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Thursday, 23 June 2022

Fey, And Feitian

The Chinese have this idea about 'Feitian' - the flying fairies.

Yet, their actual descriptions are exactly the same as European stories about these beings.

Although even the words and names used for them - 'Fey' and 'Fei-tiwa'an' are very similar, seemingly, the Chinese word means 'flying' devas, whereas the European 'Fey' implies that they have fair skin.

Fairies like mallow flowers.

Even so, these are basically the same descriptions that the Chinese have as well, for these creatures: fair-skinned, able to fly, light, lithesome, slender, able to perform all kinds of magic. In the Chinese classics 'Feitian' are said to be exquisitely beautiful, so much so that they hide their faces from Mankind, usually, in order not to shock them.

As I have said many times here before, these are the same beings - and which are not of the human species albeit they are humanoid, and capable of interacting fully with humans - as described by Homer as the means by which Odysseus was able to be taken back to his home islands.

The Estonians have a rich culture of witchcraft and nature worship, and there are 'fairy tales' there about how some fairies in fact settled and inter-mingled with the local people. 

The singer Kerli has quite a few videos around in which she discusses some of her own practices that are intended by her to 'get back into her own native culture and traditions.'

Estonian cuisine is typically fairy food.

Typically, suggestions are raised here and elsewhere often, regarding whether or not these ancient traditional cultural narrative artifacts are only the product of an individual's personal internal, maybe, subconsciousness, or complex imaginings.

But there is a secret to fairies, and it is this - as soon as you subject them to human words and language - unless you are a very very special person, and there is some grand reason why they are allowing you to converse and engage and interact on a human-istic level, they will vanish from view and from obvious influence.

In the Persian culture there is an idea about 'master of fairies' (Peri-Khan) but I dispute that there can be such people.

When a human comes into the purview of a fairy, a real one, they will be overcome with a kind of drunkenness, although not from wine or alcohol or any other substance.

The Chinese also say this, and they imply it perfectly in their descriptions when they maintain 'Feitian' possess a certain 'aromatic mist' around them which overcomes the human.

To fully understand, that is, to actually be in touch with a fairy, one should refrain from doing what most people do, which is to read things like the Black Books (of Jung) and rather read the Red Book instead (Kerli also talks about this). For, as I have just now already said, immediately that a person seeks to 'explain' or 'describe' what is going on, the fairy departs.

I could have posted some early music by Kerli to show how this operates, and post it side-by-side with later videos when she has begun to consciously process what has gone on.

But here is, if anything, a better example from Gareth Emery. Here he has taken some African sansa 'thumb piano' music, and transcribed it into the EDM idiom.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Daimones And Jung's 'Red Book'

Carl Gustav Jung wrote one central book, one great work upon which all his others depend.

And, if you have attended Universities and studied what they claim is 'psychology' you will never have read it, and may not have even encountered it at all.

It was only published and made accessible in 2009.



Come to me, children, for here, I will give you rest.

This work by Jung, is regarded by many modern 'psychologists' as the product of a 'psychotic break' in Jung's life. 

And yet, they use his 'external, scientific explanations' of this main secretive work, which is also called the Liber Novus, to 'teach' Jung; well, they teach about Jung, anyway. But they employ the (his) six 'black books' and not the 'red book.'

The work was written in the years from 1913 to 1918, during which time Jung was an active service officer in the Swiss Army.

Jung's Red Book predates certainly, all of modern-day 'Stargate' exercises. 

But this is an exact example of the influence of 'Daimones' on someone.

...If you yourself go down to your local city today or tomorrow - you will observe human beings there walking about; and they will be sentient, and sapient, but not salient.

Google-search's idea of the meaning of 'salient' is that it concerns something which 'stands out.'

Yet, I disagree. It stands for an expression describing something which has the living meaning of 'alive.'

The people that you see are not alive. They are, as if, slumbering.

And that is done to them on purpose, by very wicked spirit beings, though not 'Daimones.'

