You have all heard the saying 'wickedness in high places.'
Fundamentally the thing going on on this planet is that there is a group of people, let's even just call them 'beings' not even people except they are people of course - that thinks that 'God' is literally them; they can 'ascend' to some 'high place' whether one just says 'in the mind/in the consciousness' or out into space somewhere where maybe there are other beings, or to some 'heavenly' location meaning literally a non-material place where there is some 'central ruling spot' for absolute divinity.
Now this is a deliberate distorting of reality by these beings - because there indeed is an aspect in which it is true, but very fundamentally it is also quite false.
I will show you how this can be so.
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Blue jet lightning. It's a natural phenomenon. |
The original location of the Temple of God in the Old Bible/Tanakh is inside two tents which are part of a nomadic cultural group. Inside these tents specific restricted people go, and there they burn something and drink or lay out some provisions of water or wine or beer, it seems like.
Then, 'Solomon' built a physical permanent structure inside of which the same things went on.
Into those 'temples' came the presence of something held to be literally 'God.'
Then Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the fixed temple, which was rebuilt much later and then the Romans finally destroyed it completely in 70 AD.
So today people have re-built a temple like these original ones and are going to do this ritual 'burnt offering' and so on inside there.
But that will be a meaningless thing. God is not there and is not coming there.
There already is a temple of God and it is inside of you.
The Zohar practitioners have a ritual practice in which - as Leonard Nimoy described and from where he got his Star Trek hand sign thing - there is some burning of stuff and drinking (or 'offering') of stuff and then the 'Shkinah' of literal God comes there. But that is not strictly speaking in a temple either - it is just wherever those people are doing the ritual.
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Blue electricity into crystals or 'snowthunder' gives pink. This is pink lightning. |
When all of these high-end Freemasons enact the same sort of - roughly speaking - 'temple ritual,' what they are thinking is that they themselves personally 'ascend' some 'stairs' between two pillars towards seven stars or something and there they 'sit in judgment' of the world on a 'divine throne' and can achieve anything on this Earth using 'power' that is not human.
They are God, in that scheme of things.
Except they are not God - you are God.
And that is why they and the intelligent forces who are behind them, prevent you from knowing all these things in detailed ways.
But even so, you are God, yes, but in concert with an actual outside-of-time ultimate Being which (or who, in fact) has no dark side. Why this is tremendously important is that whereas so many people think the 'soul' cannot die, it can, because you can kill it. You can kill your own self and you can kill other people as well.
And when I say 'people' I mean as in that actual internal conscious being/person forever.
It doesn't technically happen exactly like that because there are bits and pieces that are retrieved but for all other purposes that individual person is fully dead and fully gone as the individual integrated conscious being, completely.
This business of 'seeing the light' when you die is a false narrative; it is the meaning of 'Satan casts himself as a messenger of Light.'
Everything that is real, is actually manifestly real and the same as it is here in your ordinary daily life. It might be much more, but it is roughly-speaking, also the same.
There is no one in any secret society such as the Freemasons or Lucifereans and so on that can actually 'ascend' to any real 'heaven' or heavenly place;' they don't even know where it is.
Nevertheless there are real material beings who are more advanced than Earth humans, mostly not in our neck of the space woods - who occupy the role of deliberate malevolent agents intending to rule as many civilizations in the galaxies as possible.
As you know and can see right now from today's world, the biggest tool of applied tactical warfare - is the taking of hostages and that is what yourself are: a hostage. Here, on this planet.
On the one hand the material human brain is very real, on the other hand it occupies a narrow bandwidth of existential reality which are a set and a range of limited frequencies. And the brain cell memories consist only of those ranges of frequencies in their data form that you can access with your awake consciousness (simply means not asleep or sleeping).
The Delta wave pattern is the slowest wave pattern that is identifiable in the living human brain. It tends to block out most of the conscious brain memories.
And so the Delta pattern is the stepping off point from where it is vaguely possible to access a much higher level of 'memories' and a more complete consciousness.
Now whether you want to make your hand formations like the Spock hand thing-y, or whether you just want to turn them palms upwards it doesn't much matter, but doing the following will result in some consequences...
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There is no reason not to be back 'down to Earth...' In the right way. |
Find some Delta Wave sound files on the internet maybe on YouTube or whatever and play those as loud as you can handle - you will become very somnolent although not completely asleep as such.
Then next - I prefer a blue light laser because it is a 'clean-burning' tool whereas lighters and other flames are pretty old fashioned.
...Take some wood like aloes (agarwood, more or less) and/or some quality Frankincense and play the blue light laser onto all of that. You will have some smoke rise off the items but when you close your eyes you will quite literally see both the glowing light or lights and very clearly smoke rise in clear vision even though your eyelids are shut.
Extending your arms and turning your palms out and upwards, say the following sounds:
'Aaaaaaaa-Ye (sounds like 'yay'); 'Aaaaa-He' (sounds like 'hay'); 'Aaaaaa-oooooh-Wwww;' 'Aaaaa-He' ('Aaaa-hay').
This is the 'opening' (same as in Sanskrit language form application of the 'a' vowel sound and its meaning of the opening of the material Universe) of the 'God' title - 'YhWH.' (The lower case 'h' implies the pictogram of something coming down from heaven and rooting itself into the earth/Earth).
...But you can just as easily say it in the modern English language as something like 'I/M/AWE/AM.' Which actually ends up sounding like 'I Am Womb.' Which is interesting.
It's not about the language; it's about sound and vibrations and compatibility. And intelligent emotions at a higher level. And the Sanskrit type of sense that primary human-formed sounds have.
You will realize that something is happening just above your open hands at this point.
This is the bridging element between living things that is also self-intrinsically intelligent itself.
Now it's really the opposite of 'wickedness' that you can best use as a human-level comprehension of what is 'Ultimate Good/Ness.' Because it does not mean no violence, but it does mean lots of care and precise judgement and reflection off mathematically sound dynamics but otherwise very great liberty.
This is just the start of things. Whether you see anyone there at all right away is not easy to say - it can be that there seems to be no one there explicitly.
Yet even so, what you will quickly discover and realize, is that there are genuinely some beings, some people you know, some you don't know up till that moment - who can resonate with you where you 'are at' now.
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No reason at all not to be... |
I have at an earlier time here described what the inner soul is comprised of in terms of its complete psychological drivers. And these will all come into full and intense and powered-up 'play' as it were when you start providing it with this 'temple light.'
The 'temple' - is you.
The 'Force' is really some kind of power from Above and Beyond and this is where the saying comes from - 'wait until you are clothed with power from above.'
'God' is in reality someone like you. Those beings in present erstwhile control of this planet are not like you at all. They are not God either. But they are very good at deception.
What you determine to do with them is up to you now.
Watch this carefully if you want to know what is Good and what the source of Ultimate Cosmic Power is like: