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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Year Of The Dragon - Ice, Water, Power, Money

Money, is like water. Without enough water, things die; without enough money things also die.

If you watch modern business, financial institutions, people, politicians -, they all have this habit of trying to cling onto money by stopping its movement and turning it into a fixed form. And if you extend the first metaphor, what they are attempting to do is 'freeze the water into ice.' Which takes some considerable energy.

And that is why the world is in the place it is in right now.

Leaving aside for the moment all the academic economic questions about whether or not it is possible to perpetually increase the Money Supply, at a more fundamental level we are simply dealing with a kind of desperation and a grasping for something that is not that clearly understood, in the vain hope and belief that by 'clinging onto it' you will somehow 'have' what is quite ephemeral when in a given stationary position. Money is fluid and mobile. The flow – and not just the flow, but the system of flow – is what's important.

The people who are genuinely rich are those who have the power to move money around – not people who possess 'iced' money. If the world has gotten itself into a position where so much of the previous flows have been turned into ice, as it were, the only money mantra worth talking about is one that can melt that ice that is under the hand of whoever is keeping it under their hand.

Of course, the beauty of money itself, is that outside of a refrigerated atmosphere, it does have the tendency to melt virtually all by itself.

I can confidently tell you, that heading into this Chinese New Year of the Dragon (beginning 23 January, 2012) there is a genie fire being lit under all that ice that governments, politicians, 'technocrats,' and nominally 'financial' institutions, are trying to clutch to themselves for dear life – and it will all melt away and slip right through their fingers. Into the system of pipes that clever people have devised and positioned to channel it.

Last pic is an Omani Frankincense burner...

The Sultan of Oman buys 40% of his entire country's annual production of Frankincense - which is regarded by experts as the best in the world - and he burns it 24 hours a day throughout the year in a huge burner open to the sky. Quite extravagant and exotic. 

Calvin J. Bear
The Sage and Oracle of OMSF

Friday, 6 January 2012

Sex Mantra

I want to tell you about something called a 'sarangi.' It's a musical instrument from India.

The sarangi has a much more ancient origin and mysterious past, than is commonly understood. Modern popular beliefs even in India today are stilted on account of the effects of the intrusion of several waves of invaders in history who went on to occupy and militarily and politically dominate the peoples within those states of the Subcontinent where the sarangi was played.

Although numbers of players can get a tune out of the instrument, the definitive way in which it is designed to actually be played, is known to only a very rare few.

Perhaps a tiny handful of old Sikh knowledgeable individuals might remain who could relate the truth about the sarangi, and then again it is doubtful that much of the modern generation care to grasp these stories in the face of the current era's iPad invader.

Commonly, even among literate middle classes who ought to know better, the sarangi is somewhat of a taboo instrument on the basis that it has a history presumed to be traced in the brothels or at least the sex priestess sub-culture temples on the edges of the Great Indian Thar Desert in Rajasthan.

In all cases it is an 'underground' musical instrument – a feature of an 'underground' and hidden, secret culture.

As you all know, the Garden of Eden is encircled by a wall of heat and flame and fierce angels with fiery swords barring the way to mortals... So not many people get into there anymore.

However... Let me get on with my story.

Sarangi means 'one hundred colours.' A mantra is some configuration of sounds, not necessarily verbally intelligible, which have 'atomic' sound elements in them and which are the keys to various transformational powers in the material universe. And they can get you into the Garden of Eden...

The great Maharaja Jai Sing II (1688 - 1743) commissioned buildings which gathered together and housed 'celestial' technical developments along with their formulae – or principles – which went along with the instruments to allow the actual functioning of those instruments for some purpose. But the point of it all is lost today even somewhat on the many recognized scholars writing about this endeavour which is known as the 'Janta Mantar.' They tend to concentrate on what appear to be astrological purposes for the structures and formulae written on them.

Jai Sing and his architect knew that the only thing the human being can do on this earth down through succeeding generations of Mankind, is improve on the physical instrumentation; for all the fundamental principles are already known (according to the Vedas) – which is why the formulae are written down on the outsides of the structures. There is simply nothing at all being 'discovered' at CERN that is not already written down and explained by the ancient Vedantas. Vibration of the precursor quantum particle of standard matter is the foundation of the entire physical universe and this is detailed in the Naad Vedas. Even the much-vaunted aspect of chirality which people think is 'new' is dealt with there.

There is a special type of 'guru' who is of a rather occult nature in Rajasthani culture – this is the Naad Brahma master of one hundred colours. This person understands such a vast range of nuanced vibrations (of sound), that they are really able to implement a fundamental atomic sound arrangement that will legendarily 'open doorways into heaven.'

At this point I shall recommend that you look up a video clip on Youtube under the title of 'Sindhi Music Sarangi' which is a short 2.16 minute piece played by a young Langa master called Sikander Khan. (His name means Alexander the Great King btw...) This example will appropriately show how the sarangi is played in the hands of a genuine cult caste mantrik. The techniques of playing are highly confusing to a non-adept and include striking the strings with the same fingers that also at times press down, vibrato and glissande to get the bowed notes, in note patterns that contrast to the vibration of hidden sympathetic strings inside the three sound boxes.

One must realise that to properly meditate on the sarangi music in question, it is vital to remove outside interruptions of all kinds, or at least as much as is possible.

The playing of sarangi (one hundred colours), especially in this particular piece, is not, as is captioned in the video clip, merely 'a set of patterns,' but is in fact a mantra arrangement carried out by a sacred and perfected instrument that guarantees the activated results of the mantra for the person hearing it, where a problematic, untrained human voice alone cannot give that guarantee. This however is not a money mantra (which is often what people want to hear) being rendered in the video clip, it is a sex mantra.

And yet, the comparison of a money mantra, to a sex mantra, can unveil aspects of how mantrams are expected to work generally: like the sympathetic strings resonating within the sound boxes of the musical instrument, harmonic vibrations set off effects at spatial distance, and consequently at time differentials, from the precise moment energies were formed into their specific deliberate 'template' pattern in their musical mantra formulation.

Unlike money mantrams, sex mantrams transform subtle feelings, thoughts, sounds, impressions, memories and visions and are able to do so almost immediately – whereas money mantrams act on grosser material elements and take longer to 'manifest.' A sex mantra can make an almost immediate connection on what in the West is called a spiritual plane, and even a person's actual 'consciousness presence' may be evoked in a sex mantra. A deva - though not an ordinary human being – can materialize their subtle physical presence through evocation by the mantra meditation of an adept.

Most of what you will read on the web listed as being or claiming to be 'mantrams,' even on Wikipedia, consists of devotional prayers only and not actual mantrams. A mantra is an unintelligible sound as far as human speech or words are concerned and therefore not able to be translated as 'hail this god' or 'peace/love/whatever,' as is the case with almost everything you will read which claims to be about a mantra, or claims to actually be a mantra.

Real mantras or mantrams are possessed only by great individuals and passed on only to those chosen by them. However certain great scribes throughout history have also been able to more widely disseminate true indications of these things.

In future articles I must outline some techniques to bring the meditative trance condition nearer to the fully-conscious normal sensatory state, otherwise a lot of the experience of mantra practice can be lost to the current memory and held only in the subconscious.

'Guru' Calvin J. Bear I

Monday, 2 January 2012

The Instrument And The Formula

“...The young scholar stumbles his way along and unsuspecting, falls into the deva maze. Unseen hands support him as, in a daze, he wanders further and deeper within. Wild and unknown flora reclaim their territory and overhead, the Monsoon thunders and heavy tropical rain crashes down in a deluge everywhere in the outside world.”

Having from a very early age encountered great masters in different fields and quickly having realised that they were nothing at all like the simplistic public facades and images presented that were mostly the ways they were known to the majority of the public – it is now not something I find all that unusual for me personally, that is, to accept an uncommon juxtaposition of certain things otherwise taken for granted, as I am about to expound on for you here now.

(Pic: Iggy Pop performing Johhny O'Keefe's 'Wild One.')

