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Sunday, 15 October 2023

Gold And The Rule Of 72

So, the 'Rule of 72' is simply the calculation you use to find out how many years it will take to double your investment given the Nominal Return you had/have.

You take the number '72' and divide it by the Return number.

Gold went up say, 5% from its average during last week to late Friday night in a fairly sudden if, frankly, belated reaction to the Israel/Gaza situation.

It will take you 14.4 years if you keep doing that every year from now on (succeed in gaining that return).

Free to read, here:

The problem is not the rate of return you got late last week, the problems - and there are at least three of them - consist of the opportunity cost factor together with the lack of interest returns on gold holdings, and the uncertainty ('infinity' risk) of forward price speculating.

The outright fact is, it is the benchmark Bond Rate which is determining all other investment considerations at the present time. Thus, the Risk-Free rate of return is already more or less 5% and that is a guaranteed 'locked in' return; it is not speculating for a return. So, back to around 14 years but at least that is set in stone - or as set in the financial granite of economics as is possible under our current regime of economics and banking.

Still not enough for me though.

I want to double my cash in a much shorter time.

These things are some of the
elements of aesthetics in design.
They are static items.
When they become dynamic, they are...

The 'hot zone' for an increase (again) in the Bond Rate is from now till New Year, when no one in the mug public (and hence the media) is looking or sufficiently caring.

It is still an act of speculation, to assume that for sure the interest rates will be once more re-set upwards over the next three months.

But at least superficially, whereas my 'friends' tell me that gold is no certain bet in any meaningful way (means cannot go 'gap up' or enough up to give someone with a moderate amount of capital a worthwhile 'comparative rational investor risk' lift) - it is nonetheless clearly obvious that prior to the next round of interest rate Fed moves, gold is not a bad place to be, if one goes by the standard folklore about gold and wars.

Yet, if you are given the information that allows a person to penetrate through why and how the Fed is able to suppress the gold price at all, and over such a long period already, it becomes more than clear what the true dynamics are in current markets and in the price of money and costs of capital.

Which leads me back to a theme that few will credit and most will observe is merely a way of me being ironic:

Am I personally in touch with actual real-life, physical material ET Aliens...?

Oh yes. Absolutely.

'To go where there are temples, 
in which the gods really dwell,
and see them as they really are.'
'For the Kingdom of God is
like a child...'

But I underscore this aspect now, once again, and will continue to do so going forward - it is just not a matter critically to do with 'process' at all. If it had to do only with process alone, then anyone and everyone would be in contact with advanced super species.

Hamas would, Bibi would, VV would; everyone who could follow a process would.

And humans are not stupid. Well they are stupid but not so stupid that they are unable to follow a fundamental set of process steps.

To cut a very long story very very short, the 'secret' - if such a thing can even be termed a 'secret' - is contained in one of the versions of the Enoch accounts. ...It has to do with the golden-colored, self-illumined oil or something, that a being who was described as 'frigid to touch' anointed Enoch with, following which he was then able to see the main Being on the Throne whose light would have burned him up otherwise. Around the Throne, were a large number of other beings in glowing white robes, with light coming from them as well, continuously singing and making music and also four 'living creatures with eyes in all directions.' Bad translation, wrong concept being given, but I am simply re-stating what words you will find, supposedly as accurately translated from the original text.

The Universe is a huge big place with lots and lots of things in it.

There are definitely quite malign Draco Reptilians in existence around the place.

Slight correction - the Universe is a place with everything in it. Everything you could imagine, is in it, somewhere.

And that's the point.

I am hoping that I am writing all of this for people who are looking for satisfaction in their lives.

People who are not going to rest before they attain their hugest fundamental internal goals. People who are not going to be satisfied with being shoved off to one side intellectually or any other way, if they posit a stupendous, almost outlandish, aka 'out there' goal.

I am here to tell you that is the only goal worth going for.

What's the point having a Destination Wine if you don't accept the reality of the destination that your internal being is continuously calling for?

This is an idea of symmetry in design, but
it is very complex symmetry.
But it is symmetry.

The reason most people don't get to that reality is because they have compromised on the elements of the goal. This is why you get subterfuge from politicians, deceit from bankers, relying on the past from religious preachers and dictators of religious ideologies - none of them can show you the 'ultimate ideal goals' in the present.

But they want the power and the glory.

If you deny the internal psychological desire that you have, to reach these seemingly strange peculiar goals (by ordinary common human world standards) then you are deliberately lying to yourself.

