I mean it's just not ever been said - if you notice - just exactly how, realistically, the Putin Kremlin ever did succeed in actually, once again, realistically, helping Donald Trump attain the Presidency. A handful of trolls going on-line simply doesn't cut it.
And although 'they' tried (the MSM and the Democrats and so on) to float the story that Viktor Vekselberg donated a lot of money to Trump, or to the Trump Campaign, and that he and other Russians assisted in 'laundering' money through Moscow for Trump (I mean so what of it, even if it were true which it isn't?!) - it just plain simply did not ever happen; none of those things stand up to hard scrutiny.
So in what real ways might have Vladimir Putin helped Donald Trump into office? You see one of the problems with the narrative about Russia, is that both Ed Snowden and Julian Assange raised the alarm about what Obama and Clinton were doing long before Russia got into the story at all - and in fact, Russia failed to ever fulsomely believe or accept Snowden's bona fides as an actual 'whistleblower' and honest asylum seeker, and they have never backed Assange either. There are simply zero facts to support any indication of Russia ever having helped Julian Assange at all. Nerds and geeks helped Assange and some of the key ones were even Democrat sympathizers!
And even right as we speak, the main direction of the ordinary media's coverage is to do with the fact that clearly the FBI was acting on things LONG BEFORE the Steele dossier, and LONG BEFORE they claimed they were suspecting some kind of Russian entry into the Trump Campaign.
So here's the problem see - what if they were reacting to something but not to anything that was obviously Russian as such in the first instance, and what if they indeed rightly feared someone was going to upset their apple-cart and have installed some outsider (IE Trump)? And what if they got blind-sided by their own 'conscience' over having just stiffed the Russians over Yanukovych in the Ukraine, and became obsessed and fixated on Russia when, well, in fact they were initially trying to uncover something real enough, it was just not Russia though that they were 'seeing,' which was simply a mirage they chased that served to cover over the genuine 'thing.'
See people have very weak memories: the scandal was to do with the NSA bugging you... It was not ever to do with them bugging or wiretapping Donald Trump whom no one had ever heard of (that much) in context of someone running for highest office AT THE TIME WHEN THE FBI ACTUALLY FIRST STARTED THIS 'OPERATION' of theirs that they are now running for cover about. But then suddenly because of the political consequences of his having run so well, and then having won as well, the whole thing has turned into this media circus focusing on Donald Trump.
It's not about Trump. It's about you.
Assange said, and Snowden confirmed, that they were bugging you.
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Sir Alex Allan, head of the UK's blah blah blah et cetera |
Oh, and me. But then I knew they were bugging me because I was one of the senior (commercial arena) managers of the top NSA programmers run from out of the SEA station. Happens to be also, that I was a long-time asset of someone's... I'll not say whose (asset). More to the point, although I was 'just an asset' rather than an operative, I had had very very sophisticated training early on due to some program which was eventually put on the shelf and not followed-through on.
And then miracle of miracles, we stumbled (there is a 'we' of us, not just a 'me') onto this insane venture of MI6's - 'the Five Eyes' idiocy, right under our very noses, literally head-quartered right next to our business!
Now it's time for me to give old Sir Richard Dearlove and Sir Alex Allan a clue on how come we found out about them and what they were up to... It's okay now because they are nailed to the ground. Nailed! I was a proposed protected witness in the 'WA Inc' Royal Commission but I never showed; my boss did and he became what's called here a 'super grass!!' And, at one point during the hearings, they convened the court at night in St Georges Terrace here (the main financial drag), and got the court to wear these special glasses, you see. Anyhew... The whole about fifteen to fifty foot level above the street and footpath was crisscrossed with red laser beams! And these were the beams from the audio-visual bugging devices being used largely by commercial operators against all the stock brokers and bankers, and federal cops and so on, and even George Soros's office, which was right here in Allendale Square!
Now the brother of my boss was the station chief of the Yugoslavian Secret Service, at the same time as he was in the Reserve Bank of Australia, and, although I never personally did any of this 'bugging' and electronic monkey-business myself, I used to get segments of reports that might have been useful to our investment business from that source.
Get it? I knew, from the second day that Alex Allan started propositioning the then Premier of Western Australia Dr Geoffrey Gallop, about being allowed to run a covert Intelligence program here - albeit it was on an official co-operative basis (although I still think it was illegal and improper in the way they did it), where he was doing it, what he was doing, and simply everything about it. And so did the US Embassy know.
The only people who thought it was a secret was the UK government and the Western Australian political officials on both sides of the aisle, and the government employees who were part of the operation.
