The pictures released by NASA don't show anything clearly obvious to me other than some brighter patch of 'stuff.' It is large but it doesn't look like 'a structure' to my eye.
And yes it all does possibly tie into ancient scriptural prophecies that are meant to be fulfilled around about, oh, sometime shortly after there are 'floods and earthquakes and disasters and wars and rumours of wars...'
I want to remind you, however, of the actual meaning of the word 'asteroid' (it means 'star-like' rather than a junk of space rock) and also of the probability that the original text Aramaic word 'absinthian' (rather than, as it is now conveyed 'wormwood,') would have had a distinct meaning known to the culture at the time in whose language these words were being written down.
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Yule Time - The Solstice is material darkness; the absence of light from the material Universe. What comes from beyond that point lies outside of the Universe. |
As we are approaching the soon-enough-to-be deepest darkest part of the Winter - the Solstice - I want to tell you that the common dictionary explanation about the word 'Yule' is also wrong, or at least very superficial and thus to a large extent misleading. 'Yule' is NOT a German word; it is another word that first appears in Syro-Aramaic, yet it itself comes from much much earlier times. It means 'the deepest extent of the dark.' 'Yalda' or 'Yalta.' I guess we should have known what would come of the Yalta Conference!
Now 'darkness' as you know, has no separate existence of itself; it is merely the absence of light.
Even the word just used, 'absence,' contains elements that are pertinent to what I'm about to say. 'A' is a prefix that in Syro-Aramaic implies 'not' something...
'Po' or even 'pos' or 'poth' means a seer or a knower or something seen; the adviser of the Pharaoh was a 'Pothir.' The ending 'inthian' is massively ancient and is a borrow ending into Syro-Aramaic and was uptaken into ancient and modern Greek: 'Corinthian' - which really doesn't mean someone from Corinth but rather, someone from those who sing and dance and party. And only because the place became associated with such pleasures was it ever conferred to it, the name 'Corinth.'
'A-pos-inthian' means something never before seen at all by anyone.
So it could be that there is a legitimate prophecy about the place, of 'aliens' appearing, but then again, knowing as I do, some of the characters involved in NASA - notably Jack Parsons and the Northrup family - and we should not discount the Busch Family either, there is also every possibility of someone concocting 'an event' that looks like an alien incursion which then causes all kinds of destabilizing effects down here on this mundane little planet of ours.
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Impossibly pure 'design' in its first example - the Countach. |
But you will be able to tell whether anything that happens - if, that is, anything happens at all(!) - is really 'alien' in origin or only a man-made concoction.
Just look at Hollywood - since when was the last time you ever saw a futuristic sc-fi flick that showed you anything that wasn't obviously a man-made invention, once you turned things over in your mind just a little?
Design is an important part of our modern lives. And there really are very few designers engaged by industry or at the widely commercial level. Design intelligence is a totally rare commodity. Alas though, I think I almost make a mistake there in saying it is a commodity - I don't think it is a commodity; that is just a turn of phrase we all use, too casually in this case, I fear.
No, let me suggest to you that maybe something will happen - in fact TWO things will happen: one, a concocted event or incident, and the second, a real one.
The real one will be like nothing that has ever been seen before.