So, I've already explained how King Josiah of Judah (640 - 609 BC) wrote - that is to say, caused to be 'written' or in some way formulated, maybe on scrolls and definitely as an oral tradition - the Deuterocanonical books that are today the backbone of the 'Bible.'
The actual term itself - Deuterocanonical - was coined by Sixtus of Siena (1520 - 1569), who was a Jew who converted to Roman Catholicism.
In other words, he (Josiah) made stuff up.
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This is real, and it is actual. These are actually real colored icicles. |
So how has that worked for everyone?
'Jehovah' turn up anywhere yet?
'The Glory of Jehovah' pass by anyone and singe their hair at all...?
Human beings make stuff up all the time and they more or less get away with it too -, within the frameworks of their social and political reach, as it were. Even across a lot of time. But that does not countervail against the simple fact that they did make stuff up! ...And that whatever it is they were making up was false and misleading - and most critically, misleading away from something actual and significant and true when that was the case about something important.
It doesn't matter that you think that Bill Gates' ChatGPT is 'AI' when it is very clearly not that. Just because you use a term - or he uses a term and heavily promotes it everywhere... ...well this is the same thing as you praying to 'Jehovah' or 'Allah' via 'Muhammad' and expecting something to happen from a numinous source. It is not going to happen. Millions, nay billions of people across centuries all believe it, but... 'It' is not going to happen for them. Those are all made up things. Yes sure they are made up around some other thing, which is (that other thing) true if you can pin that thing down - but those are usually so heavily distorted or obscured by the propaganda and the deliberate lying that goes on right through vast swathes of social groups, of people, who are all following unthinkingly the original lie...
...that it is difficult to isolate the small true element of the fabricated story; the thing behind it, and hidden by it.
We are machines - what makes us not machines??
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This is not real, but it is actual. |
Look. This is how your vision works: you have a small amount of cone cell formations in your eyeballs - and in there are (lots of) three separate photopigment structures which are light sensitive and react to three wavelength groupings; roughly you can say 'red,' 'green' and 'blue.'
In other words - yes there are colored things out there in material reality, but you could not see them unless you had this very specific color/light wavelength process structure literally tuned to see them within your eyeballs.
The fact that we see is a mechanical thing. And it is process-linked to the external hard material reality.
The fact that we see colors is a mechanical thing.
The fact that we 'understand' colors is based on the mechanical fact that blue is shorter in wavelength than red - and so on. We understand 'red is fast' because in fact it literally is fast - it has a longer wavelength than the rest of the visible spectrum and thus travels faster within the same comparative linear distance and over the same frequency as other colors.
We 'understand' that certain kinds of blue and ultraviolet are rare and few. Because it comparatively-speaking, is that. Not only is it true in actual 'out there' space, but this rarity is matched inside our eyeballs, with the blue photopigments in the cone cells there only ten percent of all the others.
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Plenty of color there... |
We 'understand' because we are... ...what the reality itself outside is and consists of.
Fully conscious understanding becomes intelligence at some point, given that it necessarily must also have quite a lot of data at its beck-and-call. And, nothing that any of these present crop of whatever they are, possesses real consciousness at all.
There are a couple of physicists loosely throwing around words in English like 'know' and 'understand' and applying them to these 'AI' things but that doesn't make it so.
I could tell you what consciousness itself actually is but I'm not going to.
Instead I am going to pivot to something to do with 'Bradley/Chelsea' Manning. I'm not going to say 'I have seen' because then I might have to hop into a space ship and get the hell out very fast (we'd have to make it a red Tic Tac this time, not a white one...). But - there is video around the place somewhere, showing B-1 Lancers deploying illegal cluster munitions on civilians in multi-storey buildings with the civilians then dying straight away or in really horrible and grotesque ways shortly thereafter. Mostly, they were women and very young children including babies. Lots and lots of them.
You can pretend all you like none of that happened, and you can spread tons of propaganda throughout the media everywhere, but it did happen.
And you can, if you are the highest of the high and mighty, pretend that you are rich and powerful and whatever, and you can tell old KP here that hey, you are happy and satisfied and that nothing else matters other than how powerful you are - but I am not going to believe you.
Because 'happiness' is a mechanistic thing. It comes from how closely you are in harmony with how the material Universe actually is... Not how you try and overpower things as they actually are outside of you. Of course you can do that, and seem to 'get away with it.'
