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Friday 1 December 2023

It's ALL Secret

'Large' as in 'owes a lot of money' property and real estate companies are collapsing everywhere across the world right now - in Sydney a huge one run by Jean Nassif just hit the wall, and in Europe the really gigantic Signa went broke. 

Signa 'owns' flagship London City real estate like Selfridges Department Store among a constellation of large irresponsible holdings.
We're going conservative -
no more talk of ET Aliens...

All of this is on the 'basis' - so the general media outlets say - that because they had borrowed when money was free, now that the interest rates are a minuscule 5/6 % they naturally have to go broke!

Money is never free.

If you thought that funding capital with 'free' borrowed money would permit you to just spend and spend and spend on ever more outrageous and commercially stoopid projects, then it would seem that two other essential aspects to business were eluding your mind all along:

1. the projects should (must!) generate a net positive cash-flow;

2. you have to pay back the money that you borrowed and what was the thinking on that? That money was always going to be 'free' and that selling capital assets would be able to fund/re-fund all initial liquid funds proportions of capital - which was borrowed in the first place?

Which insane banker lent to this kind of lunatic nonsense?

Well - all of them did!

Now you've got two other problems...

Firstly of course, you have the corporate collapses.

And secondly you have what must be technically insolvent banks.

The real problem to the claptrap being spouted in all of the corporate media everywhere right now is that this is the 'end of the interest rate tightening cycle' (there is no such thing as an 'interest rate cycle'), and that inflation is coming down and so interest rates must be - will be - cut by central banks.
Okay I changed my mind.
...What you don't know - but
you now do 'cuz I just told you:
there are these private parties around the
place, where all the rich
men and women
dress in expensive
Fendi modernized Star Trek
This pic above is the absolute
latest Fendi fashion, and to even
buy it you have to be on a 
'special customer list.'

The idea that because corporate holders of real estate all went broke necessarily therefore the real estate prices themselves must fall is sheer nonsense - banks cannot afford to write back the values of the assets they just stole from the collapsed enterprises or they too will also go broke.

After all they never had any real money to lend in the first place; they took it from those central banks who got it from you the taxpayer and the insane lunatic legal codes and weirdo fake 'democracy' constitutions and whatever else has allowed them to even exist.

Here, right here in this place we do buy silver and some gold.

And why do we do that?

Or, better question - how can we do that?

Well because we have a net positive cash flow that's how come we can.

It's modest but it is not meaninglessly so, and it certainly is sufficient to permit me or Bill Smith to go down the Terrace a few blocks and head into the Perth Mint and buy things there with our registered account/s.

The amount of economy-wide risk in the world right now is absolutely stupendously huge - and there is no way that an expression of that risk equates to 5% benchmark government bond rates in major Western economies.

If you had a lot of money to invest for gain, then in the words of Elon, at 5%: 'Go * *.'


Okay. You're a central bank and my god you are so important. You want to offer to the market of serious professional investors some of your rubbish debt at 5%.

And seriously, you have convinced the whole GD world that real estate is a great investment, and money was able to be lent/borrowed over the last twenty-odd years for nothing, and it can all go into real estate development, and that this is the 'end of the tightening cycle' and everything is fine and everything will be great moving forward.

Yeah yeah no problem.

Fifty million listen to the Fed and all of the TV-land commentators every day, every month, every year.

No one, practically-speaking, comes here and listens.
Every day on
the Golden Road...

And that is why the Golden Road starts here and it even ends here as well.

This is the Golden Road and you are on it.

Jesus did not quite come back already yesterday.

...But the Wise Maidens sure as heck are here.

And they have the oil for their lamps.

Am I right?

No one else has any oil for their lamps - and things have never been darker.

I know some of you look at the recent jumps in commodity gold, and say 'Gee if only.' And Calvin said not to.

Calvin s-a-i-d stay here.

Here, we don't self-indulge in two per cent 'leaps' or get emotional about fragile rises, or seeming rises.

We get upwards of twenty per cent annually and take massive multiples in capital gains and if we can, we avoid taxes too!

I mean we're not supposed to, right. I get that. You can get fined and even jailed if you do that intentionally or you do it on some grand scale.

And we would never do that.

At least not intentionally so that we could be found out.

It's all secret - all - the Golden Road, the ET Aliens, the private parties, the way out...

You just happened to find your way here. What will happen next?

Wednesday 29 November 2023


What kind of road was it?

A golden one.

And that is not a hint about the gold commodity price - which of course does seem to be rising a touch.

The trouble with the gold price in recent times is that it is in fact quite volatile for anyone who is actually messing around with leveraged positions. Don't do it, is my suggestion.

