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Saturday 24 December 2022

Elves Of Christmas

It has become impossible for me to continue to suppress talking about certain things - despite that I have some disquiet about saying it too soon.

Fundamentally, if we did here in the West have actual, what you can technically actually call 'temples' (temenos), it would be possible to filter careless talk through ritual ceremonies conducted there: this is how things were done in the ancient past for example, in South India.

The temple attendants take care of the place, both physically as well as metaphysically, and those trained in the processes which are ordained at those temples to handle the false ways of Man, and harmonize these to the true ways of god, are able to ensure 'safe passage' as it were, especially when it comes to making statements out aloud.

Dear Elves...
Can we?

In ancient Greece this is what the great orators did first before going to the public to deliver some political speech, or even just any person intending to make some particular pronouncement to a private circle.

You will no doubt have seen so many people in so many places these days talk about what 'is going to happen.'

Well I have to simply state the obvious now, that I encountered delivery recently.

How much delivery? Well enough and it isn't over. I'm trying to get them to do the same for all of you.

So anyway I do have to voice appreciation to the Elves. 

As far as 'visions of sugar plums' well I haven't had any of those.


The conundrum that has been consuming my attention therefore, is how come not others?

Isn't it generally supposed to be that all of these supernatural things occur to many and not just to a few...

But in fact they are hardly 'supernatural' to me any more.

These guys are hiding out
surreptitiously, to see
if they can spot some Elves.

One thing I have learned is that David R Hawkins was more correct than it was clear to me that he was, and it was fairly clear enough to me from quite early on that what he was saying appeared to have some truth in it.

Because it's only when you see something in practice, in its practical case, as it unfolds, as it materially actually happens, that you then can begin to appreciate it with your doubting and in fact rather foolish human mind.

I will tell you this though, and I simply cannot stress it strongly enough - do not waste your time and your energy hanging around actively doubting, because the thing that you will want to do is show appreciation, later on; rather than just twiddle your thumbs and endlessly go over why such-and-such a thing turned out to be so.

It's all very well opining that there is no 'Santa' but then when you find to the contrary, you will have a bunch of Elves to contend with as well as Santa!

It's a package deal.

The human mind in its natural state is only capable of handling what information is sent into it via its meager organs of sense.

The Cosmos is a much stranger, more complicated, and a far richer place than what we can 'see' at first using our basic senses.

Believe me, were I to be literally physical standing before you right now, my demeanor would be entirely different and my urgency to you would be apparent.

Human beings conception of 'consciousness' is wrong - it proceeds from the starting point of the person's immediate sense of their 'now;' whereas 'it' (IE consciousness) is the development of something from an earlier stage, a composition that has emerged from a set of conditions - it is not a 'from the get-go up' thing. As those conditions came, also can they be taken away.

Well what about this then?

Unless you really prize what you have in the first place, that is to say, in your erstwhile 'living' human place, you are not really treating the matter with the respect that not only it deserves, but is abundantly and urgently the case to preserve. 

You cannot, on your own preserve consciousness.

And therein lies the way forward.

You can only 'see' very darkly, using the senses of the ordinary human.

Things fold backwards from the true vision, to the 'ordinary' vision of the material human being.

The thing that people are not permitted to know, is that advanced intelligent beings, are utterly opposed to suffering!

But people sit there and go 'Oh but I want to know in my mind how this gets around that reality...' They wouldn't know the first thing about reality!

In their simple human mind, they want to 'know.'

Well it doesn't work like that.

Today's Western culture has made a fetish of certain individuals that are put up there as exemplars of knowledge.

So go down to the grave of Einstein and whisper into the rock and stone monuments there: 'Do you know anything yet? Have you worked it all out?'

Still though you can neither personally solve the homelessness in LA by going down there and doing anything.

The Christ Death story is a repudiation of 'sacrifice,' not a glorification - as religions have made it - of sacrifice.

You don't need to do anything. 

It isn't even a case of trusting something - it's a case of keeping an open mind and an awareness that something; it's a case of being prepared for it.

I am still surprised 'when,' even though I have long since forgotten about 'that' it is so.

And I have been quite surprised in recent weeks.

Enjoy yourself.

Where will you find - will you locate - the Joy?

John 3:8 'The Spirit breathes where He will.'

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