One of our readers here wisely suggested the name of the American-German philosopher Leo Strauss as someone people should become acquainted with before they dive too deeply into this place!
So let's both link to one of his books, as well as say a few words about why Strauss is so important in our time:
'Persecution and the Art of Writing' Strauss
Leo Strauss is notable for lots of reasons, but one of the most significant for us, in our time, is that he was a critic of Karl Popper, the individual George Soros points to all the time, as being influential to the way Soros thinks and plans.
For me this is like the thief leaving his fingerprints...
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St Paul's Cathedral - occult symbols everywhere in there... |
Popper was a London academia favored person. And we make a very serious mistake thinking that people just become evil all by themselves, or that they are misguided, or just a child of some temporarily obtaining era. Or that new people, new thinkers on the scene, go through temporary characteristic phases in history, and that society equivalently goes through such 'phases.'
But hidden underneath the long turgid, academic sentences, is the fact, for instance, that the difference between Adolf Hitler... ...and Karl Popper - is nothing. Popper is so deceptive in the way he speaks, that it sounds like he is decrying Hitler... But it is specious talk.
And so the difference between the occult Nazi Castle of Wewelsburg, and the London School of Economics, or Oxford, or Cambridge, is also... ...nothing.
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The 'crypt' at Wewelsburg Castle They do art, there now... |
Popper denied that arithmetic mathematics was real. And none of us today, actually reacts terribly to the phrases 'empirical falsification' or 'falsifiable' - and we assume automatically that these are quite standard ideas that we apply to why science is true and real and functional.
However, Popper coined these phrases, and he used it to effectively, deny the entire objective reality of science, and to substitute actual science, with a form of it that was continuously affirmed, or validated (they even use this word universally in modern academic degrees) by a consensus viewpoint of 'approved' people...
Popper's 'empirical falsification' proposition is that something (IE anything; everything) may be contradicted by evidence.
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The occult symbols at Wewelsburg |
And let me put it this way then: ...may be contradicted by 'evidence.'
Talk about going around in circles! Muslim apologists should love (and they do, of course) this. We have some 'fact;' but is is now contradicted by 'evidence.' And what is 'evidence?' Well it is a fact, of course. And what is a fact? Well - evidence! Can't you understand anything?? LOL
Anyway the Queen knighted Popper in 1965.
Popper is classed under the label of being a 'liberal.' Or among that category of 'liberal thinkers.'
He said this about DNA: 'The origin of life and the genetic code is a disturbing riddle.'
There are one or two among you here - certainly Rob, for one - who will immediately have lights go off in their minds about, well, why should someone say such a thing as this, about DNA, of all things...?
Disturbing. And, a riddle. Popper said.
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St Paul's Cathedral again |
I can point you to a couple of creditable people, who, having gone to a certain place near Manasarovar Lake, near Mount Kailash, and undertaking some 'yogic practices' will report that they had actual real experiences of 'angelic beings' (at least, let's just say they must have been Indian-looking ones, or maybe Chinese ones... lol), so then -
why cannot it be also something able to be reported by others with their feet usually on the ground quite firmly, that there is a hidden inner chamber at Oxford University, where this tall, burned and otherwise red skinned personality with horns on its head, and the scent of sulfur wafting around it, turns up and advances certain thoughts and ideas into the heads of mischievous people like Karl Popper and George Soros?
I put it in these terms so as to avoid outright telling you that is what happens at those places.
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Highest degree Freemasons will know where this leads. St Paul's again. |
I am 63 and have spent the large part of my life reading books including the most obtuse ones, since probably less than 10 years of age, and I cannot say that I would be able suddenly materially 'grab a hold of' certain really complex bodies and systems of philosophy and swing them about bodily the way Karl Popper does. I wouldn't claim to be able to do it if I had read and studied over ten lifetimes.
But I can tell you, that nothing that comes out of his mouth is casual, or benign - they are only the most sinister, malevolent, and anti-human life propositions that you will ever be likely to find anywhere. Pure Satanism, pure Satanic evil.
That is what they are.
But simply immense, in their knowledge and power over knowledge, and immense in a preternatural way.
Right now, today, as of this exact precise second, your life is in the hands of the ideas that emanated from Karl Popper - if that is who they really 'emanated' from.
The falsifiability of an election's objective results - usually dependent upon who actually voted and where they intended to cast that vote - is 'evidenced' in the hands of a thousand media outlets and a hundred thousand 'social media' voices.
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Just have a nice cup of tea, though, right? No cause for alarm. |
And there is not a goddamn thing you can do about it.You walked right into this 'era,' this 'age,' this 'society' - because we both of us, expected that everyone else here has had only one life-time and neither you nor I nor they can have been able to lay such sophisticated traps in the way of the 'continuity' of education, or social and cultural memory. You and I both thought that Adolf Hitler died in that bunker, or else, at least, in Chile or someplace where he was being quiet under the false name of 'Wolfe' or whatever the conspiracy stories were.
But if Adolf Hitler is dead, and all of those judges who sent Jews to the concentration camps and those black-shirts arrested them for owning property, and for saying black is black when they should have said it was green if the SS ordered it so... ...then who is Emmet G. Sullivan?
Okay this is all too long to post in one shot. I had been going to post something about time travel as it might be applied to yon Jennifer Connelly, who is now drifting from us because of this long article, away, away, away into the forgotten earlier posts...
'Come back. Come ba-a-a-a-c-k...'
Very interesting. I just rewatched the "A Clock Without A Craftsman" video. I actually think I got the point. Progress!
ReplyDeleteThere are some gentlemen and ladies here, who practice martial arts. They will know, that one doesn't become much good until a lot of training and practice has gone on. And why should that be at all different in any other pursuit? Maybe it is not.
DeleteAdditional to that, is the ancient Semitic tradition, that Nimrod and Lavan, were the founders of Freemasonry, and that they, being unable to 'see' any Craftsman, but observing that things were crafted all the same and capable of being adjusted like a Craftsman might adjust his work, decided they would 'ascend to the Heavens' and BE the Craftsman. A bad idea, in my view. Which is not say any Craftsman is all that obvious, since, as the story goes, when Jacob (Israel) was spoken to confidentially by God, it was at Noon, but the sun was dimmed in the sky, and darkness fell upon the Earth hastening the night, in which darkness, God revealed His secrets, but still only in a hidden way...
The good news is that no amount of Popper's gaslighting can overcome the inevitability of mathematics.
ReplyDeleteThank god for people like you - that there are even any left!!
DeleteThe Straussians always laughed at Popper’s misreading of Plato. Popper is a hard one to unpack because his ideas have been so successful, in other thinkers in various fields like Hayek and in the philosophy of science. The Poverty of Historicism seemed sensible enough, largely anti-Marx. I’ll give it and TOSAIE another look soon.
ReplyDeleteI am the WORST person to be any 'moderate/rational' guide to how to unpack Karl Popper. This kind of thing falls into my basket of Dennis Wheatley 'dark, malignant, worst-possible' conspiracy theories. You don't want to go there! That is, not to what I REALLY think. LOL