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Friday, 26 August 2022

A Little On The Venetian Inks

I think if those of you who are interested in these things are able to remain a little patient, I will be able to at minimum get you the basic lists of ingredients for one or two really good ones of inks - via a little 'process' that will cost you no money.

An issue in any case, is whether or not we will really be able, at least in the early stages, to mail out anything and guarantee that these will not be messed with by people, whatever people!

Very silly foolish piece of frippery - 
Christophe Claret's latest
offering: 'Purple Watch.'
I want. Really stupid.
Expensive too.

There is no point trying to rely on the simple fact that there are no ingredients involved at all that are illegal or harmful in any way. Authorities can just as easily take the view that 'oh well, we have never seen this before' (which they will have though, except just not in this form, that's all) - and go open things up and test them and next thing you know competitors are selling the same things more or less and completely not understanding how to authentically use them.

Does the eventual thing do what we say it does...?

Well I tell you what. 

You continue reading here and follow along with the narrative and see just where it takes you.

This much I will absolutely guarantee you - and you'll be totally shocked when you read this and your first reaction is going to be: 'No way!'

But oh yes way!

There is nothing on this planet, nothing at all, no drug, nothing - no pharma synthetic chemical even - which will give you this experience. The quality of the experience, the sensations involved, how it operates on your psyche, what things it does, how benign though overall; no hidden harmful side-effects, and a meaningfully extended window of effect, yet not too long that it will take any kind of duration 'getting over' and there are literally no 'hang-over' effects.

No no, I kid you not.


Watch this.

Some things in life, well -,
they just are.

I've told y'all before many times already. I come from a prominent Venetian family. 

But that's just an 'in passing' stage with that family. We've been here since long before even when the 200 angels came down and did a deal with Satan (they did not! I'm just being sarcastic about just so many YT videos these days from Christian preachers) to mate with Earth women and have hybrids and all of that nonsense.

You see, there usually has to be a cover story as to just why even any kind of amazing preparation come to be known about at all. There's no point giving a press release to the general media - in whatever form that takes in the particular day in question - telling them that Cassadorien (the true name of Eleanor of Aquitaine) gave it to some young count.

Today, if you go to Venice, you will still see a family business there which makes the thinnest gold foil in the world - even thinner than anything modern industrial machinery can achieve.

So, from this you will already be able to adduce a little something about what the catalyst involved is. According to most science, gold is completely non-reactive to anything, but of course that is not true at all.

The Venetian House of Battiloro -
'gold-beaters;' batti, l'oro.

We have not yet finished the 'add on' segment of the little article (it is really only an article) that was uploaded onto Inkitt. 

This segment that will be attached onto the first part, is a narrative account of something that transpires between some people who have used this substance, or, preparation - and it will go up as a free-to-read Amazon/Kindle thing. Whoever reads that and finds the code in there and sends it to us via here, or (god forbid, apparently FB, or Twitter or just the plain email address) will get the first Drinkable Ink's set of complete ingredients and how it works and how to use it.

So that will solve every problem that potentially is there with sending things physically out privately. We'll still have some of those packs (we're making some up right now) but maybe later, depending on who is really that interested and how many there are.

But oh yes, let me tell you - not heroin, not cocaine, not morphine, nothing.

They are all just a waste of time by comparison.

Come on. Come on!
I do not have to spell it out to you, do I?

Not DMT.

Not anything. Not anything that will still let you remain awake of course.

You will have your eyes opened. And then at last you will see.

And you are going to get the shock of your life.

Right now what do you see?

Nothing. No Cassadorien. No Arlecchina.

You absolutely know I'm telling you the exact truth.

Cassadorien - Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Now come on, guys.
How many people do you think on this
planet at this time, would even know this?
And of those, how many could actually
tell you for real what that name stood for?
And why.

Deep down inside, in your gut - you know this is all true!

That's the worst part about it, isn't it?

You know it's all true.

Don't get scared.

The US Government claimed you all would get 'scared' if you knew. LOL

I don't think so. You're not scared, are you?

You know what I am telling you about mind-warping drinkable inks is all true. Because you sense that. (Can you imagine?? It's going to upturn even heroin?! WT*?!)

What you don't know (yet) is just who is here walking around amongst you all.

But you will.

You think about it.

Think how wonderful it is.

In your lifetime - in your own lifetime; you will find out. And you will meet, too.

