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Monday 28 December 2020

Room 641A


You know, not enough 'hard evidence.'

'Too much ectoplasm...' LOL

Turn to the left now in the Labyrinth.

Chapter 1, The CIA Lost Archive Files (right at the end of the page).

Room 641A Bring It On!


  1. That was pretty amazing. I have never asked for proof of anything...mostly because your thoughts and ideas always made a lot of sense to me. But the events of room 641A will hit the doubters hard.

  2. Thanks for the recipes! Lottie has asked that I give a go at making some of them for us. Not sure how I'm going to approach the ginger ale. Seems like less ginger and more sassafras and sarsaparilla is the way to go. Trial and error. My cupboard is going to need some work. Do you have any suggestions for things to do with powdered neem bark? There's plenty of that on hand already

  3. Sponge Rob! LOL It is, what it is, as they say. ...Can't wait for the 6th.

    Kitty - Neem has a great reputation, as you know across numerous Asiatic/Oriental cultures, all the way as far up as Persia. I'm fairly sure the Zoroastrians have some recipes to do with it. I have of course, not included any 'savory' type recipes for anything because we were concentrating on sherbets but I mean, this is a whole entire other 'WORLD' once you get into haritaki powder, the properties of curry leaves, thayir (or 'thairoo') Tamil curd drinks and so on. God, there's even REAL nard (jatamansi) of which the root and the flowers are quite different in scent/flavor... Have to ask some Parsee people I know about neem...

  4. I spent some time looking through "Tribulations." I'm not trained to read the religious texts well. As a modern type person it's amusing to think of the situation where there is a congregation of people all asking "and how will we know this being when he comes?"
    Because I KNOW that all narratives are false in the sense that they do not allow me access to the specific set of experiences needed by the person/entity/agency which authored them, in order to become their author.
    What intrigues me about the universe you're describing, whether as the author of a really fantastic sci fi, or not, is that you seem to be saying "we can imagine a universe peopled with beings whose narratives are not limited in this way, and what would that be like..."
    And you also say "but watch out for those who use the false narrative to steal their power"
    In my world all narratives are "false," and it is my duty to think about how I can use them to derive "good" things. My duty to whom, though? I need to think these things through a little more.


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