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Saturday 28 September 2019

Eating The Cooked Lobster

The internet is replete these days with Tony Robbins-style channels and articles about 'how to' whatever, and usually it is 'how to make money/be successful/become wealthy' - all that kind of thing.

I can't give that kind of advice. And I'll tell you why. Each person is different from every other person; each person is unique -, an individual, with different abilities, different interests, different needs, different wants. What might work for me is not necessarily going to work for the next guy.
A 'trojan horse' type of color, that's
for sure!

Secondly, I have a very limited template based on past personal experience from which to draw. Yes, sure I've made some real dollars in the past. But so what?

I made that my way - and I doubt there can be too many people around who would go the same route to attain similar ends.

I clearly remember I was riding a bicycle to a state government technology incubator park to see a friend the one day, and the next morning I had 4.8 million dollars of listed share capital in my own name plus a lot of cash as well. And the guy I was going to see at the tech park thought of me then as a young eccentric and now, on the run from Interpol and everyone else as far as I can tell, in the Philippines for 'probably' being one of the guys who proposed and helped deploy the APT29 trojan horse program on the DNC computers, still regards me as 'titanium:' seemingly indestructible but lightweight.

I have never confused an empty hand with a lack of substance.

Because - and here is something that applies to understanding pure money - money is currency not a commodity; it is the process through which comparative advantage becomes a functioning mechanism in broader society: you have a skill or item others do not have, and others have things you want, and so money becomes the medium via which everyone gets to share access to the total pool of skills and products and items potentially available in society when taken as a whole.

If you place all the cash money you have on you in front of you, it is an inverse representation of your unexploited total net worth over time, not the representation of your actual current net worth. If you want to increase the size of the pile of notes in front of you, you move to expose your comparative advantage to those who want or need what you are.

If there ever was a time for karate economics, and a karate approach to private business, now is it.

'Kara-te' = empty hands, dudes.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Recent New York Fed...

This week, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, John Williams, mentioned the daily $75 billion in liquidity interventions 'in order to bring overnight repo's back in line with the Fed funds rate.'

Now this is not particularly an 'admission' of anything, really, and certainly not, as many (msm) media editorials have been saying, an admission that the Fed has erred in its calculations of reserves needed.
New York Fed's John Williams

It's a statement of fact about how retail and commercial banks have no substance and are selling everything they get handed from the US Treasury, at discounts to the 'Fed funds rate target' in order to find immediate cash (aka 'liquidity').

Why do they need cash all the time...?


Because, they are addicted to spending, that's why. They need to 'spend' to continue to falsify the valuations of all property and real estate.

They need to spend to give executives ridiculous bonuses and directors their fees.
Burnt butter and mustard lobster

Some editorials are at last outright saying this whole thing has been a grand scheme of fraud, cheating, and theft. And it has.

So what happens next?

Well this thing can go on for a bit longer yet. No Crash this week. And none next week either.

No. Maybe no Crash at all.

You see the lobster, my friends, has already been boiled and it is dead.

And I intend to eat it. First I need some French cream and mustard sauce, a little butter, and some salt and pepper.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Some 'Sensitive' Matters Attended To

Ah well, had to concentrate on some pretty sensitive affairs over the last few days. Very stressful for all those directly involved, and maybe one day we can get to talk about them, but not today. Not yet.

Worked out good. Ordinary people's lives are regularly filled with difficulties and dramas and what is there to be done about it? Can we make the world a better place after all is said and done? Good question. Not on our own we can't, I don't think.

Personally I'm still hoping that the super-advanced space aliens are going to show themselves and maybe give an interview to Jimmy Dore and tell a few jokes maybe.

Make us all feel good about ourselves and about the future and extend a bit of hope for us all.

Jimmy Dore is roughly the equivalent of the old National Enquirer - you know, that tabloid paper that handled all the 'triple-headed monster baby' and 'UFO's at the Navy Base' material, but which has never ever been successfully sued for lying...

Dore is billed as a stand-up comedian who does news.

I can't read or watch the BBC anymore, and prefer Jimmy Dore and Lionel Nation because if you didn't laugh you'd cry and there's no point doing that. 

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Curry In The Battle Of Kurukshetra

This week, Richard Martin's 'Wake-Up Call' goes to the Felicity Huffman story as a counterpoint to the super-critical Saudi Oil Fields attacks, which is also looked at:

As for me, well I just had a terrific experience...

I was walking mid-morning through this local shopping mall, see, and this Indian girl was standing, seemingly all-forlorn, with a plate of something or other - naan bread pieces or something so I figured, yeah all right, at least if I take one she won't be stuck with no one to try whatever it was. 

After I had finalized some useless item of trivia that demanded personal attention, it was still not much more than late mid-morning and the Indian restaurant, although looking quite ready for customers, was empty but for one young woman at the back messing around with a laptop and nibbling small things...

Had enough of dim-sum for a while, I thought, and went in.
The one I had didn't look like this, but I used this pic -
because it is colorful!

Lamb shank curry? What on earth was I doing ordering lamb shank curry?

