...Now I just had this locally-made apple cider... It's from a company down in Donnybrook called 'Custard and Co.'
You can kid yourself all you like. Okay so you've had a thousand dollar bottle of Rothschild. Big deal.
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This is apple cider from the Custard & Co people |
Unless you have actually had the experience of something truly supernal, out of this world, you cannot accept there can really be such a thing as a bottle of apple cider, of all things, which is literally better in every sense - than a ten thousand dollar bottle of Bordeaux.
However - fact.
Now this is, though, an example of just about every other significant thing in the world - people say one thing, but it is really the other thing altogether.
You go to a mosque, and you see people sitting or kneeling in there, reading or at least reciting, from a book laid out, open in front of them, and so think, well, this has been happening for a thousand years or more -, they all know what they are talking about, right?
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Nice looking book you have there... |
The tradition of books and learning from present-day Arabic culture traces back deep into time to Greece and Rome, and to the scholastic schools and traditions from there. Nothing, nothing, came down in the last shower of rain there, not from an angel, especially not from a cave - the very cave story itself is Greek in origin - not from Jibreel, not from anyone you have ever heard of.
Modern Islam, and its entire scholastic tradition (and that is what it is, academic and scholastic; Shafi'i, Hanbali, Maliki, Hanafi schools), in terms of knowledge - comes straight from the practical engineering, mathematical, logic, and natural philosophy schools of Rome and Greece, Persia and Egypt and maybe even other places earlier than that.
Moloch, the figure seen in Alex Jones' exposure of the Bohemian Grove pantomimes, is from Tire and Sidon, Phoenicia, 'Atlantis.' These places are 'Atlantis.' The myth of Moloch taking child sacrifices comes from the same idea that is behind the myth or legend of the Minotaur and Thesau.
The Greeks say 'sons of Poseidon.' They worshiped the bull, and we have some relics today of a bull-headed image of some kind in places such as Saqqara. And children were indeed sent away from their parents and trained in a secret place and when they were strong and capable, sent to enact some ritualistic engagement against a massive bull. And some of these gymnasts were killed.
Muslims today have various scholars they claim to revere but none of them reads any of their writings. They have no clue what is being said in there.
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There's this internet meme, right - that all Hollywood celebrities secretly all wanted to be optometrists. And snakes, apparently. |
As with everything truly valuable, those who are unworthy of attaining the thing legitimately, use force of arms to steal what they think is the 'treasure.' Without the sword, there would be no 'Islam' at all.
And that is because human beings generally do not want to spend the necessary time, nor do they have the requisite patience, nor yet do they really on the whole possess the elevation and power of mind needed to comprehend what is really going on around them.
There is no one at all, absent of the coercion by the sword, who knows or can say just exactly what anyone 'Muhammad' actually ever said or taught.
Now why is a super-powerful God, in need of support from the sword...?
Enter ye however, by the narrow door, along the difficult path, for few it is that enter, and many are they who fall along the wayside or go by the broad roads and are consumed by the mean and vulgar life.
The biggest problem with 'disclosure' is not 'disclosure' ('revelatio,' Latin) but 'partum' - delivery.
Imam Ibn al-Jawzi preached a 'Muhammad' all right, but not the 'Muhammad' you know. Here is something interesting in what he said - now please bear in mind, al-Jawzi is only one of the most esteemed, most 'conservative' and favored Islamic scholastic figures even of the most austerely 'Salafist' Muslims around today or ever:
'Those who practice what they know (what they know, mind you...) do with little in the world, seek the next world, and move from one to the other with wakeful eyes (eyes wide open) and with good provision, as opposed to those renowned purely for their knowledge.'
If the book is indeed opened in the mosque of al-Jawzi, is it the Quran? That thing that you know?
Or is it something different.
The most sinister thing, the most sinister thing, is your own dishonesty, when you presume you are following some great edict or some great teaching, and 'doing right.'
Muslims today widely consult, oh they absolutely love, this guy Ibn Taymiyyah because he indulges in discussion about the evil and wicked Jinn, and writes all kinds of things on demonology.
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John McAfee |
al-Jawzi is the key writer though, on these subjects. His work 'The Devil's Deceptions' is required reading for all Muslims but they don't read it. In that, as in earlier Greek and Roman works on similar matters, he says that anything truly Divine, the Satanic powers immediately take and substitute with a fraud so that people are misled. And he is telling the truth - why would a God need some 'Caliph' to threaten anyone with a sword so as to accept some teaching, instead of simply read it and thereby get the message using your own brain and mind? But then too, why would a powerful God allow Satan to do such things either?
You have never read the Quran.
You have never been allowed to read the Quran.
Why not though, why is it that not everybody? Why can't everybody just have access to the real thing? Well, God does not want you to have it. He says 'enter by the narrow door,' and 'for few there are...'
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Edward Bulwer-Lytton |
If you experience real apple cider though but one time only, forever after you know the damn difference between truth and a lie.
Was there really ever a 'Vrilerinnen' - you know, a bunch of good-looking women who tried to get Hitler to build flying saucers? lol
But there absolutely was a book about it by Edward Bulwer-Lytton.
Are we messing with each other's minds here too much now?
You want that ride in the Tic-Tac though, right? Or do you want that circle ritual with the naked women an' all?
You want both don't you, plus a whole stack of money too. Maybe McAfee will give it to you. Maybe Warren Buffett? Joe Biden? Anyone? Prophet Muhammad ('There is no Allah but Allah...' Amazing...)...?
What's that guy's name, the fella who preaches in Texas - Kenneth Copeland? How about him? Maybe him.
Everyone. Just everyone accept the real thing. All the time. That's what it is all about.
Prophet Muhammad said, he had gone in the dead of night up somewhere, and then somewhere else as well, and then to Jerusalem - although why he would even want to go there I am not sure. But he can't take you. Sorry. You, you worthless creature, you have to just kneel down and pray - to Allah of which there is no other one 'Allah.' Meanwhile 500 million human beings got killed either fighting for, or against that particular belief system. Belief system, mind you, not knowledge system. God somehow wants a 'belief system' to have greater priority than a 'knowledge system,' does He? Says who?
If someone 'takes you,' you better had sound and sure knowledge that you even went anywhere, and that equally means if they simply take your head and mess with it sufficiently so that your brain is on another planet.
'Of Our Own Image and Likeness we made them, male and female we made them.' And so, another fraudulent substitute of that one is the androgynous or at least hermaphroditic 'Baphomet' image where the idol has both male and female genders intrinsic to it.
Ibn al-Jawzi's explanation of 'Allah' (by which he means to say 'Divinity'/God) is straight out of Greek and Roman higher philosophy. He is NOT trying to say something as dogma. He is trying to explain the nature of something (something other than and superior to), as opposed to the nature of the material Universe.
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Julienne Davis - 'Mandy' - at a charity show |
The common superficial theory behind EWS is that Red Cloak must be Satan, you see, and presumably if you just had sold your soul to Satan, then you will get all of this material wealth distributed to you - and you know what, something along those lines is bound to be true up to a point in the real world. After all, the Devil took Jesus Christ up to a high place and told him: 'all of this can be yours, if you but simply bow down to me.'
Already there is a clue that this Devil character must have had a suspicion he would need to offer a large enough bribe there...
But 'Red Cloak' is merely an hierophant; he is not the Devil, nowhere is that to be concluded from anything in the film.
Muhammad by virtually no contrast at all, is even more audacious - he tells you you will get large green silk couches and 82 females plus slaves in a large castle after you die, if, Allah so pleases, and there is no guarantee from anything that you do that he will in any case please. If you kill yourself in the way of doing killing for Muhammad and Allah then you will - well it's actually NOT guaranteed, but put it the form of a question:'surely will they not receive their reward from Allah?'
Well, but surely not too, though, possibly; because it is equivocal.
You want to win in this world against the idiots that run it, you have to be the guy who can quote from what they all say they have read, and you must have read it for real. And by the idiots that run it, I include your famous 'Satan/Lucifer' and all of his 'Illuminati' dim-wits as well.
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Ibn al-Jawzi |
But actually worse than all of them, are all the simpletons who believed any of them!
God is not playing any games here. If the Universe in its highest intelligent wisdom says now, is the time for Tic-Tac flying machines, then now it is. It does not matter whether they were made on Earth or that they come from outer space, for in here, promises cannot be broken.
Isn't that what Red Cloak says? He wasn't lying, was he?
Human existence is an unbroken promise fulfilled every day. In the face of death and abject poverty and destruction by evil forces. But you can escape. Through the very very very, narrow door.
And then, afterwards, you can tell no one. Because 'life' goes on.
You quote al-Jawzi earnestly and you are the purest of the pure Salafis. Except they all today don't know what that means.
I told this Christian movie critic on the Leo Zagami show one time, and he didn't like it (not Zagami, he's cool) "you know what's at the end of the Rainbow? I'll tell you what's at the end of the Rainbow. Your death. You die, is what happens there. It's 'the end' of the Rainbow."
The End of the Rainbow. Huh. My feeling is that the "black magicians" define our rainbows. OCICBW...
ReplyDelete“You like the humbleness of a beggar,” he said softly. “You bow your head to reason.”
“I always think that I’m being tricked,” I said. “That’s the crux of my problem.”
“You’re right. You are being tricked,” he retorted with a disarming smile. “That cannot be your problem. The real crux of the matter is that you feel that I am deliberately lying to you, am I correct?”
“Yes. There is something in myself that doesn’t let me believe that what’s taking place is real.”
“You’re right again. Nothing of what is taking place is real.”
“What do you mean by that, don Juan?”
“Things are real only after one has learned to agree on their realness. What took place this evening, for instance, cannot possibly be real to you, because no one could agree with you about it.”
“Do you mean that you didn’t see what happened?”
“Of course I did. But I don’t count. I am the one who’s lying to you, remember?”
Don Juan laughed until he coughed and choked. His laughter was friendly even though he was making fun of me.
“Don’t pay too much attention to all my gibberish,” he said reassuringly. “I’m just trying to relax you and I know that you feel at home only when you’re muddled up.”
His expression was deliberately comical and we both laughed. I told him that what he had just said made me feel more afraid than ever.
“You’re afraid of me?” he asked.
“Not of you, but of what you represent.”
“I represent the warrior’s freedom. Are you afraid of that?”
“No. But I’m afraid of the awesomeness of your knowledge. There is no solace for me, no haven to go to.”
“You’re again confusing issues. Solace, haven, fear, all of them are moods that you have learned without ever questioning their value. As one can see, the black magicians have already engaged all your allegiance.”
“Who are the black magicians, don Juan?”
“Our fellow men are the black magicians. And since you are with them, you too are a black magician. Think for a moment. Can you deviate from the path that they’ve lined up for you? No. Your thoughts and your actions are fixed forever in their terms. That is slavery. I, on the other hand, brought you freedom. Freedom is expensive, but the price is not impossible. So, fear your captors, your masters. Don’t waste your time and your power fearing me.”
- Carlos Castaneda, "Tales of Power"
"I know that you feel at home only when you're muddled up.'
ReplyDeleteWell there certainly is that. It helps when people halt their over-running minds even just a little sometimes so that reality can get some grip in there at all...
Because otherwise, and if not, they already have a grip on reality, right?
2 Billion people on the planet think they have read the Quran. 5 Billion people use the word 'algorithm' and hand their money over to other people none of whom know what that word actually means.
There is a connection.