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Wednesday 23 December 2020

Accessing The Thesaurus

The Greeks call 'Theseus' - Thesau.

Theseus entered the Labyrinth - the deadly maze designed and built by Daedalus - and found his way to its center and to the sleeping Minotaur. 'Minotaur' was the son of Queen Pasiphae and the White Bull of Poseidon, otherwise known as the Marathonian Bull.

All of the ancient Greek mythological heroes had various 'heroic labors' to undertake, before they would be able to attain whatever it was that they were out on some iconic mission to reach.

During the course of these 'labors' the opponents they vanquished would result in the liberation of the humans there.

We can say that a modern-day 'hero' such as the criminal barrister Brian Singleton QC (of the immediate last article), liberated the lives of many. But his name is not well-recalled at all even in the city in which he was the preeminent legal brain and legal orator and persuader. By no means was he just an attorney in the field of criminal law, and he had been drawn into the most high-level and far-reaching cases of political conspiracy and corruption, among the range of legal pursuits that he had involvements in.

Once again, in the myth of Theseus, the Goddess of Wisdom favors this hero and enables him to achieve his mighty purposes through great cunning and applied powerful intellect.

The narratives concerning Theseus span an enormous amount of time, and when no more heroic deeds are accounted for, it seems that many generations have already passed and the final stories seem to be made up by people far away from where Theseus had originally been active, and these stories give some 'justification' to whatever those newer identities were doing - such as ruling an island, or claiming rule there - by referencing Theseus although by this time there really was no 'Theseus.' The accounts therefore of the death of Theseus, are all fabrications by later date myth-makers. No one knows anything about what became of Theseus.

Paleolithic cave art bull - Altamira, Spain. 

You see...

'The Difficult - or impossible - Labors,' are means by which to keep ordinary people out of, and away from, various significant places, and the means by which heroes are led in, to those very same places.

To get from the ordinary human realm of this Earth, and to enter some place else, some elevated place, some place filled with a treasury of great and enduring wealth, is the same as entering the Labyrinth. At the end of this maze will be the sleeping Minotaur, a human flesh-consuming monster, that you yet must overcome - that no human yet before you has ever overcome - as the final 'labor.'

And so, in overcoming this creature, you demonstrate in fact, that you are yourself something more than just simply another 'ordinary' human.

Every step of the way though, you had been given secret and very quiet assistance by the Cause of Wisdom.

The Judaic-Christian narrative is that to enter the Treasuries of Heaven one must 'do the Will of God.'

And so too, first, we must know the Will of God.

The will of Baal is clearly understood - it is to overpower one's fellow by whatever means, usually brute force either physically or in the guise of officialdom - in order to rule over them and to take whatever you want.

The Apis Bull of Saqqara, Egypt.
In that mythology, also a white bull in reality.

And around you then, you will have only those that fear you, and those that feed your vanity, in order that they might get the crumbs from your table, or the opportunity to unseat you altogether.

This place, is known as the Land of Magog.

And, in all the Arabic/Judaic-Christian eschatologies, at the End of the World, the human race is overrun by the children of Gog who seek to turn the world into the Land of Magog. These children of Gog are, according to the exegesis of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi - who is widely derided by other Muslim Sunni scholars on this point - zombies. He literally says 'zombies.'

The stories all say that the children of Gog are cannibals, feeding on the flesh of humans. Yet they are really not actual human cannibals, because, in fact they are not human at all, even though - as in the myths such as that of the Marathonian Bull - these types of figures are some preternatural hybrids in flesh form, of crazed humans and non-humans.

To 'Access The Treasury' we must move into the supernatural maze, which is designed as much to keep people out, as it is, to let you in.

Next time, we go there, right into it, and we begin the actual journey.


  1. If I'm not mistaken the bull is also a symbol of the New York stock markets. Baal symbolism or purely coincidence?

  2. No coincidence. In Europe, the bear is the symbol of the families who were opposed to the Baal cult families even from as far back (at least as the Pazzis versus the de Medici, or maybe even further back still to Brutus and Caesar).

  3. Haven't we had enough bat guano and ectoplasm already? How much more mazee-like can you get? You will understand what I mean when I say the intended audience of this message is someone other than you, Old Money. I want someone to appear in the comfiest room in my house, ready to have a discussion. I want to ask questions about the mathematics of information, Byzantine Generals and the like, and the network of consensus. I want to ask you if my perception that these sorts of things are the basis for the distinctions between "me" and "you" that helps me understand my own world, and if your mind also operates along similar lines. And I want you to explain why it could ever possibly be a bad thing for "man" to find an other like himself that belongs to the natural world. In the context of the difficulty that most humans have thinking of themselves as a part of that natural world which is all around them yet impenetrably alien. I want you to reveal yourselves and become like a promise and proof to us that we have so much to gain and also to lose, and that we are not the strange unique intelligent pinnacles of creation we suppose. Just once to look into the indifferent forest of the natural world and find a mirror there and see something like a better version of ourselves staring back at us like a promise from our future.

    I want more than that too. I want these kinds of discussions to be like a book anyone who wants can check out of the public library.

  4. David, oh David. THANK YOU! ; )

    I mean it! OF COURSE, this is what anyone who is intelligent MUST HAVE - otherwise it's (mostly) all just so much words and wheel spinning.

    David Icke, who OFTEN gets caught up in 'some' wheel-spinning, nonetheless has some decent insights. Recently, he was asked 'how does he know these things' (about a very recent comment he made about the real span of quantum energy including everything on either side of EMF - and he said: 'I've spent 30 years researching it all over the world, spoken with many people in different places with pieces of crucial information.'

    I mean, really what I myself have been circling around here recently, is that surely indeed we ARE at the stage where we don't have to just read books only ALL THE TIME (not that I personally have such a problem with that).

    It isn't so much that I can or will or won't tell you categorically what my own background in any of this is - it's that I would have to cut through so much 'overburden' layered already by those who were only ever on the edges of any actual programs and projects that the US ran, and also of course, there is just so much side-tracking potentially required to cut away the false veil of recent modern highly-political 'science.' It's this 'science' agenda, that makes really knowledgeable individuals like Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff literally just 'let it ride' and NOT themselves give out the best information, because they DON'T want too many people knowing - and I sort of agree with them; it IS dangerous. ET Aliens - and they are here - do not suffer fools gladly at all. To me this itself is an interesting facet - why would they not 'help' us out with better information.

    So let me TRY next article, to give as best as I am able to right now... What I was GOING to do before your comment, was just swing straight into an approach method, but, I will go back and cover some further personal experience which 'may' show why there are difficulties and things are not at all straightforward. I hope, though, they may be 'reasonably' straightforward enough for those people who have stuck on here (to me that's a sign they/we - I include myself because I consult with others as well) LOVE to find out and we are capable of following... ...a thin thread down an obscure path.


Your considered comments are welcome