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Saturday 7 September 2013

Mount Hermon

I'm not sure if it's a kind of mischievousness inside of some people with a lot of knowledge of mythology and basically, I suppose, pseudo-religious folk tales, but, it's at times like these – where we all stand on the edge of another (sigh) round of 'shock and awe,' albeit this time 'limited' or 'narrowly-defined' (whatever that is going to mean) – that you get various rounds of esoteric whisperings about 'the true nature of things.'

Occasionally, it's a lot of fun to wander around inside of YouTube, watching the frothing prophets specialising in the End of The World stuff (which muslims call 'ilmu akir zaman') deliver their sermons on the signs and symbols that portend of the final battle.

You will find prophets of every brand: Jewish, anti-Jewish, Islamic, modern Christian, everything, really, if you waste enough time looking.

The fabled Mount Hermon
At least I guess, it's worth mentioning that the border of Syria and Israel is marked by the beautiful, and religiously significant, Mount Hermon, the spot upon which, it is said, that Grigori descended to have sexual relations with the daughters of men – whom they found 'beautiful.' This worries me, actually, because rather than indicating something wicked within the mindset of the Grigori, it tends to indicate that their idea of physical attractivity must have been like our own (although we have no indication that any among them were gay – and this should please the Russians...) and thus it tends to indicate that the non-human Grigori were themselves, not dissimilar to us. Yet the standard opinion appears to be that they were 'traditionally' angelic (you know, like in ikon paintings), of incalculably large actual metaphysical size and more or less of ineffable shape (five thousand wings ten miles long going in every which way et cetera, and endowed with hundreds of eyes looking in all directions), very advanced in knowledge and power, and whose mismatched genetic offspring were ugly, gigantic, voracious in appetite and violent. According to the beliefs, somehow these descending beings went against the intention of god by finding themselves attracted, to the attractive; as we would know the meaning of the word, ourselves. This strikes me as rather odd, the spin that has been cast onto the ancient myth, even by the writers of the various mainstream scriptures themselves. Frankly I discount these versions we are most generally presented with today, as being accurate – or even vaguely accurate -, accounts of some ancient event or incident that might have happened in the distant past in the vicinity of what has ever since been called Mount Hermon, or: the Mount of the Chieftains.

Today's 'ever-alert Watchers...'
Recently, among my muslim friends, I have once again heard the colourful story they have about ancient Gog and Magog rising up to cause tremendous death and destruction everywhere and even including trying to strike at the current (modern) band of angelic beings now above the earth, by the shooting of powerful arrows up into space. According to this tale, the modern angels send the arrow-heads back covered in some red dye giving the bad guys the impression that they had indeed injured the 'hosts of heaven...'

Much though I probably shouldn't say this, I did witness a year or so ago, one of the test firings of the Israeli Arrow 3 missile that goes into space and can knock out satellites and controlled space craft. Quite an amazing piece of technology, really. And of course, the Syrians might have the Russian-made Yakhont missile, and they certainly do have a few anti-Tomahawk missile Kashtan-M batteries. And so we shall soon see what all transpires, when a mini run-through in real life of the popular folk tales about final battles, takes place, covered by Fox and CNN.

Russian Yakhont missile
not a joke, by any means
Alawis belong to a most peculiar 'religion,' if it can be called that even. Bashar Al-Assad is a totally weird-looking fellow, to me. He has snake-ish eyes. I don't like him when I look at him. Frankly don't care what weapons he uses or has used. And when you hear him speak you can easily get the notion that he is a most self-involved, arrogant, mindlessly self-important, and utterly stupid person. And so there, you have my declaration of where I stand on this subject. But he is a very small snake compared to the bigger ones there are in the Arabian World. Let's see how long it takes to get rid of a small snake, because there are some big ones that will have to be dealt with sooner or later. Abdullah will soon enough go into his 'unmanifested form' as the Tamilian friends of my childhood would say. He is a huge snake, but there are others ready to grab his spot, and for the most part, the ones being supported by the West are, as usual, the same wrong ones 'we' supported like we supported Saddam, Al-Assad, and even bin Laden (or whatever his real name was). The right ones, in my view, have names like Kaled, or Talal, or Rashid somewhere in their names. (You don't know how many times I redact stuff from this blog... You can be assured there are a lot of names that I simply cannot mention.)

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