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Tuesday, 7 April 2020

The Evil Dr. Fu Manchu...

Sir Denis Nayland-Smith first encounters the evil Dr Fu Manchu when he is flying his hot air balloons across old Rangoon.

Fu Manchu's favored instruments of evil were pythons and cobras, fungi and... ...bacilli. ...And chemical weapons.

Of course this was all the pure inventions of the mind of a member of the family of my very own ancestry: one Arthur Henry 'Sarsfield' Ward, aka 'Sax Rohmer.' We have 'Henry' as a consistent featured name in this troupe: the Cardinal of Venice, Henry Benedict Stuart (Ward), and my own direct uncle, James Henry 'Hartfield' Ward, and a lot of others mostly part of the Oxford circles. 

But let us 'dive deeply' into the fantastical myth and character of the evil, Dr. Fu Manchu... 

The theatrical release poster from the 1965 film 'The Face of Fu Manchu' contains the slogan - obey Fu Manchu, or every living thing will die.

Right now the thing is in the reverse - obey the government and the wondrous globalist elites who tell you what to do, or every living thing will die.

To me this is all quite funny and not threatening at all, and I'll tell you why. The media - and governments as well - have all got themselves caught up in the mythology and rumor-mongering of their own invention; even the alternative media has itself entirely caught up in its own strong desire to have it that there really is a global conspiracy of overlords, that naturally now, has its grasp of everything and is directing everything.
Spinning lights and flashing colors -
people on the rides going with the flow are in control, right?

Yes there is a conspiracy. A conspiracy of idiots who are in control of nothing.

You mark this down, you mark this date down, and you remember it when later, there will be another 'turn' yet again, and one which has been once again completely unseen by all these brilliant geniuses who are so 'in control' of everything, including your life. Not!

But don't worry, when it happens, David Icke and Alex Jones and everyone will tell you they 'predicted it,' right...

It's not an issue, frankly. The point is not if they did, or whether they had done, it's who really is behind this all, and what -, their agenda is.

At the same time, it's a little bit important to 'consume' a basic intake of these 'ambulance-chasers,' because for one thing at least, they chase pretty close, and very occasionally, it might be that they get wind of something although they don't fully realize what that thing means on the spur of the moment. At the moment they're certainly running down the wrong lanes. 


Friday, 3 April 2020

Lemonade Beer

I've been promising myself to post something about this 'Matso's Alcoholic Lemonade' but each time I've tried I drunk all that I had and didn't think I could do it justice until the next time I had one in my hands.

So I chanced upon this locally-brewed 'lemonade beer,' see... And I thought, well this is going to be this sweet, yucky weirdo thing...

However I also I knew the standard of brewery that makes this thing and I figured I'd 'better give it a try.'

It's fantastic. One - it's actual beer, of some kind, I don't know what kind. Two - it's got amazing real and highest quality lemons in it. It's just absolutely fantastic. A very very good drink. Tastes great, adult-tasting, not sweet, actually pours with a head on it. I don't know how they've managed to do it. It isn't strong, it's only 4.6% alcohol, just enough to give the whole experience a decent depth, along with the freshness of the high quality, probably Meyer lemons, I think.

My god it's good.

And it's gone now. The drink I had in my hand a few minutes ago is all gone.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Getting The Party Started

Yesterday, I went into the streets of the capital city near where I live. At the top end of the main street of the financial blocks, there were a couple of Aboriginal teenagers kicking an Australian Rules football across the middle of the main street here, which is normally full of traffic of all kinds - cars, commercial vehicles, bikes, motorcycles, and pedestrians.

Empty as a cow paddock in winter.

The 'First Nation' people have been here for at least thirty-odd thousand years.
Your house...

Seventy-five thousand years ago - which is the number given by Vedic scholars, and much disputed by academic institutions - an extraterrestrial ('yakshaswarupa:' extraterrestrial) known as 'Shiva' incarnated in physical material human form on Mount Kailash in the Trans-Himalayas .

I commented to a colleague earlier today that despite the China government running all kinds of weird studies into pandemics and their effects on various societies in history for more than three/four years now, combined with known experiments they were running in their labs to create new forms of viruses - whoever released this one must have been pretty ruthless.
Your friend...

'Shiva' is commonly misunderstood as the God of Death. He is not the God of Death. His name means - 'that, which is not.' Mrti is death, 'a-mrti' is the substance that prevents death.

Ten million dollars, some 'amrti,' plus about five or six coffees, and we can get the party started here.

'Ten million dollars' is this figure that exists in the mind of today's man, which provides enough for him to get a modest house that he can show off to his family and friends who otherwise thought him a useless no-hoper, together with a hot car he can do 'burn-outs' in around the front of his church, temple, mosque, meeting hall, and ex-employer's place, with enough in cash left over to 'buy' some easy physical liaisons of the irresponsible kind and then some more to buy expensive trinkets and 'luxury experiences' to pacify the waters of his mind. 

The Brisbane radio personality, Alexandra Hirschi, who came to
some fame working on a radio program in Dubai.

Monday, 30 March 2020

The 'Large Computer' Scenarios

Didn't take all that long.

So, the things have spurted out some 'high reliability' scenarios - only one, in fact.

Not good. Not good. A lot of problems.

It's going to be very interesting to see the leaders of the world run around like chickens with their heads cut off 'going forward.' Don't you love it how they all love to use that phrase: 'going/moving forward?' Forward, to where?
As it is, I'm going to get into so much trouble if any of
you work this out fully. This is a scene from when 'Seven of Nine'
meets 'Q2.' You won't work it out fully I don't think. So just relax
and don't tax your brain.

I've got a big job on my hands now as the result of this pretty decisive return by the gigantic crystalline machines. 

I mean if I outright just plain said it here succinctly at some point, you know, trouble.

No can do, dudes. And dudettes. 

But we are here. And this is the right place. You are in the right place. Go to the very worst scenario side of things, put it that way.

Seriously, I don't want to inspire fear or panic, no no - it isn't necessary. In light of the motivation to get at least something useful out there really early on though, I think it is important to say right now - no, there is no early resolution here, and there are going to be follow-up let's um just say 'problems.'

Sunday, 29 March 2020

'Illuminati' Versus 'Salon Society.'

Now I've mentioned this so many times hereabouts already that it should come as little surprise that I'm repeating in this context. But anyway, just to remind...

A long time ago, and it is a long time now, more than twenty years although it doesn't seem that long... ...except it is; I went to this 'private party' in Sydney, Australia. And at that party were a pair of women, both very tall, similar age, very similar in looks, although one had this very very serious expression on her lips most of the time. Both of them were - well, if I said scantily clad that would be an understatement.
Nice old hotel - this is the ground floor.

What went on at the party I don't need to go into here. There were a considerable number of people there for a 'private party' - I'd say at least a hundred, but it was a huge facility, one floor more or less of an historic hotel. 

This function was a couple of years prior to the release of Kubrick's final movie.

Traditionally, in the old days of Parisian Bohemian 'Salon Societies,' private functions were arranged and hosted by women, not men - and that was because, according to folklore, some of the super-wealthy aristocratic ladies who held these gatherings were from morganatic marriages, which are sometimes also called 'left-handed marriages.' And indeed among those who know, this does indeed mean 'sinister.' Ostensibly the thing comes about from lower ranking partners or children agreeing not to claim any titles from the higher ranked spouse, but then, 'higher ranked' by whom? Additionally, there were a number of regions where titles were matrilineal, and so the ladies involved possessed all the money and the titles, but after various wars and destructions of empire, they had no country to call their home any more.
Not Nicole

You see there are two entirely different and completely separate strands of European 'Illuminism,' and you've never heard about it and people generally are never going to be told about it - but I'll tell you about it here.

The standard (and absolute rubbish/nonsense) fable is the one to do with an 'Adam Weishaupt,' and that's the story you along with everyone else, knows about...

I have observed during this present coronavirus episode, that the public generally simply insists on believing there is an elite group of secret, secretive people who run their lives and are responsible for all the evils in those lives, and their purpose is to have and to keep absolute power and control over everyone else. Well okay, fine; that's fine.

So now I move to some other figures of history - Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, being the first of these. Sometimes his books were published styled as having been written by 'Barbara' d'Aurevilly. He wrote about a certain Compte de Mesnil (same as the champagne 'Mesnil') who held decadent and sinful parties at his mansion, and who either consorted with the devil or in some way procured intercourse with the occult world.

d'Aurevilly was a patron of the private 'salon' of the Baroness Almaury de Maistre.

It's from de Maistre and de Mesnil that came the legend of the 'thousand points of light' occult Chateau des Amerois - a place and its eponymous phrase that President Donald Trump recently referred to in a speech about winning: 'Thousand points of light. What the hell is that?' And he said it over and over.
Same 'not Nicole' person. See her nice ring?


The Weishaupt 'Illuminati' has long tried to hi-jack things from the history of the Parisian private salons - and the 'thousand points of light' is one of those things. But they neither understand the concepts involved nor have ever had anything to do with the rituals and undertakings of the private salon societies run largely by female intellectuals - 'Rusalka' is a famous, famous opera officially said to have been composed by Antonin Dvorak and first performed in 1901 in Prague. In fact it was composed by Baroness de Maistre and performed in Belgium in 1870.

One of the locations used by Kubrick, in EWS, was Elveden Hall, in Suffolk - owned by the Guinness Family.