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Friday, 29 May 2020

Musetta's Waltz

So, now we are going to look at one of the great lyric sopranos. All great sopranos can handle all the different styles, but they are generally 'exploited' if I may put it that way, by the impresarios, for the style they are most favored for, by the ticket-buying public. 

This is a piece called 'Musetta's Waltz' and it is a highly erotically-charged lyric, filled with more than mere innuendo. You can learn a good deal about how to seduce people who are highly sexually charged themselves, by studying 'Musetta's Waltz.'
Bohemian interior styling of the Orientalism type

The song is set in a hypothetical cafe in Paris, in the midst of 'Bohemian' friends, and by 'Bohemian' it really is meant these are extremely wealthy people with time on their hands and who are essentially, rich but homeless in the sense that they are 'stateless citizens' following the splitting apart and destruction of various elements of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

This cafe is called the 'Cafe Momus' and Momus is a Greek god of satire and of poets - son of the Titan Goddess 'Nyx.' He is depicted as a figure lifting a mask from his face.

...Lifting ...a mask ...from his face.

Are you still with me?

Momus, although a real god, was sent away out of Olympus to the Earth, in somewhat similar, although not quite the same, way, as Harlequin. And he was sort of 'exiled' from Olympus for constantly mocking the Olympians.

Though secretly, Zeus, King of the Gods, approves of him.

'Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Have you no decency?!'
In high level Arabic literature, Ibn Arabi deals also with this theme, in his concept of 'Barzak Futuhat' - an intermediate place between death and resurrection. In standard translations this is called 'the openings revealed,' but it means what we say today: 'portals...'

Are you still with me?

Are you catching on, to anything that is ringing any bells?

Anyway - the utterly incomparable Anna Netrebko, and Musetta's Waltz; a thoroughly disgusting rude and x-rated piece of erotica if there ever was one.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Nod Nod, Wink Wink

So we're about to do a little series on high culture, okay.

Let us begin with the world's great current working sopranos. Now, not all sopranos are the same - they are different by character and personality, and this has no important significance in how one 'rates' the particular individual's voice compared to anyone else's. It's a terrible mistake to go around saying oh so-and-so is better than so-and-so someone else. Don't do it. It marks you as a problematic individual in polite company; 'high society' being, as you know, entirely not the same thing at all as polite company.
Diana Damrau - great soprano

High society is hopefully, distinctly quite impolite company! ...If all is going according to the best of plans.

I'm going to get you into places very few others are able to go.

You want a ride in that Tic-Tac, right...

Some of you... ...can go. The rest, you want to go the Somerton Mansion and mess around with the naked people.

Either way, your brain needs to be on the same complex wavelengths. You see, with the coming age of AI, they are going integrate you, your personality, your brain-waves and network structures and common pathways in there, with very advanced machines, but those machines can only compensate so far beyond which the interface falls out of its control parameters.

Now listen to me, this is very important. Let's just play the 'thought experiment' game again for a moment, and say that well suddenly, overnight, there are a bunch of these extraordinarily advanced space aliens walking around here, see. Well why are they going to waste their time with you, or me or someone else, if all they'll be doing half the rest of your remaining life, is try and convince you, against your will, of something that you don't want to believe, or force you to play the games that turn them on, instead of play your dumb fucking games that get you killed or sick and eventually buried and then whatever who-knows.

You understand? 
Hennessy private luncheon

Right now, you are as far away as Alpha Centauri, from being of all that much interest to anyone of these types of people.

Sunday comes - as in this up-coming actual next Sunday - and literally, I kid you not, half of the whole 'Evangelical Christian' movement in America expects Jesus to be coming down and taking them all away, I don't know, in space ships I guess (although prolly not Elon Musk's space ships! lol)... I kid you not and some of you will be aware of this murmuring going on. Evidently, many people have found out that it is 'Pentecost,' the time when tongues of flame descended on the heads of disciples. Now this happens every year, as a date of commemoration but, the internet being what it is, a lot of kids have 'gone viral' with the idea that well, this year. It's going to be this year. So that's a couple of days from today.

Now Monday morning is going to come and not a lot will have changed.