Er, scored a bull's eye here. It was ridiculously good. Not a molecule of fat anywhere; to me lamb often suffers in the hands of lazy cooks, from way too much indigestible fat.

Not this thing. Fell off the bone, the spices were authentic and clearly hand-ground, and the whole thing had been slow cooked and chilled, the fat removed - properly - and then slowly baked to the finish. And with these kinds of things, you really have to do the sauce in two stages, one in which you slow cook the shanks, and then a second stage of the ultimate sauce that comes right at the end.

All thoughts of alien invasion, or where the drones had come from, and how they had been so accurate in delivering their explosive payloads, or whether negative interest rates were going to adversely affect the whole world, went right out of my mind.

And although they have attempted to come back (into my mind) echoes of mindbogglingly good curries are blocking all of them right now.

I am thinking positively along the lines that even in the Battle of Kurukshetra, there were a few odd handfuls of people who were able to decamp to this garden in space somewhere, called Amaravati, filled with apsaras and very likely, pretty decent food. And they avoided the final war, and they survived. And they were none the worse for it all.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Before It Happens

Because of the close similarities now between natural 'hard evidence,' and technologically-created 'deep fakes,' we'll have to be cautious about what is being shown, as in literally being visually shown, or even experienced in situ, as any sort of 'amazing thing' requiring our previous understanding of reality to be modified. I'm not going to be 'modifying my understanding of reality' any time soon!

'Virtual reality' is easily enough distinguishable from deep fakes because of the obvious factor of one having to wear the viewing device in order to be able to experience it (virtual reality).

But recently there have been advances in dimensional optics technology, such as the 'no-logram' system, which uses very fine water droplets, so fine in fact that you can't see them, but which provide the optically-reflective media which is able to produce 'hard 3-dimensional images in clear space' using motion sensors and computer-controlled lasers.
This is a 'no-logram' and it doesn't require any VR glasses
to be able to see it.

For me the most telling signs that something is fake and being manufactured but presented as some miraculous event or happening, is the psychology which consistently comes across about anything like this.

You see, manipulators and those institutional people trying to exploit human psychology through sophisticated propaganda, continually seem to use public expectations, and their own belief systems as well, in order to achieve the responses they are seeking.

But people have wrong ideas to begin with; their expectations are already based on ignorance and incorrect facts.

If you 'Google search' 'alien,' you will inevitably get all the same old images of peculiar, odd-feature grey little beings with big funny eyes and big craniums and all of that...

And if you listen to the almost limitless number of Christian evangelicals talking about the subject you will get the standard 'they are demons' narrative - meaning the beings from 'out there' or 'from above' are demonic and weird, and therefore also behind some kind of holographic mask or something, are assumed to be quite ugly.

...And that is not what the Bible says.
Electro-gravitic gyros inside, maybe?

The most ancient texts, be they Christian, or Hebrew, or Greek, or Scandinavian, or in Sanskrit - say the opposite.

The Bible itself, is widely misquoted and very deceivingly mistranslated, in my view, especially with regard to things like, for example 'Cain' and 'Abel.'

The terms 'Cain' and 'Abel' are always plural within the actual narratives and this means they are something like descriptive collective nouns: Cain is a genetic group, and so is Abel. And, importantly, the 'Cain' are all ugly. And 'Cain' is a terrestrial group of beings.

By contrast, those who come down from above and who are not originally from this Earth, are all exceedingly good-looking but then, so are 'the daughters of Abel.'

The children of Abel neither feared these 'beings who descended down from the skies,' nor did they find them too dissimilar to themselves... Which meant they saw them as 'normal'-looking beings and as easy to communicate with and to be around as any ordinary terrestrial human being.

You will never be able to distinguish an actual 'alien' - as in the common idea of an Extraterrestrial' - from an ordinary terrestrial human being, if you saw one. Unless you actually witnessed them coming down in a space ship, if one walked around a street corner and you first encountered them after they had done that, you would certainly not imagine them to be anything other than 'just another human being.' You wouldn't know they were from elsewhere.

And so anything that crops up now in the media about unidentified 'tic tac' aircraft filmed by navy pilots, or actual 'space craft' or any 'ET' beings who look 'different' to us, or 'weird' - is false and designed to shift people's standing beliefs about reality. It's not necessarily designed for people to accept these 'beings' or what they have to say... And there's the danger.

Malicious and morally harmful ('evil') people are people, whose ideas come to them from out of their minds, which are influenced by 'idea' forces (IE by spiritual means). The mind is an instrument whose senses are available effectively on a 'sub-space' (like for instance, neutrino particle level) communication level. 

Conversely, good people, are also material physical people, whose powers, abilities, thoughts, and intentions, come to them from out of their minds, which are influenced by 'idea' forces.

We would all love to have some intelligent and super-advanced ET humanoid beings, come 'down' here and help us solve our basic problems, enhance our lives, and increase our material wealth and prosperity on this planet.

Wouldn't we?

How about we look to the 'idea' dimension first, to get a grasp of what is going on.