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Friday, 12 June 2020

For Women Only

Right now, even as we speak, a significant number of religious people in the world, both Christians as well as Muslims, and Masoretic Jewish people too, the latter because of the so-called 're-building of the Temple of Solomon,' are looking at eschatology and thinking, 'dear God, this thing looks suspiciously like it's all going to happen, every single thing in the predictive/prophetic texts about 'the End of the World...' all coming to pass in front of our eyes.
I think this was in 'Further Future' 2015 - they knew
all about what Navy
only declassified last year.

The ancient source narrative about the Destruction of Atlantis, had these awesome words at the culmination there: 'And the Highest Council of Gods, drawing their purple cloaks about them, sat in Council together, and the leader of them, the King of gods and men spoke thus...

(And there the fragment of the Critias breaks off in the middle of a sentence).

'...And it was decided that the arrogance of those who had previously borne their wealth and estate in honor and justice - since previously neither did luxury intoxicate them nor did wealth deprive them of their self-control - but then whose burden of that wealth and Earthly power when once become too great upon the mortal part of them, and which diluted the Divine part in them, as would not then befit the children of the gods - were to be reduced by discipline to extreme poverty to be improved once more, and... a single day and a night, the great Island of Atlantis was sunk beneath the sea never to re-surface again.

And those that had at all survived the Great Destruction, were covered no longer in the fine raiment of purple as they once had been, but were covered in the red mud of the inundated Earth, and even of their own mother tongue and culture they eventually retained nothing but their own names which to this day the Greeks are at a loss to say how come these remnant people possess surnames which are not recognizably Greek in origin.'
'Techwear' and for the absolutely
super-dooper wealthy!

The coastal city-states of Tyre and Sidon of the Bible, are Atlantis - except they were never there at the dates proposed by those historians who would hazard to date them at all with confidence, but thousands of years earlier.

Jesus Christ, in the New Testament, albeit indicating the history or legend or folklore that Tyre and Sidon were wicked and had been destroyed by God, never actually spoke poorly of those people at all, indeed he suggests they would have had the good sense to turn away from moral disaster had it been shown to them (IE certain moral teachings) in the same way His life was being presented to the generation of 'our modern era,' as its paramount 'case in point' about the nature of Goodness.

The presumption by moral ideologues is that you 'cannot do' this or that, and that there are 'moral laws' and so on. That is in fact not the case and yet I don't want to scare anyone unnecessarily by merely stating the fact that very disreputable and powerful people exist in virtually every social endeavor of life - there are over 60,000 young girls and women that have 're-surfaced' inside Germany since the 'lock-down' who had before that been imprisoned in a sex-slave lifestyle run as a commercial industry, and who had been abducted or otherwise 'procured' from impoverished Eastern European countries and trafficked into the 'developed' middle and Western Europe. There are many multiples of that number of ordinary women trapped inside the 'ordinary' complexities of material reality in 'ordinary' society each and every day.

I would yet hardly be scaring anyone were I to suggest that there is a breeding program going on via music venues...

And that is because no one in the ordinary run-of-the-mill daily world would believe it, or think it any more than a fanciful speculation by a conspiracy nut.

Yet the machinery in the overhead gantries that you can see, and that are presumed to deliver lights, vision and sound... ...can also track 'circular vectagrams' (human beings) down on the ground, and they can pick up intensely detailed information about what those people are thinking and feeling through arrays of very advanced sensors and processing algorithms.
Also 'Techwear' - underwear as outerwear;
your dad'll kill yer! 

On the one hand the 'fashions' and pseudo-tribal modes adopted by the general attendees have presumed internal cultural meanings to those individuals - and they all imagine they know why they are doing anything and for whose benefit it all is. Even most of the 'super wealthy' who go to events like 'Further Future' out in Nevada, and who do indeed 'get wind' of things very very early on... ...I trust you may credit are no more or less than the same 'wealthy elites' who got smashed in the Destruction of Atlantis when the gods decided.

That isn't going to happen here and not any time soon either.

And that is because things are completely the opposite way around to what most people figure - they, are the ones being manipulated, and you don't know who is behind it all.

It isn't 'Satan' and also, neither is Jesus Christ going to come back next week to disrupt your fun plans for the weekend.

Jesus Christ isn't 'coming back' because He hasn't been 'gone' anywhere. You see, by definition, 'if' He is God He hasn't really gone anywhere... And it isn't Him that requires to know what they are doing and where they are intending to go next...'s you.

And you have to work that out quickly. Unless you work that out you're never going to know whose hand you're going to throw your lot into - and then, people will just 'appropriate' stuff from you because they 'want it.' IE, they will steal it from you. And they're good at it and don't suppose that on your own you are able to stop them. They're smarter than you are, and they are even smarter than I am too.

It's just I'm not on my own. You don't need Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ is for guys and for Southern Evangelicals who are going to be 'raptured' soon, because they haven't been yet. You need his sister - Proverbs 7:4. ...Because they're not going to crucify you, but they just might try and crucify her. Whose side are you on? Pick a side now. NOW!

Make sure you know what you're looking at. Do you know what you're looking at? Here, in this video clip? What did you see...?

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Stealth Don't Tell

Yes I have to 'caveat' things here over recent posts as heavily involving mysterious messages - in fact probably, particularly this one! So if much of this doesn't make a heap of sense, well, that's because...

As long as not too many people know what is going on somewhere, then no one has to change anything.

It doesn't really matter what everyone on the whole thinks is going on...

There are now a few readers here who - on account of seeing something off-line - are probably thinking to themselves so okay I already knew there was stuff being manipulated but jeez(!), maybe not to this extent!

As long as you don't get too um, 'activist' suddenly in your outlook and you mistakenly decide you need to 'save' or to 'liberate' people generally. Hey, they already are 'woke,' right? Besides, the highest academics in the world have more degrees than you... They're not capable of being manipulated, right? lol

I guess you are by now sitting back shaking your heads and going 'they're totally sleep-walking.' Those of you who got the scant tiny details.

Please resist any temptation to rush out into the streets now screaming and yelling - people are out there already doing that, as you know. And they have more and better serious important urgent causes than you, right. Besides, you know 'Also sprach Zarathustra' the madman! LOLz.

For anyone else here, it's still very possible for you to work out all on your own what is being said in here.

You just look at all the signs and the symbols, maybe you won't pick up on some of the key-words that have been used but it doesn't particularly matter; you'll still get the drift more or less.

At heart of things, or of even everything, if you have something, possess something, that others may want and may not have either right now or at any time in the future in the composition of their physical structure - you know, unless you have a strong heart, you can't go up the mountain - you're better off not displaying that you ever had it in the first place.

Of course we all have this natural compassion. 

We want the best for everyone even for the 'bad guys.' 

...Sometimes we wonder, maybe we could have a bit more money, right? Just even a bit more.

'We' don't get a salary just for being who we are. People who look after their friends do so because of a powerful sense of altruism, they don't do it for the economic pay-offs. And so now you definitely know for sure that your role is to protect your friends and your allies (God, even Mike Pompeo just said that on a live-stream address about the ICC).

And part of the process of what we do is to 'learn,' then 'to know,' and also to tell 'therapeutic lies...' ...sometimes.

This is a long long term venture. ; ) 
Very very expensive, would you believe.
Designed by Pal Zileri.

Yeah okay so we all want some R & R every now and then. 

Just coming up the road now.

And as and when it happens it's prolly best to keep a lid on things. 

Hey just on the level of sheer feet-on-the-ground materialism, the same outlook is advised anyway!

As for today's video clip, with the way these poor guys handled their private lives, I guess I just have to say to them 'Okay, Boomer.' Got ta let them off the hook though; music was too good.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Beings Adults, As We Are

We are adults, right? RIGHT?!

Sometimes, adults have to face facts.

There are unpleasant facts, there are sad facts, and there are disconcerting facts too. You might be a 'scientist' and a 'skeptic' and a realist...

Isn't that right, Gunny? (Grabs hold of hand, feels it...)


Some of you here who have been conversing with us 'off page' will have a deeper understanding of what is about to be said here.

Anyway in any case it's all a question of whether or not one is smart enough to understand what is being said... My presumption is that most here are.

You will all be aware, or you should be, that when it comes to sexual pursuit in the modern era, the pursued (or 'the apparent pursued') have felt that the pursuers are predatory. You know I'm not sure if you know this -, but even among the lesbian community, they worry that they are being seen as predatory often, and they feel some kind of 'guilt' of actually being predatory; (like they accuse/d hetero men of being). Some of them feel that way, maybe not all, but you know what - many.

The problem of social manipulation in today's world is one of a simply massive scale of numbers - there are ten billion people here. That's a lot.

Maybe if someone had a lot of AI machines operating, yeah well, then, maybe. But that sure lacks the necessary 'human touch' too, as it were.

Then again one or two of you here are always just complaining about the economics of our world today. Because somehow that, is going to resolve the socio/psycho-sexual problems. Or you think at least it will give some 'breathing/thinking space...' 'Bras kareen o yaar,' brother. Urdu for 'stop it all my friend.' Or brothers and sisters.

Well how much do you want? I mean really. Seriously. Just take a look at the scale of numbers. You are massively under-estimating what can happen... If you applied your strongest mind to it.

Right now though, I want to -, talk to you about the other subject. Yes, that one.

If you're a male and you carry on like Brian Rose from 'London Real' and some of his guests who talk about their 'high life' and partying and so on, it's just demeaning to yourself as a human being not to say demeaning to women or whoever you are envisaging on the 'partner' side of things.

Stuff that goes on, see, goes on behind everyone's back throughout history (and that includes behind the backs of those just-mentioned 'party animals' down at Puerto Banus) and they just don't see it at all. But 'we' can see, as in literally see, everything that is going on inside the head of a person. Any person. 

One of the huge causes of much dissatisfaction particularly by women, concerning the way the world has turned, is how society has placed so much emphasis on money and the garnering of it just to survive, just to raise children - and then for another thing women's bodies are tugged and twisted around in the processes of having and raising children. Nobody asks them whether that is okay with them! Why should it be okay in the first place? Oh, oh, the Book of Genesis says... But does it?

Maybe it does; maybe it doesn't either.

And you are never going to be able to convince idiot pastors or religious 'scholars' or even that many academic linguists because they are all self-involved, arrogant, myopic idiots who know exactly what God said - right? (Okay not all but most!) And they want to tell you what to think and what to do, and they want to have power over you.

And God is behind them all, right?

Look, my friends, it doesn't much matter what other people only think, if what they think doesn't work and if it isn't correct at all. And if they really wouldn't know 'God' if He turned around and bit them like the Dog of Egypt.

Okay so you go to some hymeneal festival and there are a bunch of lame-brained girls and boys and older people too, including Scientologists, and Satanists, and Lutherans, and Catholics and Jewish people and Hindus, and Muslims, and on and on blah blah blah. And they are all 'right' and know stuff but you're expected not to, right? And they all have all the little outward signs and symbols and everything... While you have 'nothing.'

But if you're one of just ten people there in the middle of ten thousand who really knew what is going on, and what those signs and symbols really meant, what would it matter to you that no one else knew? Those people would not have a single clue how those ideas and signs and symbols and cultural practices ever even got there in the first place. They never saw it, never observed any of it. (IE 'get there,' arrive, turn up. I mean, d'you think you know what that 'heart hand sign' really means, for example? Do you? Are you sure? Bettcha a lot of kids think they know too...).

'Disclosure,' cannot happen across ten thousand or ten million or ten billion. The human race is an unfinished work-in-progress.

Every element of certain signs and symbols are crucially significant. One finger is not ten fingers; 'one eye' is not a symbol of anything. Jay-Z ain't you. You got told, he didn't. So he might be in the Illuminati and yeah there's 'light everywhere' but he's only looking at the shadows.

Everything you may have thought is some 'conspiracy' of the Satanic Elite is just a bunch of blind people looking at shadows as silhouettes on a wall in a darkened cave.
Daniela again - aka 'Nora En Pure'

Whereas you know, where the Somerton Mansion is, you know how to get in there, and you know, what the pass codes there are. Because I just told you. Stop being in a hurry, ain't nothing goin' away anywhere anytime soon.

You don't need to be pushy, and nor do you need to get laid by each and every person you meet and who greets you - sometimes, it is just as frightening for them being in some place where all the masks are dropped.

Investor guys need money, so do women too. Next article, stealth luxury and fashion for women. Because you do not want to advertise the doors have all been opened to you.

English lyrics to the below music video clip.

"The sparkling assembly of the world is now here
Let's go and see its sights for these few moments
We must ultimately die and leave here
Let's go and see its sights for these few moments

"Everywhere I turn I see the brilliant colour of my Beloved
I went to see that dazzling hue
And got dyed in his Blessed colour

"No one else stays awake
Without the yearning of love no one stays up all night in prayer." 

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Cautious Considering Of Ideas

Now look I have to be extremely careful about how I go about saying what I'm trying to take a look at here.

Saying a thing, is not the same as being able to completely accurately convey the necessary ideas in all of their complexity to everyone all at once. People 'hear' things in different ways, in the sense that we all have our own unique histories and fund of experiences. These things can make us either more sensitive, or sometimes less sensitive, even just to various 'ordinary' things in the normal run of affairs, and it becomes so much more critical if someone is attempting to intellectually 'look at' concepts in order to have some light shine on obscure matters. There is an overlap of where emotion and pure 'intellectualizing' meet for all things human; we cannot simply take some fictional 'Star Trekkie Vulcan' approach - because we're real humans. And that includes those of us who are 'Vulcans' - we wouldn't then be fictional Vulcans, if you understand what I'm saying.
Tim Robbins - 'Castle Rock.' lol. Just sayin' you know...

Aw gewd I can't just leave off the weak and fragile humour, right?


So the caveat with this post is for people not to leap to any 'obvious' conclusions.

Additionally, I need to make a slight reversal from what I appear to have said previously about there being no decisive complete disposal of 'evil' in ancient texts - that is not, once again, exactly the right way to express the concepts entailed: you see, there really is a 'Satan' actual person... Now what this means is that material physical, let's call them 'human' beings, for want of any better expression right now, are the active agencies of hypothetical or putative 'good' and/or 'evil.' And there will be 'peak expressions' of that; ergo 'Satan.'

The way that the typical Parmenides style of Greek philosophy looked at 'evil' is in the form of the metaphor about the sun shining on objects, and people's minds being like an eye, but an eye that could only with difficulty distinguish the silhouette of the actual object as reflected light, from the silhouette formed by the shadow falling behind the thing. It's like someone used to living inside a cave, and then they went out into the sunlight so that when they returned back into the cave they couldn't 'see' properly for a while - so they could still make out silhouettes from a distance, but not which of those were the hard objects themselves, compared to their shadows.

A human moral agency, can perfectly well use the shadows, to exploit other people who were not able to see. This is then an example of 'an evil personality.' An actual example of such a thing would be an 'evil person.'
Come with me down this little lane, it'll be all right...
Trust me. ; ) ...Depends, really, on your own
self-confidence, surely?

If we take this 'idea' into a futuristic sci-fi scenario, much like the kind of thing our 'Stanley Kubrick' did a bit, we could in theory have some future civilization that had more or less overcome physical degeneration or even found some way to 'bottle' individual consciousness and keep it going timelessly in cyber systems or non-carbon and synthetic 'life forms' or something else even more exotic.

Now there's nothing obvious in our world that suggests we really have 'Darth Vader' out there somewhere, directing the traffic of evil.

This has all taken me a really long way from where I wanted to go with this particular article/post.

Where I wanted to go, since I had already said I would go here - and I can't leave the video clip up for any length of time in context of the preceding articles - was to point out Kubrick's informed 'moral sense' as it were, and the European 'higher cultural' perspective. And by 'higher cultural' I just plain do not mean anything even remotely connected to academia, professional mindsets, the so-called modern European aristocracy or any of that.

And so I will just show the clip and leave it with 'no additional comment' except to say 'don't rush to conclusions.' This is not meant for the desperately unwise...

Monday, 8 June 2020

Is Kubrick 'Theodicy?'

Now you have to be a bit prepared for what is coming down the turnpike here.

Practically speaking, none of us believes, as in literally believes we can just go present ourselves on the White House lawns (lol... I have been saying this, though, a lot recently, right...), for when the super advanced ET aliens arrive to 'help us' out of our present social/political quandary. Is it a 'quandary' though? I mean none of this is exactly, new, right?

Ah well, I guess Antifa beat us out there to 'the White House lawns' anyway.
People at Universities try to do this all the time;
kind of 'theory of mind' from ancient concepts, it's wrong and
deficient, but good enough for us because we are simple sailors.

Originally, I was going to post here - this article - an interview with an opera diva which has some er, um, let's just say 'interesting elements' and then I was going to have to take it back down pretty quickly anyway.

And I will post it - probably next up though.

Some of the things I worry about, when it comes to saying stuff here at all, is that without sufficient or at least adequate back-grounding, it will seem to 'come out of the blue' and be utterly senseless, and silly. 

Right now today, in the real down-to-Earth world in which we all live - except you and I do not, anymore, and you 'can't ever go back' either - we have dissonance between the stock market index number and the experienced economy. Jobs are fragile, supply chains are threatened, global trade is in a trade war, and it isn't even clear that the 'enemy' is visible.

People are actually, quite literally, getting killed in the streets. It is open civil warfare except that we have been numbed enough through violence and television and enforced patterns of work and life, that we just accept it viscerally as if well, it's tolerable enough. And what I mean by 'we' accept it, I mean politically leaders are 'we' too, you know! None of them say 'okay enough is enough now, let's address the problems and btw, here are some solutions.'

Nobody has universally-accepted solutions and they never have done.
Daniela Niederer doin' her thing

Jesus Christ never had them; He did not say this is for everyone... On the other hand, He said 'what I tell you, here, tell no one.' 

You see... 

You se-e-e...

There is actually no problem. This is S.O.P.

The so-called 'problem of Theodicy' is expressed succinctly in the Wikipedia entry: 'the vindication of Divine Providence in view of the existence of evil.'

We need to understand the nature of the internal structure of what animates the mind, what arises in the individual to grant them the impression of individual consciousness.

I suppose to some extent I would prefer to have a bunch of rigid conservative modern pop Christians argue with me long and hard here, and literally accuse me of sponsoring maybe evil, Satanic, 'progressive religion -,' and who believe that I am maybe part of the fore-runners who will usher in the 'Anti-Christ' with its AI cyborgs and Luciferian Alien demonic Reptilian 'Hive Mind' program.

I wish those critics were here - I think I've just maybe bored them away, though.

See I am going to encourage to some extent a 'hive mind' idea...

Nowhere in the ancient really seminal mathematical and Cosmological and 'atomic' philosophical texts does it say that evil is to be exterminated by a Supreme Deity - what it says is that the express reason for human existence, individual humans existing, is that they are to witness what evil is and understand it. And to come to detest it properly.
Photo-shopped, never happened. Besides, you have to live, in
Washington, to have any influence there... You can't just fly in
and expect anyone to take notice of you! Jeez...

You can't go back. You can never just 'go back.' But my problem is going to be when someone wants to 'go forward' all the way or at least enough of the way in one quick jump. Please try not to. It isn't that you will get hurt, it is that you are dealing with other, real people out here; out there where you live.

The question is not, are you ready to meet them; it's are they ready to unveil themselves to us. 

If you live your life out naturally, you will die and if we go by Stanley Kubrick we will suddenly find ourselves in a 'mind-shop'd' French renaissance bedroom suite out in space somewhere, and then, by and by... ...'something wonderful is going to happen;' so the story goes. Not 'bye and bye' because that means prolly never.

If you open the Somerton Mansion gate (presuming you know where that even is) and go in there now, though, well, you might in fact be able to do that. And that is called the 'Barzakh Futuhat' of occult Arabic and Islamic (although few really read these texts or understand them) teachings. 

The thing about numerical structures and 'shapes' in complex motion, is that they are intrinsically installed inside your brain - you don't need to 'study' anything. How you can know this is that you will feel the subtlety of artistic structures and how they change and mold when in complex motion, through apprehension by your normal senses, and this, is how advanced intelligence functions, not, by some other means at all. The more you 'atomize' what you think is learning and knowledge and therefore the understanding of, material nature, the less you understand it.

But I want proof, proof... Proof of what, though? Here's some guidance and some direction (the 'enemy' is not visible, but is it intelligible? The advanced people are not visible either, mostly, but are they intelligible?):