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Sunday, 27 February 2022

What You Don't Know...

 ...Is liable to get you killed, in this world!

If you make a habit of staying militantly ignorant, and pretending to yourself that governments and police and all of this 'exercise' is going to protect you - you'll end up literally dead.

It might take them twenty or thirty years to do it to you, but they will kill you.

So people survive, but how?

Well, let's just look at some facts:

Carlos the Jackal is a Muslim.


I hear you say, and then I see some of you quickly to check on Google-search.

Carlos the Jackal has written a book which is published and still in print and available.

It's called 'Revolutionary Islam.'

Barack Obama and John McCain armed Al Qaeda in Syria...

You keep on being stupid and ignorant and seriously, you're liable to get yourself killed, not to mention that you'll get others killed as well.

ISIS/Al Qaeda...

Funny, because real Carlos (this
is real Carlos here),
is roughly the same height as
Mohammed Hijab.

...equals segments of the UK political elite, and parts of the US political and bureaucratic 'dark world.' Am I right, Bill Smith? Yenal Gunay ring any bells? Well he's in London, right? Not Turkey!

The reason I am mentioning all of this now is because you should know down deep in your gut what sorts of things are afoot right now and are bound to turn up on the world stage rather sooner probably, than later.

And then what that means for the lateral effects, is pretty important - if you want to get out of the way of falling timber, and also if you want to make money out of the events themselves.

For absolutely no good reason that anyone with half a brain can think of, Jens Stoltenberg basically just plunged the whole world into a nuclear threat situation. Not with Russia - that is to say, not just with Russia.

Stoltenberg is a committed Marxist-Leninist in the worst possible sense. He literally is that since his university days, because, let's face it, he never went to school for one thing: he was from an extremely privileged background, a wealthy 'elite' Left-wing political family, and attended a Waldorf School, not an actual primary school. And, he was an avowed Marxist-Leninist at University.

Not France. 

Technically now, he's an 'economist.' Though never having owned or run or managed so much as a corner sandwich shop ever in his privileged pathetic little life. But not to worry - he just plunged your life into a real nuclear war risk zone.

If the Russian government wanted to run in and take over the Ukraine they could do so in about a day - by obliterating everything inside the country there. Instead they are working with the Ukrainian army generals to manufacture a publicly palatable 'technical retirement' from the field of those Ukrainian soldiers actually taking orders from their generals, while the Russian Special Operations people go in and 'adjust' the political leadership in there, removing the WEF puppets.

Now really, what sense does it make for Stoltenberg to say something, that will effect the way China looks at things, which seemed - but only to idiots - to be some kind of 'big threat' to Russia by Stoltenberg?

The reason there are so many heavily-armed paramilitary Ukrainians wandering around, is because these do not have to take orders from actual generals or Ukrainian army commanders.

Now just who do you supposed armed these guys?

There is simply no argument at all, which can be mounted to give any reasonable account for why there even is a Macron in France, a Trudeau in Canada, or a Biden in the United States for that matter, but more importantly, no argument for why there are punitive laws being enacted against citizens participating in supposed democracies - none of whom ever made, or leaked the Wuhan virus.

And there is absolutely zero justification for threatening anyone with a nuclear strike!

But that is what Jens Stoltenberg just did. Now exactly on whose behalf did he do that? And what is his mandate for being able to make such (IE such insane) calls?

Do you have an answer Mr John O. Brennan?

Now you take a real good look, Mr Brennan, at the fact that the Ukrainian military and the Russian military are currently, right now this very instant, jointly protecting Chernobyl -, apparently, if you go by what your media is saying, in spite of the present circumstances.

So then what really are those 'present circumstances?'

If I wanted to put a hit team together, John, I'd just hand out guns to you, just like that lame-brain Zelensky did - and you'd all shoot go shoot yourselves in the foot. Guaranteed.

Lucky for you there are those strange people flying around the nukes, though, right?

Because at least they will prevent you from having to shoot yourselves (did I forget to say 'in the foot?').

Oh trust me, it's coming.


Saturday, 26 February 2022


Alhamdulillah! Brothers! If you wish to donate to our masjid-building programs in the newly liberated state of Ukrainistan, please do so at once, as - Alhamdulillah - Allah will reward you with many yatmutahuna in Heaven (Jannah).

By the way, there is no such place as 'KEEV.' This pronunciation has come about because someone misspelled the Ukrainian way of spelling Kiev (which correct spelling is Kyiv) as 'Kiyv' and some newsreader just sounded out what he read - except that it's wrong and springs from the misspelling. The pronunciation is KEY-ev, anyway: for 'Kyiv.' Which is the correct Ukrainian spelling. The Russian spelling is Kiev.