Which basically just leaves us and the Tic-Tacs. LOL. And the Tic-Tacs are already here. Where we're expected to go to, from here, I don't know. 

Now seriously in any event, what do people expect? There are 2 billion Muslims who theoretically also have some version of 'Jesus coming down,' (in Syria, if you go by the hadiths; it isn't specifically in the Quran), and 4 billion Christians - so, um, what is this going to mean? All is forgiven for Joe Scarborough? Because he will be needed to cover this huge huge mass of people all wanting to 'see' Jesus in person - which means the rest of us are going to miss out unless we watch from a distance through television cameras.

The logistics of all of this are ridiculous.

As for the Tic-Tacs, either they belong to some highly secret division of the US Military, or they belong to very advanced space aliens.
Hennessy Paradis advert - they are not stupid, see,
these Hennessy people.

Now I know what turns the US Military people on and why they would ever contact you - which is nothing, unless they can kill you, bag you and count you, or do experiments on you, or else send you away as fodder somewhere.

As for the advanced space aliens, well even you know what turns them on.

...Here's the problem for your standard common-or-garden Christian - they never seem to remember the times Jesus had these dancing girls and massage women and all of that hanging around.

So let's get back to the singers.

Here's a short-list of some important ones: Diana Damrau, Anna Netrebko, Tolkyn Zabirova.

I compiled that list because they are all different, but they're all brilliant too.

And I do hope there are at least a few of you reading here saying to yourselves 'oh John, you're being very Satanic yourself here, very Luciferian, denying that Jesus is coming back, probably even denying there ever was a Jesus...' No, I didn't say any of that! You're inferring it.

Now I can tell you something though, and you're either gonna like it, or you're not going to like it at all.

Unless you upgrade your mind a lot - which is not to say that it isn't already pretty decent - but even I have to, you know, keep up to speed and train it to be able to see what the hell is going on.

I can't afford to be doing drugs and then suddenly assume, oh it'll be fine, I'll catch the next big investment market wave, because you know, I'm entitled. I won't miss anything. Drugged up an' all. Not.

And neither can you.

You get this next bit right and well... Just get it right.

Diana Damrau is a coloratura soprano. Means she can do fireworks.

Here she is. Study. Study well. And because I know you're a bunch of lazy bastards, the sections to go directly to and 'see' are from 40 secs to 1:20.


Wednesday, 27 May 2020

We Love Our Technology

When Burt Rutan first started suggesting he was going to use glue as the entire basis for an operational air-frame for high-performance aircraft, people thought he was nuts.

Okay so there's no such thing now as a vehicle that travels into space which is not made from this stuff.
Martin V-bat

Competition and opposition against his ideas have been extremely powerful and I'm pretty sure it isn't that much of a state secret that he has had to have his life protected at the highest possible levels of national security on more than one occasion. By which I mean he has received state-provided special protection.

In Germany, quite recently, Katharina Wagner has had to step down from her inherited position of direktor of the Bayreuth Festival, due to unspecified long-term illness...

She is a descendant of Franz Liszt and the great granddaughter of Richard Wagner. She had been attempting for many years, to have the Israel Chamber Orchestra play Bayreuth - and this was severely opposed by numerous, often shadowy groups, with the implication that somehow she was covering over the Holocaust.
Katharina Wagner on right

Now when we talk about evil Satanic forces and influences, one tends not to 'exceptionalize' the thing, meaning we generalize it to how these vague, unseen, unnamed people with no faces are all nevertheless organized in some conspiracy that maintains power over us. And then we can blame a cloudy formless villain, and refrain from actually doing anything.

We all believe - or at least find it easier to believe - that if only we had the technology, namely the hard technology, like guns and fast cars and super-fast jets and whatever else, you know, the weaponry edge, then if we were the 'good guys' we could array our hard technology against the evil bad guys and then something... I'm not exactly sure what 'something' but something anyway. We would at last 'win' maybe and the evil bad guys would 'lose.'

And then we could f* the naked dames in that mansion, right, instead of 'Red Cloak' and all the obviously evil bad guys who had sold their souls to the Devil not like us, because we haven't done that. Right?

What we want to do, right...? Is take some shamanic drugs, hang out in the Arizona desert maybe with Johnny Depp or someone, and 'have an experience' but no way no day does any of us believe that this stuff is real without the drugs...

We don't think it's real but we believe it must be real for the bad guys because they are consorting with 'Lucifer,' or 'the Devil,' or 'Satan,' or whatever you want to call that.

So they get to make the money and have the power and we have nothing and get nothing. Or not much of anything. Right?

Is that how it is?


Well is it?

Burt Rutan can get you into space if that's where you want to go, but there's nothing much up there. Er... Well, okay... As far as you know.
The 'Asbru' is where it is weakest...
And the techniques are explained in the Voluspa, by
the 'Three Maidens Deep in Knowledge.'

The reason I post that free site link to 'The CIA Lost Archives,' is to have the most rapid, urgent access 'heads up' point readily to hand, not even fully 'close copy edited' yet really, because things are going on under your feet. All those bits and pieces making showery light trails in the skies all over the world in the last few days, well that is US Space Force clearing junk out of the sky. It isn't 'meteor trails' or alien spacecraft. Alien spacecraft vectate, they don't fall in a steady arc. You can see any time, videos on-line, of research into small bits of metal and other things, being 'vector levitated' by acoustic technology, generally, although there is that combined with electromagnetic fields so that you can turn the thing upside down and it doesn't fall from its path to the ground or even move off its co-ordinates.

Or else, in fact, US military has already extended that research and they have much larger objects, still the same basic white nomex material with in-built electronics in-laid into the composites themselves - which act the same way as the things in the videos that you can see of the small objects in the research labs.

So, if you go by the latter, then if you were some kind of high security-cleared pilot doing some sort of 'mission,' or a data gatherer, maybe you would have already had a flight inside one of these, or maybe just at the Baltimore drone control center, you know, that kind of thing. And so you know, rather than wait for an unauthorized 'leak' about something along these lines...

Because let me tell you, no way no day are there really ET aliens in league with anyone in the US Military even if for some obscure purpose of theirs and with a meager trade-off or exchange of something so that the US can utilize the technology.

It's called parallel stepping. LOL

And you don't need to know about it. (Aaarrgh, I prolly didn't need to say you don't need to know; that's a bit patronizing. So I've just added this diacritical now long after I first posted: forget I ever mentioned it. No one will confirm it anyway, and Julian Assange is LOCKED DOWN TIGHT!! So he can't give a mass platform to any leak anyway, and there's no one else 'cleaned skinned' with China money backing... Nod nod, wink wink. NOW do you get what Pompeo was hurting about?).

You need to know about this:


Monday, 25 May 2020

Ibn Al Jawzi

I'm going to show you what evil is, in the sense of what signs to look for to observe it categorically correctly. I'm going to point out to you what the sinister form of the 'Illuminati' is.

...Now I just had this locally-made apple cider... It's from a company down in Donnybrook called 'Custard and Co.'

You can kid yourself all you like. Okay so you've had a thousand dollar bottle of Rothschild. Big deal.
This is apple cider from the Custard & Co people

Unless you have actually had the experience of something truly supernal, out of this world, you cannot accept there can really be such a thing as a bottle of apple cider, of all things, which is literally better in every sense - than a ten thousand dollar bottle of Bordeaux.
However - fact.

Now this is, though, an example of just about every other significant thing in the world - people say one thing, but it is really the other thing altogether.

You go to a mosque, and you see people sitting or kneeling in there, reading or at least reciting, from a book laid out, open in front of them, and so think, well, this has been happening for a thousand years or more -, they all know what they are talking about, right?

Nice looking book you have there...

The tradition of books and learning from present-day Arabic culture traces back deep into time to Greece and Rome, and to the scholastic schools and traditions from there. Nothing, nothing, came down in the last shower of rain there, not from an angel, especially not from a cave - the very cave story itself is Greek in origin - not from Jibreel, not from anyone you have ever heard of.

Modern Islam, and its entire scholastic tradition (and that is what it is, academic and scholastic; Shafi'i, Hanbali, Maliki, Hanafi schools), in terms of knowledge - comes straight from the practical engineering, mathematical, logic, and natural philosophy schools of Rome and Greece, Persia and Egypt and maybe even other places earlier than that.

Moloch, the figure seen in Alex Jones' exposure of the Bohemian Grove pantomimes, is from Tire and Sidon, Phoenicia, 'Atlantis.'  These places are 'Atlantis.' The myth of Moloch taking child sacrifices comes from the same idea that is behind the myth or legend of the Minotaur and Thesau. 

The Greeks say 'sons of Poseidon.' They worshiped the bull, and we have some relics today of a bull-headed image of some kind in places such as Saqqara. And children were indeed sent away from their parents and trained in a secret place and when they were strong and capable, sent to enact some ritualistic engagement against a massive bull. And some of these gymnasts were killed.

Muslims today have various scholars they claim to revere but none of them reads any of their writings. They have no clue what is being said in there.
There's this internet meme, right - that all Hollywood celebrities
secretly all wanted to be optometrists. And snakes, apparently.

As with everything truly valuable, those who are unworthy of attaining the thing legitimately, use force of arms to steal what they think is the 'treasure.' Without the sword, there would be no 'Islam' at all.

And that is because human beings generally do not want to spend the necessary time, nor do they have the requisite patience, nor yet do they really on the whole possess the elevation and power of mind needed to comprehend what is really going on around them.

There is no one at all, absent of the coercion by the sword, who knows or can say just exactly what anyone 'Muhammad' actually ever said or taught.

Now why is a super-powerful God, in need of support from the sword...?

Enter ye however, by the narrow door, along the difficult path, for few it is that enter, and many are they who fall along the wayside or go by the broad roads and are consumed by the mean and vulgar life.

The biggest problem with 'disclosure' is not 'disclosure' ('revelatio,' Latin) but 'partum' - delivery. 

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi preached a 'Muhammad' all right, but not the 'Muhammad' you know. Here is something interesting in what he said - now please bear in mind, al-Jawzi is only one of the most esteemed, most 'conservative' and favored Islamic scholastic figures even of the most austerely 'Salafist' Muslims around today or ever:

'Those who practice what they know (what they know, mind you...) do with little in the world, seek the next world, and move from one to the other with wakeful eyes (eyes wide open) and with good provision, as opposed to those renowned purely for their knowledge.'

If the book is indeed opened in the mosque of al-Jawzi, is it the Quran? That thing that you know?

Or is it something different.

The most sinister thing, the most sinister thing, is your own dishonesty, when you presume you are following some great edict or some great teaching, and 'doing right.' 

Muslims today widely consult, oh they absolutely love, this guy Ibn Taymiyyah because he indulges in discussion about the evil and wicked Jinn, and writes all kinds of things on demonology.
John McAfee

al-Jawzi is the key writer though, on these subjects. His work 'The Devil's Deceptions' is required reading for all Muslims but they don't read it. In that, as in earlier Greek and Roman works on similar matters, he says that anything truly Divine, the Satanic powers immediately take and substitute with a fraud so that people are misled. And he is telling the truth - why would a God need some 'Caliph' to threaten anyone with a sword so as to accept some teaching, instead of simply read it and thereby get the message using your own brain and mind? But then too, why would a powerful God allow Satan to do such things either?

You have never read the Quran.

You have never been allowed to read the Quran.

Why not though, why is it that not everybody? Why can't everybody just have access to the real thing? Well, God does not want you to have it. He says 'enter by the narrow door,' and 'for few there are...'
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

If you experience real apple cider though but one time only, forever after you know the damn difference between truth and a lie.

Was there really ever a 'Vrilerinnen' - you know, a bunch of good-looking women who tried to get Hitler to build flying saucers? lol

But there absolutely was a book about it by Edward Bulwer-Lytton.


Are we messing with each other's minds here too much now?

You want that ride in the Tic-Tac though, right? Or do you want that circle ritual with the naked women an' all?

You want both don't you, plus a whole stack of money too. Maybe McAfee will give it to you. Maybe Warren Buffett? Joe Biden? Anyone? Prophet Muhammad ('There is no Allah but Allah...' Amazing...)...?

What's that guy's name, the fella who preaches in Texas - Kenneth Copeland? How about him? Maybe him.

Everyone. Just everyone accept the real thing. All the time. That's what it is all about.

Prophet Muhammad said, he had gone in the dead of night up somewhere, and then somewhere else as well, and then to Jerusalem - although why he would even want to go there I am not sure. But he can't take you. Sorry. You, you worthless creature, you have to just kneel down and pray - to Allah of which there is no other one 'Allah.' Meanwhile 500 million human beings got killed either fighting for, or against that particular belief system. Belief system, mind you, not knowledge system. God somehow wants a 'belief system' to have greater priority than a 'knowledge system,' does He? Says who?

If someone 'takes you,' you better had sound and sure knowledge that you even went anywhere, and that equally means if they simply take your head and mess with it sufficiently so that your brain is on another planet.

'Of Our Own Image and Likeness we made them, male and female we made them.' And so, another fraudulent substitute of that one is the androgynous or at least hermaphroditic 'Baphomet' image where the idol has both male and female genders intrinsic to it.

Ibn al-Jawzi's explanation of 'Allah' (by which he means to say 'Divinity'/God) is straight out of Greek and Roman higher philosophy. He is NOT trying to say something as dogma. He is trying to explain the nature of something (something other than and superior to), as opposed to the nature of the material Universe.
Julienne Davis - 'Mandy' - at a charity show

The common superficial theory behind EWS is that Red Cloak must be Satan, you see, and presumably if you just had sold your soul to Satan, then you will get all of this material wealth distributed to you - and you know what, something along those lines is bound to be true up to a point in the real world. After all, the Devil took Jesus Christ up to a high place and told him: 'all of this can be yours, if you but simply bow down to me.'

Already there is a clue that this Devil character must have had a suspicion he would need to offer a large enough bribe there...

But 'Red Cloak' is merely an hierophant; he is not the Devil, nowhere is that to be concluded from anything in the film.

Muhammad by virtually no contrast at all, is even more audacious - he tells you you will get large green silk couches and 82 females plus slaves in a large castle after you die, if, Allah so pleases, and there is no guarantee from anything that you do that he will in any case please. If you kill yourself in the way of doing killing for Muhammad and Allah then you will - well it's actually NOT guaranteed, but put it the form of a question:'surely will they not receive their reward from Allah?'

Well, but surely not too, though, possibly; because it is equivocal.

You want to win in this world against the idiots that run it, you have to be the guy who can quote from what they all say they have read, and you must have read it for real. And by the idiots that run it, I include your famous 'Satan/Lucifer' and all of his 'Illuminati' dim-wits as well. 

Ibn al-Jawzi

Define for me 'the lowest of the low.' How many million do you need to murder to get there? Pol Pot - Saloth Sar - killed maybe 2 million, in our day. Mao maybe even more. Hitler, Stalin - many more. You can't really include Churchill because Churchill was not in a dictatorship in which he was the sole and ultimate responsible decision-maker. Even though he made war too, and we say, a war of defense. It's always a war of defense when you're the winner.

But actually worse than all of them, are all the simpletons who believed any of them!

God is not playing any games here. If the Universe in its highest intelligent wisdom says now, is the time for Tic-Tac flying machines, then now it is. It does not matter whether they were made on Earth or that they come from outer space, for in here, promises cannot be broken.

Isn't that what Red Cloak says? He wasn't lying, was he?

Human existence is an unbroken promise fulfilled every day. In the face of death and abject poverty and destruction by evil forces. But you can escape. Through the very very very, narrow door.

And then, afterwards, you can tell no one. Because 'life' goes on. 

You quote al-Jawzi earnestly and you are the purest of the pure Salafis. Except they all today don't know what that means.

I told this Christian movie critic on the Leo Zagami show one time, and he didn't like it (not Zagami, he's cool) "you know what's at the end of the Rainbow? I'll tell you what's at the end of the Rainbow. Your death. You die, is what happens there. It's 'the end' of the Rainbow."

Sunday, 24 May 2020

All The Caveats

It has been thus for centuries, not just the last few years - that people claiming to be 'Satanists' form either secret groups, or less secret ones though still inclined to be secretive.

Now their clear-cut direction is to counter often hide-bound institutionalized doctrine and dogma in a society, basically by deliberate transgression of all the taboos of those hide-bound doctrinal systems. If such groups have written manifestos, they usually even outright announce this is what they are doing: 'God doesn't exist,' 'let's have a black mass and do everything backwards and upside down,' 'let's have a lot of sex...' 'Let's break the rules...' Whatever...
Alex Jones outside of the Bilderberger's one time. He's
a big strong man. Some people say he's 'controlled opposition.'
He's not. He's one big strong tough guy.

In modern popular conspiracy theory therefore, you have the symbolism of the 'all-seeing eye,' '666,' and various other presumed or proclaimed 'Lucifer/Satan' symbolism - and regardless of what actual real technical definitions learned people can find for the words and the terms themselves, we all have a rough enough idea of what people generally intend to mean - and these symbols are seen everywhere especially anywhere that someone is being marketed as 'successful.' 

I know - as do you - a number of self-identifying atheists, and those I know for the most part are among the least underhanded people I know!

When you get up into the circles of the big money successful people, the whole scene is littered with fairy tales of one side accusing the other of 'being in league with the Devil,' or maybe even being the Devil himself - as in the case for example, of the LA music producer Dr Luke. Of course, these identities do nothing to dissuade people from thinking along these lines anyway; it's good for the profile, good for business, and serves to scare enough of the credulous away so that they can indeed dominate the scene like a demon!

There were FBI uncovered cases of fraud and blackmail and drugging, going on many years ago, by the family of the late Baby Doc Duvalier extorting money from the wives of prominent New York people. So you have different types of 'sinister' themes in upper levels of society - there is the manipulative that is more to do with marketing, and then there is the extortionate much more actively aggressive type of thing too.

Neither of them are activities necessarily pursued by people who actually believe in anything 'unseen but yet preternaturally powerful.'
James Sherwood bespoke tailoring

There are atheists who have rational skepticism and thus 'don't believe things they cannot self-demonstrate adequately.'

With our modern scientific knowledge we can consider things like Palinopsia (lingering optical after-image), and certain disorders of the fusiform gyrus some of which provoke dysfunctional perceptions about people and objects, others of which make the sufferer actually feel what the other person they are looking at appears to be feeling. There are studies clearly demonstrating placebo and nocebo effects.

Scientifically one is able to make many discriminating assessments about observed cause and effect.

We don't need to ascribe all that many unusual things to 'Jinns' or 'demons!' Anymore...

Well, though alas I suppose, because this has severely cut our opportunities to find employment as 'exorcists.' lol 

But while I am going to tell you that Katy Perry is not 'in the Illuminati' - at least not any kind of Illuminati you need to be all that worried about - there are nonetheless people who self-declare one thing on the surface (for instance, that they are atheists; don't believe in god), and behind a veil they absolutely do believe in unseen powers, powers that they intend to exploit for their own benefit and advantage over you. The FBI has such things on file, and so do many other agencies that gather quiet intelligence on what people do behind closed doors.

Just recently the senior judges in the UK raised a lot of objection when it was proposed that their robes and regalia should be updated. If you want to find a real 'Illuminati' secret cadre doing weird bizarre things, you need look not much further than say Ede & Ravenscroft in London, where they make judges' robes and regalia. It's all a bit like Milich's shop in EWS, really.
New designs for UK judges' robes

Do any of those people actually believe they can engage with hidden, unseen, and quite sinister forces and powers by doing strange peculiar rituals, using special magical words, and chanting? I mean they actually do those things, but do they seriously believe in some kind of unseen realm that genuinely exists?

Now.... If I had been listening to and transcribing - because you know, machines can't do it, especially not things like interpreting English idiom and accent - endless 'tapes' of intercepted behind-closed-doors talk for hours and hours on end, well I would tell you things you simply would not believe. And even we have to sit back and consult top line psychologists who, despite all their advice about how ritual, especially religious ritual, engages exactly those parts of the fusiform gyrus where neural disorders and dysfunctions are to be located that involve hallucinatory experiences - well we have to consult these guys just to check ourselves that we haven't all run away with the plate into the forest ourselves sometimes! 'Taking a run in the forest' is a phrase in some Eastern European places which means you have taken leave of your senses.

Later tonight, here, something more fun, and less dour and dismal in outlook.