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Thursday, 28 September 2023

Against The Backdrop Of Calamity

If I had to go back through our archives here we could come up with those posts recorded here way back about the Atacama Desert and ET Aliens.

I haven't got the time right this moment but I will do it eventually. And that is just to demonstrate exactly how much of an inside run this Blog is and has been and always will be.

Right now, people are saying in the broader corporate media, these putative ET Alien mummies in Mexico were found in the Atacama Desert in 2016.

You all know very well that it was at least as far back as that (in fact it was much earlier still...) that we started suggesting - long before even the slightest hints of this emerged anywhere else - that the government would lay the groundwork for a 'strong suggestion' that there were ET Aliens and that they had been 'in touch' with them. 

Atacama radio telescopes

And we said this would be a fraud and shown using completely faked 'evidence,' - but that it would have the general backing of the science establishment worldwide.

On the one hand, I am really quite surprised at the credentials and 'public' credibility of the scientists who have recently gone down to Mexico to 'examine' these 'mummies.' On the other hand, why would I be surprised... SMH

The public has been taken a long way up a dark road - on the left below is some of the public official mainstream news reports, on the right is what actually happened or what is a fact about each item (this is so you might consider the implications of media propaganda):

Ghost of Kiev                    Never existed

Snake Island defense                Did not happen/failed

Snake Island Re-capture                Totally did not happen/was filmed in low light in a studio

Mariupol Defense                    Did not happen/failed/was a siege

Azovstal Defense                    Cauldroned/obliterated

Destruction of Crimea Bridge            Never happened

Attack on Crimea                            No such thing/one drone, possibly out of control - shot down

Broke through the Surovikin Line            Never happened

Crimea commander killed                    Totally never happened/still alive and in command

Invasion stalled                            500,000 Ukraine fighters killed or permanently removed


...At what point do you realize that not a shred of credibility is available regarding the media's portrayal of what is going on in the Ukraine? Not a single shred.

And then at what point does it dawn that the situation might be radically different to what you had thought that it was?

Radically different and with some very different trajectories possible.

The trajectory that Washington wants everyone to believe is the one in which Russian is strategically wounded, goes to the negotiating table and accepts a poison chalice resolution, overseen by NATO and Western Europe.

Since that is not even anywhere near a prospect at all (it's a bit like when Kissinger said 'South Vietnam is winning the war in Vietnam' and the very next week North Vietnam marched in and literally actually 'won' it) - what then are the possible trajectory compass points?

The broad mass of the general public has no genuine power to argue with government and the media - and regardless of even that, a very large percentage of the population actually believes in the semiotics as they are portrayed:

EG Russia is losing the war/Trump is a bad guy/Biden won the election because he received the largest nominal vote ever in the history of any Presidency... 

And of course ET looks like what Spielberg portrayed that it looks like - that's already an iconic image and it literally comes from out of a Hollywood fiction movie.

Wow. How about that?! Atacama ET looks like 'ET.'


Are you for real?

But then what's more, actual real scientists go down there and more or less authenticate the thing has a skeletal structure and that it is not a composite of other bits and pieces made to look like a creature.

Of course, of course. And why not too -, heck it looks like 'ET,' right?

Oh man but does that kind of media propaganda obscenity open up some doors to new and previously illegal nuclear weapons technologies being deployed all over the place.

It opens up some very worrying doors.

Will it happen?

It's already happening under your nose!

Just where do you eat,
if things go a lot pear-shaped
in the ordinary world?

Could they really mount a story - a fairy tale one basically - to the effect that there are good indications that ET is antithetical to human beings?

Well not only could they, but a large majority of the public would swallow it hook, like and sinker.

Crazy though it may sound right now, it is not crazier than Joe Biden securing the greatest number of votes ever in the history of American politics. Man what a sex symbol!

Not even Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy on a combined ticket would have out-voted Joe. And honestly, your judges actually all go along with this BS.

You are (some of you still) hoping against hope that your leaders and world leaders and politicians have not all lost their collective and also individual minds.

But they have.

Now where does that put you?

I'll tell you where it puts you - in a boat with a drunken crew and a lunatic in charge pretending to be the captain.

And it is only the Stockholm Syndrome effect that is making you think everything is reasonably all right and that you can or will survive if you just quietly play along, and also, in any case, maybe 'they' are wiser than us, and for sure they are (they must be, right?) better informed...

And also, that money and value and values and prices as officially and publicly stated right now are real...

Well, actually no - they're not.

Things will get very rough in this 'advanced modern Western' part of the world, in which we are all said to be living.

Different if it were that the crew is only slightly drunk, and the captain just has a mild if lingering headache.

Instead things have gone completely out of control.

Have you noticed how always this stuff in the general media about ET's and Aliens is about dead things, things from long ago? ...Even the Navy's video is a recording of what happened, not a live feed of what is happening.

Well, actual real beings from far outside of this world, that is to say, 'Alien' beings - are living things. So step one is the realization that you are a living being, inside of a living field: 

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

This Is An Upbeat Place

But things are going on right now, that are going to shock even the most sanguine of people, the most cynical, those who once thought themselves hard-bitten and strong of stomach.

You think that 'nuclear bombs/missiles' are the worst thing that can happen, but you are wrong.

You will go pale at what will occur next, soon. Virtually now, 'soon.'

And I have no idea what the lateral consequences of coming events, will be.

We all live in this fairy floss environment of the standard corporate media, which always asserts to us that 'they' are in control.
You don't need to make a lot of
fun cars. You just need to make some.

Not only have they miscalculated in a massive way, but it will get ugly.

Students of history may understand what is coming.


I have to think about what the lateral consequences are likely to be.

You see the problem is that those in existing power and control think they are personally impervious. They are not.

The animus against public authority is huge, It is far greater than governments perceive right now, although they have long been aware that this was the risk they ran when they first started all of this un-elected, 'Globalist' claptrap.

See I cannot tell you such a thing as I would personally place a rope around a politician's head and hang him in the streets in front of your eyes - but these things happened in the past, in Russia, for example, especially against enemies of organized forces which ultimately destabilized erstwhile ruling establishments.

The theory that the police, for example, can suppress such violent forces seething beneath the surface of problematic societies, is sheer foolishness and flies in the face of history and reality. The reality is - and I have personally lived in places where this happened, and so has our 'Bill S.,' who lived in Apartheid South Africa - that when rulers crossed the line, even though they themselves were not able to see that they had done so, at a certain juncture bad things happened. And they happened to them, not to the people at large. 
To commemorate the dead

What is the factual basis for believing that the Russians are not on the verge, literally, of entering Kiev and 'doing things...?'

Do you know what I mean by the phrase 'doing things?'

If you prolong a fantasy, sponsored by completely deceitful media, that the Ukraine is 'surviving' or mounting a defense, then you will be utterly unprepared for what is bound to happen next/soon.

The US captured Saddam Hussein, and hanged him. Basically because they could; not because he had 'weapons of mass destruction.' You are talking about criminal evil and your government perpetrated it. There's no getting around that. It is a fact. A million people died because of lies that your government/s spawned. Why do you believe the Russians are less malicious or evil? ...If given the opportunity. Do you think it is true that the Ukraine 'military' is actually mounting serious opposition at this point? Do you believe your media, do you? Almost fifty thousand Ukraine soldier died this month alone. 

Where are they getting all these 'trained' fighters from?

Do they really exist - such that they can afford to lose fifty thousand every month? Like I mean, actually dead. How do you replace fifty thousand trained war fighters?

Why do you believe the Russians, in the same position of absolute power over an opponent that started a conflict, would not do the same as the Americans and hang Zelensky in the streets of Kiev when they capture him?

Are they less evil than you? And your leaders and rulers?

I mean there is a phrase, in for a penny in for a pound.

Okay so arrest me because I said this.

See if that will alter coming events any. 

Who can 'go into the future and see what is sure to happen?'


How do you believe that your overlords are so impervious as you thought?

What makes you think you are not reading the words literally of the guy who piloted the Tic Tac?

Do you need 'proof?'

I don't need to prove governments and overlords are evil! And I don't need to prove 'sci-ence' either. 