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Calm Before The Storm, Right

I find it really amazing, that with so many people online now operating in this 'New Age-y' sort of 'sensitivity' thing, they yet still so regularly 'miss the beat' and then come in afterwards and claim they knew something, said something. ...Which they never did do.

To some extent I've been seriously trying to back off a little here on the 'heat.' You know - like, there's no real urgency really, for anything. Life goes on.

But at the same time, right now as of this second, I guess I should just 'note' that the global Borg has run away and begun hiding under rocks. Can't you sense it?

It's time to take a step back
and 'be simple' right?
Just for a short while...

On the one hand, it's easy enough to go realize that the Western media is totally lying now about the current situation in the Ukraine. My information is that Russia has already taken Nikolaev and has basically wiped out the Ukrainian army there. And there is a lot of indication that the Ukraine army itself (meaning the solider-on-the ground) has refused the orders of Kiev - however with a consequence that some 'unnamed' heavily-armed groups are literally killing their own men, that is, the captains and commanders in the field who are refusing Kiev's orders to order their companies to 'fight to the death.'

I have direct personal other reports from literally Ukrainians in the field of operations, telling me that the US 'private logistics' people (and there's a lot of them) who have been based in Poland mostly, have lost the confidence of the Ukrainians who had previously been using them to get illegal weapons into the field of battle.

So in other words the whole thing has descended completely into a money racket in which private groups are taking the value, whatever it has been, either in cash or salable goods, from the supply lines ostensibly officially from the United States, leaving the Ukrainians empty-handed.

And the Russians know this and are brutally extracting vengeance on the ground now against whoever was involved with Zelensky with huge casualities that are not being reported by Western media. My numbers are that the deaths inflicted against the Ukrainians are running at 10 to 1 versus the Russian combined forces. So this will mean that upwards of fifty thousand Ukrainian soldiers are now literally dead, not just 'removed from the battle field.'

I have to tell you -, that order of number is probably even higher and it will hold when this is all done and dusted.

However leaving this mainstream darling to one side, I'm afraid I have been deliberately 'not talking' about one particular other character in politics somewhere else.

When you look at even relative serious journalistic alternative commentary around the place, Kim Iverson, that kind of person - you still get this 'they they they' are doing 'this this this.' 'They' are so powerful, even when 'they' retire/resign, whatever.

Well this is pretty simple.
Fruit syrup snowball

The actual reason 'they' are running under rocks right now - and you must have noticed it on all platforms, across all media fronts right now - is that they are in deep waters and are more than simply 'worried.' They are confused.

Best time to place your bets. When the previous 'controlling book-makers' all look around for leads and are acting confused.

That's because they are confused.

They're too dumb to ever think that anyone would be able to go up against them and 'take them all out.' And so when it starts to happen they get real confused real quick: that wasn't supposed to happen!

In your life, you will be confronted with major problems, major issues demanding, screaming for your immediate attention.

And this is not the future for you, however.

But you do have to be brave enough to, as both Carl Jung and the Austrian medical doctor and psychologist who must not be name, both said - touch the truth.

Human beings have not been allowed to touch the truth for thousands of years.

It's up to you now though.

And you can do it your own way. You get to do things how you want. You are an individual with a personal self and - 'we' are not 'all one.'

You are you. Okay we can get together and open the champagne, but some might not want to fall into the trap of total alcoholism right now just because we all have the game beat.

You watch now. Some things will come, and some will go. People will die. The mountains will remain.

Just chicken.
And white wine and pearl onions and 
black pepper and winter truffles and 
little potatoes.
And mushrooms and herbs.

Those who keep up this drumbeat of 'we are all one' are lying to you and in some cases, to themselves.

God there is a force right now, here, in this world, on this planet, that wants to harm you though. It's the one that has the platform, and is 'telling the standard narrative.' That standard narrative is way wrong. And it is losing ground. It was angry before, but now it doesn't have any power left and so each swipe it takes at you is turning into dust.

Soon it will be completely gone, and unremembered.

In the Golden Age, all your dreams come true. And you are going into that. Your dreams. Not their dreams. Or 'its' dreams. So you'd better start dreaming.

Have you not noticed how right now, the whole entire world has stopped and is literally waiting for 'something' to fly overhead and make a fuss? Yet nothing is happening and everything seems very calm.

May your whole day be perfectly calm.


Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Without The Little Grey Guys

So everyone's doing it - interpreting what they are being told, or being shown on film and on electronic tracking equipment.

Absolutely nobody's interested in just listening accurately to what actual first-person 'witnesses' - and I will tell you, some are a whole lot more than just that - say.

Terence McKenna interviewed Prof. John Mack and even Mack almost leaned towards doing it himself it to some extent, although he was being drawn as to what the 'warnings' of planetary destruction caused by Man could mean. McKenna, I'll be totally fair to him, did not really interpret anything at all - he was just posing very legitimate questions arising from out of the reported material itself. And again, Mack was not actually gratuitously interpreting meanings, because he was working strictly from the terms of the data he had garnered.

So fair enough with those guys.

This is old 'Laperouse,' 
supposedly a 'restaurant'
in Paris. And I hope you know
what these rooms are about.

Everybody is doing two things: firstly they are acting as if intelligent Mankind fell down in the last shower of rain and they are the only people, the literal first generation ever to have 'sci-ence;'  and secondly they are going well beyond scientific observation and giving a pathetically banal series of interpretive declarations about who, what, where, how, and most of all why.

I mean what's the point doing that at all, if you are continuously dismissing out of hand the very first things out of the mouths of anyone that is actually 'connected?'

Today I just told Eric Weinstein off - and I respect him tons. I told him 'stop being stupid' and, why didn't he just go to Karin Austin and ask her outright what is going on? 

I guarantee that will be the last I hear from Eric.

Because he will at minimum go to the Special Access Project government files on Austin (which he does have that kind of access to) and read what is in there and what she has already said. And he is not going to like it, and he is going to dismiss it. But he's not going to face it either. That's why he's dismissing it - because he can't face it. And that's the whole point (of why I criticized him; and implicitly all the rest of them).

Weinstein, is a world top-liner in maths and physics, having pushed the edges of gauge theory (Yang-Mills equations) a smidgen. He has a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard, but nevertheless, he is also a bright guy and intellectually quite stable.

I mean you are not going to ever benefit at all in any way - not so much from smart people such as Eric Weinstein as being perfectly useless, because you can gain heaps of knowledge from him - from the official figures in the media space dealing with what has been going on.

Fundamentally they know the undercurrent. It is what I have told y'all here: humans are a deficient, and a structurally defective species.

I've been doing the water pics
because I know one or two of
you don't like alcohol. Well, perhaps
you do like it.
Hey we're going to have to get back 
to the wine sooner or later!
Be prepared.

But, anything out there that is truly 'super intelligent' has never intervened to put things right in the sense of actually landing and telling it like it is and then 're-arranging the deck chairs.'

Not even the 'Sodom and Gomorrah' thing counts because there, the actual narrative is that those people had absolutely no limitations of doing evil at all! At least, it can be sensibly argued that much of the modern human race has a lot of limitations when it comes to doing evil.

Liz Truss is not one of those, however. She just openly declared she would use the nuclear first strike option - presumably she was targeting her 'rhetoric' at 'the Russians.'

Sodom and Gomorrah did not even stop at 'angelic beings.'

Now, okay I do not suppose this is meant to say the beings that 'came down there,' were your typical 'little grey people...' Not forgetting though, they are more slightly bluish-tinged, than actually grey. There is nothing at all in the scriptural texts which indicates that kind of thing. No indeed - it seems the 'people' who came down were rather good-looking.

So now I'm going to tell you about something you have not heard from anywhere else, I don't think. At least not widely in any public area.

There are spacecraft, actual physical things (and Mack himself says these beings are all material and physical, although they also 'disappear' but re-appear whenever they want to) - in which there are no 'little greys' at all on board.

The end point of when you start to play around with 'chakra spinning' and electron vibration resonance, is that you will at some point lose those things you previously held to have been 'certain' and 'vital' and 'necessary' about yourself...

Where I was going with the statement that intelligent ET Aliens never have interfered with the 'narratives' that humans tell themselves, is for example - in the significant case of Christianity. This is a very good example, actually.

Several times in the New Testament, it is openly acknowledged, that Mariamne (Mary Magdalene) was not only the closest person 'socially' let's say, to this Divine Being, but that she was in fact the very first to whom He disclosed that He was not dead.

Yet, once again, several times, it is virtually in tones of disbelief, that the guys there were looking at what it was she actually told them...

Happy happy. Pleasant pleasant...

Same now here today.

People directly involved say something, and absolutely no one takes any notice, but they go off and re-interpret things all kinds of which-ways and it's the interpreted versions of the matter, that become the accepted norm (about what went on). Firstly, as I told Weinstein, it's stupid because it is not logical to just go manufacture something when what you can do, strictly objectively and logical, is simply note and say what the person reported, what the actual witness account was.

