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Thursday, 22 October 2020

For Brad

As we all must know, the CRISPR Cas9 tool is a genetic engineering technique. It introduces 'guide RNA' and then the chemical envelope surrounding the RNA is destroyed with the specific RNA being transported into targeted segments of (in this case human) DNA where it splices those segments, destroys them, and if implemented in any actual process, donor DNA segments are replaced or inserted where the splicing took place.

In virtually the entire history of warfare, various 'sides' have always tried to employ 'statement weapons' at certain points of a conflict - usually these are meant to encourage the opposition to give up.

However, one unfortunate material consequence of this tactic is that anyone 'seeing' the 'statement weapon' can then apply themselves to defeating such a weapon in the future, rendering that whole point of the thing redundant in real battle and outright warfare.

As I have headed this article/post 'For Brad' I will direct this next comment to him specifically, in that it might interest him to know that the Hebrew Zohar scholars all believe that it is unquestionably certain that at least a significant part anyway, of the Torah (and the standard 'Bible') outlines that there is something fundamentally amiss with actual human DNA as we have experienced it down through millennia since a particular 'event' or moment a long time ago. Naturally, it was never called 'DNA' in these ancient texts, but the language is technical enough to imply that 1. there is a separate species - a competing species - that introduced its gene code into human beings a long time ago, with a view to either subjugating humans, or 'becoming' them, masking themselves here as 'outward humans' and then taking over. But all-in-all, the fundamental objective was the destruction of actual humans as a viable dominant species here on the planet.

How many sides does a Mobius Strip have?
Pick a 'side' to start with and run a pen down the middle
of that side and see...

2. The language used in the ancient texts explain it in terms of 'essential words' that have a particular individual symbol symmetry, and also which can either go in a forward direction, or a reverse order; there is no particular pejorative meaning to something in this instance 'going in reverse' because it symbolizes a continuance of 'life/existence' when a thing goes to its first 'limit' but then reverses and goes back and starts again, more or less.

Where the affecting 'problem' came in is in the disorganizing of the order itself, creating chaos.


one must not just think that obvious weapons - Star Trek phaser pistols(!), Yeah but, we'd like them... - are necessarily the best kinds of 'ultimate advanced civilization' weapons.

Nuclear bombs, cruise missiles, hyper-sonic missiles - these are all 'statement weapons.'

Raining fire and brimstone down on some cities; this too, you might do one time to make a point, but by today, it's like 'well, so what?' 'We can do that as well...'

Now as I have been complaining for some days now, I really want to steer away from all of this dismal stuff shortly and move into some nice, quite, relaxing, peaceful areas to look at.

There is some interesting material we can all look at and enjoy without getting into too much trouble or inviting emotional turmoil just because we are necessarily (on account of whatever subject is involved) focusing on a problematic 'image' or 'thing.'

However, this will yet one more time have to wait 'till tomorrow' because responding right now to Brad's recent own disclosures has a lot of value in terms of gaining some insights and being 'prepared.'

Brad's idea of a liquefied field of electrons or other energetic 'particles' or quantum structures is a really very important idea if you want to get to some 'understanding' of how super advanced sentient beings travel here - and I must say, these beings, albeit regularly 'invisible' are very capable of re-forming into discrete material substance and being here just like us.

I feel too, that we still 'have some time left,' and it is not all 'doom and gloom' even though when you look at outside circumstances and the nature of geopolitics and the global and domestic economies today, things don't 'look too good.'

Once again, I will re-state the old story of the mountain climber going up Everest: he never asks himself why he is carrying nothing on his back the closer he gets to the summit. In certain situations 'having nothing' is an essential indicator of the most significant value of what you've been doing. Admittedly, it is going to take a pretty advanced and experienced mind to just 'go along with that' so easily.


Saturday, 17 October 2020

The Small Door

So, we've established... ...well, I haven't established, but I've said - that the approximate level of 'advancement' ahead of us right now, on our planet Earth, of any group which is here from somewhere else, is at least four thousand years.