Buy gold?

The golden stairs, the golden walls,
the golden chandeliers...

For sure you can.

Slowly, with physical delivery, and over a long time.

The 'road to Samarkand,' though, is golden.

What is this 'Samarkand' and why was it regarded as a worthwhile place to take a long journey to?

Well, your history books will tell you nothing.

However 'Roshana' means from the stars, or an actual star. And the stars that fell from the sky and landed leaving mounds of stones (Classical Greek: marak/s) - which same word is the actual basis for 'San Marco Piazza' in Venice (because that 'Marco' has nothing to do with 'Saint Mark' as most people believe, although it has been syncretised with the modern Christian religion) are thought of as sacred to the God Hermes. ...'Sa'Marak'Qand.'

There is much more to the ancient traditional folklore involved here than the superficial stories that are still vaguely intact from the past. But one clue is that Roshana (the wife of Alexander the Great) dedicated herself to the God Athena.

The whole entire basis of Muhammad's account about meeting with a being who appeared at first like a star and then either held a bow and arrow, or was - who stood and communicated - a shot bow's length away from him -, comes from this specific ancient cultural folklore about beings who flew like arrows through the night sky (aka 'Sogdians:' those who shoot arrows) and were stars or from stars.

Personalized, etched wine glass.

To travel to Samarkand means to travel to an unearthly place, which had direct connections even to the stars. 

After all, Hassan and his friends already had all the valuable silk and confectionery and spices; which they were bringing with them to trade - so they were not going to Samarkand for those things. And sure, maybe there was money to be had there but then, so was there in Baghdad where they were leaving from.

So why make the long and hazardous journey to Samarkand?

Was the ruler there better or wiser than the Caliph of Baghdad?

Could have been...

But the story is essentially about human life and human death, and not the difference merely between earthly rulers.

As we move into the next phase of heightened mainstream media reportage about what the CIA apparently 'knows' and also what it organizes and coordinates for outside-of-official-government military equipment and weapons technology manufacturers to do with the suggested finding of nine separate ET Alien craft including two that are fully intact - and the re-engineering of or the back-engineering from, all of this 'recovered' hardware - let me just re-state what we have been saying here for five years or longer:

None of this, what the media is talking about, is true at all.

Rotations in the aerial silks...
Round and round and round.
While you hear the music blasting 
from the track below. 

The truth is more esoteric, more exotic, more sinister, and more 'conspiracy thinking' aligned than anything about what the CIA has or does with supposed 'recovered technology.' 

If you, for example, were a person who had found your way to Nevada, out to the desert there, and were actually beginning to engage and very modestly, communicate with ET Aliens - the secret cadres within government who monitor these things would hunt you down and they would stop what you were doing and sometimes that would be very aggressively done.

They tend not to do it with the women who go out there, and the crazy post-modern 'Hippies,' because they can control those and even manipulate them and certainly, they can insert 'plants' into the groups and subvert their thinking quite easily.

Plenty of fact-based details emerge into the public arena but these are also brutally messed with eventually and end up as part of a very mixed-up 'story' in the public's mind.

The biggest mistake anyone can ever make with all of this is to think that 'the government' (that is to say, those who are active there in all of this, whether the OGA or the CIA), is also 'searching for answers' like anyone else might be doing.

The government (IE 'the government') knows 100% what this is all about.

They already have access to a lot of super-advanced technology and do not need any from ET Aliens that are trying to reach out to us.

...But if you keep your eyes and ears open, and just be more skeptical of the official propaganda and consider things more using your own logic instead - you will probably not miss the key moments and the key understandings that are required in order to make sense of any of it and then see through the trajectory of events as they unfold.

You would be surprised how much ET Aliens are interested in beer, as much as they are in golden roads, and how they place themselves (they are here) in altogether mundane places so that people are mostly all none the wiser.

I've already said too much.

The other big mistake is to do with trying to have all and sundry 'know' about stuff.

People generally who think they have stumbled onto some 'mighty big secret,' just want to tell the whole world.

Except the world that you are in does not consist of all the same kinds of mindsets within the people here.

Do not be naive.

You can 'get out' in the 'dead of night -,' more or less alone.

Sunday 26 November 2023

Here We Go - Giggle Giggle

You know of course that I was not going to say what this all-fired thing is right here and now, but heck I've changed my mind.

But first - all the jokes that only good (and not to mention also rich!) Muslims will understand.

This text is an authentic hadith, brother! And it is graded hassan - which means good, strong, sound.

