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Sunday 17 November 2019

"...And Fools Will Not Stray Onto It."

This is part of a verse in Isaiah, Old Testament. Fools... will not stray... onto it.

Why will fools not stray onto it? Because fools are the ones least interested in whatever this 'way' amounts to. Fools already know everything. And they are absolutely certain of the things they know.

'But what if...?' Is just not a question fools entertain; at all.

You go to the New Testament and you see the same thing: 'enter by the narrow gate.' In fact the word used for 'gate' here actually means the main gate, the main entrance, maybe even the only entrance! And the opposite 'entrance-way' is spacious and everyone actually wants to go through there - and it leads to 'destruction.'

'Enter' - the word 'enter' is in the present tense.

And if someone 'strays' onto something or can stray onto it, it automatically implies it is there in the first place to stray onto!

You don't need to 'adjure' or warn someone about something that doesn't actually exist. 

For the seekers of true knowledge, the 'warning' is that it is 'complicated,' unloved, perhaps unexpected, not treated seriously, dismissed. For the 'unwise,' the warning is that their arrogance leads to destruction.

Now we don't intend to 'stray' onto it - if we were 'straying' and the thing or the place was therefore unsuited to us, to our outlook, to our internal guidance mechanisms, we would feel uncomfortable and desire to leave; but then of course it might trap us in its complications if we were 'straying' there.

So the idea is, it seems to me, that one requires to have the tools, the 'footwear,' the eyesight, the vision, the brainpower - to accommodate whatever demands this 'narrow gate' is imposing..

So do you have enough tools yet? Are you ready? Are you going to be comfortable with what you will confront, what you will see?

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