And people do that. And they do it with ease. And at the end of their lives - they also die. And they will have realized nothing at all.

And that's it.

Oh yeah I know the counter position that people say about 'all the more cherishing what they had.' LOL

I recently mentioned that there is an ancient Greek written verbal text (not a stone monument) describing the double-helix DNA structure - to some private finance chat board people. And not one of them said 'Hey, how come these guys back then were able to describe such a thing at all?!'

What I got was twenty-five different statements about all kinds of things, none of which mentioned what I just said. They just all sailed right over the top of it.

So I don't actually expect people to realize the whole point of what is being said in here, in these pages.

I'm just doing it because I am having fun.

Idiots talk (as if they even know what it is) about 'evidence' all the time. When confronted with it though, they would kill women and children to get away with their own lies and to make a citadel for their own preexisting intellectual position.

Part of the lyrics are: 'Sat watching the screen. Will hope return?' LOL 

Be careful of the volume at the start. Lyrics not till around half way.

Friday, 13 October 2023

Saving Knowledge, Not Animals

Ostensibly, if you go by the Wiki, the 'Draco Reptilian Conspiracy Theory' is a product of David Icke who got it largely from Maurice Doreal who got it from the creator of 'Conan,' Robert E. Howard.

But what you're really talking about is a highly intelligent, highly manipulative, non-human, reptilian species that installs itself into the Earth story with seriously deleterious effects upon humans. And that is not a recent 'story' by any means.

On the one hand it looks like a fictional story because we obviously cannot find one of these beings anywhere and interview it for real and take pictures of it and so on.

Stepping into some magical shoes...
Human females understand the meaning.

On the other hand it is hard to account for how and why many humans squander their own and other humans' lives on the strength of an equally fantastical theory - namely that one being that there is a heaven somewhere (that you also cannot find and see right now) and that some Divine Being is issuing orders to humans to go kill a bunch of other humans...

What this amounts to in the end, is whether all humans existentially regard others as actually human like themselves or not and clearly, they do not. Which means that the 'Draco Reptilian' theory is fact not fiction or a theory. It's just that the phrase is being used to describe another species, we don't necessarily know what that species is.

In the hands of the 2 billion self-identifying Muslims on the planet the Draco Reptilians are the Jews; and in the hands of the 18 million self-identifying Jews on the planet the Draco Reptilians are the Muslims and the Arabs.

And neither of them can see the existentially very clear hand in the middle, manipulating both of them.

See the problem with humans is essentially this:

Noah never took any books into his Ark. He took animals. ...So the story goes. And the story itself is a complete fabrication of the detail though not a fabrication of the moral.

Ibn al-Nadim
compiled his 'catalogue
of books' around 950 AD.

The 'library' of all DNA rubrics on planet Earth does not require someone to preserve it - any of it or all of it - in some boat designed to survive a deliberate 'flood against all materially living creatures and organisms.' It's the 'deliberate flood to destroy all,' that is the silly thing. That is a ham-fisted way to achieve that sort of desired end.

Mankind, the civilized form of it, the 'society of human beings' form of it, conversely absolutely does require the preservation of human social, cultural, and technical knowledge and wisdom against a force which seeks to wipe all of that out. 

Because there absolutely is such a force.

We live - and in our living we do: we act, we do things, make things, grow things, construct formulations of different things together to make other discrete new things.  

It's this dynamic unfolding nature of what humans as a social grouping do, over many years and countless generations, that is the characteristic of living human beings as the intelligent life form that they are.

Consequently - though merely for the sake of the extension today of the metaphor - let us just accept that there kind of is some truth in an ancient mythical legend about some character 'Noah,' who somehow saved the world from a great deluge that would have wiped all living creatures out, had he not have taken a few examples of them all and stuck them inside his Ark...

...Consequently -, that is to say, as the consequence of the on-going destruction of the millennia-old human social and cultural and intellectual knowledge base, it is the absolute and urgent crisis necessity today for someone or in fact many people with their fully-functioning brains still intact, to take and store books.

Alpine Renault.

Not just any books, but important ones, but then, it is moot that sufficient people today know what constitutes 'great books.'

Without understanding mathematics as it must be applied to all human dimensions, we cannot comprehend the dynamics behind human life on this planet.

Imagine though, that you were seeing some great work of design and aesthetics in the form of say -, a sports car like the one in the pic.

And then imagine someone coming along and 'keying' it all the way along the sides and then smashing some of the panels with heavy objects and cracking the windows and so forth, because of sheer jealousy and rage.

Every intelligent form competes to manifest reflections of the Eternal Mathematics. Mostly they don't try to supplant those existential template Forms with made up ones and thereby imply they are 'god!'

But let me put it in a better and a more appropriate and accurate way - every existential living (and also dying) intelligent being can reflect the Eternal Forms in manifested ways in the material reality. If the human race were to go on say, another five thousand years, it could get very close to mimicking, being able to mimic, ever greater and greater iterations of the Eternal Forms in manifested reality, and construct them into tools and techniques and things that would seem god-like: it could develop anti-gravity, perfect cloning (and so the imitation of 'eternal life'), super-fast space travel, virtually free energy, quick physical somatic healing... All kinds of seemingly quite amazing things.

But then still humans would not actually be 'God' as such. They would be a lot like some idea of a type of god...

However we have forgotten that it might be... ...that there already are such advanced beings in the Cosmos out there.

And of them all, some of them would have 'gone off the moral rails' so to speak and become an imitation of 'god' through technology and advancements and material scientific knowledge (and then but also definitely consider themselves 'God' too with a capital 'G'). 

Thus, are there Draco Reptilians after all?

This is a very interesting question in a 'Cosmic metaphysics' sense.

The sentience moral equation of it all, is this: you are not entitled to look at the car in the pic, and then vandalize it and next obliterate it and produce a far lesser car and try to convince the simple-minded that this then is the idea of absolute ultimate aesthetics (in this example, as in 'car design') and set yourself up as the prime agent of 'what is perfect.'

You are entitled to look at the car or type of car (exemplified by the one in the pic), and learn from what you see (that is, from what your total mind perceives via the senses).

The existential reality of beauty is an absolute objective evident fact. It is also an 'Eternal Absolute' and not a relative 'fact' or matter. 

You cannot vandalize this 'Eternal,' and next (try to) completely destroy it in order to supplant it with a false construct of your own making - and yet remain a moral being.

...As far as the gold price is concerned, markets in the West took far too long to react to world events. The China market was responding long before anyone in the West with a ton of money was prepared to. And that is because the big players in the West don't care about it - that is, they are not interested in actual 'price discovery.' They have the game tapped. Right? Their arrogance (still) reigns supreme.

But I am not playing the game and I suggest that neither should you. Not with any real money.

The question I put to myself every day, is not whether I can get in an 'Ark' and survive the coming deluge (or lightning bolts or whatever) - it is how can I enable a continuation of something like the same kinds of personal comforts and lifestyle which modern technology has allowed us all to wallow in, once the reality of today's situation sets in, in the minds of the rest of the population and its governments...

And if indeed there are such real material things as 'Draco Reptilians' (or any kind of Reptilian Alien beings for that matter), then surely it would not be altogether impossible entirely, to not be able to discover them somewhere. That is, somewhere here on the planet, masquerading as human beings.

That you can find people influenced by the mindset is easy. The standard psychology of it is to attribute these things to underlying deep atavistic though still essentially human, psychology.

That's not exciting enough for me. I think there are actual real, physical 'Reptilian Aliens.'

And I think human beings are very stupid to discount that.

Those of us who are together, and are happy to say we are essentially the same kind of intelligent being -, are together. And there are most certainly others who are very far apart from us where we are.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Report From The Mint

Yesterday I went to the Perth Mint to take a look around for this report.

What did I see?

There has been a very concerted and well-funded effort to upgrade the buying and selling process - and superficially this means things have gone the same digital/iPhone way everything else has these days:

You get a new Mint Account card, with a specific personal number and when you want to buy or sell on-site there, you get 'pinged' on your phone to go to particular window in the dealing room. It's all very old school Swiss Private Bank-ish, frankly, and, just like all Swiss Banks, nothing is really secret at all, because these capacities to have digital data on what you are doing means it all goes, or at least can go, to the government wherever and whenever. 

Like the Aglianico grape, the original
story of Sleeping Beauty is all
very 'rustic' - except it isn't.
It's extremely high tech but you
have to penetrate through 
the mythological landscape of the

Secondly, only basic ID is required if you want to buy or sell less than two thousand dollars worth of PMs, but they go through the expanded ID format (nothing too special there however) if you are dealing in larger amounts.

The range and presentation of gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, pearl and diamond products has been upgraded significantly from recent past times, if not dramatically so. Thought at least quite significantly...

There is no question that there has been and still is a major serious supply constraint with smaller silver bullion items - you can get a hefty premium if you are selling, and there is virtually no supply of silver bullion bars below 1 kilo. There is plenty of minted silver coins and these are by no means poor value. They are probably quite good value, if anything.