Ramzi Khadyrov - his Chechen
(Muslim) soldiers were the first to enter Kiev
 and take
control, following the
'front spear' commandos.

But not 'Kiyv' which would indeed sound like 'Keev or at least 'kee'uv.'

It was Barack Obama, the darling of the Leftist media, who continually said throughout his Presidency that the Ukraine posed no strategic interest to the USA whatsoever, and was never going to be something the US would go to war over.

Meanwhile, if you said such a thing right now you would literally have that madman Alexander Vindman call you a 'traitor!'

Alas, but the current crop of lunatics who apparently are running foreign policy now, were not paying attention to right here, when, on the 22nd of January of this year, we posted this pic...

Alexey Mordashov's yacht.
We posted this here on 22 Jan 2022.
Well before 'sanctions' and the 'invasion.'

Not to worry - you just go and try to 'confiscate' this vessel then, why don't you?


You'll frikkin' find out what a 'Javelin missile' a la Russee is.

In this current environment, which, as Glenn Greenwald just said in a recent German Television program, has people's emotions at a high pitch everywhere, it is possible to be taken in by the psychological manipulations of various political interests who will try and exploit people's emotions.

It's getting to the point though, of course, where it has become increasingly possible for me personally to say outright where I was trained, where I was 'doing things' and for whom.

I was there long before you, John O. Brennan. And given that he is a touch older than myself (on official records of birth-dates!), it does kind of make me wonder how he was able to, effectively, 'fall down in a shower of rain...' Given that, from my memory, CIA was nothing like it is now - back at that time.

But see though, the thing is, fair enough, he entered service around, maybe 1977. So he was a newbie then. Still it is strange that the culture never left its touch on him.

As you can now see though, this whole history thing kind of 'might' explain that yes, it was my family who were in the thing, not me - not necessarily me as such. I literally grew in the place. What happened during and then after, was that I was naturally 'involved' but not ever actually 'recruited' as an adult as such. I'd been 'going in and coming out' from places though for years and years already by the time Brennan just graduated from Fordham.

So are any of those 'olden days' inner circles still around?

Lincoln Gordon.
My boss, ultimately.
The old old days.
You'll never find out my actual age.
Because the records place
'burned down.' LOL
I'm surprised I'd never even
heard of 'John Brennan!'

I dunno John. What do you think? D'you suppose they might be?

See the thing is like this - if today's Director of anywhere, said to me - 'just shut up,' or 'do this...' What I might do is think about it, come to a personal conclusion, and then either do it or not do it, but I would tell them anyway what my decision was first and I would never 'shop them' at all. Because it should be on some files that this is so already because I have 'been there' in that circumstance already.

You just don't do those things.

I could work taking orders from Brennan. Hell, why not? He's a pretty smart guy. But why would I though? Compared to why we did things for Lincoln Gordon and John McCone...

See the big difference between Lincoln and John M., and you John B., is that they were so so so much more educated than you will ever be. I mean in the moral sense as well as in the 'book learning' sense too.

'Moral sense' or I should phrase it better as 'moral intellect' - means understanding what is really going on behind the scenes, or even behind your back.

And that is plainly something very few people have as an accomplished skill, ever since, oh, about the time of President Johnson?

LOL It isn't really a laughing matter though.

Everyone thinks the CIA assassinated Kennedy. 

Well see, but if you begin to get the whole picture now, that there are at least two factions of CIA - then John McCone was definitely not in the one that would have wanted to knock off Kennedy. But what's truly frightening about things is when you know the McCone side of things, and you see that there were others there before him and around him and Kennedy, and they did not share the same 'vision.' Well just who are they? What, are they?

But I dunno about you, John Brennan... Whose 'side' are you on? Are you the side that picked Justin Trudeau, or the other side?

Because depending on your answer, would you want to know where the poison is? (Wonder which movie this was from...?)

'Eurasia' 'Business' Center

People keep trying to blame CIA for everything bad and evil.

'CIA' is just this huge organisation much like the General Post Office, or the National Library System.

The real question is more, kinda, like this type of thing: 'Which of the following people - John O. Brennan, James Comey, Valerie Jarrett, Namish Patel (don't worry, you've never heard of him) - were in the 'Eurasia Business Center' in Kiev when the US State Department told all US citizens to get the hell out of there.

Eurasia Business Center in Kiev.

Meanwhile, this building, designed and built by UK architects and with UK money, and whose edifice is patterned on the SIS Building (MI6) at Vauxhall Cross, London - would have been contemplating its future (because buildings have a mind and a soul and think, right? At least they do according to Thomas Sheridan), of burning files and offices, even before the Russian military got there to turn over whatever was left of the place.

And who else was housed in there?

