“The Secrets of Russian Cuisine.”
This is a more elegant phrase employed
by Western publishers to render a rather genteel english translation
of the title of a book by East German Spymaster Markus Wolf, which
was really called “Secrets of the Russian Kitchen.”
The subtle, nuanced difference, is that
of the difference between a culinary art, and the results or
consequences that require to be hidden, concerning what scullery
maids get up to with the lord of the manor.
Personally, I'd love to categorically
delineate who I think are 'the good guys' and who 'the bad.'
Unfortunately of course, it is impossible to shake off those romantic
myths and legends from the mindsets of the ordinary folk. I speak of
myths and tales by which those who steer the course of State -
exploit and manipulate the masses. The James Bond myth. The noble
english lord myth. The honest policeman myth... The licence granted
by the State...
A Great Russian Design |
But look here, when you understand that
the upper echelons of recent United Kingdom political leadership
consists of mostly sunset industry moghuls – to put it at its very
kindest – then you may begin to see that a huge tobacco company,
for instance, is staring down the barrel of a total laying waste to
the lifestyle that its bosses a long time ago became accustomed to...
And that, it's entirely possible that those bosses in their social
'kitchen cabinetting' with political and even government,
administrative, senior executives, asked for some leeway or relief
from the rules and from the law, in order to protect their revenue
and their lifestyle. And far be it from me to suggest that they might
have been able to unduly influence the answers given, and/or the
future policy of government!
However I have no such illusions about
Russian realpolitik or at least, realforeignpolitik.
I am quite certain that Marcus Wolf had
long established a system and a regime of generating, educating, or
cultivating deep cover operatives who were aimed very specifically,
at the very highest echelons of establishment power all around the
In my personal view, this
establishment, asked for and got, during the Thatcher era, not a
'licence to kill,' but a 'licence to thieve...' And I further think
that this misbehaviour has extended into the present climate of fear
of terrorism in all its reputed forms – from home-grown nutjob to
full-blown external sovereign insertions – in order to exploit this
justification regarding 'saving us all from terrorists,' as the moral
behind why some big players and their guided missile men, are allowed
to defraud, forge, hack into, and steal from, whoever they designate
as an 'open season target.'
But, as they say in the sporting world
in which I sometimes dwell: "don't forget while you're thinking
that you are invincible, that the other team is also going to turn up
on the day and play too."
One of the very largest top echelon
companies in England is Hanson PLC – a first class asset stripper
that would make Mitt Romney blush. Baron Hanson partnered with a
certain Lord White of Hull to form Hanson Trust originally. But –
neither Hanson nor White are what I would call genuine aristocrats.
There was a something-or-other of Hull, but that was long ago, before
the Constable of London, Oliver Cromwell, did away with his opponents
in the real aristocracy. And so all these modern this, that, and the
other of so-an-so a place in England somewhere (and sometimes not
even!) are all manufactured 'life peerages' handed out during
Thatcher and afterward too, generally on account of massive successes
in asset stripping, vast redundancies, abandonment of research and
development, and grabbing their hands onto a lot of immediate CASH.
But the game of chess is slow and
terribly fair.
Listen to me – I don't need anything
Julian Assange has in order to kick the establishment in the balls.
Here is a picture of the young
inheritor of the Hanson Empire – Robert Hanson – a wonderful
fellow, highly-educated at the very best of toffy schools, wealthy
beyond your, yay even YOUR dreams, and his wife the onetime Russian
model Masha Markova.
Now when I say that certain people have
been doing some bad stuff that involves gross illegality, I literally
do mean exactly that. And sad to say, the police and the courts and
government agencies and bureaucracies have protected them. Just as in
the days of old Cromwell – who also, was saving the honest
citizenry from the terrible misdeeds of tyrants and the unfaithful.
Young Hanson is not guilty of anything that I am aware of, but I do
rather think that he is now a leaky sieve, as it were, in a Russian
kitchen, so to speak. Or, if not, very like unto those situations of
a similar kind then that strangely enough involve some bright young
thing, of very very well-trained origin. If you know what I mean.
Well, I think 'watch this space' is
inadequate; I confidently predict for you, the utter demise of many
once-were establishment lords and kings. And dare I say, I notice a
few luxury product websites prognosticating that SINGAPORE, of all
places, 'may by 2050 be the wealthiest nation on earth.' Oh, okay
then. However, I always like to underscore the strong connection
between London City and Singapore's oligarchic 'elite.' One falls
from this sort of tree they all will fall. And that will be the end
of that! The cause of my animus? Oh dear. Just stop listening to the
myth-making! There is no James Bond. There has never ever been a
James Bond. There is a BP, a British American Tobacco, and a Philip
Morris, a Hanson Trust, and so on, though. And none of them are
working for the taxpayer or the citizen. And no politician who goes
along for their ride is looking after your interests. And the reason
there is a banking problem today, is precisely because in stealing
from everyone, the 'elite' has lost all capacity to use its brains.
If Marcus Wolf were alive today, I'd be eating in his kitchen
everyday. HE was the suave and cultured superspy. And HE has
descendents even now.
I'm just an observer though, who once
had uncles in the oil business, who left me with the luxury of being
able to know a few handy names, and sit around a lot and 'read the