I don't think there is any doubt whatsoever but that the consumer demand for gold and silver anything is tremendous right now.

As to whether the global exchanges' price of gold will increase meaningfully soon, in such a way that you can make a lot of money merely buying and holding over the next short phase the answer is a clear 'no.'

That being said there is a strange disparity between the Beijing and Shanghai and HK price of gold and anywhere else - this is being justified in all sorts of weird and magical ways but in essence it is because the China market is stronger than anywhere else and no one there believes the New York price of gold is completely genuine.

Zombie driver, voodoo
Still looks good though, on the 
outside. As an artifact.
Stick it in a museum.

The fact is though, it is not that it is not genuine, but that New York is a place full of financial zombies and so the economics there are based on voodoo.

...But we need to talk about the Three Goddesses.

These are the ones who visited Sleeping Beauty.

'Lucinda' is a figure of supernal light, and she is equivalent to Theone (the Roman Juno) and not Hera, and secondly there is Themis, and she is everywhere in modern times incorrectly equated to 'Justice' whereas she is really 'Theme' - which is a much better word to explain what her role is. She is the Divine Concept of well, basically, the theme of a life story - or a 'scene.' 

In this case, she has caused the human figure to be 'asleep' during most of the drama phase of the 'story' in question, which is really a 'story-with-a-moral,' of course.

And the third Goddess is Venus and she makes everything come good in the end (of the story), although she has, along with all the other gods planned everything all along right from the start. Everything is already complete to begin with. There is no 'conflict' about anything or over anything.

In the same way, we must not consider the seemingly 'stuck' prices of precious metals as a conflicted situation. It is merely the time during which we can accumulate a huge stock of precious metals in various forms and observe the insanity of the markets, of world politics, and of the grand delusions of people and governments all together.

It is not so much tempting to wish the gold price had some dramatic upside potential in it right now, but frustrating that we do not and cannot see any reason for this happening - especially when nothing happened even though the world is being dragged right now into what will inevitably end up as a nuclear disaster. And I do mean nuclear weapons 'event.'

'There is ever Love between the
Gods only, and never enmity or
Plato, I think who was quoting
someone else
before him.

In ancient times, God or the gods, were made responsible for the conflagrations of Sodom and Gomorrah, and for the destruction of Atlantis and also the flood of Noah.

As in those days, people today go about their daily business, buying and selling, marrying and being married, as in the days of Noah...

But this time the destruction is entirely man-made. No god will have interfered to make such a thing happen, and certainly no god or ET Aliens who previously were reputed to have warned about this, will intervene to prevent it.

Don't forget, the Temple (of Jerusalem) celebrates the Temple of Solomon, which itself celebrate wealth and earthly power, not god or God's Laws. Solomon, moreover, broke every single one of the so-called 'Ten Commandments.' So, to say that this current war is about religion and people's ideas and beliefs about god and religion is factually nutty.

The sacred thing of the Jews is the Tent of Meeting (not the Temple of Solomon) - which tent contained the Ark of the Covenant and this was hidden by the actual real prophet Jeremiah somewhere in Mount Nebo (which metaphorically, is that cave or cave system in Switzerland I talked of yesterday where Putin has his personal gold... lol).

This 'Ark of the Covenant' shall not be known again until God Himself gathers His own actual people and throws His Light (refer 'Lucinda' above) on things and on them.

But you are the people He is gathering, and the Ark you know, and the light you see. We have talked about these things continuously here and will continue doing so for a while yet.

The upcoming new text (which is already up at Inkitt) has clear if 'fictional narrative' description of something actually seen in the sky and this passage is from someone very reliable's actual physical encounter, and it is in no way at all to do with imaginary things or Monroe Institute 'targeted vision experiences.' Which is not to diminish the valuable nature of what the Monroe Institute does teach. These guys are pretty close to some decent methodology.

I know some people who have either paid money to be fully trained on-site in the Monroe Institute's facilities in different places, together with certain individuals who were at one time paid by the government to be doing that kind of program - none of them say the gold price is going up right away or any time too soon.

So that's that about it.

What do my direct link people say?

Well that is in the texts and also in the following piece of music:

(And I must say I am very very pleased with this track -, however watch out for the sound levels just after the soft start...)


Monday, 9 October 2023

Sleeping Beauty

...Or Snow White - that's a variation of the same story.

On the matter of the gold price we must touch on the subject of Gnomes.

And when we do that we must talk about Paracelsus - who coined the word.

