Now what reason I put my own knowledge of the arcane world down to, is partly my own family, but partly the simple fact that I have been a reader and collector of books for years and years. It really is unavoidable that at some point you begin to acquire quite sophisticated lists dealing with arcane subjects - if you have a decently broad collection scheme in the first place.
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In our coming 'Dark Ages,' there will be Cyber Cities, with cyber 'people.' |
You will have noticed me say this several times before - there is an incredible amount of repetition across the internet that multiplies errors or mistakes or misunderstandings of some arcane or even occult item of ancient 'lore.' 'Hermetic knowledge' is one of these. So is the idea that the Old Testament contains references to 'angelic interference' in the DNA of humans. And another is that there is something sinister about the ancient Egyptian goddess 'Isis,' or even that there is a genuinely arcane body of 'Luciferian' knowledge that involves something to do with a 'seeing-eye' motif. I mean to say, anyone who notices pop culture cannot have failed to notice people like Lady Gaga go down this route of using 'seeing-eye' symbolism. And then there is the usual 'Baphomet' goat thing - why, there even is a statue somewhere in the US recently having been placed dedicated to Satan or Lucifer or something and which literally IS this 'Baphomet' figure.
Sadly, the very last music video of David Bowie delves into some of these themes - and introduces the rather new reference to the Temple of Amun.
And they are all rubbish.
You see you have to understand something here - MY FAMILY LITERALLY COMES from a place where there are still relatives of Alexander The Great; my wife's family has an ancestral history that by repute of where they come from, traces to one of Alexander's generals. In the town where they have their family roots in the 'relatively' modern world - there quite literally is an artifact still in place, in situ of where it was originally placed, that is said to be a large wooden door actually made by the hand of Daedalus himself.
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I've done this pic before - but it's a good series, though! |
Daedalus, albeit having come not from Sicily, but Ithaca - where my mother's family comes from - is supposedly by repute of the place where she hailed from, meant to be literally an ancestor of mine!
So I should, to be frank with you, know one helluva a darnsight more than Mr. David Bowie or any living 'Grand' or otherwise, 'Mason' - about the Temple of Amun, where Alexander The Great was consecrated to the mythic protecting herd of goats that kept the infant Zeus from harm when he was hiding from Typhonic forces out to destroy him. There is no Baphomet Goat; there is a goat same as Christians have a lamb, which features in a temple of Zeus in Memphis, in ancient Egypt. 'Baphomet,' is a misheard word spoken by the Templar, Jacques de Mollay under torture.
It is being claimed that people like Lady Gaga are depicting occult ideas to do with some kind of Luciferian agenda to produce 'nephilim' (?!) hybrids from an Isis-serpent-Satanic 'mother' and so on and enslave the human race.
For a start, Isis is not a sinister figure. But, because it is something from the very ancient past, and no one knows much about it anymore, apparently this gives people the right to go around and chuck any old aspersion at it.
Bowie himself, in his last video 'Black Star' depicts some very peculiar 'possession'-like symbolism of women under the power of 'something else.'
But for me, the iconic figures that Lady Gaga and Bowie are portraying in this way, are neither female, nor certainly not, woman, as such.
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Danni Wang, 'it' actress of 2016 - a little bit androgynous, but unlike the Intel AI robot, she is real. |
There are many - in fact most pop-oriented atheists around the place at the moment - quoting Bowie, especially in his last few main works, suggesting that he despises Christianity in particular, and religion in general, and of course, there are those on the opposite side of the fence, as it were, who say he is blaspheming against Christ and Christianity.
I don't personally see this...
No. But I do see him blaspheming against women - and it is VERY strident, too. Same with the Lady Gaga work. The figure being depicted is not feminine, not female, not exactly androgynous either. Androgynous, being another one of these Greek words, has a specific meaning, it is not the one that Bowie or Gaga are showing you. If something is human-like but pretty or finely good-looking, it can be androgynous - the cup-bearer to Zeus, whose name is Hebe, is androgynous. But SHE, is the wife of Heracles. Ganymede, is also androgynous, but HE, is a youthful male cup-bearer to Zeus. Hebe is the goddess of eternal youth.
Androgynous means youthful. And thus, of male and female - HUMAN. Although somewhat pre-gender mature. It doesn't mean of actual mixed sex or semi-female or male-like woman. This is a modern English interpretation. These things are explained explicitly in the texts of Hesiod and Plato and so on but never considered by modern English people, mostly because they have never actually read those texts fully - or at all, in many cases.
Here is another thing... They say, you cannot take it with you when you die.
And they also say, no one can do miracles. Really?
Try me.
Are there aliens and extraterrestrials who have/or who had, at some ancient time in human history interbred with humankind and who are some kind of competing, over-powering agency even to this day...? Well, that is indeed what the New Testament actually says, if you read the original Koine Greek or the Aramaic Arabic texts. But it doesn't say they are all bad, or that aliens are evil or anything like that. And nor does it say that Lucifer or Satan is some kind of opponent or actual literal 'opposite number' or opposite and counter-force to God - AS THE NOW DEAD DAVID BOWIE ACTUALLY SAYS in his last music video clip, in self-justification of his life as a (supposedly) Grand-Master of the Ordo Templi Orientis or whatever.
Did David Bowie himself believe himself to be an alien-human hybrid? I think probably he did.
Was he?
Well, I think, probably he was.
Was he Satanic or demonic...? Up to a point, yes I think he was. But I don't think the feather falls on the wrong side for Bowie - he's far too earnest and well-meaning.
No, when you want to talk genuinely dangerous, you need to talk about people such as myself, and what my folkloric family history is all about. By local cultural and folkloric belief, one of my ancestors, went down to Hades to retrieve something, and succeeded in talking the King of the Underworld himself into tying himself up to his own throne.
Don't. Do not get smart with people like me if you think you are going to take over this planet. And I don't really care if you are Lord Rothschild himself. Or Lucifer. Or Satan. And that's an open challenge.
End Of The World? Heralded by Lady Gaga and Intel and so one - all the Illuminati chieftains? You know, with aliens coming down and offering Mankind 'technology' and everything - this is the talk doing the rounds (as I'm sure you must all know by now) across the web. Big black cube like the thing in Mecca. Images of Saturn, the dark force in the Solar System...
Bring it on. There is a vague hint of a smile on my lips.
So should I be some kind of billionaire hiding from the world? Should I be so wealthy that I have an apartment in Park Avenue, on the Manhattan-side?
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