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Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Cautious Considering Of Ideas

Now look I have to be extremely careful about how I go about saying what I'm trying to take a look at here.

Saying a thing, is not the same as being able to completely accurately convey the necessary ideas in all of their complexity to everyone all at once. People 'hear' things in different ways, in the sense that we all have our own unique histories and fund of experiences. These things can make us either more sensitive, or sometimes less sensitive, even just to various 'ordinary' things in the normal run of affairs, and it becomes so much more critical if someone is attempting to intellectually 'look at' concepts in order to have some light shine on obscure matters. There is an overlap of where emotion and pure 'intellectualizing' meet for all things human; we cannot simply take some fictional 'Star Trekkie Vulcan' approach - because we're real humans. And that includes those of us who are 'Vulcans' - we wouldn't then be fictional Vulcans, if you understand what I'm saying.
Tim Robbins - 'Castle Rock.' lol. Just sayin' you know...

Aw gewd I can't just leave off the weak and fragile humour, right?


So the caveat with this post is for people not to leap to any 'obvious' conclusions.

Additionally, I need to make a slight reversal from what I appear to have said previously about there being no decisive complete disposal of 'evil' in ancient texts - that is not, once again, exactly the right way to express the concepts entailed: you see, there really is a 'Satan' actual person... Now what this means is that material physical, let's call them 'human' beings, for want of any better expression right now, are the active agencies of hypothetical or putative 'good' and/or 'evil.' And there will be 'peak expressions' of that; ergo 'Satan.'

The way that the typical Parmenides style of Greek philosophy looked at 'evil' is in the form of the metaphor about the sun shining on objects, and people's minds being like an eye, but an eye that could only with difficulty distinguish the silhouette of the actual object as reflected light, from the silhouette formed by the shadow falling behind the thing. It's like someone used to living inside a cave, and then they went out into the sunlight so that when they returned back into the cave they couldn't 'see' properly for a while - so they could still make out silhouettes from a distance, but not which of those were the hard objects themselves, compared to their shadows.

A human moral agency, can perfectly well use the shadows, to exploit other people who were not able to see. This is then an example of 'an evil personality.' An actual example of such a thing would be an 'evil person.'
Come with me down this little lane, it'll be all right...
Trust me. ; ) ...Depends, really, on your own
self-confidence, surely?

If we take this 'idea' into a futuristic sci-fi scenario, much like the kind of thing our 'Stanley Kubrick' did a bit, we could in theory have some future civilization that had more or less overcome physical degeneration or even found some way to 'bottle' individual consciousness and keep it going timelessly in cyber systems or non-carbon and synthetic 'life forms' or something else even more exotic.

Now there's nothing obvious in our world that suggests we really have 'Darth Vader' out there somewhere, directing the traffic of evil.

This has all taken me a really long way from where I wanted to go with this particular article/post.

Where I wanted to go, since I had already said I would go here - and I can't leave the video clip up for any length of time in context of the preceding articles - was to point out Kubrick's informed 'moral sense' as it were, and the European 'higher cultural' perspective. And by 'higher cultural' I just plain do not mean anything even remotely connected to academia, professional mindsets, the so-called modern European aristocracy or any of that.

And so I will just show the clip and leave it with 'no additional comment' except to say 'don't rush to conclusions.' This is not meant for the desperately unwise...

Monday, 8 June 2020

Is Kubrick 'Theodicy?'

Now you have to be a bit prepared for what is coming down the turnpike here.

Practically speaking, none of us believes, as in literally believes we can just go present ourselves on the White House lawns (lol... I have been saying this, though, a lot recently, right...), for when the super advanced ET aliens arrive to 'help us' out of our present social/political quandary. Is it a 'quandary' though? I mean none of this is exactly, new, right?

Ah well, I guess Antifa beat us out there to 'the White House lawns' anyway.
People at Universities try to do this all the time;
kind of 'theory of mind' from ancient concepts, it's wrong and
deficient, but good enough for us because we are simple sailors.

Originally, I was going to post here - this article - an interview with an opera diva which has some er, um, let's just say 'interesting elements' and then I was going to have to take it back down pretty quickly anyway.

And I will post it - probably next up though.

Some of the things I worry about, when it comes to saying stuff here at all, is that without sufficient or at least adequate back-grounding, it will seem to 'come out of the blue' and be utterly senseless, and silly. 

Right now today, in the real down-to-Earth world in which we all live - except you and I do not, anymore, and you 'can't ever go back' either - we have dissonance between the stock market index number and the experienced economy. Jobs are fragile, supply chains are threatened, global trade is in a trade war, and it isn't even clear that the 'enemy' is visible.

People are actually, quite literally, getting killed in the streets. It is open civil warfare except that we have been numbed enough through violence and television and enforced patterns of work and life, that we just accept it viscerally as if well, it's tolerable enough. And what I mean by 'we' accept it, I mean politically leaders are 'we' too, you know! None of them say 'okay enough is enough now, let's address the problems and btw, here are some solutions.'

Nobody has universally-accepted solutions and they never have done.
Daniela Niederer doin' her thing

Jesus Christ never had them; He did not say this is for everyone... On the other hand, He said 'what I tell you, here, tell no one.' 

You see... 

You se-e-e...

There is actually no problem. This is S.O.P.

The so-called 'problem of Theodicy' is expressed succinctly in the Wikipedia entry: 'the vindication of Divine Providence in view of the existence of evil.'

We need to understand the nature of the internal structure of what animates the mind, what arises in the individual to grant them the impression of individual consciousness.

I suppose to some extent I would prefer to have a bunch of rigid conservative modern pop Christians argue with me long and hard here, and literally accuse me of sponsoring maybe evil, Satanic, 'progressive religion -,' and who believe that I am maybe part of the fore-runners who will usher in the 'Anti-Christ' with its AI cyborgs and Luciferian Alien demonic Reptilian 'Hive Mind' program.

I wish those critics were here - I think I've just maybe bored them away, though.

See I am going to encourage to some extent a 'hive mind' idea...

Nowhere in the ancient really seminal mathematical and Cosmological and 'atomic' philosophical texts does it say that evil is to be exterminated by a Supreme Deity - what it says is that the express reason for human existence, individual humans existing, is that they are to witness what evil is and understand it. And to come to detest it properly.
Photo-shopped, never happened. Besides, you have to live, in
Washington, to have any influence there... You can't just fly in
and expect anyone to take notice of you! Jeez...

You can't go back. You can never just 'go back.' But my problem is going to be when someone wants to 'go forward' all the way or at least enough of the way in one quick jump. Please try not to. It isn't that you will get hurt, it is that you are dealing with other, real people out here; out there where you live.

The question is not, are you ready to meet them; it's are they ready to unveil themselves to us. 

If you live your life out naturally, you will die and if we go by Stanley Kubrick we will suddenly find ourselves in a 'mind-shop'd' French renaissance bedroom suite out in space somewhere, and then, by and by... ...'something wonderful is going to happen;' so the story goes. Not 'bye and bye' because that means prolly never.

If you open the Somerton Mansion gate (presuming you know where that even is) and go in there now, though, well, you might in fact be able to do that. And that is called the 'Barzakh Futuhat' of occult Arabic and Islamic (although few really read these texts or understand them) teachings. 

The thing about numerical structures and 'shapes' in complex motion, is that they are intrinsically installed inside your brain - you don't need to 'study' anything. How you can know this is that you will feel the subtlety of artistic structures and how they change and mold when in complex motion, through apprehension by your normal senses, and this, is how advanced intelligence functions, not, by some other means at all. The more you 'atomize' what you think is learning and knowledge and therefore the understanding of, material nature, the less you understand it.

But I want proof, proof... Proof of what, though? Here's some guidance and some direction (the 'enemy' is not visible, but is it intelligible? The advanced people are not visible either, mostly, but are they intelligible?):

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Timing And The Obelisk

So, our 'TheTaoOfJonze' underscores the questions, I suppose, and they are really educated questions and not answers for the most part -, raised in Stanley Kubrick's artistic works.

I mean, it would be really nice, if our Tao, was actually Spike Jonze!!  He's not however, as far as I'm aware, and so we shall just have to press on, swimming away here in our dinky little backwater...

Round and round in circles, some would even think.
A real obelisk, and really doesn't do a thing either.
Brilliant. I must have one. Actually says on the pack:
'Zero points of articulation.' I mean, seriously, pay that man!


Nowhere in the Bible, does it ever say 'In The Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...'

The word is not 'bara,' but 'b're.'

The word... professors all want to splice it up into some relevancy over whether this means 'create THE Universe' or 'creates A Universe.'

The Elohim do not create at all, however. This text is sheer cosmology. It isn't narrative description about what 'happened,' or might have/may have happened. It says how things ARE. Later on, it says the Elohim mold 'yatsar' - artistically.

The initial sentence reads 'The Universe, CONVEYS ALL THINGS BEGINNING AND END.'

Our 'problem' in understanding the basic human condition - and with that in mind, accepting that we may not necessarily be the most exciting, most super-advanced intelligence in the whole Universe - is that there is a disconcerting, even a jarring (except that we have gotten used to it) miss-shuffling of the deck of paired actions intentions and consequences.

The whole point of our extreme obsession as a 'human social species' with ideas about 'Justice' is that there is regularly no connection between malevolent causes and eventual re-adjusting effects of 'natural equilibrium.'

The whole thing that George Soros keeps talking about - 'equilibrium' - is utter nonsense. These are mechanical effects seen in physics and material nature but not in human life at all.
Just have to even up things, after mentioning 'George Soros!'

There are even two great styles of drama that our human cultures have since forever indulged in: 'comedy' and 'tragedy.' These are used to try and come to terms with our fundamental quandary...

We live literally in the Dr John 'Right Place/Wrong Time' scenario.

It was all the right conditions, but not the right time; all the wrong times, none of the right conditions...

Kubrick impressively makes the point that it only takes one ridiculously plain-looking object, seemingly out of place in our constant flow of 'reality,' that alters everything.

If you went to a church, any church, or a temple, or a mosque or 'a anything' designated for the purpose and did your requisite 'praying' to whatever Eternal supernal magisterial 'Cosmic Mind' was out there, and if but only a little tiny obelisk turned up, with no explanation, no expanded meaning, no instructions... If but only. 

Socially, culturally, en masse, we employ this idea, this actual thing of money, to make up for the disturbed symmetry of logical and just cause and effect.

A lot of good things happened in our lives, though never much in the right order nor at the exact optimum times - there was, additionally a tremendous amount of 'bad' or unfortunate things and even other people's malicious actions be they intended or accidentally negative.

But if we had a million bucks suddenly right now, then we can be satisfied that we will be able to re-dress all of those dissonances - is that even the right word?
What's with the KFC ads? I dunno, I think they're great,
that's all.

Money harmonizes everything. Yet if you look at the Judaeo-Christian, even most of the Islamic ethic, you cannot 'serve this master' at all, in place of the Supreme Cosmic Divinity.

Yet we nonetheless have this personal gut-feeling that adequate money will make all of our experienced reality 'better' - a lot better and maybe even completely satisfactory. 

If you look at it as a 'graphic equalizer' system, money is the interface that moves up or down, the various frequencies and their amplitudes, and then we can have nice clear, orderly, sine wave curves.

So, are the sacred texts right, or is our gut feel right?

The ending of Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey shows exactly this out-of-order imagery, albeit this time it is a set of manifested objects that some vastly superior unseen intelligence is letting Dave Bowman 'see,' whether to pacify him or to just extract more information about Dave Bowman's responses - but then, the superior and god-like intelligence, transforms Dave Bowman into this renewed human being probably (the movie critics appear to think so) imbued with an upgraded form of intelligent consciousness, ready to 'inject' back into the world. Maybe. That's the usual view. And it is also what in interviews Kubrick himself said.

In Islamic texts, a much-misunderstood set of verses concerns a mythical figure 'al-Khidr,' which in somewhat of a similar manner also re-orders various material events for Moses. What most readers of the Quranic text usually fail to see, is that before the more outlandish events take place in the narrated account, Moses sets his head down onto a special kind of rock or granite stone (literally is the saqqara), following which he goes to sleep and there is no indication he ever gets up as the rest of the story proceeds; in other words, it's a vision.

"Vibrations and compatibility, I think it's like a magnet..."
Quote from some quantum physicist off 'Love On Haight Street.'
We'll play it later. We've played it before though.

If you see a thing in life which ought not to be there, or ought not to have been there, humble enough though it seems to be merely as 'an object,' it is a form of Kubrick's obelisk all the same.

An obelisk should shock you, even though it does nothing at all other than just be there, where it isn't supposed to be.

Advanced alien 'people' are not supposed to be here. They do not possess the same historical narrative, they will likely not have the same cultural or social styles, they will have completely different perspectives on tools and instruments and 'things' and technology.

We know what our 'problem' is as a race or at least, as a sentient group of beings: it is the fact that nothing ever happens in its right order and timing.

And we have sought for thousands of years, money, as the ultimate solution. It is not the ultimate solution; we will not be satisfied unless we have the money and the obelisk, and even then not even.

I don't have a problem with that. All things are possible, Dave.

Friday, 5 June 2020

They're Here All Right, But Why?

While the world you know goes up in flames, or comes smashing down in shards of glass over your pavement, SpaceX made it up there to the ISS.

Some woman using her iPhone captured video by recording the livestream of the launch - of another 'Tic-Tac' vectating vehicle skipping away across the frames just so's y'all know they're here.
Easy to see on the YT videos everywhere

But so what, right?

What's 'their' plan? Are they helping, hindering, just messing around - what?

Right now, at least on the surface, in the public space, they are just 'hanging around' except they are hanging around US activities specifically and not anyone else's.

German intel, don't forget, is much more closely allied to the US than people often realize, and they are intrinsically involved here. People seem to have forgotten that today's Germany belongs ultimately to the post-WWII power bloc of the winners of that particular escapade - which is, namely, to the USA. But Germans are not silly and they have always been quite capable of playing cards back to whoever is in charge of US foreign policy at any given time, while keeping a close eye on what German industry needs have been during all of the politics that goes on in Washington with the so-called 'elite.'

Anyway, who is 'they,' anyway?
Lot of people on the planet, and their road is very wide...

Baby-eating, human child-sacrificing demonic entities from the darkest reaches of Hell, anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-Jesus, blood-lusting, elite-favoring, 666/Mark of the Best encouraging, Luciferian, evil, ugly, REPTILES!!

Because they never would be a bunch of cool chicks in hoodies who would take you - yea verily even you - to bed in a heartbeat and pray 'the Lord's Prayer' over your cheese-burger before they curl up beside your freaked-out little human body to watch the latest 'Castle Rock' episode...


Castle Rock... ; ) 

What is that in English - Chateau Petrus? Petrus - after 'Saint Peter' - is an unclassified Right Bank Bordeaux wine, one of the best in the world, and also one of the most expensive. 

No seriously. It's about the wine. Trampling out the grapes, to get to the must, to soak in the vats, to turn into wine. It's all about the wine.

Wine takes time.
You don't know what you don't know, and you
can't see much when the lights go out. That's our friend Daniela Niederer,
aka 'Nore En Pure' a South African-Swiss EDM producer

A lot of time.

After the harvest, comes the eating and drinking, especially the drinking. All the rest is so much rubbish to be tossed.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Stealth Wealth In Our Troubled Times

I seriously hope, there are a few of you here, with some fading hope about the chance to make a few bucks out of thin air. Right? Anyone left??

Now just don't expect me to blurt anything out openly on the site, you'll have to email me privately if you 'work it all out.'

I have a little list of readers here who have some interest, but if it ever occurs to you to update from time to time don't wait to be asked many many times; just go ahead and ask. You never know. You never just know when it is exactly the right time Morgiana...

'Out of thin air,' means for no money, in case you were wondering, but as with all of these kinds of things, it is just like the fairy tale says: 'in exchange for your soul,' of course, as if you didn't know.
Stealth wealth symbolism!

Now. To get on with our previous train of discussion - Arlecchina falls to Earth, if you recall, from some place in the Heavens she has been kicked out of for being a 'mocker' of the gods. And she has no money, no ID, no friends. Not even any decent clothes in fact, because they don't wear an awful lot 'up there,' in any case.

So she gets this seamstress position with a wealthy nun in an apartment in Venice (oh, didn't you know? Nuns were wealthy, and lived in private apartments, and wore extremely expensive and glamorous attire, due to the Venetian sumptuary laws). And, using the discarded off-cuts from her mistress's dresses, Arlecchina fashions the famous and now-legendary Harlequin costume.

Next she diverts an orchestra (save for but single one cellist, whom she takes along with her) from the establishment where they had been booked for the evening's affair at the house of some aristocrat, and arrived at the entrance, claiming to be the orchestra leader, and possessing a magical invisible group of players in her velveteen bag.
Just a little, we only want just a little...

She says she simply requires a closed adjoining room to the main function area, the door to which must be locked by her on the inside, and she picks out the wine servery vestibule - which does have a locking door to it - and also has numerous wine glasses arrayed there and jugs of clean, cold water.

So the master of wine (the steward...), let's her in there, and he stays in there with her, along with his serving assistant, as she locks the door, and takes out her sewing contraption from the velveteen bag, which sewing machine has a little foot-pedal fly-wheel arrangement. And she gives instructions to the steward as to how to operate the pedal to get the fly-wheel to spin around in relatively regular, if not precisely constant motion.

She arranges some glasses out on a table and fills these with varying levels of water, and also takes glasses of differing size, and puts them together in a length-wise arrangement, getting the assistant to press his oil-lubricated thumb at the end glass's stem base, holding the whole thing up against the fly-wheel the final glass mouth being held firmly with gum Arabic. And hands a quickly scribbled out piece of music to the sole cello player.

So every great classical composer of the centuries afterwards knows this story and they even know the basic tune she played, because, as they would have done, the noblemen and women in the salon, possessed a great deal of musical knowledge and the whole incident became somewhat of a cause celebre among the members of that particular little segment of Venetian society of the time in question.

However, the long and short of it is, that Arlecchina became quite wealthy, and lived a long time at the apartments of the particular 'wealthy nun' who had befriended her, and when the nun proceeded to a relatively advanced age, she died.

Surely Allah Most Merciful has given her her righteous reward in the Gardens of Paradise.

And Here Endeth the Lesson for this Evening.