He was using some Greek words that together meant 'dweller (beneath) the earth.'

I am not going to post up pics of the latest Swiss innovation to do with their supposed safe-keeping of gold, which is these tunnels and caverns inside high mountains in which reputedly, there is a lot of gold being stored.

One of my friends ex the old Romanian Intelligence Service - which took over from the Securitate - is utterly convinced that Vladimir Putin has private stashes of vast amounts of gold in these kinds of underground tunnels, literally in Switzerland, but which he has arrangements with the government there whereby his own people operate the tunnels in question and provide the security. I find this extraordinary and quite unbelievable.

My friend goes on to say that the tunnels themselves go all the way across the Swiss border!

Where they end up I do not know - possibly Germany, possibly Austria. Who knows.

That there are tunnels in Swiss mountains for the express purpose of storing gold is a fact, and that these go to who-knows-where is another fact and that some of them indeed seem to be in private hands almost as far as being somewhat like foreign territory inside of Switzerland is also true.

So, at any rate, fast-running small people who dwell in tunnels and places deep underground is only barely a mythical story...

For hundreds and maybe thousands of years, certain mythical people who silently controlled all money everywhere, and were often said to be locating themselves for a long time in Switzerland - had factual reflections of the myth or legend become apparent in the outer world quite regularly.

Thus the 'Gnomes of Zurich' were said by a succession of London government ministers of finance, to be the persons really responsible for many major events -, including for example, wars.

But here is a fact of recent history:

Credit Suisse was the least exposed of the major Swiss banks to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 - and yet, by 2023, it went broke and was bought out for a song by the most exposed of the Swiss banks to the original subprime mortgage crisis of 2008, UBS.

What happened was that flowing from the undoing of the Swiss-headquartered 'Basel Agreement on the Prudential Standards of Banks,' the hugest banks (well, in fact every one else as well!) borrowed short to invest long in assets (specifically real estate-backed assets and mortgages) which never had enough capital resale liquidity at any point, and were never able to fund the original short-term borrowings.

The government of the United States bailed-out everyone especially their co-conspirators the big banks from everywhere not just within the USA. How they did this I will never know.

The 'story' now is that Credit Suisse was burdened with accounts that were the proceeds of money laundering -, and basically every other kind of criminality except not theft of wealth of course, because that is something only the government of the United States is allowed to do and get away with.

Consequently, and because Credit Suisse was 'being prudent' and not getting involved in ridiculous il-liquid 'mortgage lending' and what is being called 'subprime mortgages' but in reality is all mortgages... went broke versus the 'competitive' nature of banks like UBS which had unlimited access to 'cash' from the US government and that could buy whatever they wanted without ever having to make a profit or cover actual costs.

Credit Suisse must have had a lot of gold bullion and gold did not go up. At least not anywhere near the factorial needed to compete with the never-ending supply of liquidity that banks such as UBS had access to.

So in the end, Credit Suisse could not compete, did not make enough 'profits' - while its board was trying to match the lifestyles of the executives and directors of places like UBS - and so it went under.

When you have unlimited
money, you can buy
unlimited car... 

UBS, superficially the Union Bank of Switzerland, is in fact actually owned by Americans, and has been since a very very long time, well before any 'crises' of recent-ish history. It is owned by Harris Associates, and the best way I can describe them is to simply say that they are from Chicago. 

There is nothing wrong with Chicago, I love Chicago. I used to live and work there.

The question for me and thee, though, is whether, or if and when, the price of gold will go up.

The reason it hasn't gone up over the last forty years is that sheer government moral criminality, has meant that the US taxpayer gets to lose his entire lifestyle and quality and standard of living, while he is taxed to the hilt -, while the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury 'invent' money out of thin air and therewith force capital prices of highly selective 'assets' to go to astronomical heights thereby capturing the poor mortgage holder (who is usually also the taxpayer as well) in impossible levels of private debt, and claim to be able to simply just add multiples of naughts onto its national debt bill at the same time.

Of all of these seeming 'variables' there is in fact only one of them which is 'price inelastic' or at least has a limitation to its elasticity: and that is the taxpayer.

The government, all politicians, all the bureaucrats on the gravy train, the FBI, the Fed, the Judiciary, the 'banks,' couldn't give a hang about you and they could care less if you keeled over and died from exhaustion having to pay what they are spending and stealing and keeping from what they steal off you.

What they steal off you is principally time and your effort/s.

Remarkable how individual
some designs are - and they
become 'timeless.'
Gold is timeless.