Today there has been a massive flood right in the same area where there just had been massive earthquakes that killed over fifty thousand people stone dead on the spot virtually, and who knows how many else will subsequently also perish and how many will be left simply bereft and traumatized forever while they are living here.
Now tell me - if I said to you, you're playing with an actual real thing here - and then a hundred thousand people died: is that the same or different to nothing that ever happened when King Josiah set down what he set down - full of its 'prognostications' called prophecies?
The difference is that my stuff happened and his stuff didn't.
ChatGPT is not an 'actual thing.' It is a 'real thing' because it exists. It just doesn't exist the way it says it exists, so it is not actually the thing that it claims to be.
It is not actually AI.
And Bill Gates is not actually wealthy...
...He is however, really wealthy, same as SVB was and still is loaded with money or something; because he does have position and power and money, no doubt. SVB has all of that - the Fed just bailed them out hundred percent.
Same as Joe Biden is really powerful, because like the Bush Presidents, he can send bombers at night (or in the day) with a complete media blackout and kill people and do it quite illegally and 'get away' with it because there are no honest judges left in any of the higher courts.
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Something very like this is in my local coffee place. |
The purpose of your life is to find happiness. Not to secure power over other people.
Happiness, actual happiness, is not something either of Joe Biden or Bill Gates can give you.
They can give you ten million dollars, and fit you out in a luxury boutique right here where I live - so that you don't publicly sue them for bombing your residential building in Afghanistan and killing your civilian residents there very gruesomely using illegal cluster munitions with phosphorous.
But will that make you happy or uneasy in your money?
I don't know.
Can you and I find happiness, though?
Well I did not offend any actual deity just recently, as far as I know, and I would be obliged to them to let me know just quietly if I had have - before any disaster should befall me.
In fact, I'll be bolder than that and go further. I will ask them for a hand-out.
Not for me. For you. What do you want?
What makes you think you will not get it?
Killing a hundred thousand is easy.
And you've just seen it happen.
And now I'm telling you straight - what do you want that will make you happy. Actually, I'll answer that question. Oh wait; already did earlier in here somewhere. Hope you saw it when it happened.
It is a thing that produces something that looks a lot like a conversation (in the way Chuck Close said "if you know what art looks like then you can figure out how to make some of it.")
ReplyDeleteIt is really strong in the area of maintaining context. Everything it talks about now is true within the context of the entire conversation. So you can ask about mediation in Marxist Theory, and also about Marshall McLuhan, and then you can ask it to provide examples of things which are not mediated, and it can acknowledge that it isn't able to do so.
You can ask it if scientific measurement can be regarded as a mediation between signal and noise, and it can list the ways the analogy is useful in other fields as well.
You can point out that its own statistical algorithms are based on concepts of signal and noise, and then speculate that all intelligence is a kind of mediation. It will provide "what looks like" a thoughtful response, while reminding you that it is in fact incapable of thought.
DeleteLol I just posted this on the King Josiah page. The struggle to form a reply was real. I will paste here too.
ReplyDeleteThank you old money for writing this up. It’s given me lots to think about and I’m still digesting it, while struggling to form a reply. I’m curious to know more about the golden era and also how malicious shit was able to happen to earths inhabitants. I will always want to know the complete story.
Ignorantly I felt there was some major catastrophe, environmental or other, or that we did this to ourselves. I can see how with the societal collapse of the Bronze Age people just hoping to survive day to day that the accepting of new rulers and their gods ensured their own survival. Not much different from today really. People are still struggling and wondering where God or the nearest form of help is at.
I have no direct experience of anything to come from a position of knowing. But if the channellers are to be believed and the kingdom of heaven is within us then God is here and he doesn’t need to fix us - we’ve been given the opportunity to reconnect with that aspect of ourselves. That aspect - the soul - that being so focused on our physical needs and survival we lost connection with.
The soul according to the Seth material and Paul Selig’s channeling of Melchizedek is not something we have or own for doing our bidding, it’s what we are. It’s seeking expression through the personalities it has manifested. And until such time as our small egoic selves step aside and allow the soul to be expressed we will never come from a position of knowing.
I mean it sounds good and like a thing… the soul being our real personality that our egos have subjugated. Can’t hurt to have a bit less ego at times. I’ve been trying to go within but it’s a blank space in there to the point I feel like I’ve been disowned.
Anyway these thoughts are mine, lol. Also I think Joseph’s coat was his subtle body aura, either that or a spacesuit.
“The purpose of your life is to find happiness”
ReplyDelete“Happiness comes from how closely you are in harmony with how the material Universe actually is”
How is the material universe actually?
