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Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Social Chain?

In one of this week's local newspapers, was an article about a large marketing company now with a 'digital space' division called 'Social Chain.'

I think I've mentioned this company before... briefly somewhere. And probably just tucked inside some other matters.

'Social Chain' maintains a network of online users, including so-called 'influencers,' with the object being that economic value is created by having hundreds or thousands of online people positively review something - creating the impression to innocent online readers or viewers that something, some product for instance, is very well liked and that there is a strong demand for it.

To me this seems more like fraud than 'marketing...' LOL

However, what is certainly true is that decent numbers give 'currency' to an online activity.

Here at this Blog our numbers have a good upward long term trend line in the data chart of visitors and readers and users.

If it hits a certain threshold now it will be able to generate commercial revenue here for doing nothing else than what it always 'merely' has. 

And so if you ever have the capacity to bring a few more readers and contributors into here, we managers here will be grateful and we'll all of us old-time readers of 'Old Money Savoir Faire' share the proceeds - I'll set up a utility token for us and thrust it into the 'BitCoin' space by making the token an 'AltCoin' exchangeable for ordinary currency and BitCoin and direct ALL of the Blog ad and other Blog-related revenue into the utility token.

...And then each of you could perhaps also earn yourself a paid fee for writing and contributing something to the Blog.

Best Wishes

John E. N. Ward
Blog Chief Editor and Site Senior Manager

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Sinister And Occult And Deeply Dangerous

I've had to think very carefully about this article... I've had to think a lot about choosing words carefully.

Firstly because I certainly do not believe making sweeping generalizations are appropriate to expressing my own thoughts on the matter. Of course, I could, like anyone casually expressing a gut reaction or 'feeling' or superficial impression - make sweeping generalizations!
This is a 'two pipe problem,'
this one!

But I'm not going to.

But then I'm also a bit stuck too, because we are positioned in a world in which 'standard definitions' for words, and common beliefs about what some old writings say - are not the same as my own understandings concerning them. So I don't know, and I'm not sure whether readers here really share similar understandings.

For example... Every church in the whole entire world is convinced there is a word 'fornication' in the Bible, Old and New Testaments. I mean, yes, there is in most translations into English, however after all the thing was not originally composed in English and Hebrew was not a written language at the proposed or presumed time of Moses and indeed there were no modern grammatical forms of written Hebrew even at the time the original Septuagint was actually written down.

So... So... Where does that leave me...

Well... The original Greek word, and the proto-god-only-knows-what - Sumerian? Sanskrit? - or the primitive Aramaic word... 'ekporneuo.' 'Ekporneuo' does not mean 'fornication' - in fact so much so were early translators aware that it does not, that they notated their simplistic truncated (though final textual) translations with the phrase: 'give themselves over to fornication...' So what we have is the translators really saying this tautology - 'fornication (being the word we settled on) means 'give oneself over to er, er... ...fornication.'

A meaningless exposition, frankly.

No. It does not mean 'fornication.'

Thus, according to me and pretty much no one else, even if there were 'Watchers' or 'Fallen Angels,' who 'fell' (there were not any of those things; not in the original texts, not in reality, not at any time in history ancient, deep past, or now, or ever) their problem was not that they 'committed fornication.' Their 'sin' (and again, there is no word 'sin' originally, and certainly not as is commonly understood today as a word cast about in every church).
If you want to see someone go into a supernatural trance,
have a look at Kristian Nairn's 'trance DJ set' on YouTube.
Nairn is the actor who plays 'Hodor' in GOT, and he's also a
very good DJ.  

No. They 'exceeded all satisfactions of greed and lust even to the point past barbaric vandalism (of course, 'vandalism' not a word at that time).' Ekporneuo. And that has a 'subtle' (not!) meaning beyond simple unlicensed sex.

There is no passage in the Bible in which Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated because of gay sex or homosexuality. No indeed, for once again, it is for 'ekporneuo' - and in fact worse; they were about to violently rape certain unusual-looking strangers under the protection of Lot.