And you can see how that it might be the case, indeed, that re-incarnation is true, broadly-speaking, in that whatever is animating these 'walking beings' is simply used over and over again, but never with any true 'animated alive-ness.'

They are born, they come they go, they die - and then, they come again.

In a kind of a slumber.

And whilst ever their sentience is fixed, as it were to look in one direction only, they are unable to receive the vivifying actual light, and thus perceive only shadows, in semi-darkness, upon walls on their prison - which is literally also their tomb.

In Jung's Red Book, a certain character, Philemon, says the following, of 'Phanes' the true 'life-giving' God:

"He is promise and fulfillment...

"He is the trailing star that brings wars and noble wine...

"He fulfills the hours with life-filled enchantment..."

And many other wonderful things, are said about him.

In the Mysteries of Orpheus, in later times, an incarnation of this God, who is then called Dionysus, receives the scepter from his Father, Zeus. 

In the Vedas, this is the God Kama.

In most religious philosophies, including Evolution, there is some 'perfect' actual structural system that was 'created' by 'God' at the start of everything - and then, either Mankind devolved from there, or, as in the case of Darwinian Evolution, Mankind gradually advances by degrees somewhere, but along a path defined by number and physics and chemistry and biology, which are all immutable perfect things right from the beginning. There is no 'new addition' to actual manifested physics in the material Universe.

In the Jewish Torah, God made the perfect 'Laws' and gave these to Moses.

And in the Islamic ideology, Allah made a perfect being - Muhammad - without whose existence, he would not have even created all Creation... ...and, Allah made the Quran, and then made Mankind and taught them the perfect Book.

And then Moses died and was buried but no one ever found his body or grave, but at least they agree - he is dead. And Muhammad died as well and as for Allah, he retired to some position 'above his arsh,' 'turning, turning...' And that is what they say, the scholars.

In the Arabic Islamic tradition, they have a rare truth, which is this: 'the ink of the scholars is more sacred than the blood of martyrs.'


This 'Red Book' of Jung, was written in his own personal calligraphy, using multi-colored ink, on expensive parchment paper, in highly illuminated medieval style.

And you have never read it.

Have you? 

Peri-Asteron is a Greek word, and if the Gospel writers insist on continuously using Greek Orphic language, about actual Orphic deities, with their actual original Greek names, then what on Earth does any of it have to do with Jewish stuff?

Monday, 20 June 2022

Gonzalo And His Stoopid 'Glowies'

Gonzalo Lira insists on saying that a 'glowie' is a CIA person who he can recognize because they 'glow in the dark.'

Well what the hell's the point of being a spook but glowing in the damn dark?!

He's such an arrogant * there's no point trying to point out the obvious to him. For a start he's already convinced he's so smart he can tell a CIA operator...

Anyway not to worry, there's more important things afoot.

For instance, other 'KP' is heading to down your way, Bill Smith. And she'll be staying there for a month at least. 'Incognito.'

Never mind though, Gonzalo can tell where she is, what she really looks like in RL but 'incognito.'


At least Orlando wore those elf ears. So he was pretty easy to see. 

Kerli, who really is an elf from Estonia, well she and Brissie Aussie Tyson Illingworth used to write songs and music for Disney shows - like 'Disney on Ice' and all of that. Neither of those two need fake ears, on account dey bof got dem real ones.

So what's really a real 'glowie?'

Well, let's say you are talking to an old school wine-maker. Well they will be inclined to pronounce it 'musca-telle' rather than 'muscadelle.' And no one anyway will much know what they're talking about.

And if you said 'Tokay' they would know you meant Australian muscadelle (or 'muscatelle' then, lol). And if you said 'Tok-ahwee' then they would know you are being Count Dracula, and meaning the Hungarian stuff.

Both of these two wines however, are aged in the barrel for many many years, and that so kills off the alcohol, and in any case, they both have so much sugar in them and not much acidity, that they add brandy spirit to it to lift it back up again!
Muscadelle grapes. Also luminous.

