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Sunday 13 May 2018

As The FBI 'Mole' Is Revealed

Well don't ever forget I told you first.

The 'extract' from the Russian book I posted as a free downloadable PDF SPECIFIED London Secret Service involvement in all of this.

There is a ton of literally 'fake news' or, more properly, deliberate propaganda being pushed on-line and even in the conventional print media at the moment, trying to so-called 'walk back' the Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel's revelation regarding a possible FBI 'mole' inside the Trump Campaign.

The thrust of this 'walk-back' is that there were 'unwitting sources' within the Trump Campaign, and those being named are of course Carter Page, but also George Papadopoulos - but this is simply not the case at all. There definitely was a real mole, at least one, and that person is 'being rumored across the Web' as Stefan Halper, an associate of the one-time Chief of the UK Secret Intelligence Service aka 'MI6' - Sir Richard Dearlove.

To some extent I am personally extremely gratified that being one of those who have kept the embargo rule to do with the basis document from which the extract I posted was taken, Robert Mueller has found himself floundering somewhat for want of 'the fire.' Or maybe 'the light...'

Soon enough Mueller will be completely shut down.

And then I will freely reveal the document in question. The assistance this kind of document can be to you, or to someone who cares about what they are doing, is that through the lens it provides you, your enemies will be revealed. And when you know your enemy and where they go hunting, you can stay away from that part of the forest, especially once the fight-to-the-death begins between the top-line predators. Which it will. In fact, it's already begun, has it not?!

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