None other than Obama and Hillary Clinton top aide, and one time top executive at the White House Office of Public Liaison (WTF?) - Alexandra Chalupa, an ethnic Ukrainian, who like the Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, has a Nazi family background.


Oh gewd.

Can't wait to see the pics of the place, especially Bain & Co's sections. 

Jesus, Mike Burgess, Australian spy chief - if your guy Namish gets his head blown off out there, would not be my problem, would it?

Denver Ball Arena. Huh? What's that
got to do with anything?
'Tool' played there. 'Tool' -> 'Eagles of
Death Metal.' Same same, laaaa.

Still, he's not really your guy, is he though? Because you haven't worked out yet that Australia is no longer (at least technically because none of you bastards seem to know this) a colony...

Could you people be any dumber than you are? Nope. This is the bottom of the basement.

Jesus Christ but there would have had to have been some filing cabinet ransackings and contents burnings over the last few weeks out there.

Ah well, what's a few billion dollars though, right? Nothing since you people apparently find it easy enough to steal cash from kids like James Packer. Candy from babies, right?

But are you hurting yet? No?

Oh you wait till I burn you.

You think Putin... That's because he has armies that you can see.

But I have armies that you cannot see, and my foot-soldiers are going to blow you away.

This is the end of the line, fellas.

I used to go to lunch and dinner with this 'operator' years back - a gentleman who was Lee Marvin's Black Marlin fishing partner - and he would regale me with what I considered tall tales or fairy tales about real life, modern Nazis, with their super millions and industrial plants in South America and Spain and all kinds of places. Some of the stories he told me! SMH

Well, it was the reason I went to dinner and lunch with him. They were good stories.

Sounded ridiculous, but still good entertainment on account of how ridiculous they were.

Correction - seemed; because they all turned out to be true.

What's it say in there?
Benevolent ruler?
Quite funny.

But you do not want to know about the disgusting parts. Do not. Trust me.

You know, when people say 'Nazi' I wonder what they really mean to be talking about?

These days, it simply means 'a bad guy who killed Jews' and, I supposed, who 'lurved 'itler.' ...As Johnny Galliano put it, when he was drunk and being a complete idiot out of jealousy and rage over some rich people sitting nearby and who were getting more attention than he.

Ah, but that's not the Nazis though. That's not the guys who went up to Wewelsburg Castle.

When there is an orgy of blood going on, strange strange - well, some strange characters arrive on the scene and slip into the scene.

Well factually, the orgy of blood has been with the Americans over the last several decades, not the Russians so much, although there have been two major outbreaks with them: in Georgia and Abkhazia, although, Jesus Christ(!) - in both of those places too it was the US and the Eu globalists fiddling behind the scenes in the first place, again!

You see guys like John O. Brennan are smart in a way but then again, they are not smart.

They only think they are smart because of their huge, massive, egos.

Yes they are clever and they have a lot of things going on inside of their heads but there is something wrong with their eye-to-brain co-ordination and their connections.

They see it, and yet they don't see it; it doesn't register in there.

John, if a kalibr missile hit that building, were any of your people inside there still? I sure hope not, dude.

Because you're pretty safe where you are, and there is no kalibr missile on its way to you, right?

As far as you know.

The brand is 'Naked Life.'
Non-alcoholic, it claims,
but I doubt that!
Maybe 'legally' non-alc.

Get out of Singapore, John. It's not healthy for you there. Yue Moh Gwai Gwai Ling, John. Lot's of er, rain. Plenty rain, and if you can't swim you'll drown.

Just sayin', John. And you know, I could be a lot more terse about it than that. And then you'd get angry and whatever.

Right now though, if you opened up your mind, and book-ended the Ukraine damn helluva mess that you partly are responsible for, and turn the picture to say, Taiwan and SEA, then, maybe I'm not being so nasty to you after all am I? And maybe you don't really have to sue me. I'm actually helping you, but like I said, you ain't reading things right. And you are not going to 'get the message.'

[And anyone who wants an insight into how and why people 'miss' key facts on the page and in the picture that everyone is looking at, well, there is something out now for money, but anyone who has been financially involved here, or is, can get a free copy but without the beautiful formatting!]

So, Eurasia Business Center... So, John O. Brennan - what kind of business would that be then, you know, in there?

Thursday, 24 February 2022

If You Think I'm Kidding Re Trudeau

Then just forget it. I'm not going to argue with anyone about it. He's doomed.

Things will come out sooner or later. Or, he might not even make it to then.

What's always fascinating to me - it's been like this over many years - people who have no actual knowledge, and especially no inside knowledge, will determinedly gainsay what someone tells them, with key facts that they never knew about before. And still they will go down the same hole without stopping to think that the other person already simply must know more than they do.

Cute bookshop in Firenze.

Why do they do this?