And then you can say 'okay I don't know whether this is true or not right now.' And leave it at that.

That's real science.

Manufacturing some 'story' about what was 'meant' by what they said, and then twisting that into: and that is what they said - is dissembling.

So now I'm going to tell you explicitly, how to 'make contact' and how to make material contact...

Firstly, you know yourself that human language, human words, not only can be rather imprecise, but they are subject to a lot of interpretation, and so to, mis-interpretation.

Secondly, just plain words - language going on in your head as ideas and idea strings - engage only a very small amount of your brain. The electron energy frequencies of your toe, need not be in any way matching with what your fore-brain is thinking.

And then -,

Luca Turin was onto it (and believe me, these guys are not, interested in scent science; they are interested in manufacturing consciousness) when he said that a complex natural fragrance with a top, heart and base, is the only other thing besides say Beethoven's Ninth, which causes the human brain's neurons to light up like a constellation.   

And then I guess he might have even said something along the lines that this already presumes we are talking only about those brains that are at all tuned into something as esoterically complex as Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. 

I will propose to you, that the reason that you are playing with complex scents, and trance music and many emotional thoughts - is to have all of your neurons marching to the same rhythm, as it were.

Then, 'those other guys' can see you clearly.

Mariamne said, Jesus never died then rose, He rose first anyway and then He died in order for Him to easily rise again. And she added - and this is what you must do now.

Just for you, Nuno.
Your friend Stine.
She sings below.
...In the music video, below.

Not tomorrow, or when 'sci-ence' wakes the f* up.Or when 'technology' has 'arrived' for you to do drive-through 'McResurrecting.'

Or when little grey ET Alien-y people suddenly change their tune because 'sci-ence' and 'Congress' (they could care about that, right...). Because you're all, Eric Weinstein, so f*ing brilliant that only now, are the super duper intelligent beings deigning to give the human race the time of day.

When they never did that to, oh, um, I dunno - Voltaire? Beethoven?!

LOL Because you're all so smart right. And everything you do is so amazing. Man, f* that Shakespeare!

What a loser. If only he had Grammarly.

John Mack got it right when he said, in the interview with McKenna, that these 'phenomena' in fact he specified these craft and their occupants, 'crystallized as a material phenomenon' when they chose to do that.

Well. You can hope all you like that 'Captain Paterson-Alfadir'sdottir' from HAARP (claimed to be from HAARP, at least, and heck they all there thought she was too!) will spend the whole darn day with you, waiting for you to brush your teeth, take a shower and so on... ... and then go out for coffee with you.

Let's party!

But a better plan is, for you to do what I've been saying and forget the actual 'ET Aliens' if you can, more or less altogether (although they will be there, but you can't see), and think about a 'mountain of gold.' Or in fact, anything super valuable that you can think of.

Now actually I know it's not going to be that easy because well in fact I haven't actually given away the techniques properly.

But I know already that some of you have 'discovered' enough stuff on your own that you will already 'get the point' of what I'm saying. Now here's the really brilliant part though: go with what Harvard Professor John Mack was saying - he said 'and they become material, or, materially obvious when previously they were only invisible and things that certain abductees saw in their heads...'

...A-a-a-a-nd, thermodynamic
nuclear quantum physics!

Don't remain disconnected to the real Universe any longer. The real Universe is not actually, the one that 'sci-ence' as been asserting from Karl Popper relativistic sensory observations exclusively. That one will get you killed. Those guys all say 'exclusively' because they aim to restrict what you will be able to get your hands physically onto, and what you will be allowed to see and to think.  

I know you are human, most of you, but so what. Maybe you will need to go chase around YouTube to find the longer, 'extended mix' versions of this, but hey, this is the 'material crystallization' right here in only two minutes. And I hope you understand what you are seeing, and we don't lie but we can be stealthy with the truth.

I won't do a 'synchronized scheduled fly-over' because... ...most of you have other things to do, many demands on your time during the days, and besides -, time is fluid, isn't it, Eric Weinstein?

But we should do something like it soon. So watch this, and become at least reasonably adequately prepared:


Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Mr Cairo...

There really is a 'long lost treasure.'

Just as there really is a 'Fat Man.' That's 'Kasper Gutman' - aka 'the Fat Man' - in The Maltese Falcon.

