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Sunday, 2 February 2020

RT Is Covering Nuking Asteroids Now

Well if you haven't by now absorbed the whole entirety of 'Q Disclosure Rainbow Bombs' you'd better hurry up because it's going to be pulled shortly.

It's still available for free here:

Meanwhile, RT news is right now covering the 'nuking asteroids in space near to Earth' story @ here:

Iran space rockets and ballistic missiles

Thursday, 30 January 2020

The Amber Wines Of Heaven

It is now near enough to the astrological cross-quarter indicating Spring is arriving, for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

Incorrectly, those who think they know about Western, especially British Isles, witchcraft, use the word 'Imbolc' for this moment, and will tell you this is the word witches use...

'Im-machst' however, is the Old German phrase, and it means something is made (macht) within the deepest dark of Winter. When some German-speakers say 'mach' it does sound a lot phonetically like 'molk.'
Red-gold candles... important colors for this

As modern-esque Christianity took over as the major public form of religion in the West, this season that has its specific ancient rites and rituals, began to be called 'candlemas' and in fact the idea that candle light has some ritualistic involvement with this date simply, as you all know, became absorbed into the standard Christian practices for 'candlemas.'

But we don't need to worry about all of that - we want to go a little into the matter of the drinking of wine, as a spiritual thing, according to ancient texts. As you also know, Abraham got drunk with these 'divine beings' he met, Noah planted a vineyard after the flood, made wine and got terribly drunk afterwards, Jesus made wine when the young aristocratic couple were fixing themselves in the carnal world, he drank wine with his associates when he was about to leave, and - so the story goes - he drinks wine with them in some other place not of this world. And for Eternity, no less. 

The nursemaid of the God of Wine, Dionysus - Ambrosia - gives her name also to a fermented, sometimes hardened, form of honey, which is highly entheogenic. This goes along with the Divine type of drink - nektar ('stops Death'). The blood which flows through the veins of the gods - ichor - possesses the same qualities that nectar and ambrosia have, namely, they can, in some circumstances, cure disease, halt death, heal wounds and all of that. But in all events, you can see that the gods are more or less steeped in wine. Albeit it is their kind of wine. 
Slovenian amber wine

Further, there is another kind of flowing, bubbling water, that is also associated with the gods and their wine - and this is the fountain of youth, which can usually only be drawn from by the goddess Hebe, the cupbearer (or one of them), to the gods.

Recently, it has become a thing, among the wine cognoscenti, that 'orange' (colored) wine, or amber wine - which is more like what it is - was likely the sort of wine that Jesus turned the water into, because that was what wine was like back then. This is on the theory that in those times wine-makers were using just the grape flesh and not the skins where the reddish color mostly is, for their wines. The result being that even from the darkest, blackest red grapes, the juice was more amber than red.

In the same way that modern witchcraft is a superficial method derived at best from a few books and some more or less urban and rural legends, so to is Christianity not much more than that - and when I say these things this is not to suggest both are not filled with complicated rituals and all kinds of peculiar narratives. But what I am saying is that neither can modern witches actually fly on broomsticks, any more than modern-day Christians can turn water into wine.

This is also, still the two-week Chinese New Year 'season.' In this tradition, it used to be that those living atop high mountains, would burn a pillar of fragrant smoke, along which up and down, fairies could descend. If the weather were really stormy, you could close all the windows in a darkened room, light a single small candle, and nonetheless create the smoke column procuring the same result. Then you drink Chinese plum or cherry wine. And fermented honey.

I don't know anything about these things, myself.

For me, I know that Shiraz from which the alcohol is removed, is sold in retail stores, and this is always made from the grapes in which the juice has the most sugar - because otherwise people won't buy the stuff. And, a very standard inexpensive actual Shiraz wine, is usually made with a lot of the grape skins and stems - thereby imparting very strong color and some tannin but not too much because these wines are not matured long enough. And if you mix the two, you will get a consistently amazing result, probably a lot better than, well, I'm not going there and saying what... But hey, if you throw in a tiny bit of well-made brandy as well...  

Real aged entheogenic honey is very expensive and takes around fifty years to ferment. There are still Russian or Slovenian 'Medovukha' honey wine products around, virtually at all ends of the styles of fermentation processing. The best is old and rare and expensive. A bit like best Hungarian Tokaji, really.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Kim Basinger And Vintage Wine

So here's that scene I talked about previously, and that I promised I would post here.

It's from the hot erotic movie - well, in fact, one of the most outstanding erotic movies of all time - 9 and 1/2 Weeks.