It is a fact, that on the two separate occasions I attended lectures given by Johnny O'Keefe (a globally-influential rock and roll star of the Fifties and Sixties) it was he, in fact, who introduced names such as Truman Capote and Frederick Matthias Alexander to me. He spoke of those people in connection with a movement centered in California - which included followers such as Aldous Huxley - that taught various techniques and ideas enabling artists and performers to project themselves to a large audience. He never stressed personal self-expression that much, rather, his claim was that it was all a question of using physical energy and connecting that energy up through the crowd via rhythm and music. I clearly recall him saying that his American agent, Lee Gordon, challenged him to build his (eventual) famous audience high energy level, initially from a few hundred working class people, tired and worn out from a long week, and unlikely naturally to have anything left to give to 'audience participation' of any positive nature. It is worth some passing note that a Prime Minister of Australia – Paul Keating – was also a music performers' agent in the same Balmain streets at one time slightly later on...

A relative of Johnny O'Keefe's, Andrew O'Keefe, is today a very successful and well-known Australian television and media personality who sometimes is called upon to relate what his impression of the great 'JOK' is or was. And he is retiring in the way he speaks of him and understandably for modern audiences underscores the 'fast life' aspect that is also one of the downsides of the particular kind of fame that JOK had.

If you look at a Youtube video clip of JOK performing something like 'Shout' and observe the girls and women screaming and the incredibly intense performance from O'Keefe, whichever way you look at it, it is hardly something highly intellectual. Mistake. O'Keefe was an erudite, highly-intelligent, and very self-analytical person whose performances were all strictly 'by design.' He knew what he was doing. There would be very few people alive in the world today who actually knew back then or know even now that about Johnny O'Keefe. To inspire cycnical, sceptical, tired, working people to give up so much energy is a scientific feat of no small proportion.

There is so much available on every subject today via the internet, but to me it seems not merely 'only' commentary, but mostly superficial coverage passed off on many occasions as 'the actual essence of the thing itself.'

In the next upload, I intend to render an example of something I learned from other musical masters, this time from India and the Far East, and something quite esoteric and also rather ancient. It will not be just commentary, but a practical functioning exercise and understanding of a 'mantra' or 'magical' formula. Well let's not say magical, but rather, mysterious. And, it will produce an effect. I don't think I can explain adequately via a website everything Johnny O'Keefe explained in person about the real and actual mechanisms behind engaging a large rock and roll audience, but I think I will be able to communicate more tangibly the nature of the next subject, which exposes and juxtaposes the genuine underlying hidden aspects of what is generally only superficially known, even to the mass audiences of the actual culture and location from which it comes – that is, specifically in terms of location at least, from Rajasthan, in North India.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Exotic Chicks

Back to my new eBook for a moment, now out through Barnes & Noble online and published through the excellent Smashwords. Its full title is: 'A Digital Kumquat. Exotic Hyper-Sexual Psychodynamics For Bored Rich People.'

Psychodynamics... Now what does that mean?

It just means the subconscious forces that move us, that secretly make us react in certain ways to things, or that make us (or allow us to) have an inner emotional involvement with people or things.

Exotic psychodynamics. Well now I suppose this might be a phrase that can mean to imply some sort of strange subconscious forces - or, it could mean very unusual ways in which we might be able to influence our own inner, hidden, thoughts and subconscious processes.

A lot of recent and contemporary Western academic or mainstream philosophical tradition – or fashions of thinking, let's say - makes much of 'science' and logical or objective congitive choice and decision. In a twist of that, modern American West Coast 'pop psychology' and 'pop philosophy' tries to create an attractive fusion of Eastern and Western ideas and regularly comes up with variations of 'The Secret,' which is really only the latest in a line of magical thinking fads – a bit like the 'ideas version' of yo-yos and hula hoops. Both the apparently 'logical' and the 'fusion' approaches deny the hidden biases humans often have deep in the subconscious territories of their mind: the supposedly logical is often hiding a state of denial of self, and the 'fusion' is often no more than ludicrous wishful thinking bordering on unrestrained fantasy.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced 'chick sent me high...' and why not!) is a very serious, also very mainstream, and I would say a very great modern psychologist whose ideas centre on something called positive psychology. This is an optimal experience state or condition for people, wherein they feel as if everything is flowing for them. It is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter, and the experience itself (of the activity) is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great costs, just for the sake of doing it. When they are thus fully immersed, their energy is focused, and they feel a full involvement and success in the process of the activity.