There are many words used by Jesus Christ which have all been translated as a bulk job lot as 'sin,' but they have very very complex and subtle nuances of meaning with very important implications: the words are 'be defeated,' 'not be ideal,' 'not perfectly beautiful,' 'sinister with cunning,' 'not in the divinely perfect way...'

But no single word 'sin.' Nowhere. Not ever. Ever. Period.

So which 'Jesus' are any of you listening to? The guy that fell down in the last shower of rain at a local church on your television? Or the guy who may have lived, might have lived, and according to some did not even live, albeit at least we can all agree - the actual chronologically original 'Jesus Christ?!' ...of the texts from more or less around that time in question?

So what then is the problem, if any, with transgender anything, or perhaps, with the present political agenda that I have termed it deep and dark and occult and utterly dangerous?

Well, I can tell you my own thoughts let's say, as pitched to maybe an actual transgender person - what does going too far mean to your mind, to your sensitivities about other human beings, about your friends and neighbors...? For all I know you might be some alien hybrid, or just plain alien (ET) who is legitimately needful of gender re-assignment surgical intervention. I don't know. And I don't care, since for one thing I am neither a medical doctor, nor a surgeon, nor any kind of professional psychologist; those guys form part of the fabric of ordinary society - I do not - and that's all of you guys' business, not mine. If they have some factual basis of reason to do something well, that's that as far as I'm concerned, and if they do not - then they go too far pretending to a knowledge and powers they do not have.

So here's another thing you will not read or hear anywhere else... I'm sure you have heard it said that somewhere in the Bible, someone said that 'the Seat of Satan is in Pergamon (Turkey).'

You've heard me say this before - the gods love puns and plays on words.

Okay so the people referred to in the infamous passages in the Book of Enoch and also in the mainstream canonical Bible were never called 'Watchers;' maybe they did do 'watching' but they were not specifically named 'Watchers.' They were described as, and named 'Gegenes.' You see there's 'homogenes,' and there's 'heterogenes,' and there's 'gegenes.'
A big tall individual - well over six foot tall.
I think by name 'Gena...?'

And the Gegenes were so terribly excessive in their strength, and in lusts and in their lack of compassion (mostly, not all of them) that they were able to do whatever they wanted, and they were eventually cannibals, and highly destructive of animals and men and even forests and trees (so the story goes). And when they died out (don't worry for what reason) some occultists were able to invoke their deceased spirits and have them in-dwell living people bred to accommodate their power (nephesh-philim: 'Nephilim') and so they were great warriors, great athletes, great 'beings' and did all kinds of extravagant things.

If you mess around using certain highly toxic drugs (and of course the US Military research units are already a long way up this road), you can fiddle with the Sella Turcica (Turkish Seat) which ensconces and usually circumscribes how much endocrine activity and flow can come from the pituitary, and you can 'create' gigantism or acromegaly and those subjects will start to have extended ranges of vision ('see' things which do not appear there to the rest of us), off-the-scale rage and anger potential, and immense strength and stamina and the ability to withstand pain.

There are plenty of 'gentle giants' around and there always have been. And there are even these 'gegenes' who will do you no harm.

Those are not the guys we are worried about. The guys I'm worried about are the 'poniria' - the ones who are sinisterly cunning. And the ones that are incredibly organised. 

Thursday, 11 July 2019

'Wreck Stuff'

It was a few articles back when I posted something about the Theresa May clique being willing to wreck things before they get turfed out.

A lot of people are hurting their heads worrying about 'who leaked' those emails from Sir Kim Darroch.

Boris Johnson is not a Freemason...

Boy are they intent on smashing things up before they go. The emails themselves were just plain rude. On what basis was any of it even remotely true? The telling thing is there is nothing in the actual body of any of the emails which contains any facts on which those blunt judgments are based.

In fact, on the contrary, as Donald Trump himself points out, 'the economy is the best it's ever been, the job numbers are great and the military is far and away the best in the world...'

