It was not so much that there were a few 'wild theories' about the place, but there was a sustained and very firm belief voiced by a large number of people about the criminal corruption of the recent political 'holders' of the White House, and of a number of government agencies under them. It is difficult now to 'get around' the factual basis for these allegations.
But I must tell you all is not (it never is, is it) exactly as simple as we might initially think.
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Afternoon tea...? |
Yes of course it is crystal clear now that there has been large-scale unethical behaviour and compromising of ethics in senior government officials and elsewhere 'highly placed.'
None of the revelations of the last few weeks ought to have surprised you - you've seen them all before albeit in the guise of mere 'conspiracy theory.'
The apparent 'fact' that an email - which is a written or at least printable document - provides 'evidence' has altered the media's discourse from mere conspiracy theory hinting, to direct and open challenges to various specific individuals over their precisely detailed errant behaviour.
And so, it seems that 'evidence' has moved things up a notch from just 'conspiracy theory' talk all the time whenever these opaque and possibly sinister matters are forced into the media's lap.
But I want to take things right up into the nose-bleed conspiracy nutjob stratas. I want to discuss the 'what if' aspect of the space alien references in the leaked emails. It's clear the media and even Wikileaks themselves have soft-peddled on some of the items, and the inwards emails to John Podesta are not exactly evidence - not those that we have seen so far - that the government really believes space aliens exist and come and visit us. What they show is that the government leadership group is open to extended talking about the matter; they give it some time when you would think they would have no time for it at all.
However I am going to tell you something now that no one else has ever discussed openly or in the public.
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A host of the heavenly stars |
There are certain aspects of the - let's call it 'talk' or chatter - in high government circles, about external to this planet, alien intelligent life, which proceeds from ideas and especially 'phrases' and terminology, that is taken for granted by all the 'obsessed' (if you want to still say its a conspiracy theory) when it comes to UFOs, and also by just plain ordinary government and military officials too.
For example, certain words we all think we know mean one thing - like 'asteroid' for one good instance of this - actually have more than one meaning. And, let's assume again, that there are space aliens, and that they have at some stage or that they sometimes still do, communicate with certain designated officials in government... As far as all of the 'conspiracy theories' go, space aliens are concerned about nuclear war, and in some other 'theories' they wish to dominate or exploit us. Sometimes we hear they give us technology we have to back-engineer in order to understand.
But I can tell you of one subject of 'talk' about which you will probably be familiar - there certainly are military and NASA teams who concentrate on so-called NEO's that is, 'near to Earth objects' that might have some risk of hitting us and causing a lot of destruction.
However I've got to tell you something about this that you will read or see or hear nowhere else: the word 'asteroid' does not actually mean what you think it means, that is, what we all commonly take for granted that it does mean.
'Asteroid' as a word has never formally been defined as a piece of rock or ice or other hard object that is floating around in space or on a path through space. The word actually means, in Greek: 'star-like.'
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And what this means is this: if your were to read, let's say, in the Bible, that a star-like object will proceed from somewhere and land on the Earth creating 'disaster,' it might not mean an actual hard object... It more means 'star-like' as in those bright light bearers that descended over the shepherds out in the fields guarding their flocks by night. Star-like is a Greek phrase which means a being that is from the heavens and is very bright, or angelic.
And so, if you were to come across a current conspiracy theory to the effect that an asteroid is to fall into the water near Puerto Rico this month or so, causing havoc to Florida and the vicinity of - this might not mean an actual physical hard object falling to Earth. In those ancient writings we now say this is sort of an augury thing being talked about, albeit admittedly the Greeks and Persians also regularly personified these virtually astrological 'signs' and 'forces' and talked about them in terms of there being some intelligent force behind them, like a divine spirit, or sometimes they said, 'a god.'
Whichever way you choose to look at it though, I will guarantee you we are not talking about a hard physical piece of rock from space falling down into the atmosphere and crashing onto the Earth; which is what everyone thinks.
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