There are things which, were they widely known to the public and to the media at large, would be apt to be taken the entirely wrong way.
What I intend to do in the upcoming few blog-posts is show all of you who come here regularly and read (and of course, I can see from the site stats that there are a few of you...) how you can make some money basically from zilch to begin with, using social media and advanced sophisticated networks that function on-line. Obviously by now most or all of you know that you can make micro-parts of Bitcoin and other crypt-currencies very easily via the iFaucet sites and processes. And all you require to have is a digital wallet, which is something free to acquire. Still, even this approach may not suit you and, indeed, it was much more favorable when the price of Bitcoin was lower - before its first big climb.
Quickly, to summarize some important elements:
1. Twitter account is free
2. iFaucet registering is free
3. A digital wallet so that you can receive money is free
Now the thing that is something akin to a loaded gun, in the hands of the general media, is that groups like Kaspersky and various RUSSIAN technical consultants were around the place pretty openly about four or five years ago, and were attempting to spread the message of 'expanding populations' on-line and in social media. [A section deleted here] And so, this is the element that I cannot allow to remain 'uploaded' in this or any other post after awhile. [And has been deleted].
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Now what 'design aesthetics' is this...? |
This is how these things (rapidly expanding populations in a social media matrix) work - the Google search function critically operates off prioritized digital information delivery channels such as Twitter (or most other of the well-known ones - Snapchat, Tumblr, stuff like that). So that, if you have a 'label' or name for a certain commercial product, for instance, it will not necessarily easily show up on people's Google searchers - but if that same 'label' is repeated even just a few times on Twitter and so-called 're-tweeted,' then the 'label' and its web-address leaps to the top of the search results.
[Another bit deleted here].
Now here's a practical instance that draws on the commercial products of someone that I know reads here - he produces a small, highly-portable, flat-pack-able, battery wiring accessory, which makes it possible to have any DC current output from any kinds of available (and different) batteries, and, his product also enables wireless re-charging. This is an amazing thing for the military, for crisis response teams, for those infamous 'doomsday preppers,' for roadside breakdown kits - indeed for many many kinds of applications. And it's a very inexpensive product.
And no one much knows about it.
Well, every one of you here could get a Twitter account, tweet about it using one key phrase, and the next thing you know, he could have ten million people become aware of his product.
...For example.
And there could be a lot of other things you (or 'we') could do - especially if any of you guys come up with some suggestions.