(The pic is 'Kronsteen' in 'From Russia With Love'...A bit of a psychologist trope, really).

This idea stands in contrast to something like 'The Secret,' in which a certain 'wish-fulfilling' actual material outcome or object gained, is the ultimate or even the fundamental aim.

Optimal experience states, or the positive psychology approach, are methodologies of intelligent action that are able to be systematically carried out using extremely mainstream psychology techniques, and even 'entrained' in a subject, or by an individual devising and conducting such a plan for themselves.

'The Secret' is unlikely to produce any empirical results of actual success. Whereas Csikszentmihalyi's optimal experience states through positive psychology certainly will, and with the collateral positive consequences that go along with things when there is 'positive psychology' at play: physical well-being and organic benefits, radical stress reduction, and improved personal relationships. There is nothing magical about it, other than the impression it gives that it is magical. Material success is a guaranteed eventual result of such sustained performance and experience states, however. And that is why all the top sports coaches and athletes have always stressed the psychology-side of things, and the current highest knowledge - the 'leading edge' – of these understandings and undertakings is in the area of Csikszentmihalyi's positive psychology optimal experience states.

In my eBook “A Digital Kumquat” I detail through a fictionalised story, techniques and devices of the very latest kinds that are used in very high circles today to exploit Csikszentmihalyi's research for a variety of purposes. Some of which are indeed extremely, exotic.

Regards to All,

Incognito 2011

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The Winters Of Their Discontent

Okay a couple of people emailed me privately to ask – on account of the last paragraph of the last blog post here - did I maybe know something beforehand about the recently announced death of Kim Jong Il.

Yes there were some rumours around regarding the ailing health of not one, but 'several dictators' who were in some way also associated with China. I have some vintage champagne cellaring for the two I'm thinking about - two of the most malefic personas that have ever walked the stage of 'big politics.' I fear however that they will abide with us for a little longer.
But enough of such dismal stuff. And on to something more uplifting.

How does 'old money' get to be 'old?' And why is it important?

People have faced challenges regularly throughout history, challenges which shatter favourite illusions, and call into question the value of the prevailing knowledge – at the particular time - of how to solve such challenges. Fortunes are usually totally wiped out during those phases as previously well-to-do and establishment figures use up their wealth just to stay alive as the long winters of their discontent rages on towards their final destinations. Those who have ways and means of surviving with something left still intact after the winter darkness has retired – tend to possess the most ancient familial memories about life and how things really are. In other words, they have the experience to handle the challenges.

Maybe the world will encounter, new, as-yet never-before-seen, challenges? Maybe. But I find the challenges before us today, and those that I have read about in history books, and those that have been recounted to me by others who lived through them, all of a piece.

If I ever pulled the budget together to do a big film, I would be working from an ideal fantasy I have about being able to cast those intriguing, even somewhat prickly, actor/characters who rarely all appear on the world's stage at the same time. I would love to cast Klaus Kinski, alongside Marlene Dietrich, alongside John Malkovich, alongside Charlize Theron alongside... ...I dunno, there's so many; but you get what I mean.

Every one of these movie identities actually had a real life that reeked with drama and by now, legend. Klaus Kinski was a case in point, of someone, who managed to survive the most atrocious environment, and come out a magnetic, austerely philosophic, some say of course, also mad person. Not too many people today remember when Klaus was the sex god, really, of Europe. His real life was XXX-rated before there was such a film classification. Certainly, again, some say this was all a stunt for publicity. But I don't think so. I think it was pretty real.

I was once invited to go to that famous Davos Economic Conference thingy. Lots of two-bit millionaires get asked to go, and back in the day when I was one, I also got asked. But I did not go. At the time, I didn't quite get what the point was, although even then it was clear to me from the types who were going, that this was to be another elitist stunt about to be practiced on a gullible world.

Actually I did go nearby to Davos. Not far up the road to a place where lazy rich people like me (well not like me because they were a whole helluva lot richer!) went to play around each winter. Here are some pictures of the place. And this is still where I get my information from today.

Bettcha anything you like, that the types at this place are not going to go short throughout the coming euro-zone winter of every politician's and mainstream banker's discontent.

Calvin J. Bear