To this very minute I am talking with people who want to sell me on Whitley Streiber and Alan Steinfeld and similar. Seriously what would such people know??

They outright tell you they are just either 'commentators' or 'researchers' and I'm not even going to give any air to Strieber at all.

It's the same thing with Trudeau. I can name you literally half a dozen 'agencies' already inside his office and shaving room!

They are literally pushing each other out of the way to get at him first. Taiwanese, Japanese, hell, if I even mentioned some of the others it would be giving too much away at the wrong time.

But it's regularly only after the event that suddenly every man and his dog somehow knows everything and wants front page space to give their opinion.

Before the thing happens, you can say it a hundred thousand times and exactly no one takes any notice.

Listen, Mr FBI man... You think maybe I am the enemy, right?

Hey hey.

Do I need to remind you who actually arrested Huawei's CEO?


We've been at this game a lot longer
than you might suppose...!

If I said 'I am going to taking him out and shoot him in the head' you would all rush over and arrest me. If I told you the Chinese government has already poisoned him and he's going to die, you will take absolutely no notice at all. If I said the Chinese government has agents there ready to take him out and shoot him in the head, what would you do - go out and provide him with more 'ballistic suits' from Mexico that the cartels all use and that you buy also from the same supplier? For a start I said 'in the head' not in the ass.

You think I'd kidding? Any idiot from any government agency here think I'm kidding or making stuff up?

Did the Canadian government or did it not, on the orders of the US government, arrest and detain the Hauwei CEO without trial for several years?

'You on the wrong side, fool.' Now just who said that in the movies... What team was he on?

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Hard To Talk Right Now...

Well, it isn't impossible - just 'difficult.'

...I wonder if those killed by the current storms and floods in the UK (today it's 'Storm Franklin') died with Covid.

Mussolini, when Mount Etna erupted during his dictatorship, used the event for propaganda, and had lots of publicity put out about what he was doing to save lives, and rebuild houses and so on.

So you know that politicians will use anything to promote themselves.

Let's do 'rich people' dating apps.

Even the new gray hairs on the head of Justin Pierre James Trudeau, the next time you see him in public will be cast in the media as a sign of his 'maturity,' right?

Grey hair can be a sign of arsenic poisoning too, though. Arsenic binds to the keratin in hair, and is silver-gray in color.

By the way, not that you will believe this, but Trudeau is the offspring of a line of people from Japheth, the evil son of Noah - who lived 950 years, as you know.


Or, in the Arabic narratives, 'one thousand years less fifty.' Thanks Bill Smith and Mufti Abu Layth.

Trudeau's name actually means, in old French 'Of the line of Japheth.' You don't believe that do you...

Except it does. 'Tru' means to 'pierce right through.' And 'Japheth' means the 'piercer.'

De'Tru... or, Tru-de-aux.

'How about coffee?'
'What, just coffee?'

He is a Titanim, according to the Zohar people.

Same as 'Fauci' which means a hand-held cutting sickle.

Everyone who is from that lineage has those sorts of surnames.

Well we don't need to worry about any of that. It's all just noise and silliness.

What's really important is what my friend Vera is doing right now, now that all the offices in midtown Manhattan are empty and she can't 'blend in' with the office workers and go downstairs and get her deli sandwiches, and keep tabs on the UN staff and delegates with her 'Getty' Linux tools.

Everyone is losing their jobs with the old 'Covid' plague. Even CIA people.

So what's she doing? Or at least, planning to do?

'Well, Gucci clutch purses and
coffee, then...'
'Oh, okay. Your place or mine?'

Maybe I should help her out. What do you say?

I know. I'll tell her that our Mike Burgess, weirdo current head of the Australian Secret Intelligence (lol) Organisation believes that dating apps are a way for the Russians to spy on people and maybe even, insert operatives and 'run' innocents. And so, maybe she could step over to down here for a while, and look into some 'dating apps.'

That'd be fun. Because, well because I know better 'dating apps' than they all even have ever heard of. The actual ones, with the actual spies in them.

You know, all you kids in the FBI, aka that place called 'Stoopid Little Kids R Us' - you guys don't even know what a 'spy' is.

The art of spying goes back a long long way, and y'all fell down in the last shower of rain, whereas, well, Japheth, he was antediluvian.

See the Jews got the story wrong. Japheth is not the son of Noah. Noah was not a human being, not a Titan either. Japheth was in that same 'family group' but Japheth was one of the Titans that killed their father Uranus - with sickles and knives and whatnot. Which is why their offspring all bear surnames related to knives and blades and cutting implements. They are cursed for all time, that if they come here, they will bear the sign of who they are. And that means, that, well, people like me, can... er, tell you who they are. Isn't that right, Mr FBI man?