'Inept?' How? How does that get to be a fair call on the face of any facts? No, it's a deliberate and calculated effort to irritate the White House, and then damage the UK's Foreign Office for Boris Johnson to have to take over a poisoned chalice.

And then you have a handful of large corporations saying they are going to sack thousands of employees in the UK. And in a couple of cases, actually sacking a few hundred already.

Brexit = Doom, Trump = Bad, Prince Andrew and his buddy Jeffrey Epstein = ?

Yeah. Right. 
Reading the news - or making the news?

But... Hey... How is this all even happening? Boris Johnson is not, a Freemason. How is he winning? How are the 'elite' in such a damn mess and losing everywhere? 

Maybe there are good Freemasons, and bad Freemasons... More LOL. 

What I am willing to bet though, is that the more they lose now, the more willing they will be to turn even more nasty and damage more stuff on the way out.

I have these conversations with some very worked up people these days, and mainly, would you believe, the arguments are about this new 'trans agenda' stuff. You cannot read or watch a BBC report or page now without having to wade through endless guff about LGBTQ matters. 
Most people don't know that 'Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil' was a
true story written in the fictional narrative style - with a publisher statement in the
book saying it was a true story. ...And the thing they really don't know, is that it is an occult story.

...Now I 'could' tell you a story about a case I *** ******** er, 'heard about' oh, forty years(?) ago now, to do with a very senior police detective becoming involved with someone he didn't at that time know was transgendered. From what I gather, people were doing part of a vast team's project work of 'background research' to check whether what was going on had any political or other exploitation purpose. And I'm not going to tell you because the thing would still fall under a secrecy agreement, and those involved would not like me speaking about what they told me. Which they prolly shouldn't have.

However if any of you think this subject is a new one, to government, to the education system, to psychology -, you're wrong. It's very very old.

And so yeah, why is it featuring in so much of the media now? Trust me it's not innocent. And it's nothing really to do with the rights and welfare of the rare cases of these individuals - although that's what the same old susceptible people will be worked up into thinking.

In the next article, I'm going to take you all on a ride into the occult - into the deepest, most sinister, and most dangerous part of occultism that any of you will ever in your lives encounter; and you will have never previously encountered this.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Before Eyes Wide Shut, There Was...

...There was the hard Right Winger (lol) Clint Eastwood's 'Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil.'

And well before today's 'LGBTQ+'s' hysteria - there was Grace Jones in a Bond movie, and the quirky Anne Carlisle in Slava Tsukerman's Liquid Sky.

And long long before any of those there was Virginia Woolf's Orlando.
This was about to be Wikileaks' high security archive physical vault
location in Sweden - I have knowledge on what they really had 'locked away...'
It's basically several government Intelligences' data banks of every corrupted official
and VIP around the world, and how and where and when they were bought.

I mean do we really need to go into all of those other examples as well - Marlene Dietrich, or Joel Grey in Cabaret? 

A reader here just raised the interesting question as to whether Stanley Kubrick was giving out some kind of warning with his much-mulled-over 'Eyes Wide Shut.' 

So there are high society secret sex parties. So? So they are secret and people try to keep their identities secret and revealing them could be deadly for the person who reveals those identities. Even - so? Corrupt deals are done via such secret circles. Okay so somehow anyone cares now, do they? That is, apparently then, these secret cabals are not so extended into every facet of officialdom that maybe, maybe, some cops and courts 'might' act against some of the corruption, if it were to be found out. 


I don't believe that.

No. That's not what I believe. If you're 'in' you can and you will get away with anything and everything... long as it has been sanctioned by the highest 'lords.'
'The Lady Chablis' - out front of the cast of 'Midnight In The Garden Of...'

No need for warnings there. The secret elites are still in power and in absolute control of all worldly affairs. They are at the top and they will suppress and oppress any eccentric officer and/or underling who has the temerity to try and go against them.