It's the scene in which Basinger's character, an art gallery manager, goes to find the artist 'Farnsworth' whose exhibition is coming up, but who has apparently gone missing just beforehand.

This movie is one of the starkest examples of just how far the difference is, between those who really know something about whatever subject they are discussing, or looking at, and those who have all the public reputation for knowing, but are simply ignorant but aggressive and vocal.

9 and 1/2 Weeks was misunderstood in its day, and largely still is, on the whole when you talk to modern people who watch it even now.

But you'll get an argument from those who believe they know the full story - same as you will if you say that no Tibetan monks from the original Lhasa temple were, or are, actually Buddhists...

The real religion of the Tibetan monks has been systematically suppressed for decades by the Communist government of China, and the modern outward presentation of Tibetan monks as Buddhist is a fabrication.

Everyone knows the story that the Dalai Llama is found by the priests of the Lamasery of the Tibetan tradition, by offering a particular young child a few toys and personal effects that belonged to some previous living chief Llama. 

This idea - after a fashion - can be seen in the scene I have posted here, in terms of an artist's, in this case, the fictional artist Farnsworth('s), approach to his subjects that he converts into his paintings.

Basinger's character tells him he has captured a moment, and he replies that he paints the transitions of understood and familiar reality, to the point of their strangeness probably in some unstated metaphysical way.

If you are a very rich person, and you have acquired the taste for great French wines like Latour or Lafite or Angelus or Haut Brion - there is no real point drinking any of them and believing you are really experiencing what is in there, unless you can come to terms with the ideas, for instance in one of our public Kindle novels: particularly, say, Chapter Eight 'Star Silk Drop' from the book 'Russian Propaganda Spy Story.' Here -

Saturday, 25 January 2020

"The Beauty Of Divine Beings Dancing"

One of the main purposes of this site is to encourage a certain way of thinking - a way to use the human mind that will permit its practiced exponent the ability to sense things almost before they are materially here. But more importantly, to be able to distinguish authenticity from clever semiotics and propaganda employed by experts in mass public control.

It is no secret that my family had quite some history in China, and that among a few key people I am what is termed 'inside the family door.'
Zhang Zhiyi

At the same time though, I suppose much like the vast Chinese cultural panorama itself, my own immediate family had its own peculiar internal rivalries - my elder sister spoke only Hokkien when she was almost into her teens and for a very long time afterwards was quite reluctant to converse in English! Whereas I would consider myself more aligned to the Teochew cultural grouping and it was among these that I spent most time right the way through to my late twenties.

Many of those who taught me in the commonly known Chinese arts have now passed away - the revered Lacey Brothers, the most recent to return to the Grand Ultimate. However, there is more than the usual 'hard training and fighting' martial arts aspect that I can tell you about, and about which I was often ribbed on - and that is, that I had the reputation, bestowed literally by the very old leaders of our clan (one of whom was the very highest ranking Chinese Martial Arts teacher in the world at the time, namely, the then Chairman of the World Chinese Martial Arts Association) of being capable of learning some things from one or two of the oldest practitioners who had some insight into the legendary Zhang Sanfeng. It is not strictly speaking, true that the Wudang Tai Chi style is not within the usual Shaolin Kung Fu arts, because, in fact, it is readily acknowledged by all that Zhang Sanfeng formulated the snake and crane forms that all Shaolin practitioners are quite familiar with. 'Sanfeng' ('Sarm' = 'three') simply means 'three mountains' and this was a title he gave to himself, having scaled all three of the largest peaks.

Now... Here's the point you need to grasp hold of: Wudang is linked at its deepest expressions, to Chinese Taoist magical thinking, and Zhang Sanfeng is held to have achieved immortality. And so, for those 'hard style' fighters and thinkers of much of the modern schools, ancient traditional disciplines like calligraphy and dance and music, are looked down upon in comparison to breaking sticks and rocks and so on.

Chinese Communism too, for another example, despises anything to do with the magical thinking side of Taoism, and it has quite deliberately created a formulaic, state-authorized version of public Taoism with systems of monk training and a whole range of rituals and literary regimes designed to support fundamental Communist ideology, and not, Taoist philosophy at all.
Shen Yun

One of the sects within the ancient Taoist tradition is what today has a base in New York City, and that travels the world as the Shun Yen Dance Company. 'Shun Yen' means 'the beauty of divine beings dancing...' The Beijing government shadows this group around the globe, and has been alleged to have interfered with its members and its commercial affairs in various covert ways.