I don't go by science.

You say science is what you know. 

I say science is what you think you know.

This is still an upbeat place because when it happens, you can go 'f* me, that guy knew. We'd better follow him.'

But if you just take a set square and a ruler (hey this is not a masonic thing, right!), and depict all the possible outcomes, they are the following:

  • Russians lose
  • Russians win
  • Stand-off

The Russians are not losing now. How are they going to 'lose' when they have superior forces and longer-term stable leaders (Biden will be dead and gone soon enough)...

How will there be a stand-off without NATO covertly using nuclear devices and then getting caught and then all of the moral outrage attaining to what they did?

But then, how will anyone use nuclear weapons and there not be horrendous market consequences as well as political consequences?

What will restrain the anger and vindictiveness of the Kremlin when they win?

What are they supposed to be - saints??

They are going to find Zelensky and they are going to catch him, and they are going to execute him - in full public view. And you are going to eat it.

The end.

Now pretend to yourself this is not going to happen. You are playing with fire - I am not playing with fire.

I am telling it like it is.

Right now you might think not, but this is still an upbeat place. Especially because what we say, goes. 

So give me the upside, the glory of the future, the vision.

This is called 'throwing down the gauntlet.'

Monday, 25 September 2023

If Markets Die Soon

Markets can die. They do die - they have done so before in history.

The Peloponnesian War in ancient history was an exact case of a dominant power emerging from a particular war but then collapsing not long after as the internal population decreased while the large army was no longer able to be maintained by the state. This power was the city state of Sparta. Much vaunted by the Singaporeans but then, look what happened to the Spartans in the end!

Read us some history, Orlando.

Things were not much different when the Sasanian Empire finally collapsed under the strain of its own internal political intrigues and assassinations. 

Although Wikipedia characterizes the events as having been caused by the 'full-scale invasion of Persia by the Muslims' and then, the 'conquest of Persia by Umar al-Khattab' - no such things actually happened.

Umar was assassinated by his own court before the supposed eventual 'conquest' with the actual deadly act said to have been perpetrated by 'a Persian slave.' And then only after Umar had died, came the so-called 'annexation of Persia by the Arabs' in modern written history. In other words it's a fake story believed only by credulous Muslims themselves on the whole but then again, accepted mindlessly by the uncritical.

In fact 'the Arabs' at the time were a thousand miles away and could never have maintained military supply lines and all that ever happened was that following the murder of Khosrau by his own son Khavad II, the Sasanian Empire disintegrated leaving its soldiers in need of a wealthy patron and a means of living. 

We're coming to the end of the
Wildflower Season
down here.
It's all calm and peaceful.
...Down here.
Far away.

Consequently most of them basically threw their lot (and their arms) in with the wealthy Arab 'traders' who were more or less armed caravan robbers anyway and the proof of that is that eventually when Timur Khan arrived on the scene half a millennium later, he was an ethnic Persian and his 'brand' of Islam very different to what the Southern Arabs were believing in and practicing and he himself came to totally dominate the entire silk and spice trails.

He was not an Arab. 

John of Damascus makes it very clear in some of the only independent writings of the relevant earlier time (the time, literally of 'Mahmut' as John of Damascus called him), 'Islam' was an heretical Christian sect, basically a 'Unitarian' ideology and rooted in the strange beliefs of the desert Nestorians and with quite a lot of star worshiping aspects derived from the Nabataeans. The proof of that is that the only coins dating from then which were 'Islamic' and Arabic, were re-strikings of Christian silver coins in Jerusalem with the name of the Arabic tyrant at the side of the Christian epithet for Christ 'The Praise-Worthy One!' ...And a cross on the coins still there which had been there from the start.

There was never in all events any one such thing as 'the Arabs.' There were Syrian Muslim Arabs, there were Yemeni Muslim Arabs, there were Najdi Muslim Arabs, and there were Turkish Ottoman Muslims I suppose you could say also in some sense who were 'Arabs' too since 'Arab' is not an ethnicity after all. And North African Arabs most certainly.

All of them highly dependent on markets and trade not theocratic ideals, as the fairy tale modern narrative wants to have it.