They say that the best Tokaji (that is, of all of the younger versions) are not fortified, but that is only because they are young. The real proper 'eszencia' is not even really a 'wine' with the alcohol never reaching much more than four to five percent, no matter how long it has been fermenting, and so, sshh, don't tell anyone, the 'Tokaji' made for dumb modern Western palates are fortified. Whereas the literal 'eszencia' is not generally fortified, and has hardly any alcohol in it. But still, some of it has been fortified - and I mean the really old stuff. So they were not so 'precious' back then a hundred years and much earlier.

People who argue about these things because they have been to a University or have a read a book, well, they are not 'glowies.'

So, Muslims, sadly, your friend the Count would have been able to give you something, that classes as not even alcoholic. And you could have enjoyed that. Except -, you killed him.

And, seeing that he was not really a 'vampire' he cannot just come back from the dead and offer you some 'Tokaji.'
Oh yes. It does.

A 'glowie' is someone who you might see casting in some rose water in with their Tokay or Tokaji, whichever one... 

And then, the guy who puts in some cardamom pods and a few saffron strands, well, Jesus!

What the heck does he think he's doing?

Well, rose has theobromine in it.

Cardamom is another thing with loads of myrcene in it.

Saffron is mysterious. Increases the neural connections though.

D'you remember about a year ago, I mentioned this guy at the Belgian Beer Cafe, who commented to me about me writing a note using a fountain pen? Remember how he showed me his stock portfolio with pride?

If he knew how to properly recognize things that 'glow,' he would have known to the day, to the hour, to the minute... Wouldn't he?

No special gift telling you some old guy will fall off his bike. No special gift telling you to save ten bucks a week from here on in as another fifty more generals that were whistled up out of nowhere get obliterated, and the interest rate curve moves nicely along.

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Why Only 'One Widow'

See if you suddenly unleash some kind of mechanistic process that allows anyone and everyone to 'open the Stargates,' you end with Freemasonry or modern-day Gnosticism.

Both of those have systems described within their secret teachings, that are strictly mechanistic, I guess you could even say they are virtually scientific means of accessing unseen powers.

If you notice, I did not say 'purport to have' such processes: they do have them.

Charlottes with berries and Tokay.

The fundamental so-called 'hidden rite' in Freemasonry has to do with a certain figure of ancient Tyre, a kind of a demi-god, whose role, apparently, is to 'generate' or in fact to 're-generate' from death. A lot of theorists have been saying for ages that Freemasons worship Lucifer at the highest levels, but they kind of don't - they worship the inherent (so they hold) semi-divine human 'Super Soul.'

The thing that has been leaked out about 'the widow's son' is completely a direct and intentional allusion to various narratives in the New Testament (which Freemasons say is a 'supposed' or 'alleged' history; in other words, they do not actually literally believe for sure that Jesus existed or that the account of His life and death and anything else, is factually true or authentically historical - their own texts use phrases such as 'said to be' and the 'reported accounts of...') - about Jesus having raised from the dead, a certain widow's son.

But then, in the Bible, it straight away goes back to an earlier time, when some widow at the time of Elijah was saved from starvation by Elijah (Luke 4:26) - and intriguingly, here too, the story touches on this 'Tyre & Sidon' mythology (I'm saying mythology because we are talking a real long time ago), because the widow was a woman 'from a certain city of Sidon.'

As you know, Freemasons have this myth about some 'Hiram, of Tyre.'

Go for a run, that increases your endorphins.

Anyway, those of you who got far up into the highest ranks of Freemasonry, know that you have to spend certain nights, all night, in the Masonic Lodge waiting for this 'widow's son' - and basically, you will literally have ghostly encounters. And at the end of the day, it is a kind of a 'Gnosis' that you are meant to experience, in which you accept that human beings all re-incarnate and cannot actually die, as such.

'Lucifer' which is indeed a figure addressed in the higher ceremonies, is only a 'light bearer' - the true 'God' is the Master Mason; the human being.

Regardless of all of that, the point is here we have a simple, and mechanistic set of 'mystery rituals' that anyone can acquire, and the end result is some experience, but look, frankly, the implication is all about power - especially power to have and to run or rule/manage great enterprises including large-scale building work; cities, villages, town planning, roads - all kinds of structures and things like that.

