Have you noticed that the news media is now producing less and less of anything that can even remotely be called 'news?'
This is because of course, media organisations do not want to employ journalists and reporters at all - they literally do believe they will be able to pull the wool over people's eyes by using AI (sort of AI systems and generic algorithms anyway) to scavenge from social media and 'X' and all of this, and make up what looks like a journalist's report out of it, but then in parallel when needed insert propaganda in the guise of 'news' and expert commentary.
So you will end up with 'atomized' coverage of particular things that are too commonly known about and already very clearly 'hot spot' matters: Gaza, the Ukraine, Houthis...
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This is where you really want to be... |
You yourself will maybe gravitate to those social media (and very narrow) channels where you already agree with the host's perspective - and then you will necessarily get only one side of the story.
...Which doesn't mean you are getting a totally wrong story, it just means you have lost the old system of the large-scale masthead press and its ability to filter things through the lenses of pretty seriously-educated people, often academics, mostly very experienced individuals not to mention quite a number of field reporters and camera-crew... At least that way you had the chance to conduct your own intelligent considering of a decent array of facts and ideas.
You are now never going to get investigative journalism and you will never get anything 'ahead of the commonplace curve,' as it were.
There will be no chance to learn anything, but only to be served a restricted diet of things.
I suppose I myself am easily open to the accusation that a standpoint that says, yes there is an Otherworldly layer to things but which denies and decries the standard religious dogmas - must show this differentiation in some meaningful way or else simply be just another more-less-standard religious 'belief' and 'opinion' anyway.
You see, for those of you who have read here long enough, you will already have some inkling that the world in which we think (that is to say, that the general public imagines) we are living is not the same one as the reality; we are living in a delusion spawned by all of the standard ideologies, and that includes the pretend 'science' and atheism ones.
The Apocalypse does not say that this world is a 'clear space.' It says there is a contest going on -, and that contest exists in this 'Otherworldly' place primarily.
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This is what you really want to sense... |
It goes on to say that one side doing the contending argues against, and accuses humans...
And then there is a war, and it is not here but elsewhere, and those making the arguments contra humans, lose the affair comprehensively up there; but not down here!
Now I can explain how come there is a contest up there at all, but I am not going to do so here.
Mauro Biglino makes the useful point along these kinds of lines about the separation of 'metaphor' and concrete reality in standard Western Abrahamic religious ideology and its texts - when he poses the question as to why this 'Supreme Eternal God' Yahweh, was not able to protect Moses from the effects of the Kavod as it flew by, but a simple, mindless rock was able to...
But, suffice to say that if there is contention in a place that exerts authority and influence over the minds of the human race at large. then whilst ever that is happening, the human race cannot be straightforward or clear about what it is doing.
If there is simple contention within the mind, then the man cannot proceed unequivocally.
And malicious humans too have been interposing manufactured things, fabricated human-level ideas, into and over the tops of, the 'beyond human ones,' for centuries upon centuries.
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She's doing it again, see. Went out in the New York City streets like this! |
Immediately the DOD in Washington says that okay yes or even maybe, there are ET Aliens, then automatically, people will adjust all of their standard religious dogmas to say 'see, see, we were right all along - it's just that these beings occupy some advanced civilizations somewhere else.'
...And maybe, they will come back.
So then you have a huge bunch of problems where even atheists will have to content with the idea that there is an outside corner to take into all considerations.
They can't see that outside corner, there is no evidence of it, but if the DOD says they have some evidence, then bejeezus!
I mean the fact is they do have some publicly-seen evidence: the US Navy video is crystal clear evidence. There is nothing on this planet in ordinary human hands that can do those things.
But what if I help you out a little, by removing the contention that used to come from 'Above?'
Contention only comes these days, from down here.
How can you even imagine, some Good Deity, objecting to a person focusing on some ideal manifest thing in front of them, with the aim of thinking good thoughts and of having good feelings?
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...Should be just in front of this, praying and drinking saffron tea with rosewater. Right? I mean come on - New York streets?? |
People live lives filled with rites and rituals of all kinds, many of them not good at all!
It happens to be a scientific fact, for instance, that saffron is more effective by many many times, than the pharmacy medicines Fluoxetine and Loxalate and all of those - the whole suite of SSRI's - to counter against depression.
Just plain hot water and a few saffron filaments and some simple syrup and rosewater and lemon juice - has more anti-depressant properties than stuff that you have to get doctor scripts for and which will cost you hundreds.
This is scientific fact, but just look how powerful the social mechanism of coercive propaganda is...
A simple cup of Persian Zaafaran tea is something beautiful.
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