Wikipedia says the 'Tower of Babel' is an 'origin myth.' And then it even more arrogantly says something like 'purports to explain...'
The Tower of Babel is no myth.
However, when we look at translations of Genesis 11: 1-9, yes, we do have problems about what it actually 'explains.'
Superficially, it might seem to be an explanation about why people have different languages.
But, when you take a close look at the original language wording, it is not that at all.
The main problems come in the words 'speech' and 'confound.' And then probably also 'the land of the whole world...'
'Haaretz' can certainly mean 'the land' - but what it actually means in spoken language, is 'civilization;' the civilization that owns and controls the land.
So, we are talking in Genesis 11 about 'the civilization of humans.'
'Speech:' - no, not 'speech,' not language, not 'tongue...' The crossing margin between water and dry land, the lip, the embankment, the transition, the interface for exchange.
So we have 'Yahweh Elohim' going down to a place called 'Shinar' (means 'Sumer' and also, 'where the humans were young') - and what does He do? He 'confounds their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.' That is Genesis 11:7
But what did I say in the last several articles: the human is three distinct things, 'boundaries'/'bounded segments' which are concatenated, by a continuum of 'something' that amasses in any one of three (those particular three boundary 'fields'). But it is critically important which one of the three, the center of gravity forms inside of.
By moving the boundaries, or shifting around the 'embankments,' a characteristic 'persona' is developed, and which is different to what it should naturally be, or maybe let's not say 'naturally,' but optimally.
If the continuum, is like water - then all human beings can exchange that water and flow it inside them and then across to other 'individual units' that is, over to other people, and back again
Now there's no real point people saying all the time - like they and you have seen it in some of the commentary right her - 'there is only one Universal Conscious and we are it' but then, they don't really believe it because as soon as I say, okay give your consciousness up to the ET Aliens (for example) people quickly go 'oh no no, we can't do that!'
Okay how about to Shiva?The oak is seamless, yes, but is wine
a continuum? Are friends electric?
Thanks Bill! Yum.
The Hindus all lie and say 'ah yes we do that in our meditations.'
Really? Did you give up your University of Calcutta Degrees at the same time then?
What about if the Christians 'die to themselves' and 'empty themselves of their Ego' and become 'possessed' by something that can raise the dead, heal the sick, walk on water, and turn water into wine? At least one of you guys here sends me these bottles of wine..., hey, maybe something's happening there.
Honestly, personally I don't have any 'faith' to go brave the cold water out in the seas right now our here! And anyway 'though shalt not put God to the test.' So I won't. Beauty! Got away with that one!
I don't want to 'lose my consciousness,' my 'awareness' let's say, just to 'prove' some damn silly ancient religious myth!
...Now what actually happens in the myth narrative (let's go with Wiki for the sake of the matter right now), is that Nimrod shoots arrows up into the Heaven/s(?) - he says that he can shoot his arrow into the rainbow which is the thing that encircles the Throne of God.
And then, God don't like that (not sure, maybe He is up there after all, inside the rainbow encircling His throne. Wallahi! Astagfirullah!) and He comes down and messes people up.
Anyway I really wanted to go into why people are not just 'straw in the wind' but we have gone by another route, but heading in the same direction nonetheless.
This 'God' never caused people to have different languages, at least not right away. What He did was shift around the internal goal-posts, as it were. He shifted the banks of what keeps the continuum of human consciousness 'held' in a person such that that person - if the 'pools' were all optimally formulated - is consistent inside with every other person...
And, we are not.
Are we?
Or are we?
If someone said to Joe Biden - give away everything that you have, and give it to the poor, and come follow us and KP as we read 'The Key' by Whitley Strieber - he would laugh! He'd say 'I already have the key boys.'
If someone said to Bernard Arnault of LVMH, 'Bernie, give away half of your billions, so that you could...' He would really laugh!Today's bows and and arrows. Pretty mean -
same as they always were though.
It is still more important for the Nimrods of today, to shoot arrows up into the rainbows, in order to demonstrate to you how powerful they are, than it is to be nice to other human beings.
So, on the one hand, it doesn't look all that nice of 'God' to come down and mess up the human race back then just because someone was shooting arrows up at Him - but then, what about now?
I don't want to go further than this here. We are getting close to a 'witch hunt' day and age as it is, believe me. You wont necessarily see it obviously just yet because nothing 'bad' has happened just yet.
Well, it has happened, it's just that the media doesn't heard about it yet. And I ain't sayin' because, you know... ...FBI. Believe me. They'll come knocking! LOL
...Unless they have their hands so full.
The Tower of Babel, in any event, was left uncompleted.
And neither Bernard Arnault nor Judge Brenda Penny are wine-makers. Enough said.