Now, correct me please, if I am wrong, but what is it, actually, that most human beings are seeking... ...great food, good clothes, stable predictable life, great, great relationships, money to spend on stuff, freedom, transcendence(?) well you can more or less get that from moderate amounts of decent alcohol...

Movie 'Not To Be Seen For a 100 Years.'

Ah, now, speaking of alcohol - that sci fi short film I have talked about before, the one with John Malkovich and Shuya Chang about a bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII... It shows three different versions of 'the future.' Of course, we don't get to see the whole movie, but we do see the envisioning of three possible 'futures' for us and the planet.

Firstly, there is a future in which the place has been 'greened,' vegetation having over-run the cities and there are few if any humans around.

Secondly, there is a future not too different to today, simply an extension of the brutalist architecture quite evident in the cityscape, obvious examples of totalitarian styles of human existence, and finally, what is clearly something like an urban militaristic conflict starting just around the time the two protagonists are going to locate the cognac.

Thirdly, there is an envisioning of what is a utopia-style city, encompassing a lot of technological advancements.

If you knew, for absolute sure and certain,
that we would have these kinds of vehicles,
that were able to fly, or travel on roads....

Aldous Huxley wrote and said a lot of very intelligent and perceptive things, but one thing he did not get right, was his description of the Veda-based 'statue' or at least motif, of the so-called 'Dance of Shiva.' It is the same statue you will find outside the CERN offices. More about this in a moment.

What he did get right, was his proposition that the more dense a human population is, the more there are laws and rules and regulations made to constrain what is presumed to be frictional interactions between people simply because there are more and more occasions for interaction. This is indeed what happens, but it is a stupid, irrational, mindless, and above-all illogical thing to conclude about human interaction at all: why is it necessarily so that people do not automatically just 'get on?' Well on the one hand we know that they don't...

But... Why? Why don't they?

People who are 4 thousand years ahead of us, already
know what the trajectory of 'advancing technology is;' whether it
really does end up always in 'governments' hands... Or whether,
in fact, governments lose control of it altogether. And they also know,
there is no 'different time-lines/potential futures.' There is only one.

What I can tell you, is that people such as the retired-CIA writer Charles McCarry agreed with me that the ET aliens encountered in his CIA experience, whether merely by having read the accounts and reports of others, or by his personal and actual experience -, are very few in number. If you ever get to go up there, there is almost nothing there, in their 'places.' It's white, bright, anti-septic clean, has some 'sleep' spaces in darkness, but everywhere else is uncluttered, and 'new'-looking, and empty. They flit around, in and out, with seeming 'objectives,' and business to do, and there is a lot of audible traffic happening if you get access to their ear-pieces. But you'll never get them to say just what it is they are actually 'up to.'

They have no laws, no rules, no 'regulations,' and they are constrained by no one, and by no thing.

...Go back to my first proposition here: that you and I just 'want' some fairly basic and rather 'simple' things, and all of them are just products of what we are.

'But just show me, show me - and then, I will decide on the basis of what I see, or what I saw, whether to keep or to abandon the utterly stupid, mindless, prejudiced, pre-formed, false, and idiotic positions that I still intend to hold to my grave because I am already so sure that I am right anyway...'

Isn't that what some of you want to tell me?

Well isn't it?

"Aldous - in your opinion, is there a god?"

"Oh yes, Calvin, I am a believer in the Hindu concept of Shiva - just look at it, depicted in that stature, it has everything in it, the circle of time and matter and energy, and Shiva with his one foot raised, and standing on some dwarf figure that is the evil predilection of people and wild nature..."

Yep. Millions and millions of people, including most Hindus agree with the great Aldous Huxley. Notwithstanding that he was indeed 'great,' he was also staggeringly wrong:

'Shiva' is the empty space in between the material of the statue; while the actual physical statue is of Adi Shakti, dancing.

We have some technology, see. And this is a
pathetic, ages-old prototype small-scale example.
Slaughter-bot mini-drones. Oh, way way further ahead now. 

...I once asked, and quite recently, someone I think does know some answers to the core questions -, I asked them about all of this and their answer was abrupt and slightly astonishing:

'Who cares what humans think. Nobody cares what humans think.'

But then they were also really nice. Not patronizing at all; the way they talk is more of a 'matter of fact' style of thing. And they have a sense of humor too.


When 'someone' smashed up Sodom and Gomorrah, and really handed out some 'hurt' there, if you recall the story, Lot actually asked the 'beings' to come with him away from the place, and they said, very curtly and quite decidedly, 'no, we are going to stay in the city - you go away right now.'

You know, the Bible doesn't actually record what went on back in there with them when they 'stayed behind.' Only the mess that happened afterwards.

Keep this in mind as you read over the next few days. 


Thursday, 15 October 2020

Still 'Running The Ball.'

Honestly, what I've been aiming to do here for days now, is 'dial in' something if not 'calm and relaxing' then certainly very far away from current affairs.

Unfortunately, such is not to be for us, since a lot of things are moving quite fast now.

I am not going to post photos here of the 'unusual looking' gentleman who is featuring in some viral videos right now, who could be someone in what's called 'light disguise,' and whose name may be 'Roy' or 'Alexander' although right now, it is being referred to as 'Allen.'

But I shall say that this matter specifically has to do with the Benghazi Embassy Attack... Rather than 'Seal Team 6' as is the spear thrust of the current Twitter campaign and associated viral video. Which means the anger is not misplaced...

US ambassador J. Christopher Stevens (on right)
- killed in Benghazi

Absent of really good high level information, anybody could easily get caught up in all of the immediate 'hot button' issues and worry about those. And that would be on the basis that all normal people care about outcomes and consequences of events, especially political events.

But you know, if NASA has sent a probe already to Ganymede (we have mentioned that name here before), then we need not wait until a 25-man team actually goes there to find out what is there... retired-CIA man Charles McCarry once fictionalized in one of his books.

...On account we might meet the people up there coming back down towards us from the opposite direction.

You know 'lights at the end of the tunnel' and all. (The headlights of a big train coming to meet you head on very fast from the opposite direction...).

Notwithstanding there are thousands of networked, super wealthy lunatics around the globe today, influenced by the ravings of specific other leading lunatics such as the late David Rockefeller and Jacob Rothschild - who all think it would be a good idea to cut the planet's human population by half... ...notwithstanding that -, it might happen anyway, all by itself for reasons very different to the ones that Rothschild et al have.

This guy is not a very strong guy,
so he knows to bring a 'statement' part favor
to the party.
I'm still trying to think about the 'after-party.'

How much time will the re-election of Donald J. Trump give us all? A bit. I believe so.

But just consider this sort of 'rational speculation' even though it is totally just Sci-Fi:

What would a group of human-like, or humanoid people think like, behave like, act like, if they were say, something like around four thousand years ahead of us in cultural, social, experiential, development?

If various questions which we still consider are important, have already become 'settled arguments' to them, how much time do we expect them to spend (in words I have over-heard, 'waste') countenancing our meanderings all over the exact same silly dry trails? 

 ...To this day, I have never heard a single apologist, preacher, philosopher, preacher or Islamic or Jewish religious rival to the mainstream Christian stance, set out the incident in the New Testament about the demoniac and the herd of pigs, like this... see, in one Gospel it was 'a large herd' of pigs, and in Mark it is enumerated specifically as 'two thousand pigs.'

Not a very 'macho' guy,
not very powerful guy;
prefers to work alone.

In the narrative, the man 'possessed' by a legion of demons, is too strong to be restrained even with chains. It is very clear that we are to draw the conclusion that he is 'strong because he has demoniac spirits in him...' And numerous of them. As an 'ordinary' human being he is not strong, at least not that strong or not so strong.

