The internet will give you the impression - admittedly this is from those who are active two-way users, and assuming it is a given that YouTube and so on manipulates who is being seen widely on account of their algorithms determining search results and other dynamic data points - that the human race is kilted towards the degenerating passive retrograde. Even the megalithic totalitarian 'leaders' like Stalin or Lee Kwan Yew are always seeking to assert this stance they claim to believe in which is openly scornful of the elevated oddity, the obscure intellectual; they simply detest the sort of mind that stands outside of their own predetermined 'sensible' box/boxes.
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Walther sniper gun |
Recently it has become increasingly and pointedly clear to me that even those public figures upon whose ideas you can rely about certain specific things, are totally lost as soon as they are outside of their shell of comfortable ideas, and also, that they all (it is virtually all as far as I can tell) have fixations, obsessive ideas that give them prejudicial views on matters about which they are, to put it bluntly, simply ignorant in terms of available facts.
I find myself watching many lecturers and thinkers I do like, perhaps because they have set themselves the task of providing the internet social culture and their audience with 'performance art' : ) each and every day, expose their own weaknesses of thinking.
It is possible to utterly cherry-pick all of this stuff: you can take the good things about which these identities are at minimum pretty fair witnesses with actual and real experience, and just place to the side all of the utter rubbish they also put out there. ...But it does leave me with a certain uncomfortable feeling about the minds of human beings in general - they all pride themselves on 'common sense' and on good powers of discriminating between fantasy or deluded thinking, but this is not a true reflection of what they all are. And I say all.
A speculation I entertain is that those who have the drive and energy to push themselves out there, into the mass public view, are drawing too much out of themselves and the compensating effect is that their actual logical brains function as robots or automatons and not as authentic sentient beings for large passages of time.
The overall vision of the whole world, perhaps even a 'Cosmos' breadth of scope of seeing things, seems missing - people will fall into a regional attitude, or fixations about the Universally-applicable lessons of one particular location's 'truths,' and seem completely blind to the otherwise perfectly obvious hard facts of what happens right next door as it were.
Thomas Sheridan recently produced a short series of YouTube articles about his visit to Sri Lanka, from where he brought back a small figurine of 'Kali' and then he just groaned that it had been badly smashed when it went through customs in Dubai... Well, it is common practice for almost all the Muslim personnel there to literally deliberately smash small idols - and they are known to do it regardless that some naiive traveler is simply passing through there. Sheridan is a widely-acknowledged expert on some aspects of British folk religions and what is termed Irish paganism, and he is a very fact-based, logical thinker on those subjects.
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Oh wait a minute though, what I really wanted to tell you is that Hardy Amies designed the clothes in this film... |
I'm not picking on him but I am using him as a less hot-button example of the kind of thing. He's a very easy-to-watch, logical speaker. ...You see, if you use him, for example, as the peak expression of say, Western folkloric 'magical' thinking - you know, Arthur Pendragon/Merlin/knights of the round table; all this kind of thing - at some point he will most certainly let you down if you're after confirmation that 'magic,' as in actual real defy physics and science magic, is real... He will rapidly turn into a conformist, post-modern conservative.
Now, here I will tell you something you're not going to like - you know that famous scene in Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey in which it seems that the pen is floating in the air, that no one can 'work out' how he's doing it? Well... the pen is floating in the air, you see.
And that's why 'no one can work out how he's doing it.' Because they will not bring into the frame, that what it looks like, is what it is.
And so it is J. Bloody Kubrick.
So many thanks guys - Smithy and Pete, for your vote of appreciation here. Frankly I'd love to just indulge 'fun, superficial' nonsense - but then I think we've hit a time in (our own) history, during which it's going to pay to keep YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN. ...There are signs things are getting a touch serious out there!