Also means 'handsome,' by the way, which is why so many Arab kids are named 'Hassan.'

How can you not know it??

Vaguely, very vaguely - a clue for you.
No, no. Not 'The Travels of Marco Polo...'

What? You do not know it?!


Now when you get it, you have to read it properly.

Start at the beginning, and follow the thing properly all the way through; it is not long at all.

Each page, why each line, is a fruit from Heaven.

Unless you read this and see the whole thing, you will not be able to follow along when we start the journey into another world, another place entirely from here.

You will otherwise get lost in the maze of this world.

And be side-tracked.

Who can compose such a writing as this?

For who can compose even just one verse like unto it, whether they be Jinn or Man...

So can you, by the way, guess what the text is? 

It is written in the form of a play.

I suppose, well not 'I suppose,' it is essentially true - that only those who are able to observe those things of the past, maybe of their own personal past, that are not let's say, ideal, not the way they would choose to act and react: they are the ones who can accommodate 'a heavenly realm.'

Others simply cannot.

Where the wealthy go...

We are, as humans - as Plato considered - half way between the mortal and the divine. What keeps people back in the enclosure of mortality is that they cannot see.

It is completely easy to see rich things, to see a wealthy lifestyle, to admire nice things and to desire them. These are material things. 

But so too are the inner emotions and understandings also material things - they are true and they are real, if unseen by the fundamental optical vision of the human eyes.

One cannot enter into the realms of heaven without an intimate knowledge and understanding of moral right and wrong - and this can only come from experience in the dynamic mortal realm of existence.

Which is why some religious thinkers posit some intermediate place, a place not Hellish at all, but not yet truly Heaven as such either... This is where the souls of the deceased innocent children go, in this hypothesis.

The religious concept (and which is also a primary psychological one described by Jung and also Freud in his own way) of 'forgiveness' is highly complex when examined closely. One cannot simply just choose to abandon the ways that do harm, and then by the same token too, say that one has 'forgiven' others who do wrong to you.

The shawl of the traveler...

And this is because we all have bio-chemical and neuro-chemical processes going on that demand that we feel in certain ways!

We did not and do not intend to install such processes inside of us; they are already there.

We can no more choose to not feel them than fly to the moon on a magical camel.

The essential problem also involves the human ego - what it really is. 

Is it intrinsically my own consciousness of self?

But what if I had a different composition of those bio-chemical process structures...? Would 'I' then still nonetheless be 'me, myself?'

The logical thing is that neither can I expect to be free of wrong-doing myself, nor am I able to pretend that I have 'forgiven' any others, when I know those others have not changed in their own internal construction; especially of the bio-chemistry and neural responses of which they were made up as a particular identifiable 'self.'

In the human world I have choice, but I do not have supreme power.

There is a great and a totally commonplace mistake that most if not all Christians mistake in this matter, when they talk about 'forgiveness.'

They misread what the words in the sacred scriptures are.

They read it as 'forgive others that you may be forgiven.'

It doesn't say that.

It says, 'Forgive the transgressions of others.' Not forgive what people are. People who are evil cannot be forgiven; they are evil. God hates evil, and He hates the evil (people, diabolic, diabolic beings).

You can forgive what a person does, but not what a person is.

And because people are not finished beings, they must be left behind if they cannot change - you have to also leave behind the things of this world, in order to see and to be with the things of the next world.

The text is 'Hassan' by James Elroy Flecker.

The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and how he came to make the Golden Journey to Samarkand...

The power of the forgiveness of sins is a power endowed by the application of logic.

Logic comes from Truth and God is Truth.

You, if you possess logic, have the power to forgive yourself, what you have done. You are though, a person that understands the difference between Good and Evil - this, what you are, does not need to be forgiven. If you possess logic, you possess a power of God. Thus you indeed are somewhere between the mortal, and the divine; in part. 

Next, you must go to the next stage...

Jews, generally speaking, do not have a concept of 'sins.' Each year they 'sweep the mischief they have done under a carpet' (Yom Kippur) so that they can just go ahead and do it all again next year, because at the end of the year, they have Yom Kippur again.

Muslims do have some sort of concept of bad deeds and evil acts, but these are presented (in the religion, not in their own families) in the Koranic context that says that Allah decides who does what, where and when. So it's a bit fatalistic.

Star Trek is the only ideology that maintains a discourse along the lines that beings, typically human and/or humanoid beings, can change and become something better than they had been.

Vulcans all abandoned emotions because they saw these as the sources of evil.

The humans of Star Trek apparently, somehow viewed virtually free energy as the condition for a post-scarcity economy and thus, it was that scarcity was the source of Evil in societies; to the humans, of the Star Trek Universe.