The Wudang Mountains are about 430 kilometers from Wuhan, where the current coronavirus outbreak is said to have originated. The road to the mountains runs through Hubei Province where Zhang Sanfeng lived and taught.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Those From Very Far Away

It is extraordinarily hard for me to convey everything I might want to 'put out there' partly because there is too much 'cross-talk' in the way people are informed now - they accept the media as fundamentally the only source of facts. You could think well maybe not, maybe the internet has overcome this blanketing of social information by only one version of interpreted truth, but I don't think so...

It's got to the point where a childish two-dimensional definition of what used to be a sophisticated turn of phrase in the English language, for example, is 'truth' and the actual authentic meaning is only used by an ever-narrowing group of people who if they are lucky, get merely cast as 'conspiracy promoters.' If they are lucky. 
This is the Dior Floral Cocktail - yes, Dior has it's
very own cocktail! 

...Allow me to explain something to you: if your eyes are not accustomed to the dark, no matter how much you believe or think you have good eyesight, and you are used to high light levels, but then suddenly the world is plunged into darkness around you - you won't be able to see. And that is in spite of any arrogance that you have 'good vision.'

Scientists do this type of thing all the time. They capture data present to their sensibilities - but not all the data that is actually there and available. And then they make pronouncements on what is 'there' and what 'not there.' And of course people get terribly jealous if you suggest you have some faculty they do not have. In an upcoming article I will post a very short clip from a famous movie, whose essential point is that older, wiser, people, have ways of seeing, and of thinking, that are not part of the mind-set of younger people. Musicians and artists often do understand this, scientists do not. 

Science is possibly one of the most over-rated things around, because it provides many useful functions, but cannot provide any insight into the superficially non-repeating dynamical, alive aspects of universal reality. What does that mean? It means if aliens landed in Roswell on a Monday, but never again turned up there for another hundred years, and even then on a Tuesday not a Monday, all the scientists would be dead by the time a pattern had formed for them to 'see.' And those who were alive at that time would look back and say, 'ah well, but there was something wrong with the historical record.' You see, this is potentially just arrogance rather than the application of any kind of real science. It's what has happened with the narrative about industrial environmental pollution - which is absolutely a real thing, but which has morphed into 'global climate change.' 'Change...' ...not 'pollution.' 

One fellow told me recently, that in the time of Homer (or at least the books attributed to that name), 'people believed the sun was a fiery chariot,' and therefore whatever Homer had recorded about an event could not be viewed as having been made by humans 'with brains' (I presume that's what he meant) like modern people have today! And when I asked him had he heard of someone called Eratosthenes and what he had discovered he said 'no, not really.'

You see, it's a waste of time. And moreover I don't have any incentive to go further than do things like this fun (for me) blog.

Recently I have been spending some time pulling the legs of some LA girls who have these 'manifesting' channels on YouTube, and I told them they were in lots of trouble because none of what they were suggesting was working among their millions (literally, it is millions) of followers, and that was because they had committed the cardinal sin of breaking their own gender-political rules - they were promoting 'manifesting,' when they should have been promoting womanifesting! 

I got a few giggles and chuckles.

And then some of them actually asked me did I have a specific meaning for what 'womanifesting' was..
Pretty lights...

So I told them that Jesus Christ was only the second child of God the Father, and that Solomon had the jump on him as far as 'manifesting' went, because he kept appealing to the first-born identity, who is called in the Old Testament text in the original language texts 'the Princess of the Heavenly City of Peace' (commonly misrepresented in the modern English versions simply as 'the Shulemite woman'). And what I got were a bunch of more-or-less modern 'fundamentalists' leaping up and who actually thought I was on their side by suggesting that 'manifesting' was witchcraft and against the Will of God, and that although they loved watching the channels in question, held some inner disquiet about it all.

And I had to say, 'but no, no' - I did not at all think 'manifesting' was against the Will of God; far from it if you look at those source texts themselves. And then of course I simply had to heap burning coals upon heads by posing the following question - 'if all Christians understand the Prince of the Heavenly City of Peace (same identity who met with Abraham and gave him this famous/infamous Eternal Blessing) to be Jesus, then who is this Princess of the Heavenly City of Peace that Solomon keeps writing encomiums to?' Or do you want it that when it suits you you say the phrase means 'Jesus Christ the actual person,' but when it doesn't suit you you want it merely to be some metaphor, a turn of phrase meaning something vague...?

Right now I could make some bald assertion about something and offer no proof about it. ...But I'm not going to do that. Just keep your eyes on the skies, as I have been saying for a few weeks now.