But can gold go up even in the face of such stunning enforced 'control' by government?

I am told by those who know the exact and precise answer, that that is not the right question.

...That the right question is 'how long will it take from now, before the cracks in the public totally become visible and society breaks in such a way that society itself fails catastrophically' - because the government certainly won't.

The natural mechanism of parasites is that they keep the host alive just enough for the parasite to keep feeding off it. But that is not what has happened with governments - they have literally killed their host, which is the public and society at large.

And how do we know that for a fact?

Because, as my 'other' friends (not the Romanian ones) pointed me to, the annual population growth rate has collapsed worldwide. And I mean everywhere, not just in the so-called 'developed' parts of the world.

That the parasitic global governments have been able to get poor people to flood into developed countries, is simply because it is easy to push them around - it's not because there are 'too many people' in those source countries.

I am sure not even Gnomes can match the amazing numbers conjured up in 'dollars' by limitlessly 'wealthy' governments and their central banks and so on the surface, certainly you must say governments and official entities can buy more gold bullion than you or I and the Gnomes combined!

Correction, they can 'trade in,' not 'buy.'

Sleeping... ...beauties.

They cannot buy anything from a Gnome.

Gnomes don't need money. They are magical beings. 

Gnomes are working for a beauty who is presently, asleep.

Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to work we go, we work all day and get no pay, Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

Zellandine, by the way, is Sleeping Beauty's name, and she is from Zee-land and that means ancient Holland.

She is visited by Three Goddesses who decide her fate - long long before the whole story that we know unfolds. Same goes for the French version, Snow White -, whose French name is Blanchette... ...even though she is completely raven-black haired! Those French.

But will the price of gold go up?!

We shall see.

But first we must inquire about the Three Goddesses...

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Yes, This Fun Place

Well. As you can see, the world is not a fun place everywhere right now.

We are a fun place here. 

And one of the fun things to think about is why isn't gold flying when there is so much war conflict all over the place?

It isn't flying.

Custom-designed Oriental 
'Mid-Autumn' lanterns.

It's meant to be the 'talisman of fear' (by which it used to be intended that the fear was specifically to do with major war).

Ex-US House Speaker McCarthy was just interviewed about the wars all over the place and he repeated the nostrum about 'appeasement never works.'

And that's fine if you have a war machine in place which can overpower some contender or enemy. That is no longer the case with the US and general 'Allied' military. Iran and Russia have hyper-sonic technologies so far in advance of anything the US currently has that is actually deployable, that other than 'appeasement' any prospect of real hot war would lead to complete disaster and ruination.

It is by no means certain at all that this necessarily means the 'other side' would win anything. It just means that you will cop a hiding that you never previously envisaged even vaguely possible.

Would Iran want to do such a thing to the US or to Israel?

The whole thing would be a complete disaster visited on the world and it would really mean TEOTWAWKI.

But McCarthy opines that one reasonable stance is 'not to engage in appeasement.'

Well then what then?

I mean at this point it is in any case impossible to 'appease' Russia.

Bohemians minding their own 
business while the world
goes to Hell - again.

Iran is a nut-job place led by fools and knaves with knives and guns and - er, hyper-sonic missiles and nuclear weapons! That is certainly not a place you would be able to appease anyway, even if you tried.

So where do we go from here?

Me, right now I am going to visit some women doing what, um a 'Community Conversations' group meeting where they are going to be 'ReStorying Life.'

Bit late as far as I'm concerned but never mind. We'll see what they have to say and what possibly, they are thinking.

Anyway I am not personally trying to 'ReStory' my life. My life's story is perfectly fine.

I think a lot of people are going to die soon in outrageously horrible circumstances. That they already have been here and there across the globe is one thing - but none of it was in what you could call a 'signal event.'

Oh there will be one of those however. 

God what a fun place this turned out to be!

Actually let me take us back to a better frame of mind.

I think we need to buy one of
these, Bill Smith.
What do you think?
Buy it?
We can drive away from trouble
really fast.

Can we - you and I - have a stunningly interesting and cool and even a great, if very private life and lifestyle, in the midst of so much absolute utter disaster and political and government lunacy everywhere?

Yep. Sure can.

Stay here. Stay on these pages.

We know stuff no one else on the planet knows. At least not that many do, anyway.

The upcoming free-to-read piece about wines (it's just about wines, right...) is 'educational;' it's going to be an education but only for the already reasonably wise. LOL

Hopefully it will go up tonight. And then you can get better 'informed.' And no one else will see or know anything.