So then something else happened. The Kremlin (and others, including Serbian officials, and hugely wealthy Americans) tasked someone, to seed something into the NSA covert traffic.
And that's what happened. With the effect that they (MI6 and the NSA's Intel receivers in the White House) took off on this wild goose chase using Christopher Steele to report ON THE SEEDED FALSE TRAIL.
Yes, they traced some 'hacks' and bot programs to 'Lumumba' with certain Russian key phrases inside the coding - but it was 'Lumumba Hall,' which is in Belgrade University, not Moscow's 'Lumumba University' in Moscow!
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Girl in a car with red seats |
The Serbs were very pissed about Clinton's idiotic bombing of Serbia, and the CIA under Brennan actually thought that because Flynn was very openly anti-Islam - he must have been under the sway of RUSSIAN influence because they had supported Serbia against the Islamic sides in that war. Actually, he was just anti-Islamic terrorism generally, because, well, he was against it. And that's all. Brennan's CIA was errant and fixated about Russia. Russia had no, or very little, hand in anything.
But then something else happened, which was really hugely disturbing to the White House, and that was that Donald Trump began to be the beneficiary of public 'revelations' from Assange and Snowden and others that were extremely damaging to Hillary and to the Democrats - and this was seen as being the product of Russian Secret Intelligence activity. It wasn't.
...Partly, it was the product of AMERICAN Intelligence Services pro-activity in support of Donald Trump.
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Carter Page wearing a RED HAT! OMG |
MI6 made the same mistake about Carter Page - because he read the play of recent history on the side of the Serbs and the Russians versus NATO and the Eu-Commission - they thought he simply must have been a Russian spy and/or operative. And they have said so. They are wrong, as the courts have told them.
Now the question is, can the US public handle it?
Can they handle that someone, but not 'the Russians' had a sense of the NSA surveillance and how wide it was, and decided to check that, and then, when they proved to themselves how bad it was, they turned that against the NSA and the CIA and MI6. Result? The following -
Clinton got booted.
MI6 got uncovered.
Trump got elected.
Steele got smashed for the fool that he always was.
Brennan got booted.
Comey got booted.
So to be honest with you all, at this stage, I'm not particularly afraid of these guys (IE the above-mentioned names and anyone associated with that side of the arm-wrestle). I am always afraid of things getting too early into the public sphere where they can be twisted around (IE. used for wrong motives).
...Now so far we have just been drip-feeding out stuff close to the edge of the curve, even though if you're honest you'll grant it was almost always ahead of what was in the public domain. I mean, obviously we're not the only people who have been putting inside stuff out to the public from real sources. Hey, we 'know' there are 12 Russian trolls/bots also doing it! Don't we (know that)?
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...but now, he's wearing a blue hat, sadly! |
For example, to this minute, although I saw Bill Still and Sean Hannity use the name 'Obama' in connection to Halper nobody has yet said he was actually meeting personally with Halper. But I have said it here. Lt General Flynn's son is verging on saying it openly on his Twitter feed over the last few days.
This has been a criminal enterprise by John Brennan and Stefan Halper (and by implication with him of course MI6) and James Comey and Barack Obama, and now also by Robert Mueller. It's the biggest scandal of all time to do with the US Republic and its agencies. It's not a political scandal, it's a criminal scandal.
Shortly, I will - 'we,' will - be putting some things out there that are far off the edge of the curve; they will be about the not-so-immediate future. No way will the media suddenly follow up the next day or the next week repeating what we post here. But you can benefit by keeping what is posted, in mind, when you consider what is going on in front of your eyes and what it will probably mean.
You can make a lot of money just sticking your bucket, not where you see the money flowing right now, but where you can estimate it might flow, if our strategic analysis turns out to be better than what you might get from these types of 'geniuses' and 'experts' and 'powerful' people - you know, like: Clapper and Brennan and Clinton and Obama and Comey and Mueller and 'SIR' Richard Dearlove or 'Professor' Stefan Halper.
Trust me here (I know people decry that phrase...) but if you went to a lecture by Carter Page, in which his eyes looked straight ahead, and his slightly gormless grin was fixed on that open face and he nodded when he should have shaken his head and so on -, you might learn a thing or two, if you could read carefully between the lines. I mean, hey, he has a Cannondale Mountain Bike, after all! What does that tell you? Bill... What do you think?
The real answer is 'we don't know.' LOL And that's the difference between a professional and a bunch of amateurs, eh Sir Richard...
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