Cognition mimics sensation.
...To know something, to understand something with the whole of your intellect and your mind, produces the same physiological responses (we hear this all the time these days with books like 'The Secret' and so on - but we're not on that page here) and reactions as when you actually physically apprehend the thing as a material real thing. And it works the other way, too. When you emotionally feel something, your subconscious body responses and reactions are the same as when you fully intellectually appreciate that certain given thing.
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All these people who carry on about 'The Secret' and 'The Law of Attraction' do not understand what harmonic resonance is all about. This is a coffee machine by the way |
But we have seen in the immediate prior post, that there is a complete linguistics of emotions available in the field of music - via the musical modes: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Mixolydian, Lydian, Aeolian, and Locrian.
Now as I said in the previous post here, I am not going to detail everything that there is to say about these things - especially not here, especially not on-line. However if you go off and explore on your own along the paths that seem to be suggested in this series, you will at minimum realize that it is most unwise to be unguarded about what you choose to receive every day as 'information;' it may not be 'information' but a highly organised regime designed to destabilize you from the ability to make internally ego-stable (in other words, in harmony with yourself), fully-conscious, decisions.
Musical modes are a language. They are a language with a basis of strict physics.
And a good musical technician and theoretician can 'look' at a number of musical works and say 'oh, this one is saying that thing, and that one is saying this other thing to us.'
Hans Zimmer is a master musical technician. So is John Barry.
A good semiotics technician can look at a large range of signals available within daily human society and say 'oh, this organisation is corrupt, and this person is a criminal, and this other person is a continuous source of material wealth.' There is so much pretension out there, often in the cloak of serious academic work and thinking and teaching, that on the whole, if you are an unguided person - a young person, or someone who has never had the benefit of an instructor who has genuinely mastered life - you will not be able to find what you need, in order to escape the maze, and to get into complete control.
Here's an example of what I mean: the study of what is now called 'construal theory' is a wonderful area of study. In short, the phrase means that the further in distance a thing is from a human observer, the more abstract become the ideas that that person will tend to hold about it.
So, if we take the case of someone thinking about a vacation away somewhere, when they just think about it, the holiday locations, the actual travel, the attraction of the whole thing -, all these things take on a very obscure or vague character. But when that person gets down to booking, and to arranging passports, going through the airport checkpoints, carrying the luggage and so on, an amazing array of details come into frontal conscious focus that were not there in that place before.
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Acqua Di Parma - barber shop, in Milan. Are you really ready for wealth? |
Now in almost every single text about 'construal theory' that you will be able to find on the internet, at some stage you will encounter the following statement - 'the abstract ideas mean they are less concrete...'
Well they are most certainly NOT!
Musical modes are abstract ideas, and the Locrian mode the most distant, and it above all, is the most destablizing - and not a single one of the modes does not have a real concrete effect on the musical frequencies of notes; the vibrations of strings, the plucking of chords, the sounding of metal bells, the pitch of audible air waves. It's all extremely concrete in physics. I mean there's a huge pointlessness to wanting to define 'concrete' as applied to the human and to his mind and his life, as merely that which is stuck and dried and dense!
Concrete (as in stone and clay stuff) functions to hold things up, to push things against other things, to conserve forces, to buttress falling forces, to be a barrier to certain movement but also to be a channel component to other movement. In other words it functions.
Good abstract ideas also function.
Bad abstract ideas are like bad ideas, period.
There is one particular abstract idea that exists about the basis for wealth, the platforms of wealth, the requirements that must be in place before intelligent wealth appears. We're not going to explain it in any detail here but we are fencing around it and leaving enough clues... I think there are too many people with wealth who acquired it accidentally to who they are, and the types of thoughts they have, and the kind of thinking they indulge in. And these are the ones largely, who for whatever reasons, are the most publicly seen of figures. There are many truly wealthy people whose names are utterly unknown to the world at large. And of those, some of them know exactly what they are doing.
I haven't convinced myself yet that I will keep this series posted permanently; I might I might not - I haven't decided. But for those very very very clever people here, some of the hints will become scary in their import. I'm just not going to spell it all out though. You're going to have to reach conclusions going from the limited explanations that I have given.
One thing I will tell you - this type of thing has a dark side, a downside for anyone who has a flawed ethical sense; it contains a chasm for anyone who is going about trying to cheat people or overpower them through 'sophistication' or 'cunning.' I'm not going to detail it though. People reading this series risk getting hurt - if they are the wrong kind of person. No matter how well-positioned they may have thought they were, there are elements about what has been said that can damage people because of idiopathic effects. And I've seen it happen even to psychopaths who think they are impervious to those undercurrents that normal humans respond to readily because of factors like empathy and similar things which I will not expand on here.
But what I have been talking about is extremely dangerous.
Here's a test - what do you feel about the following piece of live performance (only the first two minutes are the relevant parts):
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