Olive oil prices on the rise.

'A-Rab' - without a lord (Rab) or 'lawless.'

Dictators and tyrants are without formally independent laws and they are 'lords unto themselves and all others they dominate.'

This is not substantially a different set-up to what we find today in modern Western politics. Nobody invited Klaus Schwab or von der Leyen (actual birth surname 'Albrecht') or Soros to run governments or to 'treat' government representatives to spa activities at Davos...

They are all tyrannical people in essence.

The death of a market occurs not simply because of the presence of dictators and tyrants who upturn the dynamic of natural supply and demand establishing prices. It happens when there is an insufficiency of money compared to the actual underlying demand for it. 

People want to trade but they cannot. There is demand there but it is suppressed.

If you then start to 'manufacture' artificial scarcity on preferred assets and pretend to inject currency to support preferred capital (selective capital asset prices) but there is at the same time genuine scarcity where there is also real demand - then you have the exact recipe for actual market doom.

Because real market agents circumvent the prevailing official structures then and create transfer pricing situations all over the place.

The question is what are the fallout consequences 'if markets die soon.'

But that markets can die you should not doubt at all.

A trophy wine will make you feel
ust like when rich doctors back in Holland
in the days of the Black Death, bought
trophy Persian tulip blooms and it 
made them feel good on those long
lonely, dark, winter nights.

I could tell you what is about to be - but you would not accept it.

And nowhere is it discussed in any media at all. Not in any alt-media places - literally nowhere.

It's easy to shout 'doom and gloom' but it is never so easy that the screamer - the proclaimer, the prophet - puts their finger exactly and precisely on the thing. 

On the specific thing which knells the end.

Buy your trophy wine.

It's all I'm saying for now.

Soon there will be another of those free-to-read, effectively 'White Papers' but drawn up as narrative fiction of course. They have to be to get away with what is being said in there. And it will be astonishing. It's all about impossible-to-believe meetings and encounters. LOL. Could not possibly be true.

Some of want 'Aliens.' I give you Aliens but a lot of you just don't get it yet. They are here. Right here under your nose. Here they are. Your only real question should be what do they want from you. So yeah, the coming new 'White Paper...'

And this little piece of music features in it somewhere:

Sugar sugar. A little bit of sugar for you horse-y. 


Friday, 22 September 2023

Nearing Your Depth...?

Don't worry. You won't drown.

So, here is what transpired - notice 'transpired;' not 'happened.'

I told these people, I said - 'Are you completely sure about this...?'


It's the long-weekend down here. King's Birthday, don't you know, wot wot.

Not his actual Birthday. Just a 'public holiday' thing.

So I said, yeah no problem. You guys come over, and I'll make you dinner.

Wouldn't really be me, making anything.

Kind of supervise. That kind of thing.

They show up. A man in a white jacket lets them in and hands out face towels. Some warm, some ice cold, and then warm again. Hot, I guess you should say, really...

One of the guests had told me that 'Whispering Angel' was the benchmark in rose wine.

I said 'Really?'

Everyone's been told beforehand what to expect - nobody actually expects (...suspects!) anything though.

'There will be no baroque chamber music!' I tell them.

A piece of music is playing -, and there's all kinds of chill remixes, it's quite soft; that is to say not loud, not being played loudly.

A pashtush shawl.
It's commonly for men.
Well, it's not common, though.

There is a large and pretty sophisticated audio system here however.

A girl in a soft-toned colored jacket sprays 'The Black Knight' on the backs of everyone's hands. They've been told beforehand - no objections, you just accept what's happening. 

It's dark in here.Yellow-amber highly diffused lighting.

You can see the glowing electronic 'fruit' on the speakers and control boxes. 

And then they all sit down, take their places at a modest table. Warm, fresh bread. Cold water.

Crumbed, oven-baked de-boned chicken (Ballantines), with Tarragon infused French cream sauce and lemon slices with thick white pith and bright yellow skin.

Chardonnay. Cold. To drink.

Plenty of Chardonnay and Cognac in the sauce...

By now they are already slightly familiar with the music but the sound levels are going up through the roof and everyone is just at that stage before becoming quite drunk and the chicken is very appealing...

