One of our more in-the-background researchers here asked the question with some degree of seriousness yesterday - okay, is there going to be a World War? (Another one).
The world is already at war.
You are all well aware that the standard perspective is problematic. And in terms of television 'talk' it has largely just 'played the man' with a local political filter on only and not a large-scale and geopolitical focus. This is standard wartime 'public need to know' policy demanded and run by the backroom operatives of any kind of government everywhere when there really is a war.
Right now there are a few dribs and drabs coming out about the current launching of a massive attack directly at 'a city somewhere.'
Over a hundred major missile attacks - from Reuters' reports - were launched within the last twenty-four hours.A meaningless, bland,
newspaper pic that won't get me
into trouble.
...And someone, meanwhile, motivated some ISIS operatives to shoot into a massed crowd of civilians and kill over a hundred - clearly, those shooters who were apprehended eventually, were beaten up before they were dragged before the Russian courts today.
Should we be 'Doomsday Preppers?!'
Are we going to war?
With whom are we meant to be going to war now?
All this time, not one single Western government anywhere in the world - leaving aside say Italy and Hungary and those sorts of peripheral players - has given any serious indication whatsoever that they are interested in preventing war, or giving any indication that they would even know how to do such a thing even if they wanted to achieve it. Rather, they have all increased military budgets and spending. They seem to be intent on rushing headlong into military solutions. That might work; or it might not work.
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If only the shelters would be that good... |
The national debt levels are beyond any means of repayment.
And Central Banks laughingly joke that they have inflation 'probably under control.'
Are we going to war?
This is the kind of economic context that was there prior to WW's I and II.
When you inflame the emotions of people you are liable to get the usual response that you would get from irritating wild forest animals - which is what the human race or certainly most of it, came from. Humans are a vaguely hybridized form of wild jungle and plains Bonobos and pan-troglodytes. aka monkeys.
All humans, are related to monkeys.
There were a couple of Australian Islamic clerics who just recently gave some lectures about the 'animal antecedents(! - my wording)' of a certain well-known other group.
But in fact all humans are (a form of) primates.
Stanley Kubrick was pretty prescient when he depicted a monkey glorying in his power over the other monkeys... You remember that scene, the one where the one monkey held that bone high over his head and waved it at the other monkeys.
In other words, it is a fairly basic trait of humans (and monkeys) to become sucked into the emotional spirals of fear, or hatred - or power and authority.
We have talked here about seeing the Light.
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Dunno... |
In the Zohar, one of the major Elohim figures - a female, as it happens - is the custodian of the Divine Creative Light. Whereas the comic book writers employ the name 'Kara Jor-El,' or in the recent television version of this fantasy/fable, Kara Zor-El, for a female identity that is the feminine or female counter-part to Superman - in the Zohar, in the most exclusive and esoteric and secretly-held parts of it - she is 'Dina Jor-El' and also 'Jophi-El.'
And equivalently in the Greek version of this narrative, a Titan stole some of the 'Creative Flame/Fire' (from that same identity) in order to fabricate humans from 'what was there before.' And that is the actual phraseology in the Bible (Old Testament); it does not say 'in the land East of Nod.' 'From the unseen East' means 'from a time, or from the time, long before.'
Means from the forms of life that were there before (Man).
'Dina' is the Keeper of the Creative Light and the Angel of Divine Wisdom.
The Greeks have a similar sounding name.
And so, we are talking about a real being, a real person.
There is no creative meaning to murdering and killing and these things are not from any god or Divine Being or Source.
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Looks nothing at all like the real one - but the actress's name is 'Ayelet Zurer;' these guys in Hollywood know exactly what they are doing and saying... |
But will the gods stop the war that is being brought on by (some) Men?
No, they will not.
Because if they stopped the war, and this was obviously seen to happen (by an 'external' hand), then it would obligate them to help the killers and the warmongers (that they had intervened against) and why would they do that?
Humans fancy themselves for 'agency.'
They claim to have the rights and the responsibilities sufficient to do anything that they devise out of their own heads at any time.
So be it.
For you though, there will be a single and a very obvious and impressive sign, but no one else will care about it and they will certainly not change their ways.
We (I mean you and me and everyone else here in this whole circle - wherever and however far out there it extends; I am not laughing) care.
But only about what we care about:
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