Hammett based the character of the Fat Man on Arthur Gregory, a British private detective and entrepreneur who had very powerful political establishment friends...

Gregory always claimed that he was a spy for MI6.

Jon Anderson and Vangelis
Doing 'The Maltese Falcon' thing.
Anderson's a genius, of course.

Dash Hammett really had a lot more knowledge of a whole range of things, than even his more than half-a-dozen years with Pinkerton's would allow, frankly, but that's not something we need to go into right here, right now! LOL

Maybe later one day. 

So yes there really is such a thing, not quite the Maltese Falcon as such, but there is a gold plaque which was found somewhere off an island in the Mediterranean and which is in the hands of who-knows-whom anymore. And on this plaque there is an etching of a bird very like an Egyptian falcon.

Don't want to talk about that. Want to talk about friends.

So there's a famous music album called 'The Friends of Mr Cairo' - and now you could say many things about why Anderson and Vangelis called it that, but I think for us here, if we just say, hey, film noir, very atmospheric, movie soundtrack-y, well that will do.

Joel Cairo had friends.

One of them being 'the Fat Man.'

Joel also carried around a little pistol.

He too wanted agency.

...But see he carried around a little pistol that he waved at people when he wanted things he was not actually entitled to claim.

Trust us, honest, we're your friends,
and we are the government.

The biggest weapon any Earth government or military possesses today, doesn't even come up close to the level of - a little pistol.

Still though, what makes things somewhat interesting, is that humans say they are after the black bird.

Joel Cairo was after the black bird and so was the Fat Man. Looked like, the Fat Man actually wanted it just 'to have it.' In fact he was the one setting a vast price on the thing.

Theoretically it was golden inside, but covered either in lead or black paint. So who knows what was in his mind, really. He did seem like he appreciated the thing as art, and as an antiquity. And yes, there are obsessional 'collectors' of things around.

But, if not the obsessional aspect (which misrepresents, over-states, the true value of a thing), well then what might have been any actual value of such an item at all?

If I gave you a sample of some composition of specific ingredients, well would it be just the sensation (if you imbibed it) that you were after - if there were such a thing entailed? What kind of sensation?

Is it just pleasure that one is after then?

You know, you humans... Is it just that you are seeking pleasure? You wave guns around in people's faces, and this is because, what - pleasure...?

There is no prospect at all, that any government can honestly, truthfully, tell the public ET Aliens are here, and that they are friendly and mean you no harm.

That they might say such things though, is easily admitted on the basis that they will be lying to you.

You like 'burnout silk?'
This is burnout silk.
Model is a bit too skinny again.
Needs some food.
Eyebrows could be just a touch
darker... Might give her a haarp to play.

The value to them is that they can invoke then all kinds of hitherto most unacceptable laws and edicts. 

Meanwhile we have someone say they are only following the idea seriously if a government official actually formally said, with authorization, that they were able to confirm knowledge that such beings exist, are here, or have been here, and that 'they' (these beings) mean 'us' no harm.

Well that doesn't even make sense just from the stand-alone external perspective, without any insider knowledge!

This is like saying 'I trust Mr Cairo, and the Fat Man, and I think those two consider me their friend.'

Well look, if that's your standard of 'friend' then no wonder you would be able to credit that highly advanced intelligent beings, with a lot more than little tiny pistols, would be necessarily friendly toward 'us.'

I mean a crocodile is said to be friendly, because it's jaw can be construed by those smoking too much Nile blue lotus flower, to form the shape of a smile.

I was just talking with our Bill Smith today, about Wouter Basson - who made toxins for the global biological weapons market. There was a story that he had found out what was the true basis for the idea that Ethiopian crocodiles have a tremendously toxic gall bladder.

According to modern 'sci-entists' (that would be like, people like Antonio Gramsci Fauxi) crocodiles do not have poisonous bile or gall bladders, and that is a misleading 'truth.'

Some crocodiles are fed incredible toxic substances, including the euphorbia plant, from an early age, and if they survive - which many do - there is a build up in the fat underneath the plate armor of the reptile, and this is what is extracted and used as a toxin.

Now the number of people who knoh dat on dis plane'h at dis time, is about seven or eight, Wouter Basson himself being one of them.

And Wouter Basson is regarded as the world's leading living authority on exotic biological weapons.

Sorry what was I talking about again?

Do I seriously need to draw attention to what's
in this image?

Oh. The friendliness of ET people.

I dunno. What do you think?

Depends what they are here to get though, right? You know, like what would be meaningful to them, what would be exciting, what they would find a kind of a pleasurable sensation...

And what they would collect. As I guess, quite the obsessional little collectors, at that!

And don't ever forget - in case you already have, and you prolly have - that Schwarzenegger got the back-story to 'Predator' from the son of the Project Sign guy, Professor J. Allen Hynek, Joel Hynek. So. Bank it. It's all there. The meaning, the objective, the whole point of everything - it's all there. Except no one's going to give a * about collecting 'warriors.' F me! You could end up collecting Johnny Depp thinking he really was a pirate and then where would you be!

Rule number 1, objective number 1 - is pre-eminence. 

If you are pre-eminent we keep you. If you're not we throw you in the bin. This is in the Vedas too. Fancy that. So how can you be 'pre-eminent' when like me, you're just a nobody in your mom's basement or your bedroom with a borrowed PC and running off a hacked broadband connection?

This track, funny thing about it is, it's nothing, it seems like nothing and then towards the end you find yourself going: 'Oh hey I want this to go on, I want to hear it again.' Funny thing, that.

Monday, 22 August 2022

You MUST Apply These Things Now

Now please don't just read stuff here and kick back and wait for the rest of the world.

The 'rest of the world' is going to be watching CNN with or without Stelter. Or Fox. Or both.

And when the little lions paws from Washington or Brussels push them to the edge, eventually, they will all fall off too. All the little mice will fall, and drown.

Meanwhile, the lions will fare not a lot better, because they will fight each other for the spoils and rip themselves to shreds anyway.

Nice pretty pic.
There's nothing in there related to the 
matter referred to below.
Just looks good. Probably tastes
not too bad either!

...Which will then leave just you.

So how do you cooperate in a forward-thinking group?

It's easy with 7 of 9. You just go 'yes, 7. Yes. Whatever you say.' And then you do or you don't but at least you tolerate her hive mind, if only for the ulterior motive reasons.

Bam! The blue wavelengths are in your mid-brain, and in all the von Economo neurons in your fronto-insular cortex and your anterior limbic area. Which, by the way, only you and the Great Apes have and no other primates do.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

(I copied that from Baskaran Pillai - he he).

Anyway, yes, bam...

First thing is you will be able to communicate telepathically.

Uh-oh. No. Really?

Yes, really.

Trouble is you'll soon see what a darn mess the average human's brain is in too.

There you will be, at your favorite coffee place, and listening in on all of the other customers in there. And slowly but surely, all of their silly red/orange/even many of their over-optimistic yellow thinking patterns will dissipate.

Focus on the mansion of your mind...

But one or two solid things will stay intact. These are the real 'thoughts,' real authentic logical ideas that physical reality can and likely will accommodate sooner or later.

And you must accept that 'logic' includes emotional logic forms, not just 'one and one equals two' stuff.

As for your own patterns, well you should be employing these formats to conceptualize some material wealth, some logical idea form which will be accepted into the material paradigm and easily accommodated there.

And you can't do that without - bam! Blue!

Not to worry though, if you just want future-Gothic thrills, there is always me.

You know, people are constantly asking for the UFO's to show up, for their occupants to appear and hang around long enough in daylight hours to be photographed and filmed - and maybe take up a residency at Vegas somewhere.


Well I have been every now and then showing you such people right here, but you've not seriously openly accepted that it is so, have you?

Some of you definitely have and you know it's true.

Meanwhile, I am expecting at least over half of the regular readership here to get their creative brain cells firing - and look, here's something that will help.

I never mentioned this before because I wanted to see the numbers from various different places not including here first:

'Writers' Block Drinkable Inks.'

Free to read here.

I am a bit worried about whether we'll be able to send this stuff out in the mail - there's nothing at all even mildly illegal in there, but that won't stop the morons if they think they don't know what something actually is...

So, it may be that I will have to only send out the list of ingredients. Hopefully not. 

I am sure that several of you have asked yourself, every now and then reading here, 'Oh hey, WTF is this? Is this really a human being he is showing us...'

But admittedly you have to be pretty astute and 'onto things' to sense there is something a little bit 'skew-whiff' with certain things, occasionally.

I mean, hey, you can easily tell yourselves from some kind of other humanoid presence though, right?

'Course you can. [Best quality headphones, please. And, I really don't have to say how long into this thing, do I? Because you're all patient. Right? Right??]