Money, is like water. Without enough water, things die; without enough money things also die.
If you watch modern business, financial institutions, people, politicians -, they all have this habit of trying to cling onto money by stopping its movement and turning it into a fixed form. And if you extend the first metaphor, what they are attempting to do is 'freeze the water into ice.' Which takes some considerable energy.
And that is why the world is in the place it is in right now.
Leaving aside for the moment all the academic economic questions about whether or not it is possible to perpetually increase the Money Supply, at a more fundamental level we are simply dealing with a kind of desperation and a grasping for something that is not that clearly understood, in the vain hope and belief that by 'clinging onto it' you will somehow 'have' what is quite ephemeral when in a given stationary position. Money is fluid and mobile. The flow – and not just the flow, but the system of flow – is what's important.
The people who are genuinely rich are those who have the power to move money around – not people who possess 'iced' money. If the world has gotten itself into a position where so much of the previous flows have been turned into ice, as it were, the only money mantra worth talking about is one that can melt that ice that is under the hand of whoever is keeping it under their hand.
Of course, the beauty of money itself, is that outside of a refrigerated atmosphere, it does have the tendency to melt virtually all by itself.
I can confidently tell you, that heading into this Chinese New Year of the Dragon (beginning 23 January, 2012) there is a genie fire being lit under all that ice that governments, politicians, 'technocrats,' and nominally 'financial' institutions, are trying to clutch to themselves for dear life – and it will all melt away and slip right through their fingers. Into the system of pipes that clever people have devised and positioned to channel it.

The Sultan of Oman buys 40% of his entire country's annual production of Frankincense - which is regarded by experts as the best in the world - and he burns it 24 hours a day throughout the year in a huge burner open to the sky. Quite extravagant and exotic.
Calvin J. Bear
The Sage and Oracle of OMSF
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