Believe it or not, the Chinese Communist Party is highly Masonic. Not for no reason do they clamp down so heavily on Falun Gong, for instance... And by the way, while I'm talking about that (Falun Gong) you are never going to get the real deal on them from the internet. They are absolutely exactly not, a system that teaches moral law above 'spiritual energy.' People say that who have already been influenced by the propaganda of the Beijing CCP.

The reason the CCP hates the Falun Gong ideas, is because their own 'invisible power' is challenged by them.

Waste a lot of money - that'll
increase your endorphins too!
For a while.

So on the one hand, I do not want to go down this path of suggesting there is this 'one-size-fits-all' mechanistic process which opens Stargates - but on the other hand I guarantee you that when you use it correctly 'things happen.'

But what you are left with, when it comes to cults and occult things like Freemasonry, is a huge dark blanket of 'suppressive mental imagery' that pervades all of human society at large - and that is because the ideas that are being thought in there, spill over into every part of ordinary daily life. You see, because it really is a 'one-size-fits-all' mentality that operates with all of these cults - all the humans lose their natural creative spark and the only time something actually new turns up, is when it is thieved and those stolen ideas (which come from others) are being exploited unworthily.

They say all power corrupts, but that is not actually ultimately true. Power mostly does corrupt, but this does not mean that single widow never got saved (literally by a 'God level' power) while everybody else starved. Actual 'God-level' stuff is powerful but subtle and almost completely unseen. And that, in fact, is why it is even 'All-Powerful' when it comes to humans precisely because it is quiet and doesn't attract a lot of unwanted attention.

The Stargate is 'enter by the narrow door.' 

That is exactly what it is. 

And today, in front of that 'narrow door' is a whole huge swathe of ivy that is making it very very hard to locate the doorway out of here.

If there are lots of you, and you all want to get up here into this abandoned space station, well, go join a Freemasonic Lodge - you'll easily be able to afford a trip to Disneyland that way.

...As far as I can tell, they only take very very special people up here. There's not many up here at all.

Saturday, 18 June 2022

Why M Three-Stars Are Rubbish

You come to my house, right, and I will feed you. 

Not to mention there will be wine.

Ah, but what wine...?

Well, it will be wine from an Alexandrian -, an Egyptian grape.

It may be muscat, or it may be the supposedly unrelated muscadelle, which is an identified 'peasant' grape variety plus something that DNA has not yet been able to identify... LOL

Of course, by the time there is food you will think the food is from the heavens above.

And that will be because, my friends, this wine has myrcene in it, and geraniol.

What does myrcene do? Well, that is what you have Wiki for. Because if I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

You wouldn't even get the wine unadulterated. It would have strands of super negin saffron in it, and edible gold flakes, and dry mini rose buds.

For those of you who want this freight train again, well, that ain't gonna happen; if you went out and bought all of the ingredients and composed them just so, nothing would happen particularly.

It's when you are not expecting it and your brain is doing somersaults wondering 'What is this all about...' That's when it will hit you.

Nothing up here; all empty. No people...
Much. Maybe a few. Hiding from you.

As you know mango contains myrcene...

A lot of expensive high class perfumes have it in there as well.

Wonder why, d'you think?

So... ...I've told you a thousand times already Jesus was an Egyptian Greek. His ancestor was Asaneith.

So now you know what wine He 'made' at that wedding.

Do you think you would ever get this kind of treatment at the most expensive Michelin Three-Star restaurant in the world?

Never, ever. Not ever.

And when you think I'm through, well - I can go some more.

We'd have to cart you out on a stretcher.

Oh the circle of friends up there?

What are they doing?

They're firing the lasers at each other's hearts, aren't they? But you knew that. Because you worked it out because you are smart.

My friend Cristina. She makes, as in literally has to force her brother, who is quite some musician, to help write and play along in all this music of theirs and 'Tritonal' - who are a couple of other Texan guys. Special, special people.