the Earth-living human mortal. Give up even, waiting for Godot (ET Alien landing). 

Don't wait.

Be, in the existential field of what is truly advanced. 

Yes. The thought is scary because you will be giving up this standard narrative that others will simply open your head and empty into it, ways and means that until that moment, you never had access to. You have access to it all now. 

There are very very few though, that walk here, who really are also - there. They are in a field that extends far into the Universe.

Yet ordinary birds can be in that field.

You, are able to move birds around with your thoughts. And they are well able to show you the presence of a high-speed communications field that is surrounding you even though you are normally unaware of it. Become aware of it.

Now. Today.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Right On The Money

Some, well most or even all, of the last few comments of participators here are right on the money. 

Said in different words, it is what I want to say in part.

Sure there are a few items of importance 'out there' in the pop culture Universe of our world - and everyone is trying to make money off those small elements; be some of them still quite important when dealt with in the right hands.

Beautiful high-end Italian
A bit of a clue there, although this thing
was not made by the Mafia.
If it were made by the Mafia it would
have a government contract
backing it; which it doesn't.

...It would be almost impossible for me to explain in detail what I have been doing over these last several weeks but to cut things short it vaguely has to do with observing some of the contractors who will be involved with the new AUKUS multi-billion dollar project down here.

I guess the thing that shocks me, even me(!), is just how orchestrated, how long-in-the-planning, how well laid out far in advance these mega-spend projects really are.

'Conspiracy theory' stuff? Doesn't even come close to expressing it. It's all of it a nasty business up-and-down and in-and-out and sideways.

Who would have thunk the America military industrial complex is so deeply involved with the Italian, er, 'industrial-scale mega organizational complex...' 

One of the top people involved in a sub-contracting end here, has met me - I would say 'encountered' me - a very long time ago and only just today gave an indication with his raised eyebrows for the first time that it was dawning on him that he had seen me somewhere before but not really knowing exactly where and when and in just what circumstances.


No more I can say about that at the present time.

Point-end brisket.
Time for the meat and potatoes soon...
I guess.

Maybe later things will develop into a 'public knowledge' context.

But back to our own business at hand.

Just sit back for a moment and consider the obvious - and yet an obvious that apparently no one actually considers obviously:

Your brain is a device, an organic structure with discreet elements and facets that are easily able to be 'read' by sophisticated machines at a distance.

Let's assume an advanced and sophisticated intelligent/intellectual, ET Alien mission moving around the place here, looking at human beings all over the place.

What do they see?

They see people, when they are actively engaging their inner minds like say in 'prayer' at mosques, bowing down to an unseen, un-disclosed 'entity' with the agenda of having them be slaves - and they act for all intents and purposes literally under the guiding principle within each of them that they are slaves.

They repeat jingoistic phrases and they have no individual moral agency.

Like amoeba they are dead dull boring.

But, they approach the 'external mind' question with the basic underlying statement or position of 'wanting,' 'desiring,' even needing in many cases.

Same goes with the Cathedral at Notre Dame. Exactly the same. When they pray, they want. 

Nothing and no one existential is 'disclosed' or evidenced in the immediate now. Not in mosques, not in cathedrals.

And you want 'Disclosure' and certainly existentially now evidence, let's say, for ET being here.

Friend of a friend,
of a friend.
Someone you've seen
before too.
Name's Leilani.

Well fine.

Then take this position and not the one that everyone else is taking and has been taking:

Say not what you want, what you need - those things are obvious - but in terms of these important matters of volition (which is the basis of relationship and good communication anyway), ask instead 'am I what you are interested in...?'

And I don't mean for food, which is the crass sci-fi pulp fiction theme of scary stories.

See the question really is at all times and junctures - why would 'they' be at all interested to Disclose to you?

It's a crucial question.

It's actually the obvious question.

Yet - for countless hundreds and hundreds even thousands of years - people have developed institutional ideologies and religions, based on the precise reverse of that posture. The 'above' is more powerful by far (presumed so, and from the textual narratives, supposedly evidences this extreme power; Sodom & Gomorrah and so on...) - and so we ask it for assistance.

The fact is, in a relationship formed from decent communication - assistance is a given, but actual relationship is certainly not, unless, there is a basis for that relationship's meaningful and wholesome footing.

Are you what they want (to be involved with)?

And why?

What are you...

We know what they are - they are far more advanced technologically, and almost certainly socially and intellectually they are as well.

Lots and lots of stars.
Geez just look at that...

I guarantee you, that no sooner have you altered this 'stance' between 'us' and 'them,' than you will encounter them formally and fulsomely. In the existential now.

If you are an interesting person or can be that given the opportunity to grow in intellectual sophistication.

I mean otherwise why would you simply not be like some indiscriminate form of an anonymous amoeba, floating around on the surface of the planet, making towers like a bunch of ants, making a lot noise and creating havoc and unpleasantness everywhere, living and dying in very complicated ways but all along as slaves with a slave mindset, a dull fixated mind, and being always as if needful of the help of others and never having the tools or the ability or the genuine intention to provide anything in the other direction - coming 'halfway across the street,' as it were.

Jesus said you were important, but He only said potentially important because afterall, He kept on badgering humans as to their faults and how they ought to change their ways or else not reach this 'heaven' they keep all wanting to get to.

So like I said, it's not that you are not important enough but that people are not oriented in the direction of actual importance to others of a truly advanced nature.

Yes it would be 'nice' for them to show obviously. But so what then, even if they did??!

Would you just still be some 'nuther typical needy human mortal continuously begging to be taken as a slave in exchange for a Cosmic billion dollars or whatever.

What a great deal! Right?

They will show up for that, right?

M.A.T. Stratos.
Brand new.
You can get one today.

Why don't you just can that attitude and ask 'what makes me good for you, or if not you specifically then for some example of this clearly present other lot from the stars somewhere that are capable of being in sync with me/us.'

Hypothetically (because it's not actually important) 'if' you went out to Red Rocks on the 27th, they are coming to see you, buddy!

But why are they...? Why you specifically?

You are a superb bio-organic machine, with all of the systems and brain tools to do anything any super-advanced ET species can. But are you doing them?

Are you really?

If the last few thousand years have not been a learning curve for the human, then they've been a waste of time. It's right there in the Bible: 'a lot of time will pass and knowledge will grow greatly...'

When those words were first put down here here, the rest of it went more or less - 'and you are going to have to be wise.'

But now, the phrasing should read 'you are going to have to be really wise.'

The Universe wastes nothing; not time, not matter, not energy, not anything. You will make it.

Those of you who got one of those 'preparations' or kits that I sent out a long while back - just go look up 'Tamiflu' online in the Wikipedia entry. Go to the bottom of the page under the heading 'History of.' 

See how you 'believe' with a rising emotional feeling inside, absolute c**p when it comes in 'official' authoritative packaging, with 'sci-ence' claimed to be behind it?

But you never even for one second credited the items in that kit; were underwhelmed, most likely, by some of those very 'ordinary' ingredients.'


You think this kind of info comes from plain ordinary sources?

When FluQE hits, you will not be harmed. You have the antidote.

Even if there are 'supply shortages' - which there will be - you will know what to get and where to get it from and how to make it. Because you've already been told.

Now let's see. What's the price of VSOP from France these days...