It might be that Kubrick was just enshrining a statement of fact in his body of work.

It might surprise some that for many years there have been learned reviewers who always assumed Ian Fleming's 'Le Chiffre' was based on the London occultist Aleister Crowley, whom he knew or knew of through the UK Intelligence Services that they both worked for during WWII.

Less talked about though, is the possibility that the 'Specter' organization was based on HP Lovecraft's dark and sinister occult 'underground' network that he proposed existed, whose members all worshiped some kind of sea monster a bit like a primordial, and supernatural 'octopus' entity. What they did was surreptitiously enter into some thriving organization and kill it from within, taking it over for their own maleficent ends. The members of this occult network had frog-like eyes, and strange mouths, and were hardly human at all. They wrecked everything they touched.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

The Heralds Of Pain

Because of a view I have that recently there were some people monitoring these pages who possessed some malicious intent - I am disinclined to clearly spell out things of a relevant current events nature.

And that's a shame for those innocent parties.

Not to worry. I am able to chew gum and walk at the same time.
The balloon seller in 'The Third Man' -
kind of!

...So what we'll do is describe a few things not related to specific immediate matters directly. But these 'revelations' will nonetheless give you a new insight into how to apply important tools to your perception of what you are seeing in the press, as well as how to penetrate into the real meanings of ancient narratives, ancient texts.

There is evil in the world and that evil consists of a specific mindset that is both arrogant, and adamant of its own 'correctness' about whatever it is a-judging. But you see, people want things and there is nothing wrong with that, but the way in which they set about to attain those 'things' very very often is highly conditional: for example, some people want, I mean literally intend right from the outset, to cheat you, that is, to cheat others, even their partners, and 'get the absolute upper hand' in a transaction, in any 'deal' so to speak. They don't 'want' something, as much as they want it in a certain way.

And never, not one single time, do they ever see that their intentions are clearly seen from the start.

And so they get defeated. That is, sometimes they do get defeated by people far far far superior to their own intellect; and these people need not have 'defeated' them but that they forced it upon themselves by more or less challenging the superior party.

It's like the poker games where there are a bunch of big-headed big-mouths, laughing and scoffing and intent on pushing the thrill of scam movies about cheating and swindling and say something like 'Oceans 11' by one example and so on - and then some kid at the table they totally wrote off totally takes them to the cleaners. Right in front of James Packer's lawyer... I mean what an insulting type of behavior.

What happened?! They say in shock afterwards. What happened was they were fools. And fools and their money, are quickly parted.

As we - all of us - live in today's world right now, and witness geo-politics and the things that are presently going on on the world's stage, we will see the weakening of 'elite' powers. Naturally, when rats are cornered, and they see themselves 'going down,' they get desperate and bite and kick and scratch and all of that.
Keep your eyes open for the same 'signs...'

So what though? They're finished. Exhausted. Losing; and 'lost.' You just have to be smart and stay out of physical range of their 'last rites' of raging insanity and slowly they will actually die away, die off, die out. Finished. 

Now, when you look at even some of the most enlightened popular movies, for instance, what you are looking at is often-times unexplained and certainly misunderstood by the broader public.

I am going to give the example of the 'red mask' scene in EWS. Everyone thinks this character, this 'figure' and 'identity,' is some kind of powerful 'kingpin.'

He is not. His attire is one of the herald, and that is all. A herald has no power. He is a functionary. This occult image is one concerning the herald's circle. In authentic hidden events, this is a moment in which some announcement is being made privately to a restricted circle of people. In all ancient texts, the outward appearance of some 'character' is highly significant to the 'story' or at least, to the point of the story. What someone is being made to 'look like' or to appear like, is incredibly important and is almost always a coded message about what a thing really is, to those who have been given the keys to unlock those parables.

Those who have power are never seen for what they are and their uniforms are seldom understood. Now this is the precise bit about which I am prevented from writing right now, openly, and publicly. But if you really want to know, you can always email me privately.