...There are couches nearby.

Of course they see things.

But who is going to believe them, after all? Who are they going to tell?

The Fragrantica Review says it's a 'magnificent earthy leather scent with sensual Orris beneath it. Complex, raw, deep and rich. Perfectly balanced, addictive.'

That's just the perfume.

The Video Is HERE

Thursday, 21 September 2023

The Travelers Far Away

Don't worry. We will soon be getting to the Destination.

But just for now, let us spare a thought for those who are travelers far from home.

What is 'home' for a human?

They seem so comfortable where they are. Humans.

Ordinary humans have technology too,
you know!
And it's pretty good!

I guess I should just explain to those newcomers to these pages, that most of the rest of us - those who have been here from the beginning - are disaffected virtual retirees from some pretty esoteric parts of 'officialdom.' At least half a dozen of you are managers (still) of modest-scale (what would it be, several hundred million USD now?) pension funds 'somewhere' probably wise not to disclose that small detail these days, seeing how the China people are intent on dumping their US Treasuries. By 'virtual' we would have to say, as the commercial manager of one 'Anna Chapman' told me one time 'not yet ready for retirement...' LOL

Actually from memory I think he said to me 'does not yet feel ready for retirement.'

He means I guess if there were an exciting proposition, well...

Some of you (the troop who have long been here) are talking internally about these 'A915-Q7K4'-type designates, and that there is a recurring theme of something really bad going to happen by year's end.

As you know though, the Spencer, Virginia 'unincorporated community' 'Monroe Institute' stuff is 'crypto-nomenklatura' for actual operatives; active ones. Now, there's some left-field 'tin foil hat' and conspiracy theory stuff for the newcomers.

Do truffles work with Ramen noodles?
Oh yes. 
Crazy Rich Asian 'Ramen Noodles.'

So every time you see some casual reference to 'remote viewers' take care to note where these guys are being represented as hailing from who are said to be giving any heads up. 

California RVs are different to Virginia 'target watchers.'

'Really bad' to the 'off label' community is quite a different thing to the people living in the regular community.

Because 'really bad' is what we already have. The narrative going on is that a significant Cesium-137 release or similar could eventuate and then that would be really bad.

Actual 'really bad' is if and when the China people decide to dump Treasuries floridly in order to destroy the mainstream markets in the West, and via that to underscore the fundamental internal economic collapse that is already able to be witnessed domestically in Berkeley SF and a lot of down-town LA too. Forget about Cleveland! And those kinds of other already zombified places.

'If' and/or 'when.'

The crazy rich Beijing China pseudo 'middle class' punks haven't as yet worked out where the actual best wines are. They are still enthralled by the nonsense talk about the 'First Growths' and the 'Grand Cru' names and all of this garbage.

I spoke to someone just back from Paris earlier today. Not good, boys and girls. Angry people, arrogant ignorant older people, lots of homeless 'foreigners.' 

And this other guy I was listening to - China guy, but from Canada (lol! Might as well have been another loser from Singapore) - oh god, what was he saying: 'rich, almost black fruit, still tight, walnuts, plums, spice...' I forget.

Champagne and syrup shaved ice.

Where the heck was the 'and tastes like grape?'

The best wine tastes like grapes. It smells like the fruit of grape-vines. It looks like the skin-color of particular grapes.

And the grapes will be the most healthy examples of the particular varietal fruit of the wine in question. They could be small like some Pinot Noir grapes, or they could be almost raisins like the Botrytis affected grapes for those kinds of sweet white (actually gold or yellow or amber) wines, or they could be big and plump and firm like the big dark blue grapes that make the best Shiraz.

It all starts with the fruit. And it proceeds with the big shallow vats and then the best quality oak barrels over many years -, not with some urgency to get the Two-Year Old to the track kind of classless mentality. And in the end, it is still about the fruit.

No fruit, no wine.

No heart, no home.

Got it yet...?

I might have traveled 6 light years (or I might not have; I'm just saying!), but I never left my heart 'back' behind anywhere. How far away from your heart has the contemporary world sucked you into going?