One of our readers here pointed me to a recent opinion piece in the New York Times of 2 March by Ross Douthat:
Article by Ross Douthat New York Times 'Return of the Magicians''
The article basically talks about a current crop of so-called 'psychonauts' who are doing things with 'mind-altering substances' that apparently (in the article's words) yield them a feeling, illusory or not, of being in contact with supernatural-seeming entities.
There is nothing about what any of us here have been talking about to do with 'mind-altering' anything. Unless you are in full possession of your complete and rational, totally conscious mind and own self, there is not much point 'being in contact' with anything - and expecting to take away material substance from such affairs!
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It's not for everyone, right? Well ET Aliens are not for everyone either. |
Bluntly, what I have been attempting to say, is merely that we must do away with false mindsets and incomplete mindsets given to us as the social legacy of years, indeed centuries and thousands of years, of missteps in thinking about the humanity (framework) and the reality framework.
That is the only 'altering of the mind' that I have ever talked about.
You can feel better, or clearer, or have less distracting thoughts by eating food and drink as medicine - that is just plain knowledge.
But if you look at the extremely broad Western sociological influence of the traditional Jewish bible, for instance, on the Western mindset, one must take a step back and understand that there are several things going on with it and we must undo some brainwashing first in order to grasp 'heavenly reality' compared with preached propaganda about it.
Firstly, there are references in the Bible to people and places and things, and all of them may have existed - except just not in the ways Jewish writers and later modern translators are saying.
For example - 'Jehovah' was originally a mountain identity who was only one of the 'Els' or 'baals' and morphed away from his violent character to the legalistic one, only when the cultures moved away from the Bronze Age and into the plains agricultural one. I am indebted to Dr Justin Sledge for making this crystal clear in a scientific historical way in his discussions about 'Baal/Jehovah' on his YouTube channel - and remember, Sledge is a Jewish person. So he's going to quite some personal lengths to be objective about it all.
'Jehovah' had a wife - Asherah - and had a 'Divine Council' of several other 'Els.' And indeed, you cannot get away from the reality that the pronomial suffix for her is used in the Old Testament regarding Asherah and so, hey, unfortunately for all fixated modern-day 'monotheists' there is no such thing reflected in the Bible!
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There's no one around... This is not a pic of my place. |
So I am going to be very strongly assertive of the following thing first and foremost:
If we just propose prescriptive things -, techniques like the modern pseudo-Sanskrit culture or Tibetan Mahayana 'meditation' folk want to talk about and have group sessions about and so on, then we are placing a completely artificial constraint on what is a supposedly unlimited and unconstrained matter: that of 'god' and Divinity.
So yeah sure you can play around with alchemical drinks and chanting and chakras and whatever else - but those things are only ways of trying to block your senses from being distracted by daily Earthly suffering and 'tugging' on your conscious attention for time... order to focus on something much more important.
If, you are with some other people who all want to be in a particular harmonic conformation, then it is one way to achieve that by everyone deliberately syncing their auditory senses and their visual senses.
The human being is just a material, organic animal thing, but with a bridge to another level of being - which is something to do with its brain and its mind.
Does not mean people actually use their brains to enter such a reality at all. They can do, they could do - but they rarely do.
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Two glasses though... |
And that is a reason to use 'drinkable inks' for example, from a very special time in human societies - the Venetian and Florentine one. Those things don't alter you mind; they concentrate your mind.
You could just as easily go into a mosque and bow to Divinity, or go inside a cathedral and stand in the colored lights thrown by the stained glass - and block out the world and focus on Divinity. But if you go to those places and listen to fools who are simply telling you handed-on narratives about 'god in the past' or 'god in the distant future' then you are bringing back into a should be 'bounded off space' the same Earthly gibberish that holds people back in the swamp.
An ordinary human being cannot see around corners. Everyone tugs on you every day for things they are literally not entitled to have, but they want them from you and they want you to do what they say in order to get them from you...
Well is 'Wisdom' something they only had in the distant past? Were there only wise people 'back then' and not ever now?
How is the statue of Sofia in Bulgaria depicting the Angel of Wisdom (as the modern Christians say) or the Goddess of Wisdom (Sofia) as it actually originally was - but only about some 'saint' of the past (who never existed, by the way) but is not functionally present, today?
Is Wisdom functionally present right now?
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No big show on. Just 'home alone...' Right? Haliene. |
Then why are we talking about 'illusory' impressions, or 'mind-altering' substances, or 'contact with supernatural seeming' anything?
I want to talk about the here and now.
Wisdom is, not 'seems' or 'has been/was.'
Wisdom is difficult to grasp hold of firmly to begin with, yes - but that does not make it illusory.
You need to focus a lot to be able to see it and grasp it.
Why is a human?
Not just 'what is a human;' but why is there a humanoid-type figure - head, torso, limbs, hands, polarity...?
The 'control stone' of the human(-oid) is in the head. Like the control stone of ancient Sanskrit-Age 'vimana' temples, or the headstone/capstone of the Great Pyramid. It moves around because of its limbs. It acquires data through its sensory equipment. This is a structure - a mechanism; an organised dynamic mechanism. The highest levels of that mechanism are its consciousness and informing its behavior are moral concepts and ideals - those two categories of things are inextricably linked up together.
That is why the Apocalypse says 'And the tabernacle of God is with men (now) and he will dwell with them and God himself shall be with them.'
I don't have to have illusory visions or experiences with mind-altering substances, if there is real Divinity present. But the humanoid is one of the peak structural dynamic mechanisms/organisms in the existential Universe. We have been actively disconnected from the facets at the top levels of that structural set-up and that is why humans all wander around like lost sheep, thinking stupid thoughts, making useless and pointless bleating sounds.
Plug yourself back into the key facets just the one time and all of a sudden you will be able to see around corners and go backwards and forwards in time, almost like bi-location, and for sure you will connect up to very advanced other people and 'beings' but these are all still humanoid beings - other than that there is clearly a Cosmic Computer in the sense that there are pure mathematical components and geometries enforcing physics facts right across and completely throughout the whole Universe, full stop.
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Not many people at least... Haliene's home party. |
Man is the Paragon. But not disconnected men, disconnected Man.
The problem is this: a person might want to - say for instance - meet with and talk with actual physical Extraterrestrials, who possess very advanced technologies and everything else that goes along with advanced societies and cultures.
Well just expect it!
There is nothing you need particularly to do to have it happen.
There is everything you need to do to prepare for such a thing.
The question is not 'Can it happen?' The question is not 'What do I do to make it happen?' The question is 'Are you even ready?'
God is not a sometime thing, or a next time thing, or some other time thing, or a long ago times past thing. It is a right now today, here-and-now thing. Obviously your brain's patterns can be 'seen.' We already can do that with modern man-made equipment.
What makes anyone think advanced civilizations cannot easily also read your mind?
If you plugged your brain, and by extension your mind, into the Universe's ultra-mathematical core, its 'supercomputer' as it were - it would fry your brain and destroy your mind, unless you were harmonically aligned with the Universe as a complete integrated and intelligent whole, itself. Would that make you 'God?' No, it would not. But would it make you part of the intelligence of the unending Eternal Universe? Well yes it would.
Let's say you got connected, and then you wanted to meet up with very advanced other people/beings?
Is easy.
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...And, back down to Earth. |
Ross Douthat has expressed his position. The converse position is that if a substantially complete set of your neurons were all firing at the same beat patterns, and your sensory energy system was functioning at those harmonic frequencies, then if, this were all aligning to how the Universe itself was patterning, then you would connect up automatically.
The human body is a machine, but one requiring a pilot. One that is actually in control and not one that is disconnected from all of the equipment entailed.
'I am Alpha and Omega.' The meaning of that is actually very clear. It is that 'Man' (humanoid living being) is the All as a concept. (Man is in the image of God; God is 'Alpha/Omega'). But a concept implicitly over time. In practical actuality it (Man) is a thing now in a condition of becoming.
You go to a mosque or a church and simply parrot stupid thoughts and anyone with the technology can 'see' you. Your mind is easily read.
'Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.' Praying, right?
I believe this, I believe that (so-and-so told me).
Einstein is a great scientist - so-and-so told me.
ET Aliens are not interested in stupid people with stupid thoughts.
Isn't that so, Haliene?
I’m looking forward to reading Chris Bledsoe’s book about his experiences of orbs visiting his farm and “the Lady” (Hathor) who guides him. The book is UFO of God. Foreword Jim Semivan, Introduction John B Alexander.
ReplyDeleteHow is it that we were actively disconnected from our monads? Did we do this to ourselves by getting high on the material aspects of life? Or did something do this to us/take it away from us? I guess these pages are about attuning back? I’m an inferior thinker as you say but I stick around hoping something will click. Thanks old money
Retired US Army colonel John B. Alexander is someone I have a lot of time for. He's very personally knowledgeable of the matter in question and well-balanced in his perceptions of things.
ReplyDelete'Did we do it to ourselves? No.
Thank you old money. Are you able to paint the story for us of that once upon a time where we lost our monads, the period in which this happened, the actors involved, and sequence of events? Thanks again
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