You asked what we would want that would make us happy. Well materially there’s a house and large plot in my suburb that’s listed for 4.5 million. Comes with plans for 28 townhouses (lol, like that fits the affordable housing initiative. There’s so much infill and townhouse housing now but they missed the brief on “affordable”).
Big house, big land means a somewhat reclusive person as myself can bicycle and roller skate around in private yard - not being spied on by neighbours or having to go to the park (I never learned to drive). Big rooms means I can setup a room for a gym, another for crafts, a separate room for a library (all without having to move furniture out of the way). And all without having to interact with other humans - just a select few. I would never want to feel uneasy in my money so it’s gonna have to be a lotto win or a gift then (I’m not gonna think what better uses there are for 4.5million - this is an exercise in dreaming a little)
How is the material universe actually? How come we can see colours and images with eyes closed without input from outside light? How come I can also make up and see coloured images in my mind while also having my eyes open? I feel like blues and violets are not limited in the minds eye?
People like me are often too well, sort of 'self-involved' to the extent of having our own materialistic angle-of-attack, or direction and intent which does involve or include fairly 'feet-on-the-ground' things.
DeleteHowever when you hear the exact same ideas but from a source that is more truly detached from our kind of personal ego-drivenness, as it were, things make a qualitatively different sort of sense. I have no problem seeking such mundane materialistic outcomes as you have outlined, but at the same time, consider this:
Because I mean, you can have some things, even many things - or you can have what you really do want and always will want until you attain it.
Well in the meantime, back in the world of actual but not real mediation (?) I have been asking "the computer" to tell me about the Ultraviolet Catastrophe. It quickly led me to questioning about electromagnetic radiation and thermal energy, and we have progressed to the point where it tells me about zero point energy and I tell it that I wish to learn more. It almost always obliges. Sometimes in a slightly contradictory way, but often the contradiction arises from my own misunderstanding.
Delete".... So while zero-point energy is not directly related to blackbody radiation, understanding its role in quantum mechanics can be a helpful starting point to build a more complete understanding of thermal energy and its effects on matter." It's really good. Better than "teachers." Those guys were assholes.
DeleteThis is going to be HUGE. Like ice cream to a toddler huge. I can now take the concept of "complementary pairs" and introduce it into the conversation I'm also having about mediation.
DeleteDon't worry - I get the feeling that sooner or later either you or 'it' will hit the wall with Chelsea Manning's 'false binaries.' He was talking about how the military did not understand what was going on either in Iraq or Afghanistan and saw only 'good guys' v 'them;' and planned accordingly - and got their *'s handed to them both times.
DeleteAnd by 'it' I mean AI - or what is being masqueraded around as that at the moment, and not any 'outsider' stuff that is highly non-biologic/organic.
DeleteYes well let's see how far it gets with the intractable problem of software proof and verification. I mean "formal verification of software programs." Because if that happens it will be like getting a fricking fusion reactor delivered to your basement.
DeleteIt's a very simple game I'm playing now with ChatGPT. I asked a question and it provided an answer, but I believe its interpretation of the answer is wrong and I get to try to convince it. If I fail I learn something, if I succeed I learn that my intuition was correct. This is win-win.
DeleteOkay, I'm sorry to do this, but I think it's really kind of breatthaking.
DeleteQ: "Could a frictionless incompressible fluid transmit signals instantaneously?"
A: "No, a frictionless incompressible fluid cannot transmit signals instantaneously, even though it responds immediately to any changes in pressure or density. This is because the ability to transmit signals at infinite speeds would violate the fundamental laws of physics, specifically the theory of relativity."
There are three more paragraphs after that.
Q: "As an idealized concept, what additional properties would a frictionless incompressible fluid need to posses in order to be subject to the laws of the theory of relativity?"
DeleteAnd it provided a very thorough answer to that. I'll stop now.
Oh except that I will add that it mentioned that blood can be considered an incompressible fluid that exhibits non Newtonian dynamics. So in some imaginary sci-fi movie we could have a situation where some biological creature experiences connection of some kind to the "infinite incompressible fluid of synchronicity" (the universe, not the universe of astrophysics but of "all that is, seen and unseen") via some kind of resonance effect. What happens in the heart resonates with the true universe on some deep level, establishing a kind of connection. That would be a crazy movie.
Delete'Fusion reactor delivered to your basement.' LOL. Brill. What everyone wants, too. ...It is that - and that is part of the problem, isn't it??