While the animal rights people have always raised objections to Jesus Christ allowing 'demons to enter into innocent dumb animals,' nobody has really looked at the question of well, what if Jesus had have said 'okay all of you, you enter into just this one pig...' Instead of two thousand of them. (IE From one man - which possession had made him unnaturally strong - to one pig, which would make the pig therefore also unnaturally strong). 

I mean, taking a Spike Milligan view of it, maybe in that instance, we might have been able to witness a pig so strong, that when it leaped, it fairly looked like a flying pig - you know, as in, 'pigs can fly.' (Could not resist, sorry Jesus).

One simple understanding though, in relation to the story itself (it wasn't evidently any kind of parable but an actual narrative account of something actually having happened, as far as the Gospel writers are concerned), is that 'living sentient beings are discrete unitary consciousnesses although they are able to 'agglomerate' inside a superficially singular material physical incorporation.

For those whom I know read here and are of the Islamic eschatological traditions, the hadiths including the Quran itself, speak of 'Yajooj wa Ma'jooj' being of immense strength and relentless greedy appetite, deceitful, unjust, criminal-minded, and consisting of a very large number of actual 'beings' previously imprisoned for centuries behind some preternatural 'mountain wall of molten iron and copper' somewhere, possibly Kyrgyzstan - but now breaking through into the world of Men, and taking power and control and running amok over all the weaker humans. Most tafasir explain that this is meant to be understood as 'spirit beings' possessing actual material living human beings.

"He's a Fool...: "...He comes by air."

The pigs in the story in the Gospels all ran over a cliff into the sea and drowned.

Believe or don't believe, but do you consider the possibility of history repeating whether of just a didactic narrative or a hard physical truth, and half the world or more killing itself by doing something insanely rash, more or less similar to pigs 'running over a cliff into a deep sea far below and all drowning?'

My problem is not that such a thing might or could or is going to happen, but what do we do afterwards?

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

We've Been Here Before, Folks...

I seriously had this (pic below) on my computer, right here on the desktop (page) for the last several weeks, and I ended up not posting it, because I figured god if I had, then people would ask me for money!

Besides, just for right now, it's better 'that you don't know.' Don't know everything, at least.

But 'we've been here before' - kind of. We've talked about Capote and Breakfast @.

We've done that.

We've talked about Jan Ludvik Hoch... Too...

Who? I hear you say.

Guys there's so much - so much that you don't know, that your government has never told you. It's not all simple stuff, either.

In some ways I feel sorry for Ghislaine - she was born into the shadow Nazi network. She knows how it all operates, but she never started it. It's difficult to blame her, exactly, when no one would have the gall to point fingers at, um, Harold Wilson, or Edward Heath. Yeah there's wild rumors. So what? There are tons of 'indie' journalists who carry on and on about 'pedophile networks' and lost kids and so on but they are also a lot more dishonest than you know. So my suggestion is don't put anyone up on a pedestal who you think is some kind of hero for truth and justice... They might claim to be 'Amazing' and they may even repeat stuff like parrots too...

The broad media consists of tricksters, or people laying traps.

And then there's the odd handful of honest people too. There's those.

More than a whole day has gone by and not one single media talking head anywhere on the planet has pulled out the comments Judge Amy Coney Barrett launched at the media and the world of the geniuses who hold themselves above you and who all want to tell you how to think.

Coney Barrett is a Roman Catholic and there she was, bright as a button, butter wouldn't melt, high-pitched little girl-wife's voice: 'Breakfast at Tiffany.'

She said.

I heard her.

You did too.

This is one super-dooper really smart person.
It scares me there are all of Hope and Kellyanne, and
now, this one! All in the same country, at the same time.

...Just as an aside, was a book written by Capote for his relative Marilyn Monroe. W-a-a-a-?

You heard me.

I was going to deal in this article about the question Rob raised about whether I could or should re-post what was deleted just a bit earlier. And I was going to at minimum fence around it as close as possible. Next time, next time.

Coney Barrett's words have forced me to get this up ASAP.

There is no 'Q' right now otherwise the Tiffany's pic would have gone up a week ago already. There's no plot, there's no scheme, there's no 'counter-'anything. Things are on-track and it is unlikely there is going to an upset unless y'all get complacent and stay in bed all day when you should go out at least the one time to the ballot box.

But after that, ah well, well, well now.

This is a time for Gore Vidal and Truman Capote to both wake up from their graves and get over here quick smart.


Saturday, 10 October 2020

Empty Places, Empty Spaces

I really want to just post things that take readers away from the wasteful, repetitive, superfluous and emotionally-taxing present atmosphere of the combined public media worldwide. But in order to do that, it is necessary to explain to those who are feeling quite unsettled by what they see all around, that there really is a way to get out of that quicksand.

One of the problems with attempting to penetrate the morass of too-much-information and locate 'solutions' is that this is an immensely difficult thing to do because the human race has a set of specific and typical, flaws in how they behave...

Lake Baikal

Humans have this unfortunate habit of pulling hard towards 'group-think' as a mistaken expression of a social imperative, and so you are going to encounter 'common popular' views and perspectives, which end up becoming taken for actual legitimate hard 'truth,' whereas these are just parroted narratives that may or might not, be true at all.

I could, take your mind by visual cues, to some faraway place where there are not large masses of people - and from that theoretically 'empty/clear' place, introduce some highly unexpected and new ideas, useful for re-populating the brain space with almost magical functions. This I would do if I were arrogant enough to suppose I even had such things to give!

But let me go back to the thing I had at first said - there is 'group-think' and it is to be found everywhere, from physics and science, to religion and social-political theory.

I would like to take a well-known saying that comes from the Bible, and it is appropriate to our times -, and it is this one: 'No marvel, for Satan disguises himself as an angel of light...' It's from 2 Corinthians 11:14.

Now... Now...

Does this mean Satan looks like something made up of light? As in, literally an 'angel' who looks bright and shiny?

All the translations say this.

All the modern preachers teach it like so, too.

Baikal in 'daylight.'

And this means that if you saw something, something made of light, a 'Being of Light' let's say - even like those ET aliens on 'Close Encounters,' who were able to alter the 'color' of their bodies, of their skins, and could glow or shine glaringly from some internal source - this could be, something Satanic... ...if you go by the meaning in the translations and what preachers say.

But I tell you this is impossible. Light is a certain monolithic (in a sense) specific thing - all light is made up of the same 'substance' or quantum energetic components. 

What the Bible actually intends in the passage in question, is able to be seen by simply looking at the immediate prior sentence, upon which the opening words of the key sentence are predicated: 'for such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.'

It doesn't say 'such people are made up from fake flesh and blood...' IE, 'masquerading' as flesh and blood.

A mind fundamentally antithetical to your well-being, but that describes to you they are going to 'enlighten you' or lead you to some kind of illumination, is a false messenger (Aggelos/angelos) of light. It CANnot 'disguise' itself as actual light and thereby trick you.

Things are not disguised by light, they are illuminated by light.

Now the reason I am saying this to you is in case you ever find yourself in any situation in which you literally 'see' (I mean this in the literal sense) a light, or lights in some context that is other-than-the-normal. This will not be a sign for you to get scared about anything, rather, quite the reverse.

And I'm not talking about any kind of aerial phenomena that will, you know, shoot across the skies and make everyone's head spin. No no no - not at all!

I mean, well, just you, alone... Let's say, like in one of those chapters of that 'Q Disclosure' book we linked to a while back, you went to some 'hanging silk cocoon swing meditation' rooms, and during the course of some kind of 'process' you started to 'see things.' Not as in hallucinate, but actually see.

Or maybe you are driving down some back road, late at night...

...I just deleted a couple of paragraphs that went right in here previously, because I figured, hmn, on second thoughts, this is too much like 'strong drink!' LOL

Right now, all you need to do is to calm down, and relax - everything is under control.

What you need is clear pure water. The heavy stuff - do you really need that? Even if you do, a bit of water first is not going to go astray.