When read now from accurate translations into modern English, this is quite the megalithic Sci Fi 'space opera!'
One incident worth looking at, in view of recent escapades into 'the landing of aliens(!)' onto the White House lawns - is the affair concerning a certain character called 'Elijah' and his inquiry about these things. He clearly knew that he was in touch with some extremely powerful sky-residing intelligence, but even he was not so directly engaged in obvious human physical ways that gave him total satisfaction about what was going on. And so he sets about to make inquiry - and then, this super-advanced intelligence shows him the variety of previous 'manifestations' of what other, and earlier 'prophets' had seen.
He sees a very great wind arise on command of the voice (in his head, I must presume, given the entire context of the passages in question), and then a thunderous storm, and then a blazing fire, loud noise whatever else I can't recall at the present, but in the end he hears, as in literally hears with his material physical ears a 'still small voice' coming from a cave and he knows inside himself that this is now a real physical being he is at last encountering, but in fear he closes his eyes!! Damn. Just when we were all about to get a good look (via the text), as it were.
And then, to compound matters for all the rest of us, this voice says to Elijah 'what do you want?' No. Wait. The voice says 'what are you doing here?'
So what... Was this a simply rhetorical question on the part of a deity?
I mean, does he/it know the answer or not know it?
For my own purposes here and now I don't particularly wish to go into whether I believe this was God or a god, but I will rest on the clear conclusions (if we simply just go with the narrative as being honestly given to the intended readers) that 1. at this point it was a real human physical voice being heard, and 2. it came from a 'supernatural' (as in, not the usual human being living around the area pertaining to that day and age) person.
But the most important thing is that the voice (and this appears to also be the intention of this part of the narrative) is 'saying' or implying at least, that its personal reality does not lie particularly in extravagant 'manifestations' (I mean to say, they might for whatever reasons...) but it can also just 'turn up' like a common-or-garden variety humanoid.
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I took this shot myself, can't remember if it was Enoch though, or Elijah, going up into the clouds. Whichever, it's exactly like one of the NASA Space Shuttle take-offs. |
Again, for intellectual exercise purposes, let's 'go with' if not the ancient alien theory as such (this is just a stupid mirror-in-mirror fallacy, anyway; it doesn't explain the existence of things as they are at all!), then the notion of extremely advanced, 'alien' beings not essentially of or from this, our Earth and its timeline.
I mean let's also be very clear on this matter too - both in the Koranic text as well as the original Hebrew/Koine Greek Jewish and Christian texts there is not simply 'one' god but many gods from the heavens and some other even 'beyond the heavens' 'place,' and the Koran wording about it is 'ahad' not 'wahid,' which means 'Allah' is UNIFIED somehow, rather than 'is one' (which would be 'wahid') but elsewhere in the Koran Allah also claims He is able to marry if He so chooses 'one of' 'His own kind...' This is quite bizarre, really.
Well what kind, exactly, is 'He?'
Let's apply our current knowledge of maths and physics.
The number of atoms in the human body is a digital multiple of a billion times a billion times a base billion. And that is a lot, quite a lot more even than the number of satellites in Elon Musk's 'constellation of satellites' he intends to have orbiting the planet so that he can dominate all the 5+G point-cloud data acquisition on we poor little living human creatures down here!
And so, if you want to use a Star Trek-style transporter beam technology, and manipulate a single human's integration of atoms it's going to take a ton of technology to do it.
The equipment involved, if it were to be assembled by today's top line leading edge technicians, is probably not going to be able to use exact mirrored co-ordinates, but 'scientific notation' resonant close proximations of... ...of you and your body as you are experiencing it right now, for instance, if I were to take you up into our space station here and then drop you off in front of Washington investigative journalist Lee Stranahan's nose on the White House lawn.
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Bit of a wobbly pattern, there. Poor bastard must have been pretty out-of-phase afterward. After that episode on the dance floor. |
...I mean, to re-assemble your neural network structures (life's memories) is going to take quite some doing even yet one further step again in excess of just being able to send you 'here and there' you know, 'to-ing' and 'fro-ing.' (LOL). I mean, how many reading here are even going to get the joke reference about 'people multiplying, going to-and-fro...' Daniel. How many... But go your way, Dan, till the time of the end. LOL
You want to see aliens, do you?
Well. Possible.