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Sunday 11 January 2015

A Better Source Than MI6

We all know a little bit about Cyprus. There are a lot of peculiar 'banks' operating there. In a discussion just yesterday with a retired Sydney Merchant Banker, he raised the notion that low latency trading programs were complicitly national government things, and that there was a specific group of academics from Cambridge and Harvard dating even as far back as John Meriwether's LTCM, who had burrowed well inside of governments and administrations and that effectively had gained control of banking, even central banking around the Western World.
The saloon in the Maltese Falcon, formerly owned by
Thomas Perkins, now by the divorced formerly Mrs. Martin Coward
He mentioned a few things that caused me a little disquiet, because to some extent I have believed in the romance of the super wealthy...! He basically said that some of the publicity and PR just wasn't so in actuality, when you find out who really has what and what it's all about.
A long time ago I had some guy from Perkins Kleiner turn up here in Australia - I'm sure it was after Alan Bond had wrested the America's Cup - and he swanned around talking about technology investment and then he ended up shacking up inside of George Soros' office in Allendale Square, which itself was a building built using a dodgy cheque from UK accountants in Bahrain and that eventually Australian Treasurer Paul Keating had to bail the National Bank out for, because they continually leant across this absurd cheque. The cheque was written on the Bahrain government account, but the cashing process was 'at the end of the financial year;' and each successive year the cheque was converted to a higher sum and the term extended to the next year again! It was absurd but it actually happened.
And then you see Thomas Perkins apologising to the American Israel lobby about his remarks using Kristallnacht as a comparison of the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement.
UK mathematician Dr. Martin Coward
Well anyway - Perkins and the Director of Quartermasters in the US (an associate of Kleiner) and Dr. Martin Coward and even ex London Police Assistant Commissioner (who ended up on a 2 million pound contract with the Bahrain government to help provide security) are all connected. Coward's zillion dollar divorce in which his then wife ended up winning the majority of the money in their hedge fund IKOS, BECAUSE SHE WAS THE OWNER AND DEVELOPER OF THE LOW LATENCY SOFTWARE AND ALGORITHMS, is illustrative of the social circles of these people. Coward has gone to live in Monaco with a 'partner' introduced to him by, guess who? Oh yeah, Jeffrey Epstein. And I'll not say Ghislaine Maxwell.
Now when you also connect the head of the computing division in the UK SIS (MI6) Alex Allan, and his next door neighbour the close friend of Tony Blair, Geoff Gallop (ex Premier of the resources rich Western Australia) it's kind of no wonder that Allan got this untendered for contract fall into his lap from the then State Government of Western Australia for FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS - to draw up plans and proposals to revitalise the tourism aspects of the small nearby tourist-y island that Dutch explorer Willem Vlamingh called the 'place of the big red rats.' Or Rottnest Island.
High priced Bahrain security contractor,
John Yates
Coward's wife used an ex Israeli Army female soldier to spy on Coward's executives in order to get enough information for her London divorce case to be furthered. And I am certainly not above hiring the best people for the right job myself. Although, frankly, I wonder whether this wasn't a service extended to her by her original and main employer... 

The question is 'what are they getting up to next?'

And I do know...

And you will know.

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