And yet text-book Abrahamic Faiths do not think that scarcity is the source of Evil: in fact quite the opposite, if anything. 

After all, it was a tree that was there, in the Garden, and from its fruit came a desire whose fulfillment held evil consequences for people. 

Frankly, seeing the World, you would have to say that this tree was very very abundant indeed, its fruit not scarce at all.

The lust for money is the root of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

But lust itself is not wrong.

Humans who are 'of the right stuff,' lust for the heavens and for a better life and a better world.

Saturday 25 November 2023

Might As Well Explain...

Okay, so I was hoping that, yes sure, we can make some money, no problem...

But I wanted to do it slowly and steadily and not shake anything around or make any waves at all.

I'm going to try and stick to that plan as much as possible but it really does look at this stage that we will be making a whole lot of money and maybe sooner than I had originally expected.

Really what I wanted to do was fly so far under the radar that not too much in the way of government-scrutinized anything would be required, at all.

That is probably not going to be so desirable in any case now.

To cut a long story short, and you all know this side of it anyway - there is far greater funding available when you have government-registered official status as some venture that can be a deductible expense to others.

So. Enough said on that already. Won't talk about it any more until something completely concrete actually happens. Will it...?

At this stage the option for it is on the table with strong government arena support in the mix.

So that's all good as far as it goes. I guess.

And to be fair, in the end it's all about the kids who benefit.

Can I keep - will I be able to keep the mainspring of everything completely hidden, and well-hidden?


Silver Digital Dirhams will not feature anywhere and no one needs to know that anyone around this place has ever been doing anything other than just commenting - making commentary - about the stuff that the US Congress is talking about anyway.


But I've made no secret about spelling out clearly where and what and who, actual real ET Aliens are - if, someone ever came up with say, a million bucks so that I could go hide quickly afterwards!

We have plenty of natural pink salt 
down here in Australia.
And it's pinker than Himalayan pink salt!

Well, looks like those kinds of numbers are gathering and if they ever become a hard reality in a directly-controlled account somewhere that I can personally move around nimbly, then I will try and give out the information anyway, although my concept always was to hand it on to much younger people so that they would not be pushed around by the ruthless and the malicious when it comes to the ordinary human 'man-in-the-street' who gets manipulated and exploited viciously.

And to be able to get the attention of the junior set, you have to market the truth - you cannot just hand it to them; they've never seen it, and won't be able to assess or understand it and appreciate what it is and how to use it.

There we were, just happily skipping along, doing as we pleased, talking nonsense and some not so nonsensical things now and then, very occasionally...

Humans are half way between Life and Death.

I am by no means any kind of standard human you have ever encountered.

The smart thing to do is to move toward Life, and steer away from Death. Death is a real thing. 

People all think they know what Life is. They have no clue.

What is this - some kind of
Italian ice cream thing going on here?

They imagine that 'saving someone's life on the battlefield' or in the hospital or somewhere is something to do with Life.

Humans are living creatures but they are not fully Alive.

You can't 'save' the life of someone who is not even yet fully Alive. A consciousness is subsisting within a material and dynamic moving frame with biological processes in train and electro-chemical systems powered-up and neurology making cause-and-effect memories to be stored in cells. That is the status of a human being.

All that you are doing is -, and what you are being intent on 'saving' is - simply the maintaining of a certain status quo of an object not a person in truth and in the full dimensions of that being's potential complete reality.

In other words yes you can maintain a state of effective robotic activity and even then only up to point, beyond that point of course, is what you term 'death.'

And even that is mis-describing things: what you are describing is the break-down of some materially connected processes in a self-contained 'sarca.'

The tuning and the harmonics of the electro-neurological circuitry is what is truly intelligibly  'Alive.'

The future is the future...

Richard Dawkins and deGrasse Tyson are continuously intent on saying that there is no evidence for either 'God' or para-natural things like ET Aliens and so on.

But for people who claim to be scientists, and who must at least subscribe to mathematics more than just in name only, you would have thought - for such people they are indulging in extreme wild walks in probability and gambling when they then next 'conclude,' for instance, that they will not go to Hell when they 'die.' Because, as they assume -  'Hell does not exist' and so on in the long list of their presumptions.

It is an intellectual mistake to simply and rashly assume that they will not go to a literal Hell - when all the religious teachings say that they will.

Because they certainly will do.

And they are taking extreme gambler's odds against it in stubbornly insisting on not facing the essential moral intelligibility of the problem:

It's intelligibly sensible to make an investigation first, before merely assuming such things when the consequences are so great in the negative.

You'll be driving this, Bill.

These are the same people, by the way, who would jump at the notion that with the aid of a neural implant, one will be able to transfer one's consciousness out of a dying body...

See the problem is not really if or whether or not one is able to do that - the real problem is where do you wish to send your 'consciousness' if that even were a thing, and a real thing...

I am going to teach you all - and this is from literally advanced, super-advanced ET Alien knowledge and understandings - what this key, in fact essential quality of desirable environment, is and is all about.

It's about the desirability of the environment; not the putative practicability from some strained contemporary woke-y 'science' perspective of it, is.

If you promise to actually go and read this thing I will name in while here - it's not something written recently; it's from something written in the late-Nineteenth century.

Do you promise?

Because I will certainly ask questions afterwards.

And if absolutely no one reflects back the 'harmonics' then -, why it will be pointless going on too much further about that subject.

Thursday 23 November 2023

How Much Is 'Amazing' For You?

After maybe one more year from now, some of you will come to learn the most utterly amazing things via this place right here.

Recently Dr Steven Greer was being interviewed by a quite well-funded channel (very well-funded, in fact), and he was asked why he could not 'produce an Alien hand or some very clear photos of an Alien craft...' ...In other words, to show some iron-clad evidence for the existence of all of this stuff.


I guess you have to laugh, really.

We are not forgetting our
Silver Dirhams.

But some of you right here will have the evidence. And then - even then, or better said, especially then - you will not either want to nor probably be able to just give it out to anyone and everyone.

We are going to shift gears slightly right now and discuss the matter of money; getting lots of it.

The silver price has not been going up.

The gold price has flipped around a bit but not really actually going up over the course of two/three years now.

But we are adding to our silver position in the Digital Silver Dirhams all the time!

Who knows that this is even happening? Certainly no one out there in JP Morgan/Wall Street brilliant genius investor-land.

We're on our own. (Note the song below).

Buffett is in cash largely, and the dividends on equities across the board are all pathetic.

The US dollar is facing problems from ratings agencies - who have some view, let's admit it, that there are serious problems ahead; and there are.

So where to next?

A better question is - what is an 'amazing return' to you?

'Healing tea' at the
'healing gardens.'
...This is not a pic from our place
though; it's just a pic.

I'll give you a scenario and then you tell me what that says to your sense about 'making good money.'

Take a starting capital of two thousand dollars at the most - even if that be in little dribs and drabs over say a year or so. This is capital you do not send away anywhere or give to brokers or anyone.

And have it grow into $128,000 in around or probably even under five years. And there will be nothing at all out there in the wider market/markets that can or will happen that will be able to interfere with that result. It's a certainty to happen.

You don't believe me? You can do it yourself. You don't need anyone else to help you achieve it. 

...Actually what we are going to do -, is we are going to do it here.

As you know we support a 'small' project to assist youth employment and tertiary placements for kids with Autism. And that thing that we will do through here - the proceeds are and will be going to that endeavor.

Right now we even have a large tract of land where there is a so-called 'healing garden' in place and which will be developed further from its current status - which is still quite good all the same despite it was only recently started, I have to say.

I do not make all the rules with this particular spot of land but there will be another one soon too, and this one I will be making all the rules about - and take it as far as local council rules and reg.'s will allow of course.

And this is not a pic of our car either!
It's a pic about 'ion ceramic
paint protection skin.'
Good stuff.

We are running drones on the current spot of land. Because the responsible drone flying project is still the back-bone of what we are doing. And that is coming into some focus down here too right now, because 'responsible' is partly to do with the safety issues surrounding bush-fires on open bush-land where tourists go to take pics of the wildflowers and wildlife. ...And where they often create bush-fire risks with the things they do.

I think those of you who have been in financial markets for a long time know this though: it's not always just about some scale-able process, or not about that alone - it's almost always, and I would personally say is always, some thing that you cannot and that you should not disclose to all and sundry. For a start it will damage the prospects, because most people are greedy and injudicious. And they can't keep their mouths shut when confidentiality is a key factor to something working very well.

Those of you who have been here for a good long while will be able to slightly, at least 'read between the lines' and things will jump out for you where they might not necessarily be so apparent to newcomers.

And that's a good thing.

Newcomers will probably have to engage more directly and we'll talk to them and see what is possible.

And re the 'most amazing things' that you will learn?

Oh those will come by and by.

Actually what's going to happen - at least for some of you - is that you will at last realize that there are 'beings here,' and they have a slightly different culture, and a highly upgraded one: