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Friday, 27 March 2020

In Plain Sight

I suppose in those days it was a handful of intellectuals who actually used their brains for us all, and so we had to put up with the iciness of Gore Vidal and the acidity of Capote and the shivering anger of Norman Mailer - otherwise we just consumed and absorbed whatever we were told so long as the backing-tracks sounded cool.

Right here, hidden in plain sight, was the fact that the Thunderball movie proposition is built on the premise that those nuclear bombs were stolen from the United Kingdom... 
Avro Vuclan - wonderful plane. Was the thing in 'Thunderball'
that Largo stole from the United Kingdom...

This was propaganda by the US, not by or from the UK. They were literally 'telling it like it is' (or was, and still is now too). It's the United Kingdom which poses the greatest security risk. You will recall, no doubt, that the alleged spy for Moscow, Klaus Fuchs, in the huge post-war nuclear secrets incident in America - was originally an employee of Wills (Imperial Tobacco, UK).

I'm just covering and re-covering this issue so that nothing I put out there next will be as much of a surprise as it is bound to be, otherwise.

If I go back for one second to those 'intellectuals' - or, as the modern French call them 'public philosophers' - and pick out Mailer here, he's an example of the prickly, difficult nature of such people, but that doesn't dispose of their sheer outright brainpower. Mailer ended up getting pretty darn close to something of an 'awful' national secret regarding the beautiful Marilyn Monroe, and he verged on getting it right when he opined that some rogue people in the FBI and CIA and 'done her in.' She died August 1962, JFK a year later, November 1963. Kim Philby, you will remember 'disappeared' for Moscow January 1963. 
Recognize her? She was also in 'You Only Live Twice.'

Mailer speculated in a book that the FBI was wiretapping Monroe and had removed the recordings and devices after she had died. And the FBI officially checked whether this was true, came out with the obvious 'not true' and tried to have Mailer's book suppressed in the form he wanted to publish it. But what Mailer had really said was mafia operatives had wiretapped Monroe and that the FBI had removed the taps. Since Hoover had officially declared there was no such thing as 'the mafia' in America, there is a certain amount of irony in the whole thing.

One outstanding issue with any of the conspiracy theories regarding Monroe is that all of them lack a realistic motivation. Why would Hoffa kill her? What would be the point of that? Why would 'rogue agents' in any otherwise official organization kill her? I mean, anything's possible but these things are all shaky propositions at best in the absence of something truly solid about any of those parties' calculations and motivations. 
Hong Kong actress Tsai Chin - 'You Only Live Twice.'

So now I put it to you, the one element you will not find anyone has ever publicly spoken of before -, namely, it was not what Marilyn Monroe knew at the time (of her death that led to her being murdered), but what she would have known or realized at least, put it that way, were John Kennedy to be assassinated... And he was -, so what might have Marilyn Monroe had to say then were she alive?

Relax, I'm not going 'reveal' anything about 'who killed JFK!' Waste of time. Someone killed him, that's about the only decent fact available these days about it! LOL
Real 'Thunderball' stuff - was always US military tech.
Sure Costeau was involved too...

What I'm really trying to tell you, is that really large and sophisticated genuine 'conspiracies' do not happen overnight - they are a damned long time in the making, in the formulation, in the preparation, and finally the execution and unfolding with all the attendant consequences.

But what you have to do is maintain a good close watch along the way, so that at the end, when you see the 'inevitable,' it is crystal clear to you because you have kept hold of that labyrinth strand of cotton, if you will, and so you will be able to tell who is really pulling on the end of it at the crucial moment. 

Already, right now, who is being 'fitted in the frame' by people like 'Amazing Polly' and similar, are the 'secret elites' behind the UN, and 'globalists,' and 'the Rothschilds' (again) - whereas in fact Xi was sticking a lot of pressure - all by himself unprovoked - against HK, against Japan, against even the USA, and all the time the UK was pretty quiet, indeed they were the first to accept Huawei's 5G, against the advice of the US. Don't ever lose sight of this, because it will become important later -, well, in fact - soon. Because if you just imbibe the 'follow-the-leader' material of people like Polly and the like, your brain will turn to mashed banana. 

Thursday, 26 March 2020

The Problem With The Fleming Story

There are two things to consider here - one is the undoubted (and I don't doubt it) ability of Ian Fleming as a writer, but the other is the myth and government-directed propaganda about what his involvement in the James Bond stories really was.

I have managed at least on one previous occasion to jolt some of us here out of your slumbers, with a vigorous argument over Leslie Charteris and his screenplay activities in Hollywood - and I guess I'm about to do it again now, if there's anyone still around to pick up the other side.
Viscountess Rothermere, the real one...
You only live twice, or so it seems...
Trust me, you don't know what you don't know;
but I'll tell ya. A bit at least.

Okay that Charteris is not the Charteris family of 'hellfire club' infamy in the UK; but if anything both he and those UK Charteris people have a jointly much more interesting real history together.

I defy anyone to produce even one single authentic fact as evidence that Ian Fleming ever was a UK spy in the field, ever. He was effectively a personal assistant and private secretary to a Royal Navy Admiral on recommendation of his then soon-to-be father-in-law, and owner of the Daily Mail. In other words, he was a journalist. A press spokesman, as it were, not unlike what modern politicians nowadays all have.

However, what he did do, as the direct consequence of his recognized and undoubted skills as a reporter and journalist, was interface, officially, with William Donovan who was then heading the US intelligence co-operation between the USA and the United Kingdom - and Donovan eventually started the CIA. One of his kids started a company that I personally worked with and partly also for, which is even today still in operation and situated (headquartered) in Lincolnwood, IL. It's a business information company.
Anne Rothermere - Mrs Ian Fleming

The reasons I make much of all of this is to have the thoughtful people among you, come to a realization about the UK, and the relationship (if any) that the US has with UK secret intelligence. You see, Churchill was not the good guy you all think...

The trouble with today's UK, is that it is not, 'Great Britain' as such; it is 'the United Kingdom.' And there is a difference - and the following explains what that difference is:

The Windsors may not genuinely claim 'Britannic Majesty.' That ended when some of the merchants and baronial class committed the regicide of their king. 'Britannic Majesty' came about because of Charles' uncle Louis of France and their joint command of the seas of the world. Louis provided the money, Charles had the naval architects and technology. Windsors had nothing. Ever.

This rivalry extended well past the fact of the Windsors remaining, because those Irish and Scots whose loyalties were still with Charles and Louis (as indeed was also the case with many states in the new 'America') were continually rebuffed by Whitehall. 

O'Neills of Ireland - Earls of Tyrone - were among those, so were the Macleods of Skye, for example. 

Now what you have to appreciate, is that the guilt complex of the fake current layers of 'aristocrats' in the UK causes them to need to suppress all of that history, and they do it by obstructing any possibility of those on 'the other side' as it were, becoming prominent in England. 
Hugo Charteris - Anne Rothermere's brother

The person who was a field agent doing covert work for major official agencies - was Noel Coward - but he effectively left the UK for good when he discovered that Churchill had deliberately blocked his knighthood which was actually sought by George VI himself. 

...And the other person who really was an active spy in the field, was Fleming's wife Anne Rothermere. She had originally been married to Lord O'Neill who died in a military campaign. Rothermere worked for the same organization that Fleming interfaced with but did not actually work for, if you see the difference. This is the same thing as if today, you were the UK representative of the Five Groups co-operative intelligence grouping, but not actually in let's say, the NSA, which actually has all the core data.

Now whenever you read stories about Fleming and UK secret services bear this in mind, you are not being told where those stories are emanating from, who is driving them, and how did they get the so-called 'information' they are proliferating.

The difference, my friends with me, is that my godfather, was an O'Neill from those O'Neills, and my dad's first cousin was Kevin McClory, the guy who actually wrote 'Thunderball.'

Except that he didn't actually 'write it,' as in, not as the final cut, nicely edited, piece of UK propaganda that was actually internally about an American covert operation, partly run by an American private corporation, by name 'Glomar' or at least 'Hughes Corporation Deep-sea Exploration.' However, his name and the name of the CIA operative designated to oversee the project, Jack Whittingham, are on the copyright notice.

As you know, Anne Rothermere's brother was Hugo Charteris.

And I've mentioned here many times that my father used to have to 'take in' a number of UK luminaries over the years - either when they were doing something for Shell Far East, or on rehabilitative furlough, as in the case of Anthony Burgess, or for some other reason. Burgess I 'donated' (voluntarily I might add, because I felt sorry for him) my bedroom when I was just a very very young child!!

So let me now take a few words directly from Wikipedia since I find nowadays there are a lot of idiots who prefer 'the facts' and 'the truth' from Wikipedia above from the horse's mouth directly:

"After the war he went to Malaya where he served as public relations officer for south-east Asia command."


Marilyn Monroe's favorite - the thing she slept in naked,
and Fleming's favorite brand. And yes, she also spoke about
Chanel No 5.

So that's Mrs Ian Fleming's wife's brother. Got it? My father was head of teacher training Malaya at the time, but he also had the most extensive tea and rubber plantations as well at that time (up to '47) - and then eventually he became permanent director of Education for the Federation of Malaysia. I'm not going into what specific relationship he had with the UK government but he had one.

So stop trying to gainsay what I am telling you, those of you who have that bent of mind. You don't know what you are talking about, and neither does 'the Robb Report' for that matter! They simply have no clue.

(Anne) Rothermere 'donated' the bases of the stories on the whole, to Fleming, but he was himself a very good writer up to a point.

And that is not the current folklore but it is only folklore and not fact what is widely spruiked.

My uncle worked as plant manager for Wrigley's Singapore. Whittingham (Thunderball) was married to the Wrigley heiress - Wrigley itself being an American company situation also - along with Donovan's company - in Illinois.

So stop it, stop believing the nonsense people write in trash publications - you'll go blind.

Here's the massive point that goes missing whenever you following blindly the nonsense - you see, and I'm sure it's all coming together slowly in your mind, some of these things revolve around huge global private corporations and super-wealthy, connected but otherwise private people. Yeah there's official government agencies - there's also others... And so this all does tie back to my original plan to post about 'salon society.' 

You see, they haven't really gone anywhere. But if you read things like Wikipedia on Jack Whittingham, they make him out to be something like 'just a contract screenwriter.' OMG.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Private Parties 'In Salon'

Right now, here where I am located, the national government has implemented a ban on private meetings inside people's residences, their homes, of ten people or greater.

Now that's a problem, since when you make the hour points on the clock, you know, for the naked women beneath their black capes, it's twelve... of them. The naked women.

I mean I could get probably get into some trouble with the women I know who may on the rare occasion, actually check what on earth I am telling the world here.
Twelve around the dial...

Meanwhile, however, since I'm pretty sure they are very busy elsewhere, running, um, 'transpersonal psychology' classes at retreats right next door to the dual-passport English people at their 'resort spas' in Costa Rica - you know, those people from MI6, some on the run, some in hiding and so on - so we can indulge in some fairly unrestrained gossip at least for the moment.

One of our friends has been stuck in Venice researching what the city-state there did during the plagues they experienced from between the 14th Century and the 17th Century. She probably should have perhaps gone to Florence first, because Florence was the one place where the plagues seemed to always have had the least fatalities recorded. It's genuinely quite possible in fact that they really did have the least fatalities, and one is not sure quite why, just now. 
Elixir of China, second from right

Yet nevertheless, it is indeed of great importance to see what the Venetians did to combat their problems - since Florence did not necessarily need to react in quite the same way since they had less of a problem in the first place; which is not to say they had no instances of what was then the Bubonic Plague, or the 'Black Death.'

The very word 'quarantine' derives from the Italian for 'forty' meaning forty days of isolation. Which is what the state of Venice required sufferers and others at risk to undergo to prevent further spreading of the disease.

Over the next few articles, we want to go into 'salon society' a little, with reference to its roots in the wealthy mansions and families of those empires of Europe which disappeared for the last time, effectively, with the final disasters caused by Napoleon.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Stable Mind Foundation First

Here we are in 2020 - 'twenty-twenty hindsight' being an exact science, as they say(!) - lol, and the world is in a complete, a total mess. 

Over the last few articles we have touched on 'first perceptions,' then logical filters to discern the truth and the functional reality in what we perceive, and now we must briefly consider applications of shakti, or supreme intelligent power.

In the end, the things that are important to us have all got to be things we can use, things we can sensibly feel, and have emotions for...

There are thousands of places where you can go where smart people impart tricks and techniques of employing the buoyant surface of the psychic/psychological energy system within the human being - the vishuddhi junction near the throat region - to manufacture what are hallucinatory experiences, some quite frightening like a 'bad trip,' others so breathtakingly beautiful that mentally unstable individuals become lost in the addiction of these hallucinatory sensations.
Agni - fire sacrifice to the gods who are then compelled and obliged
to give you what you want... This is upon the declaration of Krisna
in the Mahabharata that such is the case. Okay, this is oysters being grilled. 

In the metaphysical you still require those 'second-line filters' we spoke of earlier. And that is because, beyond the hallucinatory, there is the 'metaphysically real.'

In the era of the Parisian Bohemian salon societies, there were plenty of people who abused absinthe, or laudanum, and 'saw' many amazing things which distracted them from their daily material lives - and the image of the green fairy persists even to this day in french art.

The reason the vishuddhi chakra is correctly explained as being the buoyant surface, is that unless you keep things in absolute perspective - some things below, some things above, some things at a distance - you will not be able to enjoy the whole experience properly and will slip 'beneath the waves,' as it were, overcome by the power of the cosmic waters, and the energy of the tide which drags you under, into addiction and hallucinations.
Latest Ferrari - the Roma

However if you are able to maintain your stability on top of things, that is at least on top of the things that will bear your material physical weight, the weight of your bodily existence, or your body in fact - your psychological systems, your consciousness inside of your material person - then you will gain access to Adi Parashakti, the owner and ultimate ruler of the entire Cosmos of everything, who is the means of all of this 'manifesting' that you see and read about but which very few people know how to really do.

People who can 'make' things appear through their agne - or ajna, whatever (third eye chakra) are termed siddha sankalpa. Wikipedia is absolute and total rubbish about this phrase. It's just all over the place misusing Sanskrit words, not even translating anywhere close to correctly - sankalpa doesn't in any way mean or include 'intention' or something happening in the future, or the focused will; in fact 'will' is the word 'agna.' Or ajna or agne. 

Sankalpa means all things, future as well as past resolved into the eternal now.

So now, in eternity, is when you are sitting in your Ferrari Roma, or your Rolls Royce or something, or when you are in salon amongst your wealthy Bohemian friends.

Friday, 20 March 2020

'Limping With Two Opinions'

This phrase comes from the Book of Kings, and it is said by the 'traveler through the world of human beings' - Elijah... 'Tishbite' means extraterrestrial.

Elijah is around to help a few people before things all go too far, and even so, most people are harmed anyway.

But not you, for neither shall your jar be emptied nor your jug of oil fail, until...

Moving right along then. Let us consider the Islamic Masih al Dajjal, their version of the Anti-Christ.

This figure is taken directly from the Sanskrit Vedas, and describes 'Shakuni' the underhanded and behind-the-scenes true perpetrator of the ultimate 'Battle of Kurukshetra.' He has one good eye, a sign or symbol on his forehead which says 'disbeliever' and snaggled teeth. And he wears a turban. And he comes from around Afghanistan or Syria/Iran.

You can yourself however believe whatever you like, but believe it truly and with strong conviction or at least steer clear of simple 'belief' and move towards understanding and knowledge then. But do not be of two minds.

Now is certainly not the time for that.

It isn't safe to be doubtful right now. And that's because in quite literally the ultimate environment of massive institutional and state-sponsored propaganda that we have ever seen in human history, your personal, individual interests rank well below that of the people who want to maintain power over you and over the public at large. They will achieve sustaining their power over the public. But they may have made a severe miscalculation and lost their power